New Moon

By Desertfyre

6.2K 328 15

Sequel to NCT's Bloody Moon You had never ventured outside of NCT or WayV territory. Although it might have... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Fangirl Corner

Part 18

212 14 0
By Desertfyre

It was five minutes to noon when Jaemin finally took a seat on the edge of the bed. At it's dip you shifted your eyes. You wish you could take away that pained look that was in the depth of your little Dreamie's eyes. His wide grin did not fool you even in your state. However you could not speak much less move.

Jaemin fixed the covers over you before gripping your hand, "They will begin in a minute."

He got distracted by Chenle coming to your other side. He quietly laid his head next yours and threw an arm around your shoulders. You hoped that your mouth quirked into a smile because that is what you were doing in your heart. Renjun sat on the other side, opting to cradle your other hand.

"Noona." Jaemin waited until he was fairly certain you were paying attention to him, "We are here and whatever happens, you need to remember that."

Renjun spoke fiddling with your fingers absently, "Don't forget that either. We are here."

Chenle gave a nod.

"We are ready." Kun announced.

Jaemin gave you one final wide smile as he and the others stood. Kun took his place looking at you, "I only give you one order, Y/N."

You blinked slowly once.

The edge of Kun's mouth lifted once. He took that as a good sign. The you that they knew was still there somewhere. Even though you couldn't talk, they knew you tried your hardest to communicate in any way you could, ".....And that is to fight."

Getting kidnapped by that Professor paled in comparison to the amount of nerves that the vampire Dreamies felt. They stood at the end of your bed at the opposite side of the room with WinWin, YangYang and Hendery.

Lucas and Ten were on either side of the bed while XiaoJun waited next to the dresser. A small ornate wooden box sat on the dresser inches from XiaoJun's hand.

The Dreamies had no idea what was in it. 

Kun pulled out a small ornate knife from his pocket. The Dreamies felt their breath stopped once. Now they knew why there was a bowl sitting on the floor. Kun took your wrist and made a cut across your wrist. You thought you winced but you weren't sure. Then exactly at Noon, with the curtains wide open Kun stood and began to throw his hands into complicated formations as he began to chant over you. Even the older vampires didn't know what he was saying, much less the Dreamies.

It seemed like nothing was happening but then you twitched.

Then you twitched again.

The cut on your arm began to sizzle and then black began to run with red, switching back and forth between the two colors. You felt like your mind was being torn into two. The shadows that had followed you home that fateful day all rushed at you and you ran. You ran down the corridors of your mind hoping to lose them. But they seemed to follow you anyway. And you heard their echoing laugh.

Kun growled in a commanding voice, "I know you are there! You will no longer own her!"

Jaemin will never forget how suddenly you sat up, like a puppet on a string, your eyes pitch black and a grotesque grin on your face.

"I already own her!" Some being growled through you, your voice deeper and guttural.

You tried to jump up towards the ceiling but Ten and Lucas were ready. They grabbed your wrists and you fought them, snarling and gnashing your teeth. They produced chains from under the bed and shackled your wrists with them. Still you fought them and they tried to hold you down by your shoulders.

Suddenly the black receded and your voice was normal, "Why are you doing this to me?"

But was that really you?

Chenle let out a choked sound and wrapped his arm tightly around Renjun who had his fist balled, nails digging into his palm, drawing blood. Jaemin thought his own heart beat sounded loud but he forced himself not to say anything.

You stopped struggling and looked at the Dreamies, "Why are you letting them treat me like this? I thought we were family!"

WinWin, YangYang and Hendery stepped a little in front of the Dreamies. To protect you from them or them from you, was unclear.

"You have to fight this, Y/N!" yelled Lucas.

"Let me go! I thought you cared about me!"

"We love you! That's why we know this isn't you!" Ten cried.

Jaemin's mouth was dry.

You sobbed, "Then let me go! Why are you doing this to me?"

Kun looked at you without really seeing you, so intent was he. He growled, "Let go of her!"

You sobbed louder, "It's me! It's really me!"

Jaemin's bit his lip, his eyes sliding to the black blood that still swam in your veins. The smoke that was coming from your cut. You went to try to kick upwards but Ten and Lucas held your legs down. He trusted Kun. He had to trust Kun. He looked at the master vampire.

But what if what they were doing was hurting you more?

"Don't...." growled WinWin, holding Jaemin's arm, "That is not your Noona. You will know when she is back with us. Use your senses, youngling and not your heart."

You stilled your eyes finding Jaemin, "Jaemin-ah, they're hurting me. I thought you would protect me."

It was like you were somehow lifting thoughts from his head. But he had promised to stay out of it. He had to trust Kun. They all had to. So he did the hardest thing in his life. Jaemin shook his head, his eyes wide on his face. He looked like a young child at that moment. 

Your eyes turned black and your voice guttural once again, "Ahhh.....but the boy isn't wrong. His fear of losing his Noona is so....palpable."

You lifted up as much as Ten and Lucas allowed to try to look at the Dreamies, "All of them is." You licked your lips, "Soooo sssssweet....."


"It's never enough!" You snapped, "I will break this little Noona of yours. Only then will I return her to you. IN PIECES...."

And then you passed out, your body stilling.

Kun gave a cold smile, "Then I will drag you out in pieces. XiaoJun...."

XiaoJun nodded and then he opened the box. 

The darkness was slowly taking over your mind, yet still you ran. But no matter how far you ran, or where you tried to hide, the darkness still found a way to slither through and overrun it. So you kept running for seemingly days. Almost all of your memories had been encroached on by the darkness. You were tired. Part of you wondered if you laid down and allowed the darkness to take you, would it hurt? But something spurred you on.

But strangely you couldn't remember what or who. All you remembered was a distance feeling of an order to fight and a plea not to give up. All you felt was a sense of trust that you had to keep moving.

Even if it killed you.

And this was killing you. 

This was the last room with no doors other than the one in front of you. The blackness oozed into the doorway extending it's slimy hand to you. There had to be a way out! But you had reached the end of your mind. You banged on the walls yelling and screaming. Couldn't anyone hear you? Why wasn't anyone coming? Was there anyone coming? Wait, were you even waiting for something or someone in the first place? You couldn't remember but what did it matter? Your shoulders sagged a little as your banging got a little lighter. You could feel the coldness behind you but you didn't dare turn around.

"Please...." you muttered resting your forehead on the wall.

You banged your head once on the wall. You felt a breath of air fly by you making you look up. You hadn't banged your head that hard. It didn't even hurt yet there was a crack in the wall. You furiously started clawing at it, your nails becoming chipped. Pieces of wall fell to the floor and suddenly a breath of spring air seemed to breathe into you. You closed one eye and looked into the hole. Light flashed through the hole and shot through you into the blackness. But that light didn't hurt you. Per the contrary it flooded you with warmth but for the darkness it made it howl.

Frightened you went to turn around to look but it was like the air became soft hands that held your face preventing you from doing so. "Don't look....focus on me. Focus on me...."

You knew that voice. That gentle and strong voice but for some reason you lacked a name. But you obeyed and didn't turn around even though you heard the howling.

"Do you trust me, Y/N?"

"Who are you?"

"Do you trust me?"

There was only a beat before the answer easily rolled off your tongue, "Yes."

"Then trust me now."

You trusted this voice, your eyes sliding shut even as the invisible hands still held your face. You heard cracking in front of you but you didn't open your eyes. The wall was beginning to crack and then it all caved outward as if a third party pulled it back. The Yin shrieked as the light shined so brightly. You opened your eyes, somehow able to look at it. Then you saw a figure that had blond hair streaked with white. His white tail lashed fiercely at his back as his white ears were on high alert.

And you couldn't take your eyes off of him.

You knew him but you didn't know him.

He seemed to be standing in a field where the sun shone very brightly while you were in a room where darkness was trying to take over. You're not sure if you blinked but then he was standing in front of you before wrapping an arm around your waist. His eyes were on the darkness.

You couldn't take your eyes off of him even as the black ink seemed to take a form and growled, "She's mine!"

He growled then, "I won't let you have her!"

The figure looked down at you then his gold eyes softening, "Do you trust me?"

"Yes." you answered.

He smiled and offered his other hand to you, "Will you take my hand?"

You lifted your hand and placed it in his.

And then your world went white. 

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