||Depressed Neko Deku Officia...

By Not_Normal_Paper

38.8K 914 258

In this AU, people still have quirks. All over the world, 99.9% of people are human, and 10% have no quirks... More

Part 1-(^人^)- 1/3
Part 1-(^人^)- 2/3
Part 1-(^人^)- 3/3
Part 2-(^人^)- 1/2
Part 2-(^人^)- 2/2
Part 3-(^人^)- 1/4
Part 3-(^人^)- 2/4
Part 3-(^人^)- 4/4
(◍•㉦•◍ )5
Part 5-(^人^)- 1/3
Part 5-(^人^)- 2/3
Part 5-(^人^)- 3/3
ψ(._. )>6
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Part 7-(^人^)- 1/3
Part 7-(^人^)- 2/3
Part 7-(^人^)- 3/3
(○` 3′○)8
Part 8-(^人^)- 1/7
Part 8-(^人^)- 2/7
Part 8-(^人^)- 3/7
Part 8-(^人^)- 4/7
Part 8-(^人^)- 5/7
Part 8-(^人^)- 6/7
Part 8-(^人^)- 7/7
Part(True end)

Part 3-(^人^)- 3/4

1.2K 36 2
By Not_Normal_Paper

Izu-chans pov

It was night already almost time for another hunt. I wanted to take a little exercise stroll to get ready for all the hunting. I quietly crawled out of the cave with Spark he was as energetic as ever. I climbed on the tree helping spark climb by putting him on my back. We were on top of the tree taking in the air with the addition to the beautiful sight of the night.

But instead of the clean air that I was hoping for, I smelled cooked meat in the air. I looked down to see a campsite not too far away from here. I and my pack usually scare off campers keeping dominance over the forest. 

I looked over at Spark who seemed to notice the campsite as well. We when I mean we i mean we because I had to carry Spark down. I and Spark raised to the cave to pick up everyone else. We led the way to the new campsite.  

When we came closer and closer to the campsite i started smelling people but mostly the meat. The campsite had bushes around it so it was basically a wide clear circle surrounded by trees bushes and etc. 

When we hid in the bushes waiting for Alpha to signal us to attack. Then started to hear the humans communicating. One was in one of the triangle thingies we could tell because of the shadow in there.  <There were four tents around the bushes in there own corners in the middle was a campire> I lookedin the middle to see the campfire it had hot..dogs? huh how did I know what that was... 

The others noticed the meat ontop of the campfire being held by sticks that were held in the ground. When we started raiding peples campsites we would steal the food for some energy for the hunts. Alpha gave me and Spark the signal of grabbing the food while the others scare off the humans.

ME and Spark rushed to the cooked sasuges and grabbed as many as possible ...so all <there were 10 in all> we rushed rightto the bushes. I gave everyone some and we started eating them it was really good everyone enjoyed it even alpha. While we were cleaning are selves we heard yelling.

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