Secret - Karma Akabane x Read...

By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

46.5K 1.2K 706

You live with your uncle, Tadaomi Karasuma after your mother and father died. You were originally in Class A... More

School trip
Splash party
Final exams
Summer vacation
Fem-boy, Nagisa
Taking advantages
Unexpected plot twist
The End Of Summer Vacation
Back On School Grounds
Welcome Back, Itona
No. 2
Big Dismay
School festival
Studied too hard
All an act
Some time off
Kill vs Don't kill
The big showdown
New year, end of the school year
Goodbye, Professor Koro
Congratulations (Fin)

Professor Bitch

3K 67 48
By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

You, Nagisa, Karma, and Professor Koro really went out to eat after all that. You guys went to a small ramen restaurant in town, and Nagisa ended up paying because Professor Koro was broke. 

"Thanks for paying." You told him.

"No problem! By the way, you can call me Nagisa."

"Okay... Then you can call me (Y/N)..."

Nagisa smiled and you gave him a small smile back.

"Oh? You guys getting along? I'm a bit jealous..." Karma squeezed in between you two and put his arms around your shoulders.

You sighed and was somewhat annoyed of this pain-in-the-ass guy. You were basically his slave so he would keep the secret.

"Anyways (Y/N). Carry my bag until we get to the train station." He tossed you his bag.

You silently groaned and obeyed. You didn't know what was in there, but it was kinda heavy.

"Jeez, what do you carry in here? It's heavy."

"Oh, it's nothing" He smirked.

"By the way, why are you carrying his bag, (Y/N)?"

"Eh..? You don't have to worry about it..." You said.

"Oh, okay..."

"You three, I hope you guys have a good evening, because I have to get back to school." Professor Koro said to you guys.

"Okay, Professor Koro." Karma said. "Don't leave things unattended again in the staff room."

"I won't!" He chuckled and flew off.

"You're not even allowed in the staff room, Karma." You said.

"Doesn't mean I won't go in there."

You let out an awkward chuckle, and you three made your way to the train station. You guys took different trains, so you handed him his bag, and you guys went your separate ways.

~~Time skip~~

It was another day in school. You got there early and you were one of the first ones there. You decided to put your head down for a bit, but as soon as you did, you felt something heavy land on the back of your head.

"Ah- WHO WAS THAT-" You looked up instantly and found Karma looking down at you.

"Good morning~ You forgot to carry my bag."

"Wh- I- WHAT?"

"You're supposed to wait for me at the train station... Or at least outside of campus. You are my slave, after all."

"How was I supposed to know?!"

"I thought you knew, since you're basically my slave..." He smirked.

"I- Forget it. I won't forget tomorrow."

"Good." He sat down at his desk, which was next to yours.

You put your head down again, and you were wondering how you were supposed to be an assassin, yet a slave at the same time.

Class was soon in session, and your uncle, Professor Koro, and some lady came in that had quite some revealing clothes. She was leaning onto Professor Koro. She also seemed like a foreigner. 

"Now, allow me to introduce your new English teacher."

"My name is Irina Jelavich. It's wonderful meeting you all!"

There were some comments going off that was insulting, but it's not like you cared. 

What a disaster... We have such weird teachers...

Professor Koro seemed to plush and turn pink. Professor Irina and Professor Koro were looking at each other with such faces, and you couldn't help but want to look away. 

~~Time skip~~

You guys were outside, and you were able to sneak out and you went back into the building to look for you uncle for some questioning. 

You went inside the building and saw uncle and Professor Irina talking to each other, looking out the window. 

"Uncle... Can we talk privately?" You said quietly.

"Sure, what's wrong?" You two made your way outisde to the back of the school.

"First, let me ask the main question... Why did you need an extra person to do this? And more specifically, why me? Was it an emergency? Why couldn't you wait for someone else to fall into that mess? I don't want to be an assassin. The reason why I worked so hard to get into Class A was to get a good job, with good grades, and a good reputation. But me being in here just ruins it."

"Look, we need more people in this, and I know you're strong. Help a class out. Class E didn't seem confident in killing him by themselves because they're the End Class. Before your mom died, she was also an assassin, you I know you can do it. You don't have to be the one to kill him, but you can at least help out. And I won't leave any records of this when you go back to Class A." 

"Is the class right now not enough strength? I mean- although, we will never have enough strength against that monster." 

"Just please cooperate. This will be a good experience for you. And try to make some new friends..."

"Alright, fine..." 

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, actually..."

"What is it?"

"Irina's an assassin, isn't she?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Why else would she be here if she was an ordinary teacher?"

"Fair enough... Is that all?"


"Okay, now get back to your class."

You walked away without another word and when you got back, you saw Professor Irina all up in his face, all up in his space, and all of the sudden, Professor Koro flew off away. Right after that happened, the bell rang. You rolled your eyes and turned around to go back inside the building, but no one was coming.

You turned back around and approached your class, when you heard Karma call Irina "Professor Bitch." You laughed into your fist, but that was all you heard, because you stood far away. But then all of the sudden, you saw Irina turn to Nagisa, and she kissed him.

You and your classed screamed and gasped, and you were disgusted. She started saying something to the class, which was unclear, but you saw three tall men with some weapons coming in.

Great... More assassins.

~~Time skip~~

You were sitting in class now, when you heard some of your classmates talk to her and called her "Miss Bitch." 

"C'mon, Miss Bitch, are you teaching us or what?" 

"Yeah, Miss Bitch."

"I mean, you are a teacher, right, Miss Bitch?"

"Agh! Quit your "bitch"ing! For one thing, they're pronounced differently!" She yelled and it just went into an entire lecture on how to pronounce her name properly and the difference between "B" and "V".

~~Time skip~~

You guys were outside doing P.E. and practicing shooting guns, when you turned to see Professor Bitch and Professor Koro going into the gym storage room.

"Hey, now. You kiddin' me? They're headin' for the shed together?!"

You ignored them, but you were kinda curious about what Professor Bitch was gonna do to Professor Koro. You sneaked out the group, went around the building, and watched what was going down in the gym storage from the other side of where your classmates were watching.

You couldn't hear anything going down at first, but about a minute later, you heard really loud gunshots going off in the storage room. Then, it got silent again. Then another minute later, you heard screams that almost sounded like moaning and groaning.

Oh, God... Tentacle hentai... 

A few seconds later, you saw Irina walk out in a student's gym uniform, which was tight around her chest area, and she had a loose pony tail on. Her face looked loose and relaxed, but her face was red and she was kinda drooling.

Some of your classmates came to see what was going on, and when Professor Koro came out, Nagisa asked him what he did to her, and he said it was "adult stuff".

He then said that we have to go back to the classroom, so you guys followed him.

When we got back, Miss Bitch didn't even seem like she wanted to teach us anything, and she was just on some electronics and was complaining about how there was no WiFi on the campus.

"You're trying awfully hard, Miss Bitch. Guess he really did a number on your pride, huh?" Karma said, and Irina glared at him.

"Miss? If you're uninterested in teaching us, can you bring Professor Koro back?" Your class president, Isogai asked. "We have entrance exams this year..."

"Ha! You really want that vicious creature to teach you?"

"It's not like you're gonna teach us anything..." You quietly said.

"What was that?!" She heard you. "You think your exams matter when the whole planet's at stake? Must be nice being a clueless brat! Not to mention, I understand you Class E students are the dregs of this school. Why even bother studying at this point?" She said.

That comment of yours triggered you, since you were only here to assassinate Professor Koro, but you were getting called an idiot because you're in Class E, when you're originally in Class A. 

"I know! How about this? If I successfully assassinate him, I'll give you five million yen each! That's far more than you'd stand to gain from a bunch of useless schoolwork! So, shut your dumb mouths and do as I sa-"

She was interrupted when one of your classmates threw an eraser in her direction, which hit the blackboard behind her. The entire class was onto her, and was throwing, screaming, and shouting at her for being so ignorant.

She threatened to kill you guys, but your classmate didn't care. You kinda chuckled at this protest, and not gonna lie, you had more fun in Class E than you did in Class A. There were a lot of weird guys and the guys here were definitely more normal than them.

~~Time skip~~

You guys were sitting in science class, when all of the sudden, a girl named Okuda politely handed him a drink, which she claimed it was poison.

Sh-She's just gonna ask him to drink blatantly like that..?

"My, this is certainly an honest assassination attempt, Okuda."

"W-Well, umm... I'm not good with ambush like the rest of the class... But, I am good at chemistry... I made it with my heart and soul!"

"Well, then! I would be delighted to!" Professor Koro opened his mouth and started drinking the chemical. 

Your classmates watched in disbelief, and Professor Koro seemed uneasy and he started to sweat, when all of the sudden, he grew horns. He said it was sodium hydroxide and that it does not affect him. He drank the other two and one made him grow wings on the sides of his head, and the next just turned him white and he had a blank expression on his face.

He told Okuda that she can't make random chemicals without his knowledge, since it's dangerous. That was a strange sight to see.

~~Time skip~~

You and the rest of the class were outside, while Okuda and Professor Koro were making a poison that might kill him. 

You and Karma were on the roof of the building. You weren't sure why he brought you here, but he just told you to follow him up there. He was sitting down on, and you were standing a few feet behind him.

"So... Uh... Why am I up here?"

"No reason, you're just gonna have to go to places with me sometimes in case I need you." 

"I- well, do you need anything right now?"

"Mmm... Yeah, actually." He turned to look at you.

"Okay? What is it?" You put your hands on your hips.

"I want you to fetch me 1 billion yen."


"Never mind if you can't." He turned back around.

"I-... Seriously, do you need anything?"

"Nope, but stay."

"Wh- okay, fine." You sat down next to him, and it was kind of awkward. 

It wasn't like you were really friends, you guys just "hung out" because you were his "slave" for the time being.

Soon, it was time to go back inside, and Okuda handed Professor Koro the poison they made, and he drank it. When he drank it, he seemed to shake a little. He then started yelling and there was this red aura around him. 

"Thank you, Okuda..." He said.

"... Huh..?" Okuda was dumbfounded.

"Thanks to your concoction, I can advance to a new level."

"What... do you mean..?"

Professor Koro then started screaming, and a big wind was getting blown around the classroom. You closed your eyes, so dust doesn't get inside them, and when the wind stopped, you looked up to see your teacher melted on his table.

"He melted?!"

"I actually had you make a tonic that would stimulate my cells and enhance my fluidity. As a liquid, I can now fit into the tightest of spaces." He squeezed into one of the girl's desk.

"Uhh, why are you in there?" She asked. 

"What's more, I'm still... As speedy as ever!" He yelled and started bouncing around the room quicker than usual. "... Go ahead! Try and off me!"

"This is one messed up teacher!"

"What was that poison, Okuda?!"

"Y-You tricked me, Professor Koro!" Okuda seemed saddened.

"Having the verbal aptitude to deceive others is a vital part of assassination, Okuda. Even the most potent of poisons is wasted if you offer it in such a naive way that your target can take advantage of yours. Nagisa, how would you try to poison me?"

"Huh? Hm... I'd probably mix it into a sweet drink you like, and then offer it to you as a special drink I made."

"Yes, to deceive someone, you must understand their feelings, and communicate with them creatively." He said as he squirmed back into his clothes and went back to his regular form. "Language is they key to an effective poisoning. Your scientific talent will someday be useful to everyone. So, to explain things clearly to as many people as possible. I hope you'll continue to develop the language skills to poison someone."

"I-I will!" Okuda said with now a happy expression.

Everyone watched with a smile, and Karma chuckled.

"Yep, Assassination is the least of everyone's worries right now."

"No joke..." You quietly said.

~~Time skip~~

Your classmates went to an assembly, but you were told by your uncle to stay if you felt uncomfortable being around those who called you a "traitor." You thanked him, and stayed behind, without your classmates' knowledge.

You were laying down on the field, when you decided to get up and walk around the building for a bit. You got to the front of the building, when you saw Professor Koro looking out the window, and he kinda looked a bit lonely. You kinda felt bad for him, but you continued walking along the campus.

A few minutes later, you went inside the building for a drink, when you saw Professor Koro writing something.

"What's that?" You asked him.

"It's a handout that they will be giving out students at the assembly. They probably won't be giving any to Class E since they look down on us so much, so I'm making handmade copies for them! Here you go, here's yours, (L/N)." He chuckled.

"Ah, thank you, Professor Koro. By the way, you can call me (Y/N)."

"Alright then, (Y/N). I have to get going to pass these around to your class who are at the assembly! Is it okay if you stay here alone? I'll probably stay there." You guys walked out to the front door of the building.

"Yup, I'm okay with that!" You said and he started getting into his disguise.

"Perfect! Hopefully it won't be long!"

"Have a safe trip!" You waved to him, and he flew off to the main campus. 

"He's that desperate to be out more, huh?" You heard someone say.

You turned to your left to see Karma standing there.

"Wha- Aren't you supposed to be at the assembly?!"

"Well, aren't you, too?"

"I-... My uncle told me I can stay."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"My old classmates call me a traitor for leaving them, so he told me I don't have to go if I don't feel comfortable being around them."

"I see..."

"Well, why are you here? Won't you be in trouble if you don't go with the rest of the class?"

"Eh, I don't really care. I've been in trouble many times for bigger things, so getting lectured for a couple of minutes for not going to the assembly is nothing."

"... Alright..." You said. "You know midterm exams is in a few days, aren't you gonna study?"

"I don't know, you tell me. I bet I'm gonna get the highest grades in here. I'm not in Class E for my grades, I'm here because of my poor behavior."

"Then... I wish you luck on the exams."

"Why, thank you. I wish you good luck, too." You guys gave each other a small grin.

~~Time skip~~

For the past few days, Professor Koro was helping you guys study for midterm exams, rushing from person to person to help them. And when he was doing that, Karma stuck out his knife to where his head would land, and so it made quite a big dent on Professor Koro's head. He was told to knock it off, which he didn't.

On the second day of helping us study, he was exhausted and out of breath from moving around the classroom so much. 

You guys were outside by the yard, and you guys were told about the school system from the midterms and the teachers exchanged a few words, when all of the sudden, Professor Koro started spinning around in the yard really fast and there was wind caused everywhere, and the wind got so big to the point that it caused a tornado. 

You weren't really paying attention until up to the point when he made a tornado in the field.

When he was done, the yard that had grass and looked somewhat ugly turned into a neat track yard and he placed soccer nets on each ends of the field.

"The yard was very uneven and full of weeds. I tidied it up." He said.

Everyone was shocked to see how he did all that work when he was basically inside the tornado he created. 

"I am a super-creature capable of wiping out the Earth. Flattening out this area here is a piece of cake." Professor Koro's eyes turned into a red light, and it made the class feel a bit uneasy.

What he just said kinda startled you. Even though you knew he was gonna destroy the Earth by March, seeing him reshape the ground within seconds shocked you.

"If you can't show me that trusty second blade, I'll know there's no assassin worthy here in this classroom worth taking me on, and I'll flatten this entire campus before I go."

"Show you a second blade? By when?" Nagisa questioned. 

"Tomorrow, of course. I want you all to place in the top 50 in the tomorrow's midterms." He said.

Everyone gasped and they were wondering how in the world how they were going to place top 50 when they're competing against classes that were far better than them.

"I've been honing your second blades all this time. You've learned fast enough to keep up with them and then some. Wield those blades with confidence!

~~Time skip~~

It was the next day, and you guys were taking the exam in the main campus building. First period was math, and for you, most questions were pretty simple. 

Most of your classmates seemed a bit uneasy at start, but they started being productive. You looked over at Karma, and he seemed pretty laid back and relaxed. 

You grinned and when you looked back at your other classmates, they looked uneasy again. You looked back at your test, and started to answer the questions.

You were pretty confident in yourself, because the questions seemed pretty simple.

But the next day, the class seemed pretty disappointed. They were all very quiet and were looking down. You looked over at Karma and whispered at him.

"So, how'd you do?"

"On what?" He looked at you.

"The midterms, of course." He chuckled.

"Aced it... You?"

"Same." You smiled and gave him a peace sign.

"That's great to hear." He laid back on his chair with his arms up.

When Professor Koro came into class, he was facing the wall almost the entire time.

"The responsibility is entirely mine... I seem to have underestimated what this school is capable of. I can't even face you after this..." He said and the class was silent, when all of the sudden, Karma threw the green knife towards him.

He yelped and dodged it, and Karma started walking towards him. 

"You sure? If you can't face us, you can't see us coming to kill you. "

"Karma! I'm very depressed right now, and-" He was cut off when Karma put his test on the table in front of him. He really did ace them. 

"Changing a few questions isn't gonna stop me." He smirked.

The class came around to see his test results, and everyone was surprised. 

"My grades were good already, but you really want the extra mile. That's why I could handle the questions. However, I'm staying right here. Assassination is way more fun than going back to my old class." He said. 

You honestly weren't surprised, since he seemed to be a slacker, yet a natural born genius. 

"So, what's the plan? You gonna use the others' results as an excuse to turn tail and run? Sounds like you're just scared we might kill you."

Professor Koro seemed a little pissed, but the class seemed to brighten up.

"Oh, so that's it? You were scared?" Said one classmate.

"You should've just told us from the start!" Said another. 

"Just be like, "I'm scared!I wanna run home to my big octopus mommy!"" Went another comment. 

Professor Koro seemed to get really pissed, and his entire body turned red.

"I am not running away!" He yelled.

"Oh? Then what?" Karma asked. 

"We'll pay them back twofold on the end-of-term exams!" He said.

The entire class started laughing, and you kinda did, too. You actually started liking the presence of this octopus man, and it was pretty fun. 

"This is no laughing matter! Honestly! Aren't you thoroughly disappointed?!" He continued to yell, but you guys just continued laughing. 

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