Secret - Karma Akabane x Read...

By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

46.1K 1.2K 703

You live with your uncle, Tadaomi Karasuma after your mother and father died. You were originally in Class A... More

Professor Bitch
School trip
Splash party
Final exams
Summer vacation
Fem-boy, Nagisa
Taking advantages
Unexpected plot twist
The End Of Summer Vacation
Back On School Grounds
Welcome Back, Itona
No. 2
Big Dismay
School festival
Studied too hard
All an act
Some time off
Kill vs Don't kill
The big showdown
New year, end of the school year
Goodbye, Professor Koro
Congratulations (Fin)


6.3K 103 104
By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

"Class, we have a new student today~ "The class looked up and they looked excited. "Please, come in!" You walked into the classroom, and everyone's eyes were locked onto you.

"Woah, she's kinda cute!" Went a comment.

"I think I've seen her around, but I can't quite put my finger on it..." Said another.

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N). It's a pleasure to meet you." You said with a monotone voice.

"Would you like to tell us how you transferred here?" 

"I was in Class A, but I'm here to kill you, Professor Koro. I won't be here long, though. I'm going back to Class A once I kill you. So, I'm not here to make friends. I just need to get this over with."

The class was silent from your somewhat rude introduction. 

"I see... Well, I wish the best of luck to you~ You may go ahead and sit down on the empty desk on the right, over there." You nodded and went to sit down.

There was another empty desk next to yours, but you were just ready to get this over with.

Back in Class A, you were always second place, behind Asano. You were somewhat rivals, but you were both adored in class. But after they heard that you were moving the Class E, they all started calling you a traitor, and they knew you were coming back, but they said they won't accept you anyways. But that wasn't something for them to decide.

You were in P.E. class, and you guys were learning how to use your knife and learn some skills on it. 

"One... Two... Three... Four..."

You guys were counting up as you wielded your knives. Those knives were a special type of knife, that would melt down Professor Koro when he touches it. 

When you guys were done, your uncle was talking to your class, but you didn't want to hear it, so you stood in the back, not paying attention. 

Some of the guys were running towards him with their knives as part of training, but they stood no chance against your uncle, and he slammed the students to the ground. 

"That's all for today." He said and helped them up.

"Thank you." Your class bowed, but you just clicked your tongue.

Why do I have to be here with these kids...

You turned around and was gonna walk away, when you saw a red haired boy standing on top of the small hill, looking at you guys. You two made eye contact, which you immediately broke off, and walked away.

A few seconds later, you heard him say something.

"Yo, Nagisa. It's been a while." He said to a blue haired boy.

"Karma... You're back?" He replied.

"Woah, is that the infamous Professor Koro? He really does look like an octopus..." He approached Professor Koro.

"Akabane Karma... Is it? I heard your suspension was up today. But you shouldn't be tardy on your first day back." Professor Koro said, and he turned purple, and had an "X" written in a slightly darker tone of purple on his face. 

Karma chuckled.

"It's hard to get back into the swing of things. Feel free to call me by my first name. Nice to meet you, Teach!" He reached his hand out to shake one of his tentacles.

"Likewise, let's make this a fun year." Professor Koro reached his tentacle out, when suddenly, his tentacle burst and melted.

Karma then smirked and slipped one of those knives out of his sleeve and tried to stab him, but Professor Koro dodged it. No surprise there.

"Wow, you really are fast... And those knives really do work..." He then looked at his palm, and you also saw mini blades from those green knives taped to the palm of his hand, resulting Professor Koro's tentacle to melt when they shook hands when he was off guard.

"Classics..." You mumbled to yourself.

"I sliced one up really find and stuck pieces on, but to be caught by such a simple move, and to jump back all that way... What are you, a scaredy cat?" Karma started approaching Professor Koro again. I heard they call you "Professor Koro" because you're "unkillable". But what's this? Are you a pushover after all?" He gave a creepy grin to Professor Koro, looking up at him. 

You can see that Professor Koro was extremely angry and frustrated, judging by his now red skin and his veins popping out. 

"Nagisa, what kind of person is this Karma?" You heard the green haired girl talk to the blue haired boy, Nagisa. 

You wanted some information, so you eavesdropped. 

"Well... We were in the same class our first and second years, but then his continued violent behavior earned him an expulsion, and those students end up here in the E Class, too. But, here he might just be a star student." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat."

You rolled your eyes, and when he started walking away from Professor Koro, which was also in your direction, your eyes met again. He smirked and once again, you looked away.

Once you guys headed back into your classroom after getting changed into your uniform, you sat down on your desk, leaning on your hand. You then realized, that the empty seat next to you was probably for Karma.

Crap... Please don't let this be his seat-

He sat down next to you.


When he sat down, he was staring at you with another smirk.

"Can I... Help you?" You asked with an annoyed face.

"You're from A Class, right?"


"Well, why are you here? Did you get expelled like me?"

"No, I'm here to kill Professor Koro. That's it. I'll be going back when I kill him, so don't get used to my presence."

"You're Mr. Karasuma's niece, right?" You froze. He said it so blantly it shocked you.

"How'd you know..?" You sat up and stopped leaning on your hand.

You were scared of what he was gonna do since he knew, and you were even more scared that he was gonna tell the entire class.

"Heh, how sloppy of you. This morning right outside of the campus, I heard you call him "uncle." You gotta do better than that. Does the class know?"

"No..." You said with an angry look on your face.

"Oh, and you don't plan on telling them, do you?"

"No... So what are you gonna do? Tell the entire class? Or blackmail me with this information?"

"I mean, I've done worse, but since it looks like it's a secret of yours, I won't tell anyone..." You did a sigh of relief, but your relief was soon over. "Under one condition."

Mother fucker...

"... What is it?"

"You're gonna be my assistant for the entire time you're gonna be here for." He said, and you slammed your desk with your fists.

"WHAT-" He looked at you and smirked.

"That means you'll carry my bag, throw away my trash, bring me lunch, be with me for the majority of the school day, etc."

"Fucking bitch..." You whispered.

"What was that?"


"Oh, okay, then. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you know my name, so what's yours?"

"(L/N) (Y/N)."

"Okay, (Y/N), I hope we have a great time together." He smirked, and you put your head down on the desk.

Out of everyone, why does he have to know? He seems like a sly ass snake...

Not too long after, Professor Koro walked in and gave you all a quiz to take, but when he was done passing out the quiz, he was facing the wall the entire time, lightly punching it. He was angry about Karma talking to him with such attitude. 

"Oh my God! Quit with the squish squish! We're trying to take a quiz here!" One of the girls in the front of the class yelled to him. 

"P-Pardon me!" He apologized. 

You grinned at the teacher's timid personality.

"Hey, Karma, you sure about this? That monster is pissed." The guy on the other side of Karma said to him. 

"This is all on you, man!" Another guy said. 

"Sure you're not better off holin' up at home?" Said another.

You started getting annoyed at these comments when you were trying to concentrate on the quiz.

"You'd be pissed, too, Terasaka, if someone'd started to kill you." Karma said. "Not like when a certain someone screwed up and wet himself." You slightly chuckled.

"I did not wet myself! You cruisin' for a bruisin' pal?!" He yelled.

You finally had enough of his loud voice.

"Oh my God, shut up! I can't concentrate because of your dumb existence!" You stood up and snapped at him.

"You guys! No loud noises during a test!" Professor Koro called you guys out. "Why, that could even be considered cheating!" 

"I- yes, sir." You sat back down and went back to your quiz.

"Sorry, sorry, Professor Koro! I already finished, so I'll just sit here quietly and heat my gelato. 

"Not during class, you won't!-- Th-That's... That's the gelato I brought back from Italy yesterday!" He freaked out.

"Oh, sorry! It was just chilling in the staff room." Karma apologized, but he didn't seem very sorry.

"A "sorry" won't cut it!" He continued to yell. "I took pains to fly through the coldest stratosphere to keep that from melting, too!" 

"Huh... So, what are you gonna do about it?" He took another bite of the gelato. "Hit me?" 

"I will not! I'll just have what's left!" He turned red again, and started walking in your guys' direction, "Come now, hand it ov-" You heard a "pop" coming from the ground, so you looked down to the floor at where Professor Koro was at, and saw "Anti-Professor Koro BBs." 

Karma then started shooting him and chuckled. The classroom was kind of our of control in a middle of a quiz. 

"Gotcha again!"

Karma is able to get him by making him let his guard down...

"I'll just keep using the same old tricks. Even if it interferes with class." He said.

All the loud noise around you was too much, so you took out earbuds and plugged them into your ear, blocking out most of the sound coming from outside them, when you looked up to see Karma smearing the gelato on professor Koro's clothes.

What a train wreck...

He then gave Professor Koro his quiz and walked out the classroom saying something, which you couldn't hear from the earbuds. 

You just couldn't wait to kill him and get out of here. 

~~Time skip~~

You were at the train station that led you to your uncle's home. You had to go home first, since he was really busy and had to stay. You were walking to the trains when you heard some familiar voices call out to you. It was your old classmates from A Class.

"Hey, is that the traitor? And look, it's also Nagisa!"

You looked to your right to see Nagisa looking down, and he seemed to be bothered by their presence.

"Yeah, we don't be accepting them back, though. Plus, Akabane Karma ended up in E Class after his suspension was over."

"That's the pits! I would seriously rather die than wind up there." 

You didn't let their voices bother you, but Nagisa sure seemed to be triggered.

You were about to turn around to give them a piece of your mind, when you heard a glass shatter.

"Really? You'd rather die?" You heard Karma's voice. "Like... Now?" He held up a shattered glass bottle up to them, which was really sharp on the broken ends. 

"Akabane!" One of the guys yelled and they both ran away screaming.

"Like I'd actually do it!" He laughed. He then approached Nagisa, and they seemed to have some conversation, so you headed out first. You were just hoping that he wouldn't say anything to Nagisa about your relationship with your uncle. 

Once you got home, you plopped down on your bed immediately, wondering why you had to get stuck in this mess.

A few hours later, your uncle got home.

"Welcome home..." You greeted your uncle.

"Mhm... How was your first day?" He asked you while he took off his shoes.

"I hate it... Why did you have to transfer me?"

"We need more people to kill him. Please understand, you're my niece, so you're the only one I was able to ask, really."

"You didn't even ask... You just transferred me."

"Yeah, I know... But please forgive me. You'll be back in Class A soon."

"Class A calls me a traitor now. They don't like me anymore."

"That's their problem, it's not something that they can decide if you go back to Class A or not."

"Yeah- but- ugh, never mind..." You walked back into your room, and went to sleep early, hoping that it was all a dream.

~~Time skip~~

"Good morning, (Y/N)." Karma greeted you when he walked in.

"Hm? Yeah." You were leaning on your hand, looking away from him.

"Something wrong? Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay, tell me if there's something you need." He smirked. 

You seriously could not trust this guy to keep a secret.

You then noticed a black plastic bag that he was holding.

"What's that?" You asked him.

"Oh, this?" He reached in and pulled out an entire octopus, that was alive.

"What the- What's that for?"

"You'll see." He walked up to the front of the class, and the other classmates saw him walking up front with an octopus in hand.

He threw it on the table that Professor Koro uses when he teaches, and took out a screw diver, then stabbed it on its head, killing it. The class watched in horror, and he just chuckled.

What in the...

You guys were waiting for Professor Koro to come in. He entered the classroom with a cheerful greeting, but no one responded. 

"What's wrong, cla-" He looked at the small table he uses at the front of the classroom, then he saw the dead octopus on there. He screamed in horror and took a step back.

"Whoops! My bad!" Karma spoke up. "I mistook it for you and killed it instead."

What the fuck is this bitch... Is he a psychopath? 

"Bring it here, I'll dispose of it." Professor Koro sighed.

"Alright." He grabbed the octopus and started walking towards him. 

Karma had an "Anti-Professor Koro Knife" in his hand behind his back. He then stopped walking mid way, and his tentacles turned into small little drills, then disappeared for a second, making a lot of dust, and reappeared right in front of Karma with a missile and some random food ingredients. 

"Allow me to show you, Karma: The might of these drill tentacles and the firepower of this missile i filched from the Self-Defense Force! I'm not about to let my assassin get away scot-free." He then started cooking something using the ingredients he fetched and the fire from the missile, then put the hot octopus ball in Karma's mouth, which he instantly spit out. 

"Pft..." You chuckled quietly to yourself under your breath.

"I could tell by your pallor that you hadn't eaten breakfast. I whipped these octopus balls at Mach speed. They'll put you well on your way to being nice and healthy." He grabbed one and handed him another octopus ball. "Open wide!" Karma covered his mouth and seemed pissed. 

"Tch..." He said.

"Karma... What I do is tend things, take care of them. Things like assassin's rusty blades. So keep telling me in earnest all day today." Professor Koro's grin seemed to get a little creepier as he spoke. "Every time you do, I'll take care of you. By the end of the day, your body and mind will be polished to sparkling." He said while wiggling his tentacles in the air.

Karma seemed really mad and frustrated that his trick did not work this time. You smirked and let out a small sigh. You took one of the octopus balls that Professor Koro left for him on his desk and took a bite.

"Mmm, it ain't bad, though!" You said. 

Karma glared at you, and you just grinned. 

Soon, first period started, which was math. Proffesor Koro was explaining the math equation, when Karma took out his "Anti-Professor Koro BB Gun" and was about to shoot him, but it was snatched from his hand in the speed of light. 

"Oh, Karma. It takes too long for the fired BB to hit, I'm afraid." The gun was now in Professor Koro's possession, and when Karma looked at his hand, his nails were neatly painted. "And since I had plenty of time, I gave you a little nail art."

You laughed into your fist, trying not to make too much noise. You found it absolutely hilarious that just yesterday, he was trying to dominate you, whilst now he was getting owned. 

He tried his best to keep his composure, when he looked over at you, and saw your face.

~~Time skip~~

Fourth period rolled around, which was cooking. You all got into an apron and put a handkerchief around your hair. You were with Nagisa, Kayano, Nakamura, and Karma. But in the middle of the session, he kinda disappeared, and left you four alone.

But you knew what he was planning. He was so eager to kill Professor Koro, but he didn't seem like he was about to fall for his tricks anymore, because when you looked up to look in Professor Koro's direction after you heard some loud noise, you saw Karma in a pink apron that had a pink heart in the center, and pink handkerchief on his head. 

"You forgot your apron, Karma. Don't worry about the soup. I sucked it all up in midair with a dropper. Oh, and added sugar while I was at it."

"Oh, it's more milder!" The girl got excited.

"Adorable!" One of the guys teased Karma.

He took off the apron and handkerchief blushing in embarrassment. 

Fifth period was Japanese, and Professor Koro was reading the textbook out loud, but you fell asleep. Then you woke up to the bell ringing, and also you saw Professor Koro styling Karma's hair. You once again, laughed into your fist, but tried to make it look like you were coughing or yawning.

When school was out, you saw Karma walk outside looking kinda down. He told you to follow him, so you did. He sat down on a tree that was leaning towards the cliff, and you were standing behind him, and Nagisa followed you guys.

"Karma! Don't sweat it, We'll do this together. Once Koro sensei has his eye on you, you can't kill him by yourself, no matter the method." Nagisa said.

God, that sounded weird...

"He's not like other teachers."

"Yeah, we get that you wanna kill him, but come on, if you keep trying to kill him, he's gonna become more wary and it's gonna be harder to kill him." You said.

"Teachers, eh..?"


"Yeah, no. want to do it. Nothing'd tick me off more than him dying in some random place."

"Wh- You stupid, selfish bitch-" You were cut off when Professor Koro came in

"Karma?" You hard Professor Koro's voice. "I've certainly taken good care of you today, haven't I? You can still try to kill me, you know. I'll polish you up even shinier." He said with his head now with a green stripe going across.

"Just to make sure... You are a teacher, correct?"

"Yes." Professor Koro answered.

This is dumb... Why did I follow him...

"And you would, say, risk your life to protect your students?"

What is he thinking...

"Of course, I'm a teacher, after all."

"Okay, good. Then I can kill you."

He grabbed your hand, and he fell backwards, and you fell down with him.

"Wh-!" You screamed slightly, and he brought you into his chest. 

You saw your life flashing by, and it kind of scared you.

Nagisa looked down the cliff, and just watched you two fall, helplessly. Karma seemed to be smiling, and that made you feel a bit uneasy. Then, in a flash, Professor Koro jumped down and made a little web for you to fall into, which did not injure him and he is safe.

You let out a sigh of relief, and you were just glad that you lived.

"What was that for?!" You were angry at him that he just almost killed you. Your heart was racing and you were trembling from the fact that you guys almost died.

"Karma, splendid job on the premeditated assassination starring yourself, but please don't involve (Y/N) in it! She seems very flustered. If I saved you two at the speed of sound, your bodies wouldn't hold out. But if I moved slowly, I'd get hit. So I tried getting a little sticky!" Professor Koro said, and you guys were stuck on his tentacle web. It really was sticky.

"Damn, what can't these tentacles do?!" Karma said.

"You can't shoot now!" He teased.

"It's all your fault!" You yelled at him. 

"Oh, and furthermore, letting you die is not an option." Professor Koro let you out of his web, and your legs gave up on you and you sat down.

"Believe in that for your next flying leap."

Karma looked at him for a second, and he chuckled. He was let out of the web, and Professor Koro lifted you guys up, and he flew you guys back to the top of the cliff.

"That was... Just... No..." You said, and your heart was still racing.

"For being so reckless, Karma, you sure were calm." Nagisa said to him.

"Eh, no biggie." He really was calm.

"I can't believe I was forced to transfer here..." You mumbled.

"As far as I can figure it, that would've been my best chance at killing him."

"I- why'd you have to bring me down then?!" You yelled.

"Don't you remember what I said the other day?" He smirked.

"I-... Never mind..." You laid down on the floor. 

"Oh? Out of ideas already?" Professor Koro seemed excited. "I have plenty of grooming tools to use in retaliation." He took out some face mask, cat ears, toothbrush, lotion, etc. "You're kind of a pushover yourself, aren't you?"

"Oh, I'll kill you, maybe even tomorrow." Karma said as he swiped his thump across his neck. 

"A healthy, refreshing bloodlust- looks like you don't need any more TLC." Professor Koro said as his skin turned light red and a circle appeared on his face with a darker tone of red. 

You smirked and got up.

"Let's head on back, (Y/N) and Nagisa. We can eat on the way." Karma was tossing some purse up and down in the air. 

Professor Koro then freaked out.

"Hey! That's my purse!" He yelled. 

"Then don't leave it in the staff room unattended!" 

"You're not even allowed in the staff room..." You said quietly. 

"Give it back!" 

"Take it!" Karma gave it back to him pretty easily. 

Professor Koro looked inside to make sure the money was still there, but nothing was in there.

"But... this is empty!" He panicked. 

"There wasn't much in there. Call it a donation." He grinned.

"Yup... I knew he wouldn't give it back that easily..." You said, and Nagisa agreed with you. 

Professor Koro screamed and started calling Karma a delinquent and started freaking out. You and Nagisa had to calm him down. It was a pretty ridiculous day.

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