Alex Masker (On Hold)

By Angelic_Vamp

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Author's Note.
Ch 3.
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
My original summary.
Special audio read
First original cover from someone.
Second cover.
Third cover.
Fourth cover

Ch 2.

309 45 38
By Angelic_Vamp

"Are you a boy?" My boss had asked.

"N-n-no." The little kid stammered in fright.

"You mean to tell me..." He couldn't finish his words because even though he studied the grubby kid, a glimpse of surprise revealed in his eyes. "Hmm, we can't certainly have another girl..."

This kid, she was afraid that her only hope to live was about to be rejected. She had no choice but to kneel on the floor and beg in misery-with broken tears streaming down her flush cheeks. "Please! I'll pretend to be a boy and no one will notice! Give me a chance sir and I'll do anything you want!"

Regret, pitiful, shame are the words to describe this scene. She had disrespected her own gender and traded her own identity for a place to live and serve under loyalty to this horrible man.

It took him five minutes before he spoke. "Alright, you have a deal. Since you're an orphan and you have nowhere else to go, be grateful I'm giving you an opportunity to stay in my house."

"Thank you sir!" The girl had bowed her head so many times, she banged the hard surface like a hammer hitting a nail.

"Under one condition." He added, making the girl nervous again. "You clearly stated that you will follow my orders and that's the price. Starting tomorrow, you will be training with Gorden, who is now your "Uncle"," He emphasized. "And if I hear or see you make a wrong move or even a small flaw, I want you out."

Those words felt like the devil had said it instead of this powerful, elderly man. However, she wondered IF she was truly dealing with the real devil who was in disguise.

Not minding the dirt on her raggedy outfit, she wiped away her sadness and replaced it with a dead-on serious look. "I promise, I won't disappoint you...sir."

"And you won't mind pretending to be a boy? Act like a boy, walk like a boy, dress like a boy, talk like a boy? All that you are now, will you lose yourself and change to a new identity, a new name, a whole different person?"

Confusion overcome her thinking mind. Is it such a problem to live as a girl? Why must she sacrifice herself and become a new person, better yet, why a boy?

Nevertheless, she didn't have the courage to demand an absurd answer from him. She just simply nodded without a care to whatever happens to her.

The old man smiled (more like a sickening grin) and cackled like she had entertained him. "Gorden, did you ever meet this kind of girl before? No? Well, whoever her mother was, bless that woman for giving birth to a wonderful child such as her right here. Wonderful indeed..."

While the man was mumbling incoherent words to himself, this girl didn't pay attention nor did she ran out and broke off the deal. She was young that time and the only thing on her mind was a warm house, a cozy bed to rest her head, a bath to bathe in, and fresh food with clean clothes. What a silly naive girl.

She should have backed out and escaped while she still had the chance, but she chose to be controlled.

Who was that child? 

Of course, that girl was me.


You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding! You mean to tell me I was frantic for nothing! God, I'm such an idiot! Of course there would be nothing, this house is totally secured with an alarm system-even the windows are barricaded with steel bars! Plus two well-trained bodyguards (me and my Master).

Sarah sternly narrowed her violet eyes at me, showing lines between her thin black brows. "Ever heard of knocking?"

I matched her glaring stare with my own and placed my hands on my hips. "I did, many times. Now mind explaining me why you were screaming like a kidnapper was here?"

She flushed in embarrassment as I contemplated at her long, wavy, messy brown hair, and wrinkled nightgown. "Did I? Crap, I never shut up when I sleep talk." She cursed herself. "Okay, I admit it was my fault, but I had a total nightmare and it was chilling and it was a total "eeek!" moment. I dreamt that a guy was asking me out and we were going on our first date, but I got pulled back by those girls. You know, the ones from my all-girls boarding school. Brrr, I swear, if I don't get a guy I'll be a total lesbian forever! Doesn't that sound cray-cray?! What?"

Unbelievable. Not only was I dealing with stupidity but I wasted time listening to her gibberish blabbering! Sarah sensed my bad mood, and she asked with a frown upon her lips, "Are you mad at me?"

I shut my eyes and rubbed the temples on my forehead as I felt high-pressure intensely shoot up my stress level. "No Sarah, I'm not mad, just....disappointed."

The next thing I knew, I heard her whimpering like a small pup. I directly looked at her and saw her quivering in a pout, body shaken by shame. "I-I-I'm sorry!" She stifled back her tears as she hung her head, concealed by cascades of her hair.

I experienced a sharp pang in my chest, cringing my eyes as the guilt grew in my heart. Maybe I'm being irrational over this, after all, I'm her guardian, not a parent. I walked up and gently ruffled the top of her hair. "Forgive me Sarah. I overreacted because I was worried about you. If anything happened, then I failed at my responsibility in protecting you. Please cheer up, please?"

I brushed her hair aside and smiled at her. "Do you hate me?" I asked.

Sarah was taken aback by the question as it sounded offensive. "Hate you? I could never! You're like a brother to me. The only sibling I ever have."

That's right. Sarah is an only child in the Caswell family. Her parents had been dead a long time ago by a car crash (or so I've been told), and her grandfather took custody of her instead of her aunt. Originally, her grandfather was the one who thought I was useful-back when I was a ten-year old beggar, and put me under Master's care. Unknowingly, Sarah-who was nine-was at her aunt's house and when she came home, Master told her that I was his distant nephew.

When we first met, Sarah was shy and timid because it was her first time being close to a boy, but as soon as she had gotten use to me, we treated each other like siblings, bonded by a thread of kindness and caring with love. 

Just like how Sam and I were.

No, enough is enough. Can you hear me Sam? Quit haunting me, it'll never work! I was so upset even Sarah noticed. "Alex, I promise to wake up on time and I'll be a very good girl. I hate to see you get upset because of me."

"No, Sarah. You-" I was about to clear up the misunderstanding, but a male voice from the hallway interrupted me.

"What happened here and why's the door on the ground, again?" We both turned our heads at the voice we knew belonged to.


His name is actually Gorden Wright, only I refer to him as Master (that is, when we're alone) after he raised and trained me-like a mentor to his student should. I respected Master like a father I never had. He never doted or spoiled me, however, he sometimes distressed over my health and conditions. 

Highly professional and killer keen senses, Master had a long loyal history with the Caswell's for fifteen years. He was dressed in all black, looking serious and calm (as always), his youthful face didn't quite match his age of late thirties (especially with that outfit), and it surprised me a bit that he had black hair with a bit of gray at the bottom end.

I stared at his piercing electric blue eyes as I answered straightly, "It was my fault, Uncle. I kicked the door and I thought someone took Sarah. Sorry."

"No, don't blame Alex! I should be the one at fault here. He didn't cause trouble, I got too lazy to wake up, so don't be hard on him, be angry at me." Sarah defended me-which I didn't deserve.

With a exasperated sigh, Master gave in. "Since today you two are transferring to a new school, you're off the hook. But, I'll be sure to tell your grandfather, and Alex is not a part of this whatsoever."

"Understood." She agreed-I wanted to oppose but she jabbed her elbow at my side.

"Good. Now Miss, you should hit the showers and get dressed, breakfast is getting cold. As for you Alex, Mr. Jack wants a private discussion with you at the study room."

"Got it." I stood up and was heading out, but Sarah grasped a hold of my hand. "If it's bad, be careful and tell me, I'll deal with grandfather myself." I smiled at her and told her not to worry.

I left the room and descended down the stairs, passed the kitchen, turned left, and stopped in front of a dark wooden door. My heart was racing so fast as I lightly tapped the door, waiting for a response.

"Enter." A old male voice coming from the other side of this door ordered me-which I helplessly trembled, afraid for my life.

Fear, panic, and anxiety deeply overwhelm me whenever Mr. Jack wanted to see me in his room. I went inside and fully closed and locked the door for no one to barge in. I turned around to a squat old man who sat behind the desk-looking self-righteously superior and powerful.

"Good morning sir." I formally bowed.

"Morning indeed." He muttered to himself. "Do you know why you're here Alex?"


"Tell me then."

"To inspect my information before going to school and to remind myself of my main priority." I replied, straight and emotionless.

"Very good." He nodded. "I see that you haven't forgotten once I start checking you?" Positioned like a solider, I held my head up high and had my arms behind my back. I gave a firm "yes" to him. "Then let's begin shall we?"

No pressure Alex. Remain calm and focus on the questions. You've done this many times before. Yet, I'm always a bit nervous (sigh). 

Inwardly, I tried boosting my confidence while my eyes met his cold brown eyes. Like always, he raked his gray hair as his habit and began shooting the "bullets".

"Name." Mr. Jack started firing the questions.

"Alex Masker."

"Date of birth and age."

"I was born on June tenth, nineteen ninety-nine. Age sixteen."


"My parents died long ago. They were shot while protecting someone. I only have uncle on my father's side."



"Well done." Mr. Jack shortly praised me. "Next are the rules. What are they?"

They are rules which I must simply follow and only three are most important.

1. Always stay near miss Caswell.

2. You mustn't reveal your true gender unless you're at the hospital.

3. NEVER fall in love.

I recited every rules that I perfectly memorized without any mistakes. Mr. Jack applauded, whether to himself or to me, I was unsure.

"Excellent! I knew you could never disappoint me! Wasn't it me who took you in and trained you?" He twisted his bushy mustache as he amusingly felt self-satisfied.

"Yes sir, I'm very honored." I bowed in gratitude.

"And you should be. Don't forget this is a give and take, there's no such thing as free. You hear?" He warned.

"Loud and clear sir."

"Good. I suppose you'll be late for school. You may leave but remember your task or face the consequences."

I tilted my head down and proceeded on my way out the room. I hurried to the front door and saw Sarah waiting with a granola bar in her hand.

"Did you eat?" I asked her while we went outside and walked to the garage, where my motorbike was.

"Yep. Here, this for you." She handed me the bar, which I relished with a big bite for I was starving. "Are you alright? I can't help but think Grandpa wants to badly hurt you." She chewed her lip as a sign of worry.

I waved it aside. "That's just your imagination. Nothing's wrong, there's no foul." But if you knew how devious your grandfather is... "Quit being antsy to others and be more worried about yourself. Also, stop biting your lip or all the boys won't kiss you." I teased.

"Shut up!" She punched my arm then both of us laughed.

Once we wore our helmets and comfortably straddled our seats, I throttled the engine and revved up the acceleration out through the open steel gates and onto the street. Heading down our way to school.

Where unbeknowst to me, awaited a change of destiny for this unlucky girl.


Oh yeah! Three new characters! XD Tell me what you guys think about Sarah, Gorden, and Jack. And be sure to wait for more new people and drama at school. (Good luck Alex!) >v<

Picture is Sarah. Isn't she pretty? ^v^

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