
By hauwwahhh

158K 18.8K 853

Airah is spoilt, pampered but she still is a good girl. After graduating from school she wants nothing but t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Not a Chapter
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
New Story Alert
Us against the world Chapter 2
New Story Alert

Chapter 44

1.7K 250 9
By hauwwahhh



"What in the world!" Amrah exclaimed not believing her eyes.

She scrolled through. Sure enough it was a marriage contract. Between her Areef and that witch. She was saw red with the realization that Areef chose to pay that wrench money to marry him over marrying her after she had thrown herself at him more times that she can recall.

How dare Areef insult her that way. He will surely regret ever rejecting her. She'll make sure she knocks him off his damned pedestal and destroy not only him but his pretty little family. Just he wait.

The next day. With a mission in mind she dressed up like the nice daddy's girl she isn't and went to have breakfast with her parents.

Both her parents were surprised as she had closed them off for weeks. She wouldn't sit with them or even talk to any of them.

"Good morning daddy, good morning mom!" she chirped.

They answered her shocked even more. Amrah greeting them? When did that one start?

As they got served breakfast she began in a very remorseful tone.

"Daddy, mom. I just want to say I'm really sorry for the way I've acted these past months. I didn't know what came over me. I was just so into him I didn't realize I was loosing myself to get someone who isn't worth it. I promise you guys I'm completely and totally over him. I want to put everything behind me and move on and I can't do that without your forgiveness and support." She finished wiping a tear from her cheek.

Even if they wanted to stay angry at her they couldn't after her little pity show. She melted thier hearts and they could not help but shed some tears of joy as they hugged their only daughter raining blessings on her.

She tried her best to make her parents believe she had really reformed. They go shopping with her mother, go for drives with her daddy like any other picture perfect family.

All the while she had someone back in Nigeria digging for any dirt on either of the two families, Airah's and Areef's. So far nothing image tarnishing has surfaced. She had told Ruwaida none of the documents had anything of importance to send more but Ruwaida told her she can't access anymore of her husband's documents as he has put extra security on them.

It was on a Sunday that her informant called her with news regarding Areef.

"I managed to trace a hidden camouflaged house to him. According to the guy who tipped me he visits seldomly and hasn't visited for long now but it's seems no one knows about the house. Might be hiding something there." Amrah's curiosity peaked. I hidden secret house. She wouldn't want to miss out on what was in it. Not to show her enthusiasm she composed herself before answering.

"Not bad, well don't go into the house yet. I'll be in Nigeria shortly then I'll take it from there myself."

"Fine. I guess my job is done. I'll be waiting to receive my balance. " The man added.

"Not so fast I'll do that when I see the house, if it's worth it you get your balance if it's not you keep digging. " She ended the call before he could make a protest and blocked his number for the time being.

After a few more lies her father allowed her to come to Nigeria on the pretense that she was going to attend a friend's wedding. Well a friend of hers was getting married just that she wasn't going just for the wedding. In fact the wedding was in Lagos while her destination was Abuja.

The next day she left France for Nigeria which was around a month to Mahmud and Amal's wedding.

She met up with her informant a day after arriving and they drove to Areef's safe haven.

The area was secluded and hidden really well. They made their way to the door and not surprisingly it was locked. It required a finger print to open.

"Why didn't you take care of all these small issues before I arrived?" she glared at the man beside her.

"Last time I checked you told me to not touch the house until you are here and even went on to block me from calling you." he bit back bitterly.

She was about to hiss out something when they heard footsteps. They quickly began looking for a place to hide.

"You don't need to do that." said a voice.

They stopped in their tracks. The man came into view, he was a man probably in his late twenties dressed in a black kaftan. He was fair and a bit chubby sporting a well taken cared of beard. He was not bad looking, in fact he was a very handsome man.

"Who the hell are you!" Amrah hissed at him.

He smirked a dimple showing. "Me? I'm the man that will help you achieve your dreams."

Amrah scoffed. "News flash smirky, not interested. Go find a fangirl to woo not me."

He also rolled his eyes. "That's the last thing I want to do besides I have my eyes set on someone already and she's nothing like you, not that I'll mind banging you though." he paused to give her a suggestive wink.

"I'm Jabeer. I'm Airah's ex."

Not only Amrah even the man beside her was taken aback. Airah's ex? They've been looking for every little detail on said person but have never came across a boyfriend she had.

"I see, so what does that have to do with me. " Amrah asked.

"Why don't we go in and talk in private. " The way he said 'in private' made her cringe. She can already tell this man was no good man. So may be he might be of some importance to her.

"Well, after you. " she said motioning for him to open the locked door. He smirked again and walked over to the door. To both of their surprise he placed his finger on the pad and the door clicked open.

"How did you do that"? She asked bewilded. Then turned to her informant. " I thought you said this house belongs to Areef!"

"According to my research it does." he said not very sure of himself now.

"Calm down viper, it does. I just have my ways." He walked through the door as they both followed him in.

"Welcome to Areef's safe haven!" Jabeer said opening his arms wide like he owned the place.

Taking in the room they were in which didn't contain much just a couch, a table and a television. It had a few lighting. The placed looked like it hadn't seen a soul in months. Dusk covered the place.

"Feel free to look around. There's a kitchen, a bedroom and a bath room." Jabeer offered getting a duster from God knows where and began to dust the couch.

"No thank you. Where is this place? What does Areef do in here? " Amrah gushed.

"Drugs." He shrugged without a care in the world.

"That's not possible, Areef's doesn't do drugs."

"And here I thought I was doing you a favour. I thought you wanted dirt on the guy, isn't that the whole point of tracking this place down?"

"Who told you that?" She then turned to the informant.  "Are you double crossing me?"

"No, I have never seen this man before."

"He hasn't. But I have, why don't you sit and let's have a little chat."

She looked between Jaabeer and the man beside her before reluctantly sitting on the dusted table.

"Well, as I said my name is Jabeer, Airah was my girlfriend back from school. One thing led to the other and I got dumped. So I didn't mind that time. I went abroad to get my masters degree and I come back to be smacked on the face with her about to get married to her boss. I started stalking her and her so called fiance. That's when I found out about this little place. Apparently everytime goings got too hot Mr. CEO comes here to blow off some steam. No, not women, this baby right here." He reached under the couch he was seated only for a hatch to open and he pulled out a bag some leaves.

"Is that weed?" She asked eyes popping.

"Yes. This is marijuana baby. " He grinned.

"How do I know you didn't plant those there. You have access to the place." Amrah pointed out. "I like the way you think baby. But I have proof. The brought out his phone showing a picture of Areef actually doing drugs.

"If you had this all along why didn't you expose him?"

"Not too patient are we? I wanted to. In fact I was about to when my baby had her accident. Well when someone tried to kill her." He gave her a very wicked look. She tensed.

"So I halted my plans to investigate why my beloved was attacked and by who. I little research all pointed you you my darling and believe me I was beyond pissed and wanted you to go through the same fate." Amrah almost peed her right there and then as her body went cold. She gulped. While Jabeer stared her down.

She thought of bolting but thought better of it realising Jabeer could tackle her down in seconds and she still wasn't sure if her so called informant was even on her side.  So she squared her jaw holding her head high. If he wanted her dead he would have done it before now so he must want something from her as well.

"Not scared are we?? You know just may be if you didn't attempt to kill the love of my life I would have considered getting down with you. Too bad. " She glared at him too afraid to talk lest she provoke him to change his mind about killing her.

" Well, so I got to understand you wanted the drug addict to yourself. So I thought since we had a common goal why not work together, an enemy of my enemy should be my friend after all." He stood up and paced the space from one end of the couch to the other.

Amrah cleared her clogged throat. "So what you are saying is to join forces and destroy them, because all I'm after right now is destroying them I don't care about Areef anymore. But, may be if you ask nicely I can spare that trash of yours and just separate them then knock the Kaseem's off their pedestal. "

"Last warning ice queen, no more I'll remarks towards my baby but your plan doesn't sound too bad. So do tell what else do you have on them?"

She crossed her legs reaching into her bag and brought out an iPad. She swiped a few times before passing it to him. Collecting it he read the document on display.

After some minutes he broke into a fit of laughter. Amrah was beginning to think this man had a few loose knots upstairs.

"You little b**ch!" He muttered.

"Excuse you?!" She exclaimed.

"Not you sweetheart. I'm referring to the person in this contract. "

'It's settled. He's bipolar.' she thought to herself.

"So she was marrying that scoundrel for a few millions. I guess she wasn't as innocent as I've known her to be. The b**ch fooled me." He laughed again. After having his full he smacked the pad on the floor much to Amrah's dismay.

"What if I only had it in there. We would have lost it!" Was she right trust this man?

"I know you have backups upon backups. Now here's what we're going to do. Last I was informed she's being knocked up and since I'll be raising no scoundrel's baby. I want to break the news in such a way that my amnesiac sweetheart will get the shock of her life that she'll miscarry the addict's baby there and then. I want the TV, papers, internet, magazines and every means of communication."

Amrah smirked. "You know I think we got the perfect time and place." This time she got up and showed him her phone's screen. It was the pre wedding shoot of Amal and Mahmud.

They smiled wickedly to one another.



Mr. Imran paced back and forth. He didn't know how to react to all this. He knows his boss is a ruthless business but never really a ruthless human being. He knows they really did sign a marriage contract but he believed he was the only witness to it and he knows they never went through with it. In fact all the copies of the contract were destroyed. Areef's copy, Airah's copy and the soft copy he had deleted not long ago. There's no way some one got their hands on the hard copy. He burned them himself and the soft, no one had access to his laptop. Absolutely no one.

'Well there's one person.' a voice in his head said but he quickly dismissed the thought. There's no way.

'She's friends with Amrah. Even believed the lies she concocted for her. ' the annoying voice offered again.

"No, Ruwaida isn't like that she couldn't possibly have. " He was having a mental war.

To make peace with his mind he decided to ask her. He called out to her.

"Babe?" there was no answer. He walked out of the room. "Babe?" still no sign of her. He was about to enter the kitchen when he saw movement from the balcony. He walked over and began hearing whispers.

"....Just make sure I do not get involved in any of this shenanigans. If it ever comes to light that you might have gotten the contract from me, both my husband and I are toast. " she went silent probably listening to the person on the other end of the phone.

"I know you said none of the documents I sent you was of importance but I'll still be in trouble if my husband finds out I shared any of them with you in the first place. Listen Amrah, my husband's boss is in custody right now and he's wife is in a hospital bed. I wanted to help you as a friend but I didn't know you will go this far. What if she miscarried or worse had a stroke and died. I can't have anyone's blood on my hands. " she finished whisper yelling.

"Hello? Hello? Amrah are you there?" she stomped her feet a few times before composing herseld and opened  the balcony door.

Imram stood there at lost for words. He trusted her, he trusted her but she took his trust for granted.

"Baby, it's not what you think. I can explain."

He ignored her turning back and walking away. She followed him pleading with him to listen to her.

"Baby I swear I had no idea she was going to go this far....."

"Oh so you know what she was going to do?!" he thundered. She flinched.

"Did it ever cross your pea sized brain that if Areef goes down I go down with him? Do you ever think about consequences before you act?"

Tears began rolling down her eyes. She kept shaking her head.

"So while I was here feeling guilty of not spending too much time with you, you decided to play spy right. Spying for your deluded and crazy friend. I thought I told you she wasn't good for you. She chased Areef through out Abuja and tried to make his parents force him to marry her! She was so crazy about him her father left the country with her to keep her away from going crazy for real. Did she tell you all that? No she told you a bunch of lies and you believed her and stuck to her and her lies like a moth to a fire." he stormed out of the apartment leaving a regretful Ruwaida crumbled to the floor.

It was after he had calmed down a little that he called Kabeer.


"Thank you Imran, we'll pick you tomorrow at the airport and we'll go straight to the police station. I hope that's okay with you?"

"Alright thank you, and please don't let anger cloud your judgement. As you can see Amrah is one cunning woman, go easy on your wife."

After a few more exchange of words he thanked Imran and ended the call.

They released a deep sigh at the same time.

"So, I guess Amrah isn't so untouchable again after this little piece of information."

"Definitely." Kabeer confirmed.

"So it's settled, now I can take you back and collect my bride right?"

Kabeer suddenly felt so bad for the newlyweds. They were so unfortunate their wedding dinner turned into a shit show and spent half their wedding night apart.

"Mahmud really, I'm sorry. This must have ruined a lot of your plans."

"Believe me most definitely did, but no worries it's just building up more anticipation. If you know what I mean. " Mahmud sent him a playful wink.

Kabeer smacked his arm, Mahmud's attempt to loosen him up a little working.

"That's gross man. I don't know when I turned into you and Areef's mate, last time I checked I'm supposed to be the big brother."

"Believe me, you can never be the big brother, accept it you are a bros." Mahmud told him as he turned a left towards the hospital.

He was about to park when he asked, "What about Areef, we didn't even go see him."

Kabeer unbuckled his seatbelt. "I'm well aware of that, that's his punishment for ruining your wedding night."


Well well well

One more chapter and an epilogue to go.

Karma is catching up to some people already.

This chapter is also long as you have noticed though not as long as the previous one.

My hands are aching from so much typing.

Make my hands fell better by

And commenting.

Not edited folks. Ignore the typos, I'll get back to them later.

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