Strangers With Memories [Dara...

By colouredrainbows

359K 7.5K 897

Jiyong suddenly disappeared from Dara's life one night. Five years later, he's now back... but he doesn't rem... More

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5.3K 131 14
By colouredrainbows

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Dara was still feeling woozy when she opened her eyes to unfamiliar surroundings. Her eyelids were drooping, and the events were scattered. She couldn’t make out where she was. All she was sure of was that she was tied to a chair and her feet were joined in by a duct tape.

It all clicked to her when she saw Jaejoong, Jo Pil Guk, and Madame Kwon standing in front of her. Her eyes instantly widened as she took in the place. Men were scattered around her. The only difference was that the men who stood around her now were far from the men who protected her. The men around her now all look ready to pounce and kill. Pil Guk tapped Jaejoong’s shoulder. “You did a good job, Jaejoong.” The older man said in satisfaction.


She could still not believe it. Jaejoong. Kim Jaejoong. The person whom Jiyong trusts. The person to whom Jiyong entrusted her with, believing that he was the most trustworthy person in the world... turned out to be a snake.

His face was blank as he gazed at Dara. He only bowed a little to Pil Guk. “Thank you, sir.” He answered, his voice stiff.

“You’re really a great leader.” Pil Guk praised once more.

She has a lot of questions floating in her mind. Madame Kwon... God, this is Madame Kwon. This is eomeonim! Jiyong’s mother... She cannot grasp the reality that she was there, tied on a chair and duct taped because of the mother of the person she loves. WHY?

The Madame Kwon in front of her was a stranger. She couldn’t see the Madame Kwon who treated her nicely. The Madame Kwon who told her that she was basically her mother because she’s Jiyong’s girlfriend. The Madame Kwon whom she met at Jiyong’s unit and at the Kwon mansion, acting every inch of a mother.

No, the Madame Kwon in front of her was wearing a sinister look, far from the elegant and gentle Madame Kwon.

“I didn’t plan on doing this, Dara,” Madame Kwon said, her voice cool and steady, as if engaging in a polite conversation. “You brought this upon yourself. You shouldn’t have gone to the mansion today.”

“Why?” Dara croaked out. “How could you this?”

Madame Kwon didn’t answer her question. “You’re not supposed to be here, but maybe this would put Jiyong in despair?”

“That’s certain, Yuhee.” Pil Guk replied. “If what you said about Jiyong being head over heels in love for this girl, maybe he’ll even die.” He let out an evil laugh. “That would be great for us, and for Yuri.”

“Of course!” Madame Kwon answered. “I wouldn’t do all these dirty tricks if not for my princess.”

“What do you suggest we do with this girl?” Pil Guk asked. He scrutinized Dara with his gaze, and she quickly looked away. Her eyes locked with Jaejoong’s, which were still void of any emotions. “How could you?” She mouthed to him.

He didn’t answer; he only averted his gaze away from her. Pil Guk and Madame Kwon were talking. “She’s not bad. Your son picks well.” He said, teasing.

“Shut up, Pil Guk.” Madame Kwon answered. She walked over to Dara’s and cupped her face harshly. “I’m sorry not to feel sorry, Miss Park. It’s okay though, since corpses don’t talk.” She let go of her face, but Dara could feel the mark left by Madame Kwon’s fingers.

“Just kill her. Don’t touch her or anything.” Madame Kwon told Pil Guk, her back facing Dara. “We owe that to her, at least.”

“We don’t owe that bitch nothing, Yuhee.” Pil Guk snapped.

“Shut up and follow my instructions, Pil Guk.” The older woman answered. “She’s not even supposed to be in this mess.”

Pil Guk growled, but said nothing more. “I’m sure Jiyong’s already going berserk.” Jaejoong told Pil Guk.

The other man cocked his eyebrows. “What would I do then?”

“You want to kill her to make Jiyong fall, right?” Pil Guk nodded. “Then he can’t suspect me. I was the one he trusted to make her safe. If he suspects anything, the plan is ruined.”

Pil Guk thought about it for a moment before answering. “Okay, go on. Pacify Jiyong and come back here soon.”

Jaejoong bowed before leaving. As soon as he was out of earshot, Madame Kwon spoke. “Do you really trust that kid?”

Pil Guk showed her an amused face. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?”


Jaejoong walked out of the place, his every step firm but fast. He was busy looking down on his phone that he didn’t notice Yuri.

“Jaejoong oppa?” The girl called out, curious. “Why are you here?”

He paled, not knowing what to do. Before he could utter a word, Yuri bombarded him with questions. “Jiyong oppa’s going psycho! He’s asking around where you are! Is Dara unnie okay?! Oppa, c’mon, answer me! Where is Dara unnie?!”

Jaejoong held Yuri’s shoulders. “Dara’s fine. I’ll go to Jiyong now, okay? You be good. And I thought you won’t be here?” His brows furrowed.

“Oh, really? That’s good then.” She sighed in relief. “Ah, I chose to go back from the sleepover. I miss home already,” she pouted. Suddenly, her mouth parted. “Oh! How did you know I wasn’t supposed to be here though?”

“Ma– Madame Kwon told me.”

“Really? Where is omma, anyway?” She looked around. “She’s supposed to be ar–”

“Look Yuri, I’ll see you, okay? Take care.” He hurriedly said and ran to the staircase.

Yuri curiously looked at his back. Jaejoong oppa’s sure acting strange... She thought as her gaze lingered at the door where he came from. Should I check? Maybe omma’s there.

She had a minute of hesitation before gingerly walking towards the library where Jaejoong came from.


Madame Kwon looked at the scary-looking men who were watching Dara. “Start now.” She said as she sat and crossed her legs.

Two men started to close in on Dara. Her heart was thudding wildly on her chest. She’s sure that these people are intent on killing her. They won’t stop until they get what they want, and that was her death.

Her tears were already on the verge of falling as one of the men slapped her. It stung, especially because the man’s hand was rough and big. She won’t be surprised if it left an obvious mark on her fragile skin.

They started punching and kicking her, acting as if she wasn’t a frail woman. One of them punched her straight on the gut, and her eyes widened when she coughed out and saw blood. She can’t fight, she can’t do anything. Her hands and feet were both tied. She could taste her salty tears as the men kept on thrashing her. Jiyong-ah...

“Are we really watching this?” Pil Guk asked as he winced.

Madame Kwon only glared and he shut his mouth. “Untie her,” she commanded, and the man instantly followed.

She was untied, but she can’t fight. Her eyelids were drooping. She feels pain in every single part of her body. She was only sprawled bloodily on the floor as the men kept on kicking her around. Even producing a sound of whimper was too hurtful for her.


She blacked out.


Jaejoong drove past the speed limit to get to the Kwon Group of Companies as soon as he could. He tried calling Jiyong several times, but it was busy and he doesn’t have much time to spare. Be okay, Dara, at least as soon as we get back... He silently prayed.

He didn’t even give a damn to park correctly. All he did was run to the elevator as if the devil was chasing him. Employees were looking at him weirdly, but since they know that Jaejoong’s a close employee to the CEO and President, they only let him pass without saying anything.

Not that Jaejoong cares. All he can think about was that Dara should be kept safe. Finally, the elevator’s light ‘ping!’ was heard and he ran out, not bothering to acknowledge Taeyeon who also looked frantic because of her boss’ rage.

He pushed the door open and he saw Jiyong, busy talking to someone. When his eyes caught Jaejoong’s figure, he quickly slammed the phone somewhere and walked over to him. “WHERE THE FUCK IS DARA, KIM JAEJOONG?!” Jiyong roared, holding him by his collar.

“FUCK JIYONG WE DON’T HAVE TIME!” He dragged Jiyong out.

“What the hell’s happening, Jaejoong?” Jiyong asked dangerously as Jaejoong tapped his foot impatiently. If they were to get the stairs, they’d take even longer, and they don’t have the luxury of time. “FUCK IT, WHERE’S DARA!”

“I can’t explain everything now, but Dara’s in danger.” Jaejoong breathed. “I already called the other bodygua–”

Jiyong punched him as soon as he heard that Dara was in danger. “Fuck you, Jaejoong, I’m gonna fucking kill you if something happens to Dara!”

The elevator opened and Jaejoong ran out. Jiyong, who was scared out of his wits, followed along. To Jaejoong’s relief, rows of black cars were already parked behind his askewed car. They rode his car and drove to the Kwon mansion.

When they parked in front, Jiyong was almost paralyzed. He collared Jaejoong once more. “WHAT THE FUCK?! DARA’S IN DANGER INSIDE OUR HOUSE?!”

“JIYONG, STOP BEING SO FUCKING CHILDISH AND JUST FOLLOW!” He shouted, his patience wearing thin. Jiyong’s talking takes up too much time.

He pushed the doorbell button, and Pil Guk’s men saw him. They were about to let him in when they saw that there were twenty other people behind him, excluding Kwon Jiyong. Pil Guk’s men were about to slam the door to their faces and call for back-up but Jiyong’s reflexes were fast. He quickly punched the man in the face and the bodyguards went in, taking care of the men who tried to block them.

As Jaejoong ran, Jiyong was praying hard behind him to all the saints he knew.

Be safe, noona. I love you.


Yuri walked inside their vast library, but she found nothing. She pouted childishly and crossed her arms over her torso. “And I thought omma’s here...” She muttered to herself.

She was about to go out when she saw that one of the shelves were askew. Wait, askew?! She thought. She ran towards it, and what she saw surprised her.

The askewed shelf was actually a cover. There was a door inside of it. Her head was swimming with questions as she held the knob, not knowing if she should go in or not. Suddenly, she heard noises coming from inside. Not just any noises, but whimpers of pain and hard objects slapping against something.

What’s going on in here? She asked to herself, afraid of what she will see once she opens the door.

But then, just like what they say, curiosity killed the cat.

Only this time, in Yuri’s case, it killed her life’s reality.

She saw her mother sitting on one of the plush couches with her Uncle Pil Guk on the side. They were watching two men kick and punch someone on the floor.

Yuri’s blood ran cold. That someone on the floor seems awfully familiar...

“DARA UNNIE?!” She yelled, causing the men to stop kicking Dara and getting her mother’s and uncle’s attention.

She was about to run inside when Pil Guk blocked her. “Yuri, you’re not supposed to be in here.” He said, his voice stern. “Go now, Yuri.”

Her gaze flitted to her mother, who looked dazed upon seeing her. “Omma...” She croaked out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her pitiful voice woke Madame Kwon from her trance. She stood up and pushed Pil Guk away from Yuri. “Omma, what’s happening? What are you doing?”

“Yuri–” She was about to touch Yuri’s head when the younger girl waved her hand away. “NO! What did you do to my unnie?!”

She ran past her mother and went to Dara. Her eyes widened as she took in Dara’s appearance. She’s all bloody and she has wounds on her body. She crouched down next to Dara and cradled her head. Yuri glared at her mother, uncle, and the men who thrashed Dara. “WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!”

Madame Kwon was just about to explain when they heard heavy footsteps coming. To their surprise, Jaejoong walked in, followed by Jiyong and his bodyguards. The guards quickly took down Pil Guk and his men as Jiyong was wide-eyed, walking towards the love of his life, bloodied and wounded because of him.

He gently got her from Yuri’s lap and hugged her to his chest. When Madame Kwon saw that Jiyong was engrossed with Dara, she snatched Yuri up, afraid for her daughter’s safety.

They were about to slip away when Jaejoong blocked them. Yuri wanted to go to his side, but Madame Kwon’s grip on her was firm. “Let go of Yuri.” He said, his voice authoritative.

Madame Kwon placed herself in front of Yuri, but not letting go. “Let us go, Kim Jaejoong.”

“In your dreams, Jo Yuhee.” He said.

Soon enough, another set of heavy footsteps were heard. The whole place was soon swarmed by Jiyong’s bodyguards, the police, and the medics whom Jaejoong called earlier. He quickly pointed Madame Kwon and Pil Guk as the masterminds, as well as the men who were in it.

Madame Kwon was wailing and flailing wildly, not wanting to leave Yuri. If only the police didn’t pull her away, she wouldn’t have left.

Yuri could only stare at her mother in confusion, not knowing what to do. Her mind was still full of unanswered questions. Jaejoong, who was beside her, gave her a hug. “It’ll be okay, Yuri-yah,” he whispered before planting a kiss on her head.

She couldn’t stop her tears from falling as she buried her head on his chest.

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