Shadow (Paused and Undergoing...

By Needletail2

360 148 38

The gorgeous cover and banner in the chapter is made by @Bunnybee_Graphics (main account @KalsiWrites). But... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-One

2 2 0
By Needletail2


Hey," Ruby says, her voice slightly softening, "Don't worry. I don't... I don't kill my kind. That chingle, though, he is welcome to worry." her voice suddenly hardens. "What's your name?" I try to say something, but being tied to a chair, alone in a room with a murderer, does not make it easy. "What? You'll answer me," she spits. "Or you'll be the first vampire to die." I shrug. She narrows her eyes. They glitter like jewels.

"Durpner," I hiss. "Leave my friends alone. Leave my sister alone." Ruby smirks.

"Your sister? What? She... I won't kill her. A family member of yours? But maybe I will, if I end up killing you. Hmm. Now, should I?" she asks, as if she was a cat playing with its food. I shake my head. "Oh, well. It's her or you. Frankly, she's the most pathetic vampire I've ever seen."

"Shut up," I yell. "Leave us alone! W-" The door creaks open, and another vampire walks in.

"Interrogating him? Torturing him?" she asks. "Ruby, sis-"

"Shut it."

The new vampire's gaze flicks over me. Her voice is jazzy.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it- he's all yours." she cocks her head. "What's his name? What's your name?"

I grimace. Is that important? Who is this? "Durpner. What's it to you?" I sneer.

She looks faintly amused. "Feisty, isn't he?"

"I'm right here," I spit. "And I'm not five years old."

"Yeah. His sister's all alone. He's worried. I would be too; she can't lay a finger on a fly. How's she gonna cope without a protector?" I flinch, hearing my exact thoughts. Pustyn will get killed in half a day without anyone. Hopefully Shadow protects her.

"Huh. Well, you're my sister, does that mean I like you?"

"Leave me alone," I snap. "Pustyn? Sure, she's weak, but the others will take care of her. You think you're smart," I glare at Ruby, "but against Shadow you wouldn't last a minute. Stefan's not the smartest, but he'll protect her. Athena is a bit too brave- but that will make her protect Pustyn no matter what. Dar-" I stop, realizing I just stated some of their weaknesses.

"Well, mister," Ruby traces her finger around my face threateningly, "You can't fight us, and I already did last a minute against your friend." I wish I could smack her in the head.

"They're not my friends," I say coldly. "They're just convenient- and Pustyn likes them. I can't leave her."

"Hmm..." the new vampire says doubtfully.

"Don't listen to him, Jaima. He doesn't know anything." The vampire, who must be Jaima, turns and leaves, her heels clicking on the stone floor. Ruby sighs and sits in another chair, in front of me. "Well. Durpner. What should I do... I know. I'll take your sister and kill her in front of you." I jerk my head up to look at her, and narrow my eyes. "Touch her and you'll never see the light of day again."

Ruby smirks. "I don't like the light of day," she snorts. "Do you?" The room is empty, except for the two chairs, a window, a desk, and a shiny mirror. She grabs the mirror, puts it on the windowsill, and turns it so that the sun is directed at me. I bite my lip so hard that it bleeds.

"Stop it! You-" I scream again, and she turns the mirror so that the sunlight burns harder. "Know-" I shriek. "What I meant!" Ruby shrugs and lets me sit there for a few minutes, before answering, "No, I don't. Why don't you tell me?" I open my mouth, and gasp. The sunlight suddenly gets stronger as she turns my head towards it.

"I-" my arms go limp, and as do my legs. I yell in pain. "Meant- that-" my head lolls, and a burning sensation fills my chest. I muster a groan and close my eyes.

Once I regain consciousness, Ruby is out of the room and Jaima is in her place. Thankfully, the mirror is nowhere to be seen. "So," she begins, "didn't you like my sister's favourite brand of vampire-torture? I'm sure you did." I open and close my mouth. Is this a trick? "Yeah. Ruby's here, weirdo. In your next life choose the right side."

"Wait," I gasp. Talking hurts. "Where... am I?" Jaima laughs.

"Can't tell ya that." She leaves and Ruby enters. Chinglar is following her. His eyes widen slightly at my defeated state. I shake my head. Don't question her. Chinglar, don't do it. He seems to understand, and sits down beside me. Ruby sits in her chair.

"So, what's your name?" she asks Chinglar, putting her hand in her leather jacket's pocket. I mouth, Just tell her, and he nods slightly.

"Chinglar." he says, a hint of defiance in his voice.

"And... Why are you here? What do you know? About the war?" Chinglar growls and looks away.

"I know... Nothing," he lies. Ruby leans in.

"What do you know?" she repeats, still smiling widely. Her fangs are uncomfortably visible.

"I- Nothing!" Ruby grabs the mirror and puts it on the windowsill. My eyes roll over slightly.

"So," she asks, smiling, "I asked you twice. It's not nice to lie. What do you know?" Chinglar shuts his eyes in silence. Ruby turns the bucket more, and I let out a scream. Chinglar flattens his ears. Ruby waits, and I try to hold it, but then I shriek loudly, the smell of burned hair filling the room, and Chinglar opens his eyes and knocks the mirror over. I still scream and howl.

"Don't-" I try to say. Ruby grabs my chair with me in it and puts it in front of the window. Chinglar, who is being held by a chain, seems to shrink. Ruby undoes my own chains and I fall to the floor. My burns don't show, but I can feel them. "Don't-" I try again, but Ruby kicks me.

"Fine!" Chinglar yelps. "Er... There was a party, and the lead demon was there. He killed some elves, and they declared war." Ruby raises her eyebrows skeptically, but doesn't argue.

"Very simple... JAIMA!" she yells. The other vampire enters. "Take this one away," she orders, gesturing to Chinglar. Jaima nods and obeys. She closes the curtain and lets me regain some strength. "You. Durpner. I know that your friends will try to save you. But they stand no chance. If you see them, warn us, or I will kill Chinglar." A hostage? Smart... hmm. And I have to, because either way it's true. They'll just die.

"Will you... not kill them?" I ask, and curse myself silently. I can't show affection for them if I don't want her to go after them. Ruby shrugs.

"Maybe. Maybe not." She twirls her hair around her finger, as if she's a dragon playing with prey. "Why are you with them?" she suddenly asks. "You have potential, and the other one, too, but sticking with them will kill you."

I scowl. "I don't disagree." Why am I telling her everything? "But I won't leave Pustyn. I told her I never would; I'm not changing my mind. She'll hate me."

Ruby purses her bright red lips, and her forehead creases. "Why do you care?"

"What do you mean? She's my sister!" Like she would understand. "And either way..." I sigh. "Either way, nobody would welcome me. I have nowhere to go." Ruby tsks, and leans forward to stare me in the eyes.

"You could come to the right side. This side." she says. My eyes widen. Everyone says that I'm dark, that I'm a pessimist. But here, would that really be a bad thing? I have to admit I'm tempted. Honestly, the demons are winning the war so far. But is this a trick?


"Just say yes," Ruby says. "You're not like the others on your side. You're an outcast. But here, you could be somebody important,"


"Durpner, you want it. Don't think about what you have presumed "good", think about your sister. If we don't win this war, she'll be in danger."

"I will..." I mumble. Why is this so hard, to just say no? Deep down, I know. It's because everything she says is true.

"Do it, Durpner. If they don't understand, too bad. You are supposed to lead your life, not protect someone from theirs."

"I think..."

"Say yes,"



"I w..."


"Yes," I finally say. Ruby smiles, a real smile this time.

"The vampires should be on this side, all of us. The only reason we haven't won the war is because we're outnumbered. Maybe even your sister will join." I nod. "Good. and you can call me Ruby." I nod again, carefully. I hope this isn't a mistake...


"You're on their side now?" Chinglar repeats. "Why?"

"We are on the right side of the war. I know you lied about how it started- you already told us the beginning." I say. I don't feel guilty. I feel triumphant.

"You're a traitor." he says. "Do you realize that?"

"You should join us," I say. Chinglar pauses and looks at me dead in the eye.

"Never," he hisses. "I will kill you if we cross faces in battle again." I smirk. "The evil is getting to you, Durpner," Chinglar warns. My smirk widens. "You... What about Pustyn?"

"Pustyn is a crybaby. She should learn to protect herself."

"I am your enemy," Chinglar declares. I hiss.

"Yes, you are," he growls at this.

"I never want to see you again." I leave the room, ignoring him. Ruby is standing outside with Jaima.

"Good. You chose the right side," Jaima comments. I laugh.

"Of course I did." Ruby grins.

"So now, what are their tricks? And plans?"

"Easy. Shadow is a Duskor and Stefan's a Dawnor, there's Layla, a chingle. Apparently Chinglar wasn't the last. They have some sort of history with each other. Dracoponian is back with icesilver."

"The dragon? Yeah, he was also one of the few threats." Ruby comments. I say nothing. Is this the right choice? Or am I making a huge mistake?

"And their plan is to infiltrate the High Cliff prison, and break out the prisoners." Jaima jots something down on her notepad.

"That's all?"

"Yeah." I answer. "Either way, they're too predictable." We walk to a huge backyard. "Wait, where are we?"

"Oh. We're in a hidden fortress. It's used for a lot of things."

She trusts me. Should I really betray that? Ashden is the only other vampire who trusts me, and I broke that when I left. His heart was broken. Mine was, too, but I'm cold. I mend quickly. I never forget things, but I don't feel for them. My father's death was the only exception. I can't break someone else's trust. I never will. Shadow and Ashden were the last ones. I'm never going to do it again. I am going to stay with Ruby, not betray her. If Pustyn cares about me, then she'll understand.

"So, Ruby, you're the leader?" I ask.

"Sort of. I am of prisons and prison guarding, but with Jaima. We also make plans. Stuff like that."

"Oh." Jaima leaves. The backyard has a thin stream on the side of it, and apple trees, which are rare in this world. Ruby's gaze flickers to me.

"I..." she stops. "You must be having mixed feelings about this. I mean... Well, yeah." She pauses. I'm surprised. After almost burning me alive, she's actually... Caring. "Is it hard?"

"Yes." She looks at me. I suddenly notice that for a killer, her eyes are kind. She sighs.

"You know, I had a sister I had to leave behind, too," she says. "Jaima came with me to come to this side, but I ended up having to kill Larai." She winces.

"I'm sorry." She smiles at me sadly.

"It's alright. Just be ready. I wasn't. But you can be." I think about Pustyn. Would I ever really kill her? It would break me.

"I'll try. But I can't promise."

"That's good enough." Our eyes meet, and I grip her hand.

"But at least I'm with you. Otherwise, I don't know if I would switch sides. My friends- enemies- will call me a traitor. Chinglar already did. But my sister... If she said it..." Jaima opens the door, saving me from having to finish that sentence.

"Hey, I just told the others about our plan! It's really good. We'll surround the prison after they go in. A few select Vamcorl will go inside and attack them from there. Ruby, you will for sure. What about you, Durpner?"

"Oh, sure," I say. "But I don't have any weapons."

"Hm? That's okay. You can use the Rubyblade. Crystali will surely give it to you." I choke.

"Crystali? Apparently I'm destined to take the sword and kill her."

"Oh, that old myth? Yeah, it's not real. The elf was crazy. I mean, they all are!" Jaima explains.

"Oh." Really? It's not impossible; the "prophecy" was terrible... Jaima runs away, shouting Crystali's name. I look at Ruby.

"Funny how it's called the Rubyblade. Almost as if it's fate." she says.

"You know, everyone else says I'm dark and stuff, but on this side, I feel brighter, sort of. I can't really explain it." Ruby cocks her head to one side.

"I think you mean that you feel more free, like others understand you, and you don't have to make them. You just fit in here." My heart leaps.

"I fit in?" I ask. "You mean... I really, actually fit in?" Ruby giggles.

"What else could I mean?" I barely hear her.

"I fit in..." I repeat. "It feels amazing. How do Vamcorl feel like this at every second of their lives, but still get crazy and angry and sad?" I pause. "Wait, forget that. I'm sure I'll get mad sooner or later." I turn my head as Jaima returns, holding a sword. Its scabbard is golden, but I know it isn't gold. I gingerly take it and attach it to my belt, and then take it out. It feels light and heavy at the same time. The blade is black, the mantel is silver, and a ruby is embedded in part of it.

As I hold it, Jaima comments, "You're a natural. Most Vamcorl chop off somebody's fingers the first time they hold a sword."

"I thought it would be heavy," I say.

"They're built so that we can actually hold it," Ruby says. "Otherwise it wouldn't be very helpful."

"It's great," I put it back in the scabbard. "I'm going to get used to this." A loud bell rings. Ruby and Jaima start towards the door.

"We're under attack. Get ready to fight," Jaima shouts over the alarm. I nod and unsheathe the sword. I guess it's a usual thing to be attacked, due to everyone's calm expressions. Several elves rush in, accompanied by some griffins and a sky dragon. I take a stance beside Ruby and Jaima.

"Attack!" the lead elf shouts, rushing forwards towards Ruby. He blasts a purple web from his fingertips, trapping us. Ruby easily cuts through it with her hand. "But-"

"It's impenetrable and poisonous? Right," Ruby finishes, throwing a chakram at him. He falls to the ground, and I see blood pool out of his neck. The other attackers surround us. Jaima whips out an axe. Hmm. Not very fight-y, but whatever. Ruby continues throwing chakrams, as I take out my sword and fight a griffin. It shrieks as I slice off its tail, and I barely dodge its razor-sharp beak. My vampire instincts kick in and I bite its leg. It drops. It'll take a while to turn into a vampire, but it could be good, so I should just kill it. I plunge my sword into its neck and it stops breathing. Terrified, I stumble back. Only the dragon is left standing. Ruby and Jaima attack at the same time; it barely has a moment to take in where the attacks are coming from before it drops dead.

"Are all attempts as bad as this?" I ask, recovering and looking away from the griffin. Jaima nods. I snort. "How have we not won the war already?" Ruby shrugs.

"Well, we're winning, and there's not going to be a change in that."

"Yeah." Guards start to appear.

"Everyone, to the main room!" Ruby orders, her tone suddenly cold and commanding. How does she change so suddenly? "You! Ring the bell," A guard runs somewhere, and a bell rings loudly. The soldiers leave, and I go after them. I guess I'm one of them.

Ruby and Jaima walk into the room, which looks like an ultimate battlefield. The ground is rocky and grey, and the walls are smooth and sand-coloured. Large torches adorn them. But the part that reminded me most of a battlefield was the ceiling, which was engraved with a complicated circular symbol with swirls and symbols. At the very center of it was a beautiful glowing sword.

"Does anyone have challenges?" Jaima asks. I wonder what she means. "Wait. Before that, we have recruited a new guard. Durpner! Come here." I slowly walk onto the platform. "You will be second-in-command of Troup Three. They are in need of one." Jaima declares. "Go there." She nods towards a group of twelve huddled together. "Again, are there no challenges?" she asks.

A woman from my group, a demon with long, fiery hair, yells, "I have a challenge!"

"Against who?"

"Second-in-command Durpner. He has had no real battle training. How hard could it be?" Jaima pauses.

"Yes, and that could also prove his loyalty. Grenlisen the soldier challenges second-in-command Durpner! Accept or be banished!" Huh? I guess we fight for ranks?

I lift my chin in acceptance.

"I will judge the battle," Ruby says. I hear a murmur.

"Why's she so interested?"


"She never judges."

"Come here," she commands. We bow our heads and obey. "As challenged, Durpner may decide. Will you allow abilities or not?" I glare at my challenger.

"I allow," I bark. She smirks.

"To be defeated, you will either submit or die. Let the battle begin!" Ruby yells. Grelisen rushes at me head-on with smooth, fluent-like movements, kicking up dust. She draws her daggers. I sidestep and she smacks into the wall, too inexperienced to stop herself. The audience roars, some with laughter and some with anger. My opponent leaps at me again, then swings her muscular leg and trips me. She steps closer, ready to end the battle, but I regain my strength. Quickly, I channel my energy, which had time to grow, and let it travel from my heart to the tips of my toes. I release the energy, leaping up and front-flipping right over her. She growls, and the audience gasps.

"Fight me!" she slices at me.

"I don't have to. You'll defeat yourself," I dodge easily. Gleaming, icy shards blast out of her palm, sharp as knives. I leap away, and the shards hit the wall, which crumbles from impact. I jump behind her, and slice a bit of her hair off, with my eyes closed. Once I open them, I get shot at. My arm is frozen. She chuckles. I have to think of a plan, fast. So I let my body go limp, and when she gets close, I jolt up and stab her arm. Grelisen screams, and the ice melts as she loses concentration and strength.

"Little punk!" She hisses, clutching her wound and grasping both daggers in her other hand. This angers me. First of all, she's wider than me, but I'm pretty tall. But seriously, punk? What year does she live in? "Dumb rascal!" Is this some sort of insulting challenge? "Skinny rat!" What? In the battlefield, sometimes being skinny is good. Not always, I'll admit that.

"Incorrect, demon," I whisper, laughing. Before she can react, I leap onto her and pin her down, holding my sword dangerously close to her neck. "Submit," I yell. "This battle is over!" Grelisen cowers.

"I submit," she whines.


"I SUBMIT!" I let her go, and she backs away, utter terror -of me- written on her face. She bows her head slightly and runs to her place.

"I declare Durpner as the winner!" Ruby shouts. Now, Jaima takes over.

"Any other challenges?" Nobody perks up. "Well, then, th-"

"I challenge," Ruby says. Jaima freezes. "There is only one way I can be higher in hierarchy- if I am the lone ruler. Jaima, I challenge you." I hold my breath. Jaima shudders.

"I accept. The loser will..."

"This is for absolute leadership. Rules state that this is to the death." I step back.

"Yes. The battle..." Everyone's eyes widen. "Will begin. Now." Jaima grips her axe, and they both immediately vanish in a plume of purple smoke. When it clears, they have morphed into small fruit bats. I narrow my eyes. I can learn from this match. Ruby dives, her wings pinned against her back. She is engulfed in a comet and spreads out her wings. They're newly sword-sharp. I wonder how... Jaima does the same, and they collide, turning into their true vampire forms as they touch the ground. Jaima takes her dagger and swings it like a boomerang. Ruby leans back just in time, as if doing the limbo, and the dagger grazes her neck and hits the wall. She pays no attention to her wound, which is only a small cut, and draws a chakram from her sleeve, backflipping into the air and throwing the weapon. I swear she winked at me during the motion, and I have no idea how she managed to flirt in a life or death situation.

The metal disk flies across the platform, nailing Jaima in the arm, and, in pain, she drops her axe. She grits her fangs and leaps to take the axe back. Once she grips it, Ruby leaps up and kicks her in the stomach, leaving punctures. As she front flips over her, I notice a giant, sharp spike at the back of each of her heels. Jaima yells something, and spins with her axe as Ruby comes near. Ruby's leg gets nicked by the tip of the axe, and I, along with lots of others in the crowd, yell in defiance.

"Ruby! Find her weak spot!"

"Jaima, you can do it!"

"All hail Ruby!"

"Jaima! You can win this easily!"

"Ruby!" I scream, "Her stomach! And neck! The vital organ in her neck!" Ruby freezes for half a second, and then throws a single chakram. Jaima deflects it with her axe, leaving the vulnerable spot. "NOW!" I yell. Ruby, thinking the same, lets a chakram spin towards her neck. Jaima deflects it once again, and I sigh. Suddenly, Ruby's sister jumps for her, swinging her axe and catching her arm. Ruby closes her eyes, and I look at her in confusion. Jaima wastes no second; she looks awfully scared as she swings her weapon. Ruby rapidly turns to a bat, does the comet-bomb thing, and bashes into Jaima. As she falls back, Ruby transforms back into a vampire and holds a chakram to Jaima's neck. She barely breaks a sweat.

"So?" Ruby hisses. "Anything you've got to say, sister?" Jaima scowls.

"Hope you like being in charge." I look away, knowing what Ruby is doing, and when I look back, we start to cheer.


"Yes! Good fight, Ruby!"

"You won! I knew you would!"

"Any other challenges?" Ruby asks. Nobody volunteers. "Good. As you all know, if there is a single ruler, I need a second-in-command. It is tradition, law. Are there any-" Several soldiers jump up. Ruby scans them. "No, none of you are fit to be general; none of you have the wits, except one." Her icy gaze locks with mine. "General Durpner." She whisks away, leaving me. The other guards complain.

"No fair!"

"Come on!"

"Hmmph. I should've been chosen, not some twerp." I spin around to meet my challengers. I didn't ask for this, but I won't face the humiliation. Most of the soldiers back down at my glare.

"Who here really wants to fight me for this?" I ask. Grenlisen steps forward.

"Me! I went easy on you, because I thought you were weak; I didn't know you had practice." I stare at her. She smirks slightly. "What? Too afraid?" My fingers hover over my sword.

"I've had no practice. If you think I've had it, you don't want to know what would happen if I did." Grenlisen raises her fist.

"Do you want to know how powerful I am?" She asks, readying herself to fight. I hold her flaming blue-and-red glare.

"I already do." She hisses and punches at me. I catch her fists and kick her stomach. She yelps.

"Pathetic general!" she screeches.

"Do you really think that?" I let a hint of threat creep into my calm tone.

"I- Ugh! I'm sorry, General." she nods at me, and I nod back.

"Don't be stupid. One day you'll challenge someone that will kill you, if you keep on like this. Attacking me twice in an afternoon." Grenlisen's cronies tense themselves, as if to argue, and then think better of it. They're scared of me, I'm with Ruby, and I'm important. I think I'll get to like this.

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