The Marauder's Tale [MOONY...

By SwiftyLacus13

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The adventure of MOONY, WORMTAIL, PADFOOT, & PRONGS in their 7 years of stay at HOGWARTS. DISCLAIMER: I do N... More

I. The Journey Begins
II. The Sorting
III. The Friendship Begins
IV. Absence and Infatuation
V. Misadventure
VI. Christmas
VII. Friends and Enemies
VIII. The Invisibility Cloak
IX. The First Exams
X. The Second Year Begins
XI. Quidditch Tryouts
XII. Putting the Pieces Together
XIII. Confrontation
XIV. Answers
XV. Spells and Hexes
XVI. Practicing
XVII. Getting Caught
XVIII. Summer
XIX. The Third Year
XX. Hogsmeade
XXI. Invincible
XXII. Fallible
XXIII. Recovery
XXIV. Fourth Year
XXV. The Horror of War
XXVI. Moving On
XXVII. New Information
XXVIII. Closer
XXIX. Fifth Year
XXX. Success
XXXII. The Full Moon
XXXIII. Hogwarts by Moonlight
XXXIV. Boys and Girls
XXXV. ---
XXXVI. Sixth Year
XXXVII. The Tangled Web
XXXVIII. The Awkward Stage
XXXIX. Making It Work
XL. The Prank
XLI. Growing Up
XLII. Seventh Year
XLIII. To Prove Himself
XLIV. Marauding with Caution
XLV. The First Date
XLVI. Admissions
XLVII. Exposed Secret
XLVIII. What Could Have Been
XLIX. The Dating Game
L. Holidays
LI. Heroes in Training
LII. Realization
LIII. Traumas Large and Small
LIV. N.E.W.T.s
LV. The End?

XXXI. Dates in Hogsmeade

302 4 0
By SwiftyLacus13

"Hey," Peter said, sitting down with his friends in the Great Hall for breakfast. "Did you guys see the notice on the bulletin board in the common room?"

"No," Sirius said. "Why would I read the bulletin board?"

"You'll appreciate this one," Peter replied. "The first Hogsmeade weekend is in two weeks."

"Really?" Sirius asked, his eyes lighting up. "I've missed Hogsmeade since last year."

"Yeah, you're nearly out of Zonko's products," Remus laughed.

James remained silent. He glanced over at Lily, who was sitting with Kathleen. Sirius watched James for a moment, and realized what was going through his head.

"Are you thinking of asking Miss Lily to go with you again?" Sirius asked.

"What if I am?" James asked defensively.

"Whoa, back off, mate," Sirius said, holding up his hands. "It was just a question."

James sighed. "Yeah, I'm thinking of asking her again." He looked around at all three of his best friends. "Do you guys think that's a bad idea?"

"No," Remus said slowly, "I don't think it's a bad idea."

"Really?" James asked, brightening instantly.

"Well, when you asked her before, we were all third years. Just little kids, really. But now we're older, and I think that both of you would handle it better."

"And you guys wouldn't mind me going on a date during a Hogsmeade weekend?"

Remus shook his head. "That's a week before the full moon. We'll have plenty of time to spend together."

The three boys looked at one another. This would be the first full moon since they had learned to transform, and they were all a bit apprehensive about it. No one seemed to know quite what to say after Remus' observation. Finally, Sirius was the one to break the silence that had fallen.

"Look, I have an idea. Why don't we make this our date weekend? We can each invite a girl, and all go our separate ways. Remus is right; we'll have plenty of opportunities to spend unlimited time together."

The others nodded their agreement, each trying to decide whom he would ask. They had never done anything like this before during a Hogsmeade weekend - usually they opted to stay together. The more they thought about it, the more excited they became. When they looked at each other again, they were all grinning. Now all they had to do was to find the girls they wanted to ask.


Sirius made up his mind in an instant. He was going to ask Bree Carson, the fourth year Remus had caught him winking at during the opening feast. She was a sweet girl, and extremely pretty. Sirius had spoken to her since then, and flirted with her shamelessly, but had not yet had the opportunity to spend any quality time with her. He finally had his chance.

He was completely confident that Bree would go with him. After all, what girl would turn down a date with Sirius Black? Sirius was very handsome, and knew it; he also knew that girls watched him walk down the halls of Hogwarts, and giggled with their friends about how cute he was. Yes, Bree would certainly agree to go with him.

He found her after lunch, making her way out of the Great Hall with her friends. He looked at his own friends, who immediately knew, even without words, what he was asking.

"We'll see you in Charms," James said quickly. "Come on, guys."

Sirius didn't watch them leave. He knew they would. He took a deep breath, and walked quickly across the room to catch up with Bree.

"Bree?" he said as he closed in on her.

She turned quickly, and flushed when she saw who was calling her. "Yes?"

Sirius looked around at her friends. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Bree flushed an even deeper shade of red. "All right," she agreed. "I'll see you girls in Potions, okay?"

"Sure, Bree," one of them said. She glanced at Sirius, who gave her a grin, and then led her friends away.

"What's going on, Sirius?" Bree asked.

Sirius grinned, and ran his hand through his hair. He realized how much he looked like James, and quickly put the hand into the pocket of his robes. Unlike James, however, his hair fell perfectly across his forehead.

"I've just been informed that this weekend is a Hogsmeade weekend," he said.

Bree's breath caught in her throat. Was he asking what she thought he was asking? "Yes, I saw that notice," she said, hating herself for not coming up with something wittier when she was talking to Sirius Black of all people.

"Well," Sirius said, grinning again, and leaning in toward her ever so slightly, "I was wondering if you'd please go with me."

A smile broke out across her face, causing her blue eyes to twinkle. "I'd love to," she grinned. "That would be great."

"Excellent," Sirius beamed. "Shall we meet in the common room at eleven?"

"Sounds perfect," Bree replied.

"We should get to class," Sirius said, glancing at his watch. "You're going to Potions?"


"Let me walk you."

"Oh, Sirius, you don't have to -"

"I know," he interrupted. "I want to."

Her cheeks flushed again. "All right, then."

Sirius grinned, and offered her his arm. She laughed, and accepted it. As they walked off together, Bree was sure that she was the luckiest girl in Hogwarts.


Remus, too, had already decided who he would ask. He wanted to go with Laura Bond. He had gotten to know her a bit better, as they were assigned to patrol duty together one night a week. Still, he was very nervous about asking her to go to Hogsmeade with him.

He waited until that evening to do it. He had patrol duty with her, which would provide the perfect opportunity. They would be alone, and he wouldn't have to worry about others overhearing them if she said no.

All through dinner, he watched her, sitting at the Ravenclaw table among a large group of her friends. He barely listened to Sirius, who was extolling the virtues of his lovely Bree, or Peter, who was telling him that he was starting to sound like James. James, like Remus, was oddly quiet, watching the object of his affection from afar.

After dinner, Sirius had plans to study with Bree, who apparently needed help with her Potions assignment. James and Peter were going to the library to work on Transfiguration. Remus decided to go with them until his patrol time. He didn't think he could handle sitting alone in the common room.

The hands of the clock had never moved so slowly. Finally, at a quarter till nine, Remus rose from his seat.

"I have to go - patrol duty, you know," he said.

James and Peter nodded. They both knew that this was far more than just a normal patrol for their friend.

"Good luck," Peter said simply as Remus started to walk away.

Remus raised his hand to acknowledge the sentiment, and continued his progress out of the library. He walked straight to the prefects' lounge, where he was to meet Laura. He only had to wait a moment before she appeared.

She looked beautiful. He didn't know what it was about her, but somehow she made their uniform robes look stunning. He grinned as she approached.

"Hey," he said softly.

"How are you?" she replied.

"Fine. You?"

"Great," she said. She laughed. "Well, I'd be even better if we didn't have to do this tonight."

"Oh?" As soon as the moment had passed, three different witty comments he could have - should have - made ran through his head. Wait a minute. Was she trying to say she didn't want to be here with him?

"It's nothing against you!" Laura exclaimed, guessing what was going through his mind. "I just have a lot of work to do for Ancient Runes, and I'd rather get that done than wander around looking for troublemakers."

"Oh," Remus said, feeling rather relieved. "Well, I'm sure there are about ten different things I could be working on, too."

Laura smiled. "Well, shall we start?"

"Sure," Remus said.

They walked along together, chatting companionably. Remus was quieter than usual, a result of being more nervous than usual. He didn't know how to ask her. Sirius and James were the ones who were good at this sort of thing - not him. Laura noticed that he was quiet, but didn't comment. If he wanted to tell her what was bothering him, he would.

They finished their patrol, and he still hadn't asked her. They returned to the prefects' lounge, and made their report of the night's events - or lack thereof, as Laura pointed out. It had been a very easy patrol. Remus was glad. He didn't know how much he could handle in his current state.

"Well, I guess this is good night, then," Laura said as they left the lounge.

"Laura, wait," Remus said. He had to do it before she left. If he missed this chance, he would never be able to do it.

"Yes?" she asked.

He couldn't do it. "Let me walk you to your common room."

She raised her eyebrows. "You don't need to do that. Nothing dangerous is happening tonight."

"Plenty of dangerous stuff could be happening," Remus replied. "We can't see everything, can we?"

"No, I suppose not," she smiled.

"You'll let me make sure you get back safely, then?"

"All right."

They walked to the Ravenclaw common room in comparative silence. When they arrived, Laura turned to Remus with a smile.

"Here we are - safe and sound," she said.

"Here we are," he echoed. It was his last chance. "Laura, there's something I need to ask you."

"What is it?"

He wanted desperately to clasp his hands in nervousness, but knew that would look odd. He settled for shoving them in his pockets. "Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?"

Laura's face lit up with a smile. "Really? I'd love to go with you, Remus."

"Really?" he asked, his own face relaxed into a smile. "Thanks, Laura."

She laughed. "You don't have to thank me. It will be great to go with you." She looked at him for a moment. "Is that why you haven't been yourself all night? Because you were worried about asking me?"

"Yeah," Remus said, grinning sheepishly. He removed his hands from his pockets, and shrugged. "You're a bit intimidating, you know."

She laughed again. "You shouldn't have worried. You should have known I'd say yes."

"And how was I supposed to know that?" he asked.

She smiled. "You're a very sweet person, Remus Lupin." She leaned in to him, and stood up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "Thank you for seeing me back to my common room. We'll talk about the details tomorrow, okay?"

"Great," Remus said in a slightly strangled voice. "Good night, Laura."

"Good night."


"So when are you going to ask Lily?" Peter asked. He and James were making their way back to the common room, having finished their work in the library.

"The next time I see her," James replied. "Bree has already agreed to go with Sirius, and I'm sure Laura will say yes to Remus. That leaves you and me. Who are you asking?"

Peter shrugged, looking uncomfortable. "I'm not sure."

"All right," James said, trying a different track, "who would you like to ask?"

"I'd like to ask Kathleen," Peter admitted. "She's really pretty, and she's really nice."

"She is," James agreed. "Why don't you ask her, then?"

Peter shook his head. "She'd say no."

"You don't know that for sure."

"Come on, James," Peter laughed. "I'm not like Sirius. I can't just charm girls into going to Hogsmeade with me."

"You don't need to be like Sirius," James said. "Just be yourself."

Peter shook his head. "I don't know."

"Give it a shot," James encouraged.

Peter was about to reply, but saw someone who made him forget what he was going to say. "Look," he hissed, "there's Lily."

James followed Peter's line of vision, and saw Lily coming toward the portrait hole from the opposite direction. "Go on without me," he said quickly. "I'll see you in the common room."

Peter nodded. "Good luck."

"Thanks," James grinned, "but I don't think I'll need it." He ran his hand through his hair, ruffling it to look windswept. He turned from Peter, and headed toward Lily.

Lily saw him coming, and sighed. He looked like a man on a mission. "Hi, Potter," she said.

"Hey, Evans," James said easily. "What's going on?"

"Not much," she said. "Just headed back to the common room."

"Me, too," James replied. He fell into step beside her. "Hey, I need to ask you something." He remembered his mistake from the last time he had asked her to go to Hogsmeade with him, and knew that he had to phrase his request as a question.

"What's that?" Lily asked.

"Did you see the notice about Hogsmeade?" He stopped walking, and she stopped with him.

"Yes," Lily replied. She had a feeling she knew what was coming.

James messed up his hair again, trying to remind her that he was one of the Gryffindor Quidditch stars. "Well, do you think you'd like to go with me? You know, as a date?"

Even though she had been expecting it, Lily was a bit surprised. He hadn't asked her out since third year, and he wasn't much better at it now. "No," she said quickly, and a bit rudely. "I don't think I would."

James looked shocked, almost as though she had slapped him. "Oh," he said, his cheeks turning red. "Well, all right, then. See you around." He began to walk away quickly, leaving her standing alone in the corridor.

Lily watched him go, her feelings swirling around like leaves in a stiff breeze. She didn't want to go with him, but it wasn't like last time. She wasn't angry, she wasn't offended. She was . . .

"Shit," she muttered to herself. "What's wrong with me?"

"Lily Evans, did I just hear you swearing?" Dana asked cheerfully as she walked down the hall.

"Dana," Lily said.

"God, Lils, what's wrong?" Dana asked as she drew level with her friend.

"I just turned James Potter down for a date," she said softly.

"And this is news?" Dana asked. "You don't like James. You've made that abundantly clear."

"I know," Lily replied. "But it's different this time."

"Different how?"

"I don't know," Lily said miserably.

Dana looked at her for a moment, then pulled her into an embrace. "Look, Lils, we're all growing up," she said quietly. "We're not the same little girls we used to be, and James isn't the same little boy. Maybe your feelings for him are changing."

Lily shook her head. "He's still an arrogant prat. He's just better at hexing people now."

"And you think he's funny now," Dana smiled. She pulled Lily away, holding her by the shoulders. "Admit it. Part of you wanted to laugh when you saw him hex that little Hufflepuff first year last week"

Lily shook her head. "That was wrong. He shouldn't have done it."

"But the Jelly-Legs Jinx is funny."

"Yeah, it is," Lily said, smiling reluctantly.

Dana smiled, and gave her a shake. "You need to sort out your feelings."

"I know," Lily sighed. "I know."


After being rejected by Lily, James couldn't bring himself to ask another girl. His friends felt for him, but were surprised by his lack of confidence.

"James, be serious," Sirius said. "Half the girls at Hogwarts are dying to date you."

"What about the other half?" Peter laughed.

"Well, they're dying to date me," Sirius said with a cheeky grin.

"Shut it," James said. "I'll ask someone else next time, okay?"

"I'll hang out with you, James," Peter said.

"You haven't asked anyone?" Sirius asked.

Peter shook his head. "And I won't," he said. "I'll ask someone next time, too."

Sirius nodded his agreement. "We'll make the Hogsmeade weekends our date time," he said. "We can hang out together other times."

"Fair enough," Remus agreed. He was still riding high from Laura's acceptance of his offered date.

"Agreed," James and Peter said together.

James wondered how many of these "dates" he would be spending with Peter. He had to pull himself together. Sirius was right. He was a Quidditch star, and a popular guy. Half the girls at Hogwarts were sure to want to go out with him. Lily just happened to be in the other half - and he didn't mean the half that wanted to go out with Sirius.

On Saturday, James and Peter headed off to Hogsmeade together. They passed Lily, Dana, and Kathleen, who were also going together. Olivia wasn't with them. James knew that she was going with a Ravenclaw sixth year, Troy McDougall. He had teased her about dating the competition, but she had brushed him off. James sighed as he watched Lily laughing with her friends. Why couldn't it be him who made her laugh?

"Is it too hard to see her?" Peter asked.

"I have to get over it," James replied. "I don't know why she turned me down, but I have to get past it."

"You didn't ask why?"

James shook his head. "I don't want to know. It'll just make me self- conscious the next time I ask her out." He looked at his friend. "Because I will ask her out again, Peter. We were meant to be together. She just needs time to realize that."

Peter nodded slowly. "Of course, James," he murmured.

"Come on," James said, "let's go to Zonko's."


Sirius met Bree promptly at eleven in the common room. She looked lovely, as always, and smiled brightly at him.

"Hey, beautiful," Sirius grinned as she walked up to him. He leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Ready for a fun-filled day?"

"Absolutely," she grinned.

"Well, then, let's get going!"

They chatted easily as they walked to Hogsmeade, planning their day. Bree suggested that they start at Honeyduke's, which Sirius agreed was a good plan.

"I have an incredible sweet tooth," she confessed.

"Really?" Sirius grinned. "I didn't know that."

"You've obviously never seen me loose in Honeyduke's!" she laughed.

"Well, I guess I'm about to." He held the candy store's door open, allowing her to pass before him.

Bree was right - she loved candy. She couldn't make up her mind about what to buy, so Sirius offered to buy something for her.

"You don't have to do that!" she exclaimed.

"Are you turning down candy?" Sirius laughed.

"Good point. I should never do that!" she replied with a grin.

Sirius carried their purchases out of the store. He shifted the bags to one hand, and took hers with the other. "Where to next?" he asked.

She glanced down at their clasped hands, and up at him. With a grin, she laced her fingers through his. Sirius grinned back.

"Let's just walk around for awhile," she suggested.

Sirius nodded his approval. "Great idea."

They walked slowly around the village, talking and getting to know one another better. Sirius learned that Bree's father was a wizard, but her mother was a Muggle. She loved animals, and liked spending time with Hagrid and his pets. Like Sirius, she felt that rules were made to be broken, and couldn't resist a dare - she would even try something dangerous if it was offered up as a dare.

"You don't get enough danger from Hagrid's pets?" Sirius teased.

"Impossible," she replied, her eyes twinkling.

"What kind of dares have you done?"

"Oh, anything," she replied. "There was this stupid dare about making a wish. So, I ran up to the astronomy tower at three in the morning, and shouted that I wanted to kiss -" She stopped herself abruptly.

"Who?" Sirius laughed. "Professor Flitwick?"

"No," she said.

"Who, then?" he asked. "Come on, you have to tell me. I dare you."

She made a face at him. "Did you have to dare me?"

"Yes," he replied. "I want a straight answer from you. I dare you to tell me the truth about who you wanted to kiss."

She looked down, and then back up at him. "You," she said softly.

Sirius grinned, and stopped walking. "Really?"

She nodded. "Really."

"Did you really mean it? Or did you just scream it because it was a dare?"

"No, I really meant it," she replied, her face turning about twelve shades of red.

"Well," he said, drawing her close, "all you had to do was ask."

And there, in the middle of the crowded Hogsmeade street, Bree and Sirius both got their wish as he kissed her. She couldn't believe what was happening, but didn't protest or pull away, even when he drew her closer and their kiss deepened. It was Sirius who finally broke the kiss.

"I think I've had enough of Hogsmeade," he said.

"Really?" Bree murmured, still a bit dazed from the kiss.

"Mm-hmm," he said. He trailed his fingers along her cheek. "What do you say we check out the undoubtedly deserted common room?"

"Sounds perfect," she said with a giggle.


Remus met Laura in the Great Hall. He arrived earlier than the appointed time, and waited nervously for her to appear. She was a bit early herself, and both their faces lit up with smiles when they made eye contact.

"Hey," Remus said.

"Hey, yourself," she replied.

"Shall we go, then?"

"Sure," she said.

He lightly touched the small of her back to steer her in front of him. "Where did you want to go first?"

"I don't know," she said. "Shall we just window shop for awhile, and see what strikes us?"

"Sure," Remus agreed.

"So," Laura said as they walked, "tell me all about Remus."

"There's not much to tell," Remus replied. "I'm pretty boring. I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I'm the doted-upon only child. Actually, coming to Hogwarts is a relief."

"Your parents smother you?"

"They try to. What about you? Tell me about Laura."

She smiled. "I have three brothers and three sisters. I'm far from the doted-upon only child."

"Really?" Remus asked, raising his eyebrows. "Do your brothers and sisters all go to Hogwarts, too?"

She shook her head. "I'm Muggle-born. Only one of my sisters is magical. She's a first year in Ravenclaw with me. The rest are Muggles like my parents."

"They're all older, then?"

"My sister the witch is the youngest," she affirmed. "And can you believe that my other sisters and brothers actually refer to us like that? 'My sisters the witches' - it's ridiculous!"

Remus laughed. "But with that many siblings, it must be nice to have some sort of distinction."

"True," Laura replied. She shivered slightly.

"Are you cold?" Remus asked. "Come on, let's go to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer."

Laura nodded her agreement, and Remus led the way to the bar. He chose a table toward the back, thinking that it would be quiet enough that they could continue talking. Madam Rosmerta came over to take their orders.

"Without your friends today?" she asked conversationally.

"We decided to go our separate ways this time around," Remus replied.

She glanced at Laura, and smiled. "Fair enough. What will it be?"

"Two butterbeers," Remus said, glancing at Laura for her approval. She nodded.

"Be back in a moment," Madam Rosmerta said, heading back toward the bar.

"You know her?" Laura asked.

"The guys and I usually stop to chat with her when we come in," Remus replied.

"That's nice of you."

"I'm sure plenty of other people do it."

Laura shook her head. "My friends and I never have. We just place our orders and move on. We never stopped to think about the people who work here." She looked thoughtful. "That's really cool that you do that."

Remus flushed slightly. "Thanks."

They continued talking as they drank their butterbeer. Outside the confines of the castle walls, they were both inclined to speak more freely. Remus found him falling even harder for the pretty girl sitting across from him.

As they left the Three Broomsticks, Remus reached down to take Laura's hand, lacing his fingers through hers. She smiled at him, and gripped his hand firmly.

"I'm glad you agreed to come with me today," he said softly.

"I'm glad you asked," she replied, her own voice just as soft.


James and Peter walked through the portrait hole together. They had come back from Hogsmeade a bit earlier than usual. After noticing for the first time exactly how many people visited the village on dates, they lost their desire to be there. Neither of them was prepared for the sight that met their eyes as they entered the common room.

Sirius and Bree were lying on the couch, snogging as though they would never get another chance. James and Peter stopped short, and looked at one another in shock. James looked back at the extremely happy couple, and laughed.

"Don't mind us," he said loudly. "We'll just walk through the COMMON ROOM- you know, the room ANYONE can walk through - and go on to the dormitory."

Sirius practically jumped off Bree. "Potter, you arse!" he exclaimed. "Don't you knock?"

James laughed. "Not to get through the portrait hole, mate. I'd advise you two to get a room - perhaps something more private than the common room."

Bree squeaked, her face beet red with embarrassment. "Maybe I'll just see you later, Sirius." She climbed off the couch, looking as though she could barely remember how to get to her dormitory.

"Wait a minute, you," he said. He caught her around the waist, and pulled her back down into his lap, kissing her again. "I'll definitely see you later, won't I?"

"Absolutely." She kissed him once more, then slid off his lap, trying to straighten her hair. "See you around, boys."

"See you later," James said cheerfully. He waited until Bree was headed up the stairs to the dormitory, then collapsed next to Sirius on the sofa. "I take it you had a good time?"

"The best," Sirius grinned. "That girl is amazing."

The portrait hole opened, and Remus climbed through it with a goofy grin on his face. He looked startled at the sight of his friends.

"I didn't know you were all here," he said.

"Well, Peter and I have only been here for about ten minutes," James said. "But Sirius has been here considerably longer."

Sirius grinned. "It's been a lovely afternoon."

Remus laughed, taking in his friend's disheveled state. "Snogged her, did you?"

"Oh, yeah," Sirius grinned.

Remus laughed again, and shook his head.

"What about you and Laura?" Sirius asked.

"Kissed her," Remus said. "No snogging."

"Ah, well, there's always next time."

Remus nodded. "She already agreed to go with me next time." He looked at James. "And we're going to your first Quidditch match together."

"Whoa," Peter said. "This is getting pretty serious already."

Remus grinned. "She's really special."

The portrait hole opened again, and Lily, Dana, and Kathleen came in, talking and laughing. James watched Lily for a moment, then looked at Remus.

"Yeah," he said softly, "I know what you mean."

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