If Only You Knew

By bradleemorris

9.9K 424 178

Harry Potter runs into none other than Draco Malfoy, four years after the war. The two discover that maybe 'h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
A/N and Sequel?

Chapter 9

251 12 6
By bradleemorris

After meeting with Pansy, Harry rushed home. He wanted to know if Draco got any of the jobs he interviewed for. Much to his disappointment, Draco wasn't back yet. 

Harry sighed and sat down on the couch. His mind trailed to the conversation with Draco earlier. "The Snatchers. Merlin, I was so close to being dead and then, he lied. He lied and said he wasn't sure. Of course he knew. I could see it in his eyes. Why did he save me? Was he just trying to keep Voldemort from winning? Why does it seem like that's not it? I remember Draco looked so sexy that year. He didn't gel his hair. I could've died just from looking at him. It was like his hair this morning. I wonder if he realized that he never fixed it before leaving. Oh well... it's rewarding for me. I wonder what he would l-" Harry's thoughts were interrupted by none other than Ron Weasley's head poking up into his fireplace. "Oh, hey Ron. I didn't know we were firecalling today." Harry said to the face in the fire. "Hey mate, no we weren't, just wanted to check up on you. You wanna come over to visit? Mione and I both agree we need to visit with you more often." Harry chuckled. "Sure, I'll step through." Ron quickly said "ok mate" before disappearing from the fire. Harry grabbed Floo powder, stepped into the fire, dropped the powder and shouted "Weasley-Granger residence". 


Draco stepped through the front door as the green flames in the fire disappeared. Harry had just left. Draco sighed. He went to his room and changed into a more casual outfit. While doing so, he recalled his conversation with Harry that day. "I remember that moment, that day. Seeing Harry lying dead in that oaf of a half-breed's arms. My Harry... dead. I was on the verge of tears but I couldn't show it. My life was over. The love of my life... dead. I wasn't listening to that noseless arse's speech but I definitely missed something. My parents called me over and I knew I had to obey them. While on my way there, the arse hugged me. Ugh, such filth. I hate this man and he's hugging me, he just killed Harry and I'm just letting him touch me. I shouldn't have let that happen and since I wasn't listening to his speech, I'm not even sure why he hugged me. I continued on, walking to my mum, who greeted me with a comforting hug. She knew I liked Harry, she knew I was hurting so much. Then Longbottom started talking about Merlin knows what, and my eyes trailed over to Harry. He was moving. He rolled out of Hagrid's arms and before I even realized what I was doing, I ran to him. I may have shouted "Potter!" Mother says I did but I don't remember much from that moment. I threw Harry my wand. He didn't have his wand and I didn't want to see him die again because of it. My mum quickly grabbed me and led me away from him, from everyone." 

Draco sobbed quietly for a few minutes before he decided he should go see Pansy. She could cheer him up. He apparated to her office, and entered, without knocking.

Harry landed in Ron and Hermione's fireplace with a thud. He looked up to see his two best friends looking down at him. They held out their hands and helped Harry up. He pulled them into a tight hug. "Oh, I've missed them." Harry thought and pulled his friends in tighter. 

"Good to see you too, mate." Ron smiled. "Oh Harry, you must come to visit us more often," Hermione said sternly but with a hint of kindness. "Also you must tell us everything." Harry looked at Hermione, confused. "Everything?" Hermione giggled. "About you and Malfoy!" Harry's face fell. "There's nothing to tell Mione." He replied. Ron laughed. "Yea, sure mate. You move in with the boy you've been obsessed with since first year and 'there's nothing to tell". Harry glared at his two friends. "I'm not obsessed with Draco," Harry said stubbornly. "Mkay," Hermione said and walked away. 

"Mione, wait," Harry called after her. She turned around. "Yes, Harry?" Harry blushed. "I'll tell you everything." 

An hour later the Golden Trio were all curled up together on the couch, laughing, smiling and talking about a certain blonde. "Wait, so the ferret and you actually have matching tattoos?" Ron asked for the third time. "Weren't you listening, Ronald? The answer is yes!" Hermione rolled her eyes at him. Harry looked at Ron with a death glare and spoke sharply. "Don't call him that." Ron nodded quickly. He did not want to mess with Harry. "You guys are totally in love, you know," Hermione said to Harry with a smirk on her face. "It's adorable." Harry suddenly felt uneasy "I have somewhere I need to be. I'll firecall you later." He said and disapparated away.

Draco walked into Pansy's office to find her in a hot make-out session with Blaise. "Oh good, Blaise is here too," Draco said, completely ignoring the fact that his friends were glaring daggers at him. "What's up Dray?" Pansy asked, getting out of Blaise's lap. "I was thinking about the war and Harry and seeing him dead and- I ca- I-I can't," Draco muttered softly. 

"Oh, Dray. It's ok. Harry is alive. You don't need to worry." She whispered, softly. Draco looked at Pansy. "Thanks, Pans." He whispered back and Pansy just nodded. 

"Is that the only reason you came, mate?" Blaise piped up. Pansy shot a glare at him. "Sorry," he mouthed back at her. 

"No, it's not. I want to tell you about everything that's happened since Harry and I moved in together." He explained to his friends. They nodded, allowing him to proceed. 

By the end, Pansy was smiling a wicked grin. "You woke up cuddling? Aweeee!" She squealed. Blaise just looked like he wanted to puke. "I think he loves you mate." He told Draco. Draco froze. Then he remembered that he had to do something and quickly said his goodbyes before apparating to Diagon Alley and darting into Magical Menagerie before closing time.

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