
By PurplePillow

545K 13.4K 3.5K

Five years down the road, Em left Blake when she caught him naked and next to a certain blonde. With her, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

19.6K 454 82
By PurplePillow

♡ Em's POV ♡

Although I was certain that this Jared Collins was 'irrevocably and unconditionally in love' with Valeria, I still needed to spice her up a little to give Jared a pleasant surprise.

That was why I was waiting in my Mercedes in the carpark of my old high school, just for her. What a special girl she was, that I had to ask Darren to take my place to meet up with a business executive. That I had to sacrifice family time with Elliot. Because Angel said I had to, and apparently, I couldn't disobey her.

It was currently two fifty-eight in the afternoon, and she was due to be out in two minutes. I know, I was like a time Nazi now, probably due to the time I had to manage when I had just graduated from college; it had been hard - I was just a sales person at that time, always rushing here and there, and also trying to be a good mother to Elliot. It made me into the perfectionist I am today.

Speaking of which, I caught a glimpse of her muddy brown hair, and wound down my window to gesture for her to get in. For such a smart girl, she could be a little slow.

When she'd finally gotten in, and was comfortably seated in the passenger seat, I glanced at her clothes distastefully. Not that it was that terrible; my dressing back in the day was much worse than hers. But, I used to wear it proudly, no matter how unfashionable it was. Valeria looked like she was ashamed of herself, and her hunch was making her look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

"Valeria, sit straight," I reminded her as politely as I could. She made a gagging noise at the back of her throat in protest, but straightened herself.

"So, where are we going?" She asked, drumming her fingers against her brown colored corduroy pants. She seemed bolder now that she wasn't with her peers. It kind of reminded me of myself. I was always happier when alone, or with my best friend, just like her. It was kind of like me against the rest of the world.

"We're going to where I suffered during my time in the stupid game."

We reached the darned Crossland Mall in five minutes, maximum. I hadn't come here ever again after that time, and boy, was it looking new. They must've renovated the whole place! Back when I had come, it was sort of run down, and not many people shopped there. Now, it was packed, bustling with activity, and it had modern architecture.

"The stuff here looks pretty expensive," Valeria commented, looking out of the window. I snorted, nodding in agreement. The shops here were pretty expensive, but Angel had agreed to pay for her, so I wanted to spend as much as possible. Starting from... True Religion.

"I just found the perfect shop to start."

Walking into True Religion made me scrunch up my face slightly. Everyone shopping there was dressed fashionably, and they would stop shopping once and then to give Valeria and me a once-over. I wasn't really worried about myself; I was wearing a H&M spring collection apple green pleat mini dress that I had bought awhile back, and black pumps. It was in fashion. What I was worried about was that everyone's wandering eyes found their way to Valeria, where she hunched in her brown Gap hoodie and corduroy pants.

I could understand how Angel felt when she took me shopping here. I was such a fashion disaster, and it was totally embarrassing for her. Also, I felt quite bad for Valeria who was getting mental attacks by those stuck up shoppers.

"Hey, Valeria. You just stay seated for a moment, and I'll go find an assistant to help you get a whole outfit. Then, you can change into that and we'll buy it, kapish?" I softened my voice a little, knowing that I had been really harsh on her. She seemed surprised by the change in my tone, but nodded and sat down.

I walked to the 'Skinny Jeans' rack, and started rummaging through them, determined to find the perfect pair for Valeria. I didn't really need help, but as usual, someone came up to me. A shop assistant. She was beaming fakely at me with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, and the multi-coloured streaks in her hair looked like melted skittles. Her name tag read 'Jemma'.

"Hi, welcome to True Religion! Are you looking for anything specific?" She prodded, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. I looked down at her outfit - she was wearing a black leather jacket over a plain white tank top, and leather pants and knee-high boots. Her outfit was a little too bad ass for my taste, but she had a good fashion sense.

"Hey, can you help me pick out a full outfit for that girl there?" I discreetly pointed to Valeria, who was hunched over, playing with something on her phone, and tried to ignore the weird look that was on the shop assistant's face.

"Corduroys are so last year," She mumbled to herself, unaware that I was within hearing distance of what she'd said, "But I can help you get an awesome outfit for her." She gestured to me to wait there, and began scurrying around, grabbing stuff off shelves, looking panicked. Jemma probably couldn't take what Valeria was wearing.

She came back about five minutes later, a whole load of clothes in her arms. "Okay, this is for one outfit, you can ask her to try it on," She told me, unloading it all to me, "There is a pair of limited edition black skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a blue flannel work shirt. You can go get a pair of heeled boots from the shop next door."

I thanked her for her help profusely, before returning to Valeria, tossing it into her hands, "Take of your glasses and try those on. It should help."

She grumbled again, before storming off to a dressing room. I followed after her slowly, trying to give her time to change.

When she finished, exactly three and a half minutes later, she stepped out of the changing room. My jaw literally dropped towards the ground. Oh my gosh. She looked amazing!

"I probably look terrible, from the look on your face," She sighed, and covered her face with her hands. What? No! She didn't look terrible! She looked amazing!

"No no! You look amazing! Better than that wretched Maddeline," I praised her, and she slowly peeled her hands off her face, looking at me suspiciously. I'd bet my money that not many people praised her. "Seriously, let your hair down. It's making your hairline recede," I instructed.

She nodded, and pulled her hairtie out, before shaking her head, allowing her hair to fall onto her shoulders. My jaw once again dropped. She looked even better with her hair down! She would have no problem attracting this Jared Collins, much less other guys.

All the time, she hid behind those ugly clothes and glasses, when she was actually model material. "You look like a top model," I smiled, "Victoria's Secrets would kill to hire you."

"I think many people will come up to me, asking me whether I had plastic surgery," She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and laughed, "Even Jared will think that!" I nodded, smiling a little even though I didn't get why she was so happy that people were going to ask her that.

"C'mon, let's go pay," I passed her a paper bag to put her old clothes in, and led her to the counter, where Jemma was.

The look on Jemma's face was priceless. I guessed that she had never expected that the ugly nerd with the corduroy and a hoodie two sizes too big would look like this once her glasses were taken off, and her hair was let down. I swear, Jemma looked like she was threatened; which she definitely should be. Jemma looked like rainbow puke in comparison to Valeria.

"It's four hundred and sixty-two dollars, please," She told me, her eyes narrowed at Valeria and her face in a frown. I handed her the money that Angel had passed me, and gave her the best cheshire smile I could muster.

I heard the familiar cow moo, and took out my phone from my newly bought Michael Kors handbag. Not even bothering to look at the caller ID, I answered. I wish I hadn't, though.

"Em, it's Blake. I need to tell you something very important," His voice crackled slightly, and I made a face in disbelief. Did he really think I wanted to know?

"What does it concern?" I asked icily. I was extremely curious, and I knew it was wrong. Curiousity killed the cat.

"It's really important, and I can't tell you this over the phone. Can we meet somewhere?" He made it sound like it was really urgent, which had me sort of worried. What if it actually was important? And, I decided not to listen?

"Fine, meet me at The Coffee Bean at Crossland Mall. Be there in ten minutes or be square." If he didn't reach there in ten minutes, tops, I was leaving.

I turned back to Valeria, suddenly remembering that I hadn't brought her to buy her heels yet. "Valeria, I need to be somewhere right now. Here's the money for the heels, and some extra for a cab back," I informed her as I passed her a whole wad of ten dollar bills, hoping that it was enough. I didn't really want her to be stranded here, but I was sure that she was smart enough to find her way back.

"But, I don't know which ones to buy," She protested, fingering the hem of her tank top, "I might mess up and make a fool of myself."

I grinned at her, "I think you'll be alright. I think you've got it." She nodded slowly, looking unconvinced, "Just try and get help from an assistant."

I waved curtly at her, before sashaying out of the shop. Then, I remembered something important I had to say to her and stopped, turning back slightly so I could look her in the eye.

"You know, you really remind me of myself."

* * *

The cafe was around five minutes from the shop, so I made it there with five remaining minutes to spare. I sat down at one corner, ordered myself a Chai latte, and began checking my emails on my phone.

I was in the midst of typing a reply email back to one of my old colleagues about a meeting, when He showed up. I was pretty impressed - Blake was two minutes early, totally unlike his old self. When we were married or dating, he would show up at least five minutes late. Either he turned over a new leaf, or this thing was really important.

"Okay, let's just get this over and done with," I sipped my hot Chai latte, and flinched slightly when it scalded my tongue before composing myself. That wasn't very professional.

"I met Darren at Starbucks a day ago," He began, and I rolled my eyes at him; what did that have to do with whatever he wanted to tell me? "And, he was acting all macho, when he really wasn't. But he did get manlier when he went to jail-"

"Can you stay on track? Please, time is money," I cut him off, glaring. If he was telling me about how Darren had changed, then this meeting was useless and I was wasting precious time.

"Oh, okay," He shook his head for a moment, and then focused on me again, "He said some stuff that had me thinking - maybe I was framed, and I am just innocent."

"What things did he say?" I prodded, my eyes narrowing even further. Blake thought that he was innocent? Really, when I had caught him in that compromising position with none other than Willa Queens, the slut?

"He said that maybe with me out of the picture, he could have his chance with you," Blake gulped before continuing, "And then he taunted, 'Did you really think that you slept with Willa?'"

I blinked in disbelief, my fists unconciously clenching until my knuckles turned white. Blake was that desperate that he had to start lying? I mean, cheating on me with that slut was enough, but now, two years later, he is lying to me to get me back? It wouldn't work at all - Darren had already said that he'd given up on me, and I was a hundred percent sure that he would never frame me.

"Blake," I started out as passively as I could, "When you cheated on me, it was hard enough for me to cope. But then, you had to do it with Willa. And now, you're trying to blame Darren for it? That's great, but hear me clearly. Even if what you said was true, we won't ever get back together. I have a boyfriend now, and by lying, you're making your chances of even being my friend become slim." By then, my voice had risen, and a few people were starting to look my way.

"Please, don't ever bother me again," I lowered my voice several decibels, and shot him one last look, before storming out, leaving my latte behind. My head was swimming; Darren wouldn't do that. He was alright now. He didn't do anything suspicious or try to make any moves on me. He would never frame Blake to break us up.

Or, would he?


Yay, some action:) No Elliot or Miles, sorry :( NOT EDITED.

I'm back after a month of no activity, because I was overseas. Sorry :l

Valeria to the right --->

Yeah, next update in a week or so?

Please vote? :l

Please check out my new story 'Never Should've Let Go'. I think you'll like it :)

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