By bratzcartel

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Not good at descriptions. More



4.7K 310 43
By bratzcartel

"Look" Aubrey said signing to Josiah

"You just said how was your name" Leah said unenthusiastically while Josiah was the complete opposite

"Oh, is this day?" Aubrey asked

"Yeah it is, Leah don't you have something important to be doing"

"I do actually" she said getting up and walking away

"And you tried to convince me that she didn't hate me" Aubrey said

"I told you she doesn't, she just doesn't have a good sense of humor"

"Yeah okay, anyways I learned a name for me in sign" she said signing it. In sign language you come up with your own name she basically signed A-Art.

"I knew you'd include art in it"

"Yeah the hardest word ever too"

"What else did you learn?"

"I know the alphabet and now we're working on like gestures I guess I'm pretty bad at it still" she said

"Eh it takes time, what are you about to go do?"

"Well I have work sadly, I just wanted to show you that"

"Oh well, see you afterwards?" He suggested. Aubrey knew she'd be tired like always after work but she wanted to see Josiah more so she agreed.

"Okay bye" she said kissing him

Once she'd gotten to work she noticed Joi sitting in the break room on her phone while eating a salad. She was always early to work due to it being her first job and she didn't want to lose it.

"Hey Joi"

"Hey Aubrey, you look pretty today" She said complimenting her. Aubrey wore her blown out hair in a mid ponytail her uniform and a pair of Air Force ones, she was far from looking her best but she knew Joi was talking about her face.

"Thanks where'd you get the salad" she asked putting her sweater up

"Chick-fil-A, it's so good"

The work day went by pretty fast for Aubrey since they didn't have that many customers that day. She was about to close up when a guy came in looking around.

"Can I get these in a size 12" he asked Aubrey

"I'll be right back" she said before going into the back room. She found the boy really attractive but she really wasn't boy crazed enough to deal with two at the same time.

"Here you go, is there anything else you need?" Aubrey asked

"Uh actually yeah, can I have your number" he asked

"Oh I'm I have a boyfriend so no sorry" she said lying. Something she did all the time when people asked her out or catcalled her, Instead of just saying no. She knew guys were persistent, at least they were with her and didn't understand no so she made excuses.

"It's cool, hope he treatin you right" he said, Aubrey nodded while checking him out.

Once he'd left Aubrey went to get her stuff.

"Boyfriend huh?"

"Uh no, I lied, I always say that"

"But why, that guy was cute"

"Well for one I'm dating your brother and two he wasn't all that" she lied

"you and my brother are dating?"

"I guess you could call it that, you didn't know?" Aubrey asked. She thought he would've told his family, but it didn't bother her that he didn't.

"No, he doesn't like talking about his love life to us because he's a weirdo" Joi said making Aubrey laugh.

"Well are you ready to go?" Aubrey asked, she was taking Joi home since Joi couldn't drive yet


After dropping Joi off Aubrey went straight to Josiah's place. It was 9 so she only planned on spending an hour or two at his place.

"How was work?" He asked as they sat on the couch

"You're supposed to sign to me and it was okay, your sister is really good at retail" she said

"Yeah with that mouth of hers I bet she is"

"She had this guy buy like 5 pairs of shoes for his girlfriend even though he was only looking for one"

"Sounds like her, that red car in our driveway is hers and she can't even drive."

"Wish I could do that"

"Why can't you?"

"I'm not good with my words and I really just give up when people say no" she said shrugging

"I think you could do the convincing, you're pretty enough"

"It takes more than being pretty to get what you want from some people"

"Not me" he said

"So you'll do anything a pretty girl asks"

"No but if you're pretty the chance of me saying yes is higher"

"Hm noted" she said yawning

"Tired already" he asked

"I had a long day, what did you do today?"

"Came home took a nap studied a little and played video games"

"You take naps?, are you a child?"

"No, I didn't know naps were exclusive to children" he said laughing

"They should be, when you're grown you're not supposed to have time for naps" she said

"Well I don't care how grown I am I'm taking a nap it keeps me from not being tired at 9:45"

"Do you want to do something tomorrow?" Aubrey asked

"Like what?"

"I don't know go on a picnic? I've never been on one"

"Where would we have a picnic Aubrey"

"I'll plan it you just show up okay?" She said kissing him

"Alright" he said pulling her in for a longer kiss. The sexual tension was thick and he was ready to end it.

"Oh I told your sister we were dating" she said. She didn't want to overstep by spreading his business but she did so she made sure she told him about it.

"She's probably told my entire family by now" he said


"It's alright Bre, I just don't like having conversations about girls with them they're overbearing when it comes to that especially my mom"

"Yeah I get it, anyways I gotta go, I'll pick you up tomorrow and we'll go on our picnic yes?" She asked


"Be ready at 12 exactly 12, not 12:30"

"Ok Aubrey" he said following her to the door so he could lock it

"Oh and" she said kissing him goodbye.

"Bye" she said before walking to her car.
"are you ready" Aubrey said as Josiah answered the door

"Yeah I just gotta put on my shoes" he said going to his room. Aubrey sat on the couch knowing that he had to do more than put on his shoes.

"Alright I'm ready" he said

"You're driving" he said as they got outside

"Yes, I can drive pretty well if that's what you're worried about" Aubrey said before getting in the car

"Nah I'm glad, I hate driving" he said

"Why?" She said

"Try driving without being able to hear and you'll understand" he said

"Oh sorry"

"You apologize a lot for no reason"

"It's just a habit I'll try not to do it with you" she said. Aubrey was brought up to be very polite, she never wanted trouble with anyone so she apologized for the littlest things to avoid being insensitive.

It took about 15 minutes for Aubrey to get them to the park.

"You're not that bad of a driver but you're not good either" he said making her laugh

"Well I got us here alive and uninjured yes?" She said

"That doesn't mean you're good, you hit the curb twice"

"It was an accident let it go, can you hold this?" Aubrey said giving him a basket

"You bought an actual basket?" He said looking at the woven basket

"Yeah it's cute isn't it? I got it on sale that's why I wanted to do a picnic" Aubrey had a habit of buying things she might need for the future just because it was a good bargain.

"So you wanted to go a picnic with me because you didn't want your basket to go to waste?" he asked

"And I wanted to spend time with you outdoors" she said smiling

The two found a spot under trees to block the sun from beaming on them. Aubrey had set her large plaid blanket out and set everything up. The picnic basket had lots of fruits, 6 sandwiches, and drinks for the two. Aubrey was good at planning things out and wanted it to be perfect.

"I made you three sandwiches since you eat a lot." She said putting the sandwiches handing him one.

"What kind of sandwich is it"

"Ham and provolone cheese, also there's Mayo on it , I didn't know if you liked mustard so I just brought packets"

"Thanks but I hate mustard"

"Me too" Aubrey said

The two continued light conversation until they were finished eating and that conversation turned into heavy kissing on that plaid blanket.

Josiah hissed as he felt a sharp pain on the back of his neck. Aubrey sat up as she thought she'd done something.

"What's wrong?" She asked

"I think a bee stung me, I'm allergic"
"I'm sorry this date was so horrible" Aubrey stated holding his hand while he laid in a hospital bed. She'd driven him to the emergency room and the doctor was able to stop the reaction before it'd gotten worse.

"You think it was bad?" He asked

"Yeah, I mean look where it ended"


"So usually a date that ends in a hospital bed is bad" She explained, the date didn't go as she planned it to be.

"Well I'm happy" he said shrugging


"Yeah I might've almost died but I liked eating sandwiches and making out with you" Aubrey laughed at his remark.

"I'm sorry I would've chosen something else if I knew you were allergic to bees"

"Nothing to apologize for you didn't call the bee and tell him to sting me and I can't just be inside all day because of an allergy and that sandwich was good" he said

"You're sweet" Aubrey said kissing him

"Josiah?!?" Melissa said snatching back the curtain. She was paged because everyone knew Josiah was her son.

"Mom I'm fine" he said sitting up

"Yeah you are now, why didn't you take your Epipen with you?" she said looking at his charts

"I forgot I guess" he didn't forget he was just careless and didn't think he'd need it.

"You forgot? Josiah you're 18 years old-"

"I get it I'm irresponsible but I'm fine, is this how you treat people who almost die?" He said

"It's not funny Josiah, what were you guys doing anyways?"

"On a picnic"

"A date picnic?" Melissa asked looking at the two of them

"Hi Melissa" Aubrey said not answering the question. She told Aubrey to call her Melissa because she didn't like formal names in her personal life she had enough of it as work.

"Hi Aubrey, I'm glad you two are doing this" she said

"Me too" Aubrey said looking at Josiah

"Well you seem fine"

"Yeah I know, my doctor said I was free to leave when the nurse brings my papers, and aren't you violating HIPPA?" He asked

"Josiah now is not the time to play with me" Melissa warned. He was trying to charm her and it wasn't working.

"This hospital will be receiving a lawsuit" he said

Aubrey and Josiah decided to go to the cafe he usually went to to eat before she took him home.

"I had fun, our next date won't have to spend in the hospital" Josiah said biting into a burger

"You won't be able to top this one" she said

"It won't be that hard, you might be a 5 star event planner but I'm pretty creative"

"Not more creative than me" she said

"Yeah I am I'll show-" he began to say but his thoughts were interrupted when Leah and a familiar face entered the cafe. Aubrey looked back to see what had gotten his attention.

"Hi Josiah" Leah said ignoring Aubrey as they approached their table.

"Leah what are you doing here?" Josiah asked in a nervous tone, Aubrey was confused as to why he was acting so weird around this girl so she introduced herself to get some insight.

"Hi I'm Aubrey"

"I'm Lauren"

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