Earth 23 (Re-editing process...

By LorraineDiaz12131989

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Welcome to Earth 23. Barry Allen is the son of Henry and Nora Allen, They attended a gala night by Mr. Bruce... More

Little More Explanation
Episode 1: Hearts Distress Call
C-02: Welcome To Our Earth 23
C-03 Kara's Siren Call
C-04 The Speed Force Fiasco
C-05 The AfterMath
C-06 Time Blast From The Past and Future
C-09: The Queen of the Knight
C-10 Morning Hangovers
C11: Afternoon Deals
C-12 Gods of Krypton
C13: Midvale Adventures
C-14 Central City: Home of the Flash
C-15: Let The Hunt Begin
What if? Author's note...


49 2 0
By LorraineDiaz12131989

Barry's 23 POV: Waverider

Finally, we landed on the proper timeline. Inside, the time ship everyone just got up from their sleep... while me not much... I cannot sleep because I am so worried about Kara. What if she doesn't wake up? What if everything is gone for the worst? I was looking at her face, so angelic, so gracefully sleeping like the world is in peace. Is it too bad that I miss seeing her sleepy face?

"(Mr. Allen... Creator... Dr. Allen...) Dr. Bartholomew Henry Allen Jr. ..." Gideon called me mimicking my mom's voice that made me jump, "I have called you many times."
"Sorry, Gideon... I was..."
"Spacing out..." Gideon said and I was a little intrigued by that...
"Spacing out? Where did you learn that word?"
"I am from the future it means I am way past being millennial..."
"Guess you are right!," then I ask her out of the blue because I want to know something, "There's something I have been meaning to tell you, Gideon..." I ask her.
"What is it, sir?"
"I would like to know if there is a future between us?"
"I would love to answer that but you encode me and also from what understand through my years of experience... I recommend you not to know about it,"
"It's okay..."
"I can feel that you are scared... your amygdala is more functioning than any other nervous system right now..." Gideon said.
"Thanks, Gideon... I appreciate the scientific feelings... but you are right... the spice won't be there... the trill and all of that."
"Glad we are on the same page but Captain Hunter said reminding everyone if you are all refreshed go to the deck because we have to go back to the real world and she truly needs real medical attention as she is in a coma."
"Of course, I go there now..."

     Then I went there and it was chaos between legends of screwing the timeline ... I honestly can't see the reason why they are called Legends of Tomorrow when all they do is go to the past and screw everything up plus it's wordy then on my right my brother from another universe goes to my side and I can see on his face that he was shocked and maybe wondering if their Legends are also like this chaotic and terrifying group of thinkers and fighters and look at Rip Hunter smiling like a proud dad.

"So, what gonna happen next?" he whispered to me carefully while we watch on the sideline.
"We supposed to land on Area 51..."
"You're bluffing," he said to me then Sara Lance came to us.
"Fast learner, I like it! You boys wanna buckle up on the seat this is going to be a bumpy ride," she said and we find our seats and straps ourselves like in a rollercoaster kind of thing.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking," Captain Hunter said speaks like a legal air pilot and gonna land at the airport and I raise an eyebrow.
"It's his favorite hobby," Sara said and Captain Hunter continued his usual pilot tour guide monologue.
"We arrive in 2019 a day after the major Texas devastation, one of the major events after Central City's Famous Particle Acceleration Explosion, that may or may not cause 50, 000 claimed and unclaimed people who have powers," I'm pretty sure he was mocking me and Team Flash.
"Do you have to repeat that one?" I said annoyingly.

I didn't notice Mick came with his bottle of beer again until he craps out of me.

"Finally, back in the race," and I jump on my seat that I forgot I was strapped in.
"Mick!!! you scared me," I say to him while
"How many times I have tried to kill you and you don't even surprise by that and now I surprise you because I spoke out of turn, sure Red!!! That means I am something," Mick said.
"Well, one thing for sure Mick Rory loves to drinks and is still grumpy and calls you, red," Barry said.
"Doppelganger just like the Cisco with Gypsy girl?" Mick asks Sara.
"Actually, they came from the same Earth, Earth 1," I said.
"Do you have Mick Rory?" he asks Barry.
"Yeah...  we called him, Heatwave and partnered with Captain Cold "Leonard Snart."
"Cool! I mean Hot!" he said, and we look at him.
"But our Leonard Snart died to save time from the time masters of the universe, according to the Legends in our Earth 1," Barry said not catching up the moment.
"Run out," Understatement of the year as he sips his last drink in the bottle. Then Capt. Hunter speaks in the coms. that leads to the tower in Area 51 the usual receiving of space ships.
"This is Captain Rip Hunter of 3026 approaching the White Mountains. (after 5 seconds), we are approximately six people, 5 healthy and one comatose. (after 10 seconds) Okay, we got clear landing in front of the DEO base in Area 51."

     I saw Barry's face it was priceless. He cannot contain his embarrassed face.

"You're not kidding!!!" he said to me seeing his disbelief face.

I laugh my ass out here. Poor guy, he was tricked thinking I was kidding about area 51. But I explain it to him.

"No, that one is really Area 51 but then we will go now to the tunnel underneath and open a barrier into the DEO-covered basement. DEO basement has no gates at all like a big septic tank," I said describing my own version.

     I thought of him using my arms stretching in a box form and still, I can see Barry's puzzled face then I decide to it make simple.

"The word is Breach. Like Big Hero Six Breach. You have that one on your Earth right?" I ask him.
"Yah!!! We do have... oh... oh..." I can see Barry's understanding in his face.
"Yeah! We called Space Trans-teleportation. Exclusively only to Area 51, DEO, and the Space Air Force Administration that only directly in the phone of the President and DEO's Director if the president is the incapability to make decisions. But for example, if when a General says to attack the Fire nation then it cannot be... they won't follow it. It must be from the president's voice and cannot be also a recording from the president, they will know it,"
"First, of course, they won't follow the General who will attack the Fire Nation without the Last Air Bender. Second, What if she's/he's been kidnapped and forced his or her voice to say those commands.
"Say a fake command that looks like a command and those commands can only be passed by the president to the president,"
"Nicolas Cage!!! The Secret Diary of the President!"
"That's correct!!! You're learning!!! That's great!!!"

     Then Barry and I, high five each other while Sara and Mick look at us like children to look at the carnival with disapproving faces. I shrug at their disapproval nerve while I am eager to get the hell out of here and be with Kara until she wakes up. Then Capt. Hunter speaks

"We are entering at high-speed Trans-teleportation going to DEO's famous septic tank basement,"

"Hey!!!" I shouted at Capt. Rip.

Capt. Hunter and Sara laugh as I was embarrassed about what he said while Barry keeps his mouth shut but then there's a smile on the line of his lips.

"Oh my god!!! I didn't mean that look like that! I swear if you tell this Winn and to anyone else, I'm gonna be frozen to death!!!" and now everybody laughs even Barry.

How hilarious. Capt. Hunter makes a countdown.

"In Three... Two... One..."

     An AI named Wednesday pops on the screen. Side note: Winn named her after Wednesday Addams.

"Welcome to the DEO, Waverider. Your request for a landing near the medical facility is granted and it is ready for you to park and Agent Alex, Doctor Caitlin, and Agent Winn are already waiting for you there," she said.

    We park at the end of the runaway where the door of the medical facility is located. There are only three doors in these areas, Winn's Lab is the overlooking glass in the third-floor area and he had his own elevator from the garage to his lab then from his lab another elevator which only AI Wednesday has access to it. Winn is very serious in his lab and the security of the DEO facility and he is also been helping our Star Labs to be better in security. We unstrap our belts, I ran to the ICU Med bay while Barry, Sara were on my heels while Mick and Capt. Hunter prepared the front back of the waverider. Then after whole five minutes Capt. Hunter, Winn, Alex, and Caitlin came to ICU med bay and Alex gave a hug to me and the sleeping beauty herself then Caitlin and Winn hug me tight and they gave also pat hug with Barry as thanks for helping me out and they all proceed to talk to Gideon and Wednesday for her actual diagnosis.

After that, they drained the glass from the capsule let Kara out of the chamber, and run the diagnosis again. When it is cleared by Caitlin, Alex, and Wednesday, we prepare her for the transfer in the room where the sun lamps are located whenever she needed them and turn into red sun emission when she's out of her mind. Barry stood by my side with me while I hold Kara's hand. As we enter the room, only the doctors are allowed at this time while waiting Sara told me that the Time Bureau has called the Legends and time to work. I nodded and said it's time. Barry and I sat on the lounge while he was actually dozing some sleep on the couch when two figures came into my eyesight, it was my Dad and Cisco1 hugging me.

"Hi! Dad. (then look at Cisco1) You can't fool me Cisco!!! 'Cuz I know you're the earth 1, Cisco Ramon," I said.
"Yow!!! Man, how do you know???" he said sounding like Chandler Bing.
"We don't do hugs, we do this," I said to him.

     Then both of us, use our secret handshake, which we always do back in college. I saw Cisco1 smiling at our secret handshake and proceed to Barry to wake him up but then my father told him not to wake him up. Instead, he provided a blanket for him not to be cold and also me telling me to sleep. I couldn't sleep truly. Until I know her condition if she ever wakes up. I hope she wakes up because she promise me when I got my powers that we will be saving people, hunting villains and superheroes together. I hope she kept her word.

Cisco excuse himself because he promises Nia to date this evening. When he leaves Me, Cisco1, and my Dad who go nowhere now. I want to talk to Cisco but I left a big yawn then Cisco told me to go to sleep then my eyes are starting to drop until I saw nothing.

Author's POV: DEO Balcony

     Cisco1 saw the two Barry Allen sleeping peacefully next to each other then Dr. Henry Allen whose doppelganger face was Harrison Wells came with another blanket gave it to his son looking at the two like he was seeing twins he wished he had so that his Barry never is alone. Henry knocked on the door and Caitlin is the one who answers the signals that two people are sleeping outside. Once it was done they go to the Balcony where Supergirl and Superman use to make a dramatic and heroic entrance that never gets old to anyone.

"You wish they are two of them right?" Cisco of Earth 1 asks him.
"Yes, but now it's enough that the gift that the multiverse can give to me knowing that there is another Barry Allen who is just like my son, Kind but Dangerous,"

     Cisco1 laughs at Henry's description of his son and his best friend who is his doppelganger. He was right Barry was kind and very heroic with patience as he waited a long time for him to be noticed by Iris but also Dangerous like he made a timeline where his parents are alive. Cisco confesses to Henry what Barry did to his timeline on his earth.

"Barry made a mistake in Earth 1 which cause a..." Cisco begins
"FLASHPOINT," and Henry finishes it.
"How did you know that one?"Iy

"I already calculated everything I could to know Barry's powers before I built particle accelerator. I actually holding myself up if REVERSE FLASH came here, and how Barry would handle it because he's more of a momma's boy," he stop for a while and laugh at the lost memories, "then I go to Earth 2 to know the truth and it actually made me breathe and sleep peacefully that he won't fight a reverse flash because first, his mother died in the poison of Joker's villainous act. That poison only reacts to the XY chromosome. Second, Eddie Thawne of this earth is infertile, which means he can't get anyone pregnant and can have grandchildren in the future. So right now, the only danger is another speedster from another universe who would challenge the capabilities that would make him a different person. Good thing Zoom came here before he had powers," he said like it was a casual thing.

Cisco can't believe what he just hears Zoom came here on this earth but this version of Barry doesn't have yet powers. So how did they get Zoom out of the place?

"I'm sorry did you just say ZOOM? As in Zoom of Earth..."
"2, yeah..." Henry said while sipping his coffee at midnight.
"How did you defeat him?" he asks for all thy curiosity.
"Oh... Kara did. Kara does all the work. You see Superman is still in the process of healing when Zoom shows up and force him to fight with him and see who's faster if he's him or Superman. Superman was injured then Kara heard it and she was furious about it. In front of the people of Metropolis, Kara show Zoom what it's like to lose, lose in the way to hell. Then this Harrison Wells came to my lab and says that Zoom is 'their problem'," he did the hand gesture of air quotes, "I told Barry about it and go to Clark and show to Kara that he is fine, she doesn't need to kill this Zoom because of him. Instead of locking him down on the moon where he has no powers. Harrison Wells picks him up and be brought back to Earth 2. Sometime later, Harrison told me in an inter-dimensional call that Zoom escapes through Revibe," Henry finish his story.

     Cisco now wishes they have met Earth 23 to get help from defeating Zoom and also mentally noted himself to talk about Harry about this why he hasn't told them about Earth 23 and maybe unlocking the level where they defeat the Evil. He continued his explanation

"Actually, He came to our earth and cause havoc in our lives especially Barry's life," Henry was shocked about this revelation of Cisco1.

"He causes Barry's father's Death and one by one we were getting killed and it traumatizes him and so he goes back in time and creates a flashpoint. I had a hard time forgiving him because of two reasons. When in the flashpoint, my life was pretty awesome, I am a billionaire with Ramon Industries then after he goes back in time and let reverse flash kill his mother for the third time, one of the effects of him having a flashpoint is that my - second reason why I am angry at him - is because my brother was killed, I was really angry at him then the dominators came wanting Barry because he made a mistake they feel the time was being torn in the fabric of the universe. In that time, I was with the Legends to get one of the dominators who came in our earth 1950's but we save him from the torture of the government as a thank you, he wouldn't kill us in the present but at least we can give Barry to them, we made a mistake by going to the past and save him knowing that we are from the future, having powers then Barry made a flashpoint that makes them put in action and create a meta-bomb that releases gas to those who have powers from the particle accelerator. Then I realize I had already lost my brother, I won't let Barry be alone in this fight. I forgive him because we are the Team Flash. And team flash is the only family I know,"

Henry took all those words carefully, knowing it was hard for Cisco to say those words and now it was turned for him to speak

"You know my father used to say to me, that you can't really know the pain of someone you don't have yet experience with it and when you do, you gonna know how heartbreaking truth is, you and the other person who also experience with it will have its anchor or a strong bridge and connection between the two of you,"

Henry closes his eyes remembering the fatal night of Bruce Wayne's gala comeback night. He shouldn't bring his wife to that party knowing batman's enemies are still out there, ready to attack him in his vulnerable time as Bruce Wayne and it did, it poisoned every woman in the scene including his beloved Nora.

"Me and Bar, we both lost my wife, her mother. My parents, both of his Grandparents whom he is close with make us both closer together and stick through the stones, we build and rebuild together. He and Kara are strong with each other because they've lost their mothers at a young age. Now that they have superpowers have really bought them together,"

"I got a feeling you are cheering for them?"
"Oh I do... even though I respect my son, having a relationship with Iris West, I really wish they can see what we can all see because every time Kara and Barry go through bad times like this, believe me, they don't want to leave each other and they are the strongest faith as always,"

Cisco saw this and got thinking about how Barry sees Kara and vice versa the way they know each other, how Kara smile seeing Barry only, and how Barry is proud of Kara and how they totally no question to trust each other because deeply they connect, unlike a normal relationship level. Both of them lost their parents at a young age, they are both adopted, they are superheroes the one can run and the other fly in both high speeds, both of them are hungry eating monsters the only thing on their way was Earth dimensional distance if Barry knows Kara earlier after Iris has a relationship with Eddie maybe... maybe... he might talk this to Barry when they got back to their Earth.

"Let's go back to the Mansion so that you can rest well too... before going back to your Earth plus tomorrow will be presidential speech,"

Barry's POV: DEO Building

I woke up in the morning (which I thought) with "I don't know what happen to look". I smell the fresh coffee in the air and I try to follow the scent with my nose until Barry speaks up.

"Free one Flash coffee from CC Jitters," Barry greeted me.
"Good morning too," I said with confidence.
"Actually, it's two in the afternoon,"
"Dang!!! This is what happens when no alarm clock. I love this room," I stretch like a dog and sip my coffee and Alex enters the place and puts my clothes in front of me.
"Is she still asleep?" I ask her.
"Yes, like Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, which is which? How are you holding up? Seeing without no doubt you rescued my sister in what hole you ever in," she said with a little tease.

Barry, Sara, and Rip Hunter spoke out of turn hearing our personal conversations which aren't really because we are at the DEO and Barry sipping coffee beside me.

"Miserable," Barry said.
"Distraught," Sara said.
"Septic Tank," Hunter said.

When I heard Hunter's answer, I spilled my coffee in my mouth because he can't even let go of my subject. Everyone laughs at the moment. When an agent came with Winn and Cisco 1 who I figured out just finish the tour because he can't contain his happiness as an engineer and a pop cultured person which includes me in the club. Alex gave me something, it was my phone, I open it and a lot of the text and missed calls from Iris.

"First I'm fine, thanks for asking. Second, you didn't answer the call?"
"She's your girlfriend! not mine. Plus, should I say (mimicking her hands in a form of a rock star then proceed to have a fake conversation call) HELLO, GHOSTBUSTERS?"
"You got to be kidding me."

While I scan my text messages on my phone. I shouldn't do it in the first place. I heard Sara, Alex, Winn, and Rip asking questions about Earth 1, and what's its difference?

"What does your Sara Lance do?"
"Well, she's the Ex-Girlfriend of Oliver then Oliver found out she's alive and became part of the League of Assassin then she dies with a single arrow in her heart then she lives again because of Dark Magic, the so-called Lazarus Pit then now she's finally the CAPTAIN of Waverider and the Legends of Tomorrow," Barry answered and then Sara and Rip look at each other and laugh.
"Don't be so proud yet!!! I am not giving up on my position! Plus, you didn't die yet!" Rip said.

"Just so you watch me how to die than look at me how glorious I can be when I'm back from the land of death then I make you crazy as I took your favorite spot!!!"
"Alright! Enough of that one! One on the verge of Death is enough!"

They both smirked at each other at this moment, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and take a bath. I went to a hotel room near the DEO building and took a damn shower 'cuz you know I can go places where I can hide and try a superb life of a celebrity as a hero as I can be. After a hot shower and a bubble tub, I got out of the hotel even without paying for it. I just leave them a note of IOU money on the janitor on the table for cleaning up the mess I made. When I came back to the lounge area. Barry and Cisco 1 are still there. Cisco 23 pats Winn in the back looking disappointed, I ask.

"Why Winn is looking disappointed. Did Felicity dump you through hacking your computer?" Then Winn answered me.
"They don't have Winn on their Earth," Winn said sadly.
"But I know another Winn from Kara's Earth," Barry clarified immediately then Winn smiled and sudden perks in his mind.
"Really? On what earth are they?"
"Earth 38, Kara told me that he is also in the DEO as a Technical Agent,"
"Oh..." then Winn sniff in the air and I can't keep it at most, then he look at me, "Barry did you just use a hotel soap?" he ask me.
"Is that really the issue here?" I said nervously because I'm bad at lying.
"No... but you don't have your wallet?" Cisco said and as I no point in this argument goes.
"Yes, I showered in the hotel room and I didn't pay the room, swooped in there and out,"

Barry and Cisco1 look at me like I was hallucinating or something while the rest laugh at how bad boy I am.

"Dude!!! Never changed!!!" Cisco said and made a hard hi-five.
"Oh my god!!! Next time be careful, maybe Agent Roland Cox just laying around the corner to catch you," Winn teases me.
"Oh... please at least I know how to open the door. You motherfuckers," I said

Then Cisco released the audio of the Capt. America said "LANGUAGE" three times. Which causes a hilarious moment between all of us. We were laughing until Diana, Bruce and Clark enter the hall to the lounge where we are waiting for Kara to wake up. Clark looks like he went hell with Perry White - again - then Bruce in his usual suit and tie and Diana who look like a goddess in her black and red suit attire with a broach of Greek symbol as she is a curator in the Louvre museum in Paris who spoke up first.

"I smell and look like there is Hakuna Matata in the air," Diana Princess of Themyscira.
"You know Lion King. Of course, you know Lion King. I mean... Lion King..." Alex was surprised by this and embarrassed herself perfectly.

Then Winn and Cisco do the intro to the circle of life/Hakuna Matata song which causes a loud clap of hands from all of the agents passing by the lounge area. Diana and Clark nodded at his comedic stands while Bruce even smiles for the moment. Clark looked at Alex motioned and pointed to Kara's room asking permission to see her. Alex stood and motioned them to follow her. Bruce, Diana, and Clark go to Kara's isolation room. Barry eagerly taps my shoulder.

"Yes?" I said to him.
"Is that Bruce Wayne?" Barry asks me.
"And that woman who came with them, who is she?"
"You don't have Wonder Woman on your earth?
"Not that I know of..."
"That's Diana, Princess of Themyscira or known here as Diana Prince. She's an amazon," Cisco1 overhear our conversation and join us.
"The controversial selling courier service?"
"Not 'The amazon'. THE AMAZONIANS!!! They have deep ties with the Greek gods and goddesses. As she is a demigod herself. Daughter of Zeus apparently. Plus she can break the law of physics,"
"'Cuz she is the only one who can swing in the skies using her rope of Hestia to a lightning bolt," Barry and Cisco1 were speechless. They argue why she doesn't have a doppelganger on their earth.
"She became a hero after conquering the battle of no man's island in WWI," I told her.
"Seriously!!! That's AWESOME!!!" Barry said.
"That's my first reaction when I saw her at the Gala night before my parents enter the Gala night at Bruce Wayne's party. She was kind and a bad-ass in battlefields," I said to them.
"And here I thought Superman is the coolest of them all..."
"Well, you got to meet them later more after a small private hero party,"

How do I know that, simply because that's what heroes do? A bottle of champagne here, whiskey over there. Although almost some of us have high intolerance of alcohol and yet here we are. After a whole 15 minutes. Diana, Alex, Bruce, and Clark made a way out from Kara's door as Caitlin enters the Lounge. Ronnie and Caitlin enter the lounge and the others are usually like a seizing teenage mutant ninja turtle who was crushed back by their crush. Clark and Diana smile while Bruce was skeptical look at Clark and Clark just nods to Bruce and understands that there's another hero couple whose gonna be married soon and that's Ronnie and Caitlin. Bruce cleared his throat and all was silent. Diana sighs in this.

"Well, we all know that our President will speak in front of all the Human Leaders in the United Nations about the Texas Devastation Crisis and cause a panic attack that will be televised, we will all be there but some of you will be in disguise. Clark, Barry (pointing at me), Dreamer, Gypsy, Cisco, and another Cisco, Caitlin, and Ronnie will be up there with the president and in your full costume," She said commanding us on what to do.
"Don't worry Barry," Superman said clapping his hands to my shoulder and I flinched because of super-strength, "I will be the only one who can speak for us. Right now, the president needs familiar hero faces, I mean my face and your masks. We will be there to support the president as Diana and Bruce cannot be there because of their identity plus they need Bruce Wayne, not Batman because it was his money who funded the emergency meeting with the United Nations and if I might add you did the real work. You and You," he said pointing to Barry and they did a handshake and I swear he flinch too, "Thank you, for rescuing, my cousin in the Speed Force with Barry," He said
"That's nothing!" Barry said blushing.
"Do you have the suit right?" Superman asks him.
"Yes, Why?" He said.

Clark thinks thoughtfully and carefully about choosing his words favorable to Barry's existence which gave Diana and Bruce an approving nod.

"Then join us on the stage with the president with each speedster on either side, we will make the people even safer that there is a bunch of new generation of heroes willingly to protect the earth. So, will you join us on the stage, Barry of Earth1?"

I can see in Barry's eyes he was overwhelmed by this, I nudge him and mouth it's okay, we got the mask on while Cisco says this gonna be awesome they never almost had like this their Earth, the last time they were with the president, they were only facing a few media conference. Then Alex casually looked in the tablet saying.

"He wasn't asking, Doffus," Alex said.

Everybody looks at her and she didn't even bother by it after that she walks back into Kara's Room, I hope she's awake. I can feel Barry's nervousness but eventually, he said.

"The honor is mine. Superman," Barry finally said then proceed to handshake with Superman again.
"Please, call me Clark," Then he received a hug from Diana.
"Call me Diana," Then he faces Bruce with his stoic face as ever.
"Call me, Mr. Wayne,"

Barry regards him as Mr. Wayne. It isn't his usual behavior but we all just shut up by looking at us but one thing is for sure, the only time he is afraid that would be my father. Who spoke and physically targeted us with goosebumps effect.

"And here I thought you are not your father," My dad said, "Well, Mr. Wayne, if I may or I preferably not I will get these kids away from your insignificant attitude towards the guest, you may forget or just wanted to forget the manners of visitors in subject Humanitarian and Values," My Dad eyed Bruce and he lost gracefully to my dad for the nth time.
"Bruce, just call me, Bruce,"

He told Barry with the bittersweet deceitful smile he can get. Henry places his hands on Bruce's shoulder.

"Might remind you, he is from another Earth. So behave properly and people who call you "Mr. Wayne" are the ones who work for you and he is definitely not working for you. Do you understand?" Bruce sadly agrees with my dad and said PERFECT!

Dad concludes this afternoon with these words.

"Boys, Winn, Two Cisco's, and Two Barry's and Hunter will be with me. Caitlin, Alex, and Sara your dress are already in this address with Iris,"

My ears went red because I forgot Iris at the moment and hadn't even asked if she's my date at the event but I didn't give any comment on that because it will be given, she will be my date at the event.

"And everyone prepares!!! The President and a single guy who is ready to mingle. Accepting suitors as of this moment beside me don't want latecomers," Bruce is smiling widely as my father considers his antics about being late but my father ain't that easy to recognize, "Even back in college, he almost drowns himself with woman and drinks and be late on passing assignments and projects and most of us have speed powers, hmmm... the irony," Bruce smile fades and says.
"How many times should I apologize for that one?" He said.
"As long I live," My dad said in a deep baritone serious Schwarzenegger impression.
"Dang, you're worse than Alfred," he said.

Dad considers Bruce Wayne his child back when they are back in college as Professor - student relationship. I am not jealous in that part because mainly, thanking the stars, my dad ain't my literal professor, or my whole life would be hell because of unlimited source stories from my embarrassing moments and be an example of his theories, especially in his psychology class.

"So everybody pip-pip, A game is afoot," Clark said and Bruce was embarrassed as Clark goes out and says, "Ha! Got you, Bruce," Clark said.
"Everybody is cruel," Bruce said.
"Look who talks," Diana said.

Everybody chuckled and departed from the lounge but before that, I go to Kara's room and bid her beautiful sleeping face goodbye and I said to her that she may have beautiful castle dreams that she loves. Dad taps me on the shoulder saying.

"Let's go, son. She will wake up soon," Then we go out of the room and Cisco open up the breach and went to the Allen Mansion

Author's POV: In Kara's Room

There is the man in the shadows, he popped out and step into the daylight, it was Hank Henshaw, now a cyborg and leader of the CADMUS force. He hovered above sleeping Kara like a creep and get her DNA. He successfully got it and report back fast to Maxwell Lord. Who's experimenting with the DNA of Kryptonians under the banner of CADMUS.

"Did you get it?" Maxwell ask.
"Here it is, the Kryptonian's sleeping DNA,"
"Well, thanks to ATOM's suit who is in our beloved LEAD cage, your stealth suit, made you survive in that place assuming they erase you from their database," he said facing a hologram, "as I told you, she survived. As long as that Speedster is around. She will always be safe," This time he was talking to Lex Luther's Hologram which he ended abruptly.
"I will call your boss if the parting gift from CADMUS is ready and available to use against our Unified Heroes,"

Hank leaves the Lord Industries and goes back to the CADMUS South Africa facility while Maxwell is now making a surprise villain that will shock their entire lives.

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"You brush past me in the hallway And you don't think I can see ya, do ya? I've been watchin' you for ages And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it"...
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"๐“๐ซ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ก, ๐๐š๐ซ๐ž, ๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ข๐ง ๐›๐จ๐ญ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ ๐ก๐จ๐ฐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ, ๐ˆ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ ๐€๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž" ๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡ Caitlin Clark fa...
623K 31.6K 60
A Story of a cute naughty prince who called himself Mr Taetae got Married to a Handsome yet Cold King Jeon Jungkook. The Union of Two totally differe...
202K 7K 97
Ahsoka Velaryon. Unlike her brothers Jacaerys, Lucaerys, and Joffery. Ahsoka was born with stark white hair that was incredibly thick and coarse, eye...