Best Enemies

By herefornoreasons

109K 2.6K 3.5K

*HIGH SMUT CONTENT WARNING* Camila and Lauren both take pride in their constant buzzing phones and ability to... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

13K 194 291
By herefornoreasons

Lauren and Camila both attend Miami institute of learning, a place for high flyers to spread their wings in a multitude of college courses and extra curricular activities however their idea of extra curricular seems to be slightly... off

Both girls engage separately in what some would refer to as the 'fuck girl' life style, their phones would buzz all hours of the day with various campus girls arranging to spend the night with them, some were dares some just curious minds however that didn't phase them even a little as they took pride in the 'celebrity' titles they walked around with during the day competing with each other out of pure dislike just to hold the top spot in the hookup game

There was a flaw in their seemingly perfect world however, their little 'meet-ups' always left them laying in their beds late at night feeling.... frustrated....


Lauren's POV

Just as my tired head hit the pillow a loud thud could be heard from outside of my dorm, I knew it wasn't Sam because he was back home in LA.. my heart drop for a moment after considering the possibility It could be a murderer I mean that was probably due to the scary movie I'd just got done watching but I decided to open the door anyway pulling myself from the reams of thick duvet my feet hitting the cold floor sending a jult of ice steaming through my shins


I spoke to myself as the loud thud appeared once again, after gathering myself for a second I reach my hand out to grab for the door pulling it back gently before having it shoved in my face pushing my body to the side of the room

"Camila what the .. what are you doing in my dorm!?"

I shot harshly as she pretty much invite herself in with a pillow under the crook of her arm, she was half dressed and sleepy eyed the phone almost falling from her other hand as she shot me a strikingly dirty look... strange considering I was the one she barged in on..

"The heating is broken in my dorm .. it's too cold to even breath so I'm sleeping here tonight!"

She spoke boldly without even making eye contact, immediately she took herself over towards my bed pulling back the covers to slip herself gingerly beneath the material my body storming after following her around as I stood still shocked considering she'd never even stepped foot in my dorm until now, we didn't get along in fact I'd even go as far as saying we were enemies so this sudden little 'sleepover' had me flabbergasted to the core

"Uhh- do you not have any friends you could rudely barge in on instead of me?"

"Can you just stop running your mouth for a second? I'm tired! I just wanna go to sleep is that too much to ask?"

Oh sorry your majesty how rude of me? ...What the fuck dude?

"You know what? there's a perfectly good couch right over there!"

I shot back pointing to the actually decent sized couch over side of the room, she roll her eyes at me bluntly switching her phone on silent before placing it gently down onto MY nightstand, my mouth further falling open at the pure audacity as her head fell back into the pillow side eyeing me deliberately as if saying no without even a word

"I'm not a dog! Don't worry I'm not gonna touch you Jauregui! That's the last thing I'm here to do!"

Her tone was broad and slightly harsh, it's not like I forced her over here... she barely speaks to me and seeks every opportunity to try and 'out do me' in the whole one night stand business.. ew business? I mean game? Whatever! Just to clarify I enjoyed the company of girls around campus every now and then.. I mean.. like most nights but anyway! So did she! And we'd somehow fallen into this rut of trying to prove who held the crown, I would get texts daily from various curious straight girls asking for a lonely hook up while Camila got approached in person, everyone knew what we did but never really spoke about it unless they wanted some kind of 'attention'

"You're really going to barge in here uninvited and sleep in my bed?"

I huffed climbing up under the duvet making sure to roll my body as far away from hers as I could creasing the blanket under my chin as I face the wall

"It's a dorm bed! Will you just get over it?"

She was making all of this seem completely normal and it wasn't! It bothered me how she just slid in here as if we were best friends which I can assure you we're not, just this morning she made a point of yelling at me in the hall for being stuck up and rude.. as if she wasn't? I huffed again rolling my eyes as I extend my legs down under my body, what made it worse was the fact I could smell her sickly sweet perfume, it was almost as loud as her voice and would now probably be stuck to my sheets like chewing gum on a sidewalk

"Get over it? You're so smug it's embarrassing!"

"Embarrassing is inviting your hook ups into your own dorm with that Beyoncé poster on the wall.. what are you 6?"

Her voice.. I just.. want ..her to stop!

"Saves running around all over campus like you do! I don't even have to leave my bed!"

The girl as expected instantly shot up with raised arms disgusted at my statement looking around her lap as if looking for a trail of 'girl'... I'm sorry but you chose to come camp out here..

"Lay back down idiot .. I changed the sheets earlier!"

She huffed back scoffing under her breath causing me to turn around reluctantly, her palms running through her thick hair as she look up at the ceiling, I secretly hoped that I'd pissed her off enough to leave but she didn't...she just sat there in a seemingly obvious tantrum

"I don't see the point in trying to prove anything to you... your own bed? I bet you skip foreplay too!"

A little invasive?

"Uh- ok but that's none of your business! I can kiss a girls neck all night long don't act like you have me sussed Cabello!"

"Wait what? Seriously? That's it?!"

I lift myself up sitting offendedly with a half scoured brow her face doing the same, what did she mean 'that's it'? I turn slightly to face her pulling my oversized black shirt over my shoulder as it had fallen slightly in my attempts to dramatically lift myself in the heat of the argument

"That's it? What are you talking about?"

I spoke with a slightly raised voice realising her words grating down on my eardrums like a little devil trying to find its way home

"I'm talking about your 'foreplay' kissing a girls neck is pointless on its own? No wonder you have no repeat customers!"

"Excuse me? What the fuck would you know?"

She turn on her knees obviously getting rowled up as my statement sunk in her brown orbs widening with a dramatic tint, the truth was our little competition had slowly become getting more and more out of hand as the weeks flew by, just the other day we had a raging argument in the middle of a class because we had hooked up with the same girl and for some reason thought shouting at each other would prove who was better? Ridiculous

"It's all about the hands dumbass! Look let me show you!"

Wait wait wait ...what the fu-

Her lips immediately connect to my neck under my thick black hair, my body almost fell into a state of shock as her hot breath flood my neck ... a sensation I was NOT expecting, my heart beat out of my chest in confusion... what was she doing? She lingered for a few moments just peppering my skin before pulling back showing absolutely no emotion at all, her eyes not even looking at me as she began to speak

"See that! Does nothing! You have to use your hands like this!"

Her voice was angry and competitive which only confused me further... the only time our bodies had ever come in to contact was the time she had snatched my phone from my hand throwing it across the street in a moment of intimidation... I didn't even have time to process her statement as the palm of her hand reach to rest across my ribs over my shirt, her lips again joining my neck this time with more force and .. was that a tongue? The hand began drifting up and down her fingertips almost crawling around my ribs for longer than I'd have expected in order for her to prove her point.. that only backed up by the fact her palm slowly sank onto my hip, her digits shuffling to make its way under my shirt, I almost choked on my breath as the hands began glossing up against my hot skin, I was getting slowly anxious however as I wasn't wearing a bra, the breaths shockingly short and deep from her side ... what in the fuck was going on

After a few more moments she pulled away, I can't lie as much as I would love to right now but I had an evident throb between my legs, I know it was just the feeling of lips and hands over my body.. I was into girls obviously that kind of sensation would send me feeling some kind of way.. it had nothing to do with Camila personally as I still held a major dislike for the girl.. I look on slightly speechless after she had just been so bold but there was something different in her eyes, almost a lust with a stern aggression? It was basically dripping from the pools of brown..

"That! Is how you turn a girl on!"

"Yeah well I'm not buying it... I'm a girl and .. nothing! Maybe you need to update your skit Camila!"

I shot back as harshly as I could but some how the sensation between my legs just wouldn't leave... it bothered me SO much.. how could SHE get me so worked up? I guess when I closed my eyes I just forgot she was there

"You're so full of shit! But whatever helps you sleep at night Lauren!"

She roll her eyes deliberately away from me before turning her head for a few moments not even saying another word... was she flustered too? I don't know but what I did know was that the swollen lips when she turn back to me indicate her efforts put in to 'prove me wrong' were more than just a 'point'

"Kissing my neck doesn't prove anything Camila!"

"Oh yeah? Well how do you turn a girl on Jauregui huh? Just stick your tongue down her throat?"

Ok ... she was challenging me but some how it didn't feel competitive? Her tone of voice was more curious than anything as much as she'd probably never admit it.. I decided to take it, an opportunity to maybe catch her out .. it was perfect

I let out a huff of air before sitting to my knees grabbing a wrist I saw delicately placed in her lap using it as leverage to throw her back into the pillow behind her, the small shocked gasp escaping her lips only encouraging me more as I force my knees between her legs pushing my body down into hers feeling her undeniably beating chest against my own, I let go of her wrist hesitating for a moment before sinking my lips down into her neck ... weirdly the closer I got the nicer the perfume smelt and well.. tasted.. I ran my tongue along the length of her exposed neck using my chin to lift her head as I plant a deep kiss onto her pulse point

It was a weird sensation kissing the neck of someone I took the time out of my day to avoid but in the moment it was dark and this was all just another one of our stupid 'fights' so I decided to just go with it locking my lips over every part of her neck down into her collar bone biting gently at the skin pulling it away between my teeth, I was shocked to feel the light push of her stomach up into mine.. she was.. enjoying this.. I said nothing and only wanted to push it further for a stronger reaction I could for sure use against her

I continued my lips across and over to the base of her neck running my tongue slowly up against her throat before moving back to her ear taking the lobe between my teeth swirling my tongue around the new area, what I didn't expect however was my own hips pressing against her core... I honestly ... did not ... mean to do that... however as soon as my body made contact an unmistakable noise left her mouth, it was a deep sensual moan that flood my ears instantly, I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

I couldn't help but pull away lifting my face just above hers with a shocked but smug gaze, this was perfect! She knew exactly what was running through my head and I knew it as her face began burning a deep red, her legs shifting nervously beneath me.. for the first time ever I had silenced Camila Cabello...

What I hadn't realised however in the moment of victory was the pace of my own chest, it almost burnt as I held myself above her.. it must have been the heat of the moment but this was a feeling I couldn't ignore, we remained paused for a moment before the realisation sunk in, she quickly sat up pushing me away as her body flew back towards the head board like a scared child, I didn't say anything as to be honest what could I say? We hated each other but for some reason in that moment we just..

"Sorry.. I just got lost in the moment there.."


I admit with a very deep reluctance... it was true, for a minute I completely forgot where I was and well.. who I was with .. me and Lauren hated each other at the best of times but the hot breaths and slick movements of her tongue just lead me off into my own imagination, it wasn't helped by the fact she basically grind her hips into my pelvis.. obviously I'm going to react I'm a human after all?

"No uh... I'm sorry too I don't know what happened?"

Her voice seemed just as laboured as mine, the one thing about one night stands is that normally it was just me doing stuff to them... never the other way around so every night you're just left with this intense overwhelming almost feeling of lust that just eats away at your body until you 'sort yourself out' in private... the sudden rush in the touch Lauren gave only naturally would have elicited some kind of reaction however it seemed we had both felt the weird tension slowly growing in the room

The problem in all of this however was the fact she'd probably use this against me.. she always picked things to use as ammunition it was just the way she worked.. I must have been lost in thought forever as the girl in front deliberately clear her throat to warrant my attention  

"You know... it's probably stupid but... we're in the same game here.. and I .. I don't know about you but it's not like I get much in return..."

She began trailing off almost immediately as she stumble on her words, I really couldn't stand her but right now she was actually talking some sense... I didn't know where she was going with it but I was intrigued... I nod my head convincingly motioning her to continue

"Like... I know we don't get along but.. it's not like we can't .. you know.. help each other out..."

My jaw mentally dropped as those words fell from her mouth, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.. the girl normally quick enough to throw attitude was asking to...

"You mean like.. sexually?"

Her cheeks began flushing a deep shade of red as she peer down into her lap fidgeting with the ring on her thumb, this felt so wrong but so .. right all at once.. how can I hate but want to fuck someone .. at the same time..?

"it's not like it means anything? It's just sex Camila?"

I nod back pulling my full lower lip into my mouth as I mull over the thought, it's not like I had to think about her ... I can easily use my imagination .. and I really did need some kind of relief for my .. situation

"This doesn't mean I like you jauregui ..."

I shot harshly being completely honest not wanting to swallow any mixed messages.. she bluntly pout her lips in her signature annoying cocky way before lifting her palms

"The feelings mutual... trust me!"

She spoke before finally lifting her eyes back up into mine, we rarely made eye contact but right now I think we both mentally decided that this was just a desire that needed to be clenched sharpish ...

I spread my legs back either side of her knees before grabbing her by the shirt pulling her back down into the bed with me selfishly just wanting that tongue back across my neck, she didn't hesitate either as her lips almost beggingly fell onto my pulse point sucking and biting with a passion I for sure wasn't expecting considering how hard she tried most days to avoid me, I close my eyes just thinking of nothing but the hot muscle circling my skin, the thought of it being Lauren thankfully not present in my mind

It was only a matter of minutes before her body lift her hands grabbing for my shirt pulling it quickly over my head, the fact I wasn't wearing a bra felt weird as immediately my entire chest for the first time was on display for her viewing... I had no time to think however as her lips almost instantly flew to my nipple sucking it into her mouth with the help of her tongue swirling back and forth, I tried desperately to suppress the moan lingering in my throat not wanting to let her know that I was actually enjoying the encounter however she'd clocked onto the hesitation as her head lift from my chest

"Don't make this weird by being stubborn Camila ..."

"I'm not being stubborn!"

"Oh- really?"

She spoke before suddenly shoving her hand down the front of my panties forcing my head back into the pillows behind me as her fingertips made contact with my embarrassingly wet centre, I was almost furious as I felt the smug grin even with my eyes closed, Immediately however my train of thought was stolen as her fingertip push down harshly against my clit, a deep moan fell from my mouth but this time I didn't care, the sudden spike in sensation made me feel crazy...

"Told you!"

"Will you just shut up and fuck me already? Your voice is so annoying!"

I shot before her lips angrily flew back into my neck biting down harshly in response against my skin as a single digit thrust unexpectedly into my core forcing me to let out a throaty deep moan that seemingly only encouraged her to push deeper, every motion sent shock waves through my system as my eyes shut tightly


I called out as she began to curl her digit inside of me, as much as I tried to pretend it was somebody else her panting breath and signature smell forced me to realise who it was on top of me ... I hated the idea of it being her but

"Ugh oh my god!"

My brain couldn't even keep up with the pleasure steering through my veins right now, I hadn't been touched by another person like that in forever.. I was usually left to fix my desperation alone so the sudden new sensation was somehow heightened, I couldn't help but want some kind of normality however and out of habit lift my fingers to the band of her panties lacing them under the front pushing them in to follow her movements, her back instantly arch into mine as she adjust to the new position my digits falling quickly down to her centre inserting 2 fingers without hesitation

"Uhh, shit! Yes!"

I heard her moan, her mouth directly next to my ear, I wasn't going to lie I was blinded by the close climax and didn't care anymore about who it was, all I wanted was to ride this out for as long as possible!

"Give me more Jauregui!"

I scolded as I buck my hips up into her hand, her normally abrasive mouth not bothering to reply as she instantly enter a second finger thrusting deeper and deeper with every motion, it wasn't long before her stance upon her palm gave way and she fell to lean on her elbow forcing our chests tightly together as we quickly reach a matching pace

"Uhhh fuck! I'm gonna cum..."

"Me too.."

We both yell out as the movements became sloppy our highs hitting us at exactly the same time with a force so strong we fell to moaning into each other's necks until the buzz began to dull

"Shit... I can't believe we jus-"

"Me either"

"I need some water"

Lauren spoke as she lift her red faced body from on top of me, her legs falling onto the ground as she reach for a half empty bottle of water swigging back the liquid entirely, I sat myself up scraping back my hair as I claw for my shirt pulling it over my shoulders quickly before shooting her a look

"Don't worry about me it's not like I'm thirsty too!"

She pause for a moment with a deathly glare I swear she always saved for me as she scrunch the bottle up in her hand throwing it harshly into the trash before reaching beside the cabinet for a full bottle

"Are you gonna keep being rude or are you gonna say please? Because trust me I'd be more than happy for you and your attitude to sleep outside!"

I stood from the bed walking half way over to the grim faced girl using the little energy I had left to snatch the bottle from her grasp


Winking sarcastically as I wrap my lips around the top guzzling back the water like a dehydrated kid after playing outside for too long, her only response was an aggravated tut that followed her as she pull back the covers to climb into bed pushing herself over against the wall not to speak another word for the rest of the night

I had to admit... tonight was kind of weird... we went from hating each other to fucking each other and then .. back to hating each other? It's crazy to think what a single desire can do to a person?

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