Red Dressed Beauty

Oleh noel_writes1

355 7 14

A boy who roves around at midnight, observes a beauteous girl dressed in red, stepping in the woods for the m... Lebih Banyak

Red Dressed Beauty

355 7 14
Oleh noel_writes1

It was a blue moon night, haze clouded the woods, night was silent as everyone was sleeping like dead, still a soft tune was audible when I gave ears to the complete silence. It was beautiful rhythm of silence, heeding which, I moved ahead to open up mysteries of calm cunning night. There is nothing honest about nights that seems to be deceptively quiet. Screams of the torn off innocents are never hearable to the people sleeping at home in quietude. Basically I am not a night person who roves around at midnight, I set this night walk which wasn't in my usual routine because I was disturbed by life of lies, containing cruel deeds even in bright morn. Walking little forward, while silence was whispering in my ears, between the woods, in that midnight of smiling moonlight, I found a gem like girl.

She was dressed in red, and darkness of night was killed by her presence. In other words, night was truly coloured by her. There she was dancing for empty music, might be music was prevailing in her lonely heart that concealed art. Big eyed owls were avidly gaping at her steps, being speechless, and fireflies around her added more to that pleasing sight. I couldn't resist my legs from moving towards her. My each footstep, which took me near her, expounded more about her magical look. Her hairs were more crisp than the flowers that wild plants bear. Her sparkling blue eyes were more captivating than night stars hanging on sky above me. I noticed that no rings locked her fingers, and her neck wasn't committed to love.

Her dance,

it was of dreams that nightmares snatched away from her,

it was of love for which she was craving,

it was of joy which existed only in imaginary fictions,

it was of freedom that only loneliness gifted her.

I moved much closer, in fact closer enough so that my image could fall on her dewy eyes. Yes, she saw me, her stepping legs came to rest and started gazing at me. I had nothing to speak, I extended my right hand towards her. The honesty that my eyes promised, made her soft hand to be placed over mine. Then we started dancing together being lit by fireflies, making the night owls envious. Till that night, my legs were unaware of concept of dance, but her presence might have added music to my earless legs. My one hand was placed gently on her waist and another hand joined her hand to make marvelous moves. For the first time, I realized even black colour can gleam, seeing a black mole on her white neck.

I made guesses about her, she could be

an angel came to light up the dark forest

or a princess ran away from king's palace, searching free space.

or might be a character my imagination created for interim relief

or a ghost who love to dance being lit by moonlight.

Whoever she was, everything felt like magical that instant.

Time was moving forward hiding its face from me, nor did I care. Then in between, everything started appearing blurry, and last thing I could remember about that night was her voice saying, "Girls need to be protected." Then I fainted and fell on ground all sudden, possibly the effect of two sleeping pills, which I had swallowed through my throat before starting that walk, came into life.

Next dawn, a ray of sunlight made its way through the woods to my eyes, waking me up. I was lying on ground alone, she wasn't there anymore. I was flummoxed and kept wondering what had happened previous night. I went back to home being at sixes and sevens. Same as I used to start every fresh morning, I took my cup of coffee in hand and the newspaper to read. But then I noticed, by mistake, I took same newspaper which I had already read previous morning. Again that same news caught my eyes same as the previous day, "23 year-old girl was raped and killed last night." Not that headline, but the image of girl stabbed me hard because her image resembled the girl I saw in red dress last night. I was shocked to know that the girl was dead one night before I really saw her. So, whom did I really see??

Only two possibilities are left now. The girl could be an imaginary outcome of the news I read that morning, combined with two sleeping pills I consumed same day's night or she could be a soul of that dead girl, fulfilling her unquenched desires. I was totally confused because there is nothing honest about the things that night shows me. I then suddenly searched about her news in internet. I found more clear picture of that girl. That picture added one more info about her appearance which the picture in newspaper failed to tell. That was she had a black mole on her neck. Wait! What? Is this really a new info for me??? I pondered, and I decided to recreate the night walk once again.

Her soul is floating in the dark

to hunt down the cruel.

Beware, between the woods,

she got a way.

She wears red,

colour of the blood

that you drank from her,

doffing her clothes.

She can now tear you apart

as you tore her once.

You snatched away her life,

ignoring the eyes of night

and burned her honest longing to live,

now, the same night has brought her back.

Remember the way 

she cried, begging

coz those tears will return 

to burn you down.

Yes, she is back

into the chase

but this time,

it's your turn to run.

As it's been told that

your wrong deeds will find you someday,

asking you to pay for it . -Noel

(Follow my thoughts and poetries on instagram @noel_writes)

It takes so much time to pen down a  story, kindly let me know your view on this story😊

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