Falling in love💖

By AyeshaTakia43

171K 10.2K 4.2K

A Story of a pretty mischievous boy Xiao Zhan who fled from his own marriage from States to China to find his... More

Characters - 1
Characters - 2
Chapter - 1
Chapter -2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Thank you Note
Chapter - 9
Not an update
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 17
Asking your help
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Not an update
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
My Birthday🎂
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Not an update
Chapter - 30
Not an Update
Chapter : 31
Chapter : 32
Chapter : 33
Chapter : 34
Happy Birthday Zhan ge ❤
Chapter : 35
💜💚 Hello guys💙 ❤
Chapter : 36
Chapter : 37
Thank you!!!
Chapter : 38

Chapter - 15

3.1K 237 76
By AyeshaTakia43

"No.. No... Why God? Why me? Why me?"  Yibo mumbled frustrated and went to the door of the adjacent room.

Yibo was about to open the door of Zhan's room but stop.
'What if he still half naked? No, he had wore his clothes when he came downstairs for dinner. But I shouldn't enter like this. Yeahh I should knock first.."  Yibo thought to himself while standing in front of Zhan's room.

After battling his thoughts,  finally he knocked softly. No one open the door. He again knocked. Same response. He knocked 3 to 4 times but got no response.
'Why he is not opening the door? Maybe because of the loud music he can't hear the knock..' 

[If you are thinking Because of the loud music Why Carman and Yubin didn't wake up, So I wanna tell you that Yibo and Zhan's room were sound proof except a wall which was common in both Yibo and Zhan's room. Well it's my story, So anything can be possible..]

Yibo again harshly knocked. Zhan opened the door. He was in his sleeping pyjama.

"What?" Zhan asked.

"You are asking me what?" Yibo angrily said.

But due to the music he can't hear what Yibo said..

"Huhh!! I can't hear you"  Zhan said.

"Idiot" Yibo mumbled and  entered in Zhan's room and closed the music system. Zhan was standing at his door dumbfounded.

"What the hell? How dare you?"  Zhan angrily said.

"How dare I? How dare you? Are you mad or what?" Yibo angrily asked.

"Why are getting angry? What I have done now?"  Zhan calmly asked as he sensed that Yibo is angry.

"What have you done? You are asking this to me? Don't you know in night people sleep? Why are you playing loud music at this hour?"  Yibo asked.

"But Yibo I have this habit of listening music before sleep otherwise I can't sleep and moreover Aunt Carman told me that rooms are soundproof. Then how you know that I am listening music? Wait a minute, Don't tell me you were eavesdropping?? Oh my God?? Yibo how could you?"  Zhan said.

"Shut up. Eavesdropping? Me? In your dreams..Just tell me one thing are you really that much idiot? Or are you pretending?  And for your kind information  this common wall among our room is not sound proof. So I can listen it from my room. Now shut it down and sleep.." Yibo said.

"But I can't sleep without listening music. It's my habit."  Zhan said.

"You and your weird habits."  Yibo mumbled.

"What?"  Zhan asked.

" Don't you know what headphones for? Use them!!"  Yibo said.

"No, Shijie use to tell that earphones are not healthy for ears. They can destroy my eardrums."  Zhan innocently answer.

"Ahh!!So, You won't let me sleep?"  Yibo asked angrily.

"When did I said you not to sleep?Go and sleep." Zhan said.

"Hearing this much loud music, Can anyone sleep?"  Yibo said.

"I can't help. Sorry but I won't shut the music player down." Zhan said and turned on the music player.

"Alteast reduce the sound of music player." Yibo said.

But Zhan pretend like he didn't hear.

"Arghh..." Yibo pulled his hair in frustration and stormed out of the room and head to his own.

He lay on the bed but due to the music he can't sleep.
"Ahh-hh.. Why me? Why me? Why?" Yibo mumbled frustrated.

Yibo put his fingers in his ears to resist the music reaching to his ears. But nothing helped.

And the whole night Yibo keeps changing his position from side to side but didn't get a glimpse of sleep.

Next morning :–

Yibo wake up late. He went to bathroom to take shower.

Meanwhile Zhan wake up he took a shower and came out from bathroom with a towel wrapped on his waist. Till now he didn't unpacked his luggages. He placed his luggage on bed and  take clothes he would wear today. He took a white bunny T-shirt, blue jeans. But he can't find his underwear anywhere. He searched all his stuff but can't find one. He was still in towel.

"Man...where is my underwear? Why I can't find it? Ahh..hh... What will I do now? Wait a minute maybe I didn't packed any of them!! Shit?? I can't wear clothes without underwear!! What will I do now?"      Zhan said to himself.

"Maybe I can ask Aunt Carman?
No!! I shouldn't disturb her early morning. So, Should I ask Yubin? But I don't know where his room? Probably it would be downstairs and I can't roam around like this!! Ahh-hh..
Should I ask Mr. Angry bird? What if he blast on me? But who cares? Whatever!!!" 

Saying so Zhan entered in Yibo's
(Yes, Zhan is still in only towel wrapped around his waist.)

Yibo was entering in his room from bathroom. He too had only towel wrapped around his waist.

Yibo felt someone's presence. He saw that Zhan was standing near his bed with towel.

"Why you always in towel whenever I see you?"  Zhan asked.

Yibo gritted his teeth angrily and said..
"What the hell do you think you are doing in my room? And secondly it's my room. So I can roam around as I want. But why are you here like this?"  Yibo asked.

"Ohh yeahh!! I want a favor from  you." Zhan said.

"And what's it?" Yibo asked.

"Actually I can't find any of my underwear!!"  Zhan said.

"So? " Yibo asked.

"So can you give me any spare of yours?" Zhan asked.

"Huh?"  Yibo asked.

"Please give me na!! I can't wear my clothes without underwear..it's so uncomfortable."  Zhan said.

"If so, then go to market and buy one." Yibo said and continue doing his stuff.

"Yibo please give one na! I will buy them today." Zhan pleaded with his innocent eyes.

"How can you use mine?" Yibo asked.

"Don't you wash them?" Zhan asked.

"Wait here let me check first if I have any new."  Yibo said and moved to his wardrobe.

After searching for a while, he came and handed Zhan a new underwear. 

"Thanks" Zhan said and ran to his room. Yibo smiled.

Zhan came to his room.

"Thank God that Angry bird gave me underwear."  Zhan said and started to wore his clothes.

But now he can't find socks. The socks he used yesterday was dirty now and he can't find a new one. He thought for a minute and again went to Yibo's room and entered without knock. Yibo was wearing his coat.
Zhan was remained at his place mesmerised by Yibo's handsomeness. He keep standing at his place and continue to stare at Yibo.

'Wow!! This Angry bird is really handsome. He looks like a gentleman in this suit.'  Zhan thought.

Yibo turned and saw Zhan was standing there.

"If you are done with staring me then, Will you like to tell What are you doing here?"  Yibo asked.

Yibo's voice snapped him out from his thoughts.

"Yeahh!! Can you give me socks too. I can't find them too."  Zhan said.

"Tell me, Did you bring anything or not?"  Yibo asked.

"Can't you see these clothes? I brought these and many more and everything except socks and underwear. Hope so."  Zhan said.

Yibo without saying anything turned to his drawer in the wardrobe, take a pair of socks and handed them to him.

Zhan took them and ran to his room.

Zhan went to his room, sat on bed.

"I hope I didn't forget to bring anything else. That Angry bird is scary sometimes. But he is handsome too."  Zhan said and smiled.

Zhan came downstairs in black ripped jeans and white bunny T-shirt with white sneakers. He wished morning to all. Yibo saw Zhan dressing and frown but didn't said a word. He doesn't like Zhan to wear ripped jeans, its not like he is some Orthodox or something but it's because after seeing Zhan's milky white sexy legs he can't concentrate and can't hold his wild thoughts and imaginations.

Zhan sat opposite side of Yibo and started eating his breakfast. Yibo keeps frowning. Carman noticed it.

"What happened Yibo?" She asked.

"Nothing"  Yibo replied and continue eating his breakfast.

Ha Peng's Mansion : –

Ha Peng was standing in front of the window in his room. Suddenly his phone started ringing. He picked up the call.

" Yes" Ha Peng said.

"Find them as soon as possible. Otherwise you know what will I do with you!!"  Ha Peng said and cut the call.

"Run sweetheart run. Run as much you want. But in the last you have to come to me. So run and enjoy your holidays."  Ha Peng said and laughed evilly.

To be continue.....

That's it for now. How was it? Do let me know in comments..

Now I am not adding photos.

If any of you find any word or sentence wierd then do let me know.

Feel free to vote and comment. I would be very happy.

Pardon for my grammatical mistake and typo.

See you all in next chapter. Till then bye bye👋

#staysafe   #yizhanforever  

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