Not an Update

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Hii guys!! How are you all doing?
Hope you all are safe and healthy.

Sorry for not updating for a long time. First I was busy with my studies then many of my relatives dead due to Covid-19. And due to safety reasons we couldn't even go there. Here the condition is very bad. Daily we are listening of 2 to 3 deaths nearby.

But the good thing is till now we are safe.

Okk so back to the thing, today I am here to tell you guys that I have started a new Taekook story. It's my first BTS story.

Anyone who is interested can check it out.

Title : Boys in Love

Back to this story, I'll update it soon. I know you would be thinking that I am starting new story when I haven't even completed a single one yet.

Actually I've lost my interest in this. I don't know what to write more. But I'll focus on this soon. And I have the plot of that story in my mind for a long time, so before I forget it, I should write it.

I'll update soon may be next week. Sorry once again...

Till then bye bye. 

#Staysafe  #yizhanforever

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