Chapter - 22

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Zhan turned to the voice. There was a girl standing. She was wearing red tight skirt and white blouse. She had put on make up too much. With her red lipstick and tight clothes she was looking like she has a moto of seduce someone.

(Imagine her in modern attire which I described)

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(Imagine her in modern attire which I described)

She walked seductively to Zhan and stand in front of him and crossed her hands over her chest.

"Who the hell are you little boy?" She asked Zhan.

Zhan looked at her confused.

"Who the heck are you to call me little boy, huh?" Zhan asked angrily.

She can't underestimate Zhan. She can't called him little now as he is 20 years old already.

"I asked you. Who are you?" The girl shouted.

Zhan got irritated.

"What's your problem?" Zhan asked irritated.

"I asked you first. So, answer me!" The girl said.

"My name is Xiao Zhan. I am here applying the position of graphic designer." Zhan said calmly.

"Oh so you are here applying for a mere position like graphic designing and you have the guts to call Wang Yibo like that. You little fool." The girl said sarcastically.

"Excuse me madam, first of all it's non of your business, for what I am here and second thing is don't call me tha again otherwi-" Zhan was saying when the girl cut him in between.

"Otherwise what? Are you  threatening me?" The girl asked angrily.

"I wi-" Zhan was saying but interrupted by someone from behind.

"Zhan" Yubin called him from behind and walked to them.

"Hey Lingjiao jie!! Let me introduce you both. He is Zhan, Xiao Zhan. My cousin and Zhan she is Yibo ge's P.A. Wen Lingjiao." Yubin introduced them.

"Ohh so he is your cousin." She said making irritated face.

Yubin turned to Zhan.

"Zhan come, let me introduce to all. Come with me." Yubin said and pulled him.

They went on 4 floor.

"Zhan come, see this is your cabin, that one is mine. Okay!!" Yubin said. Zhan nodded his head and grinned widely.

"Come, I'll introduce you to others." Yubin said and both went outside from the cabin.

"Okay, So he is Yang ge. He will be your senior. He is also a graphic designer and Yang ge he is Xiao Zhan, my cousin." Yubin introduced them.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
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