My Mafia Baby Daddy✅

By hippieloverere

182K 4.3K 686

Finding out she was pregnant was something that changed Valentina's world. Firstly, her baby father Michael w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Note from Author.
Part Two

Chapter 13

5.7K 159 26
By hippieloverere

 "Pregnant?" she muttered her face contoured with confusion and Kiara touched her stomach with a warm smile.

"Yes, I wasn't expecting it but I am three months along, Bria is going to be a big sister." Valentina shook her head in denial don't say that don't bring my child into your deluded fantasy, she thought.

"What, how?" Valentina asked

"Isn't it obvious we had sex." She replied with a giggle

"I don't believe you!" she yelled and Kiara rolled her eyes at her and then tried to place her hand on her shoulder, she nudge her off

"I know it's a hard pill to swallow at the moment." She tried soothing her and Valentina stopped herself from slapping her across her face.

" You need to prove it to me, I need to see a pregnancy test, Did you tell Michael yet?" she asked

"I don't need to prove anything to you Valentina and no I haven't told him yet, Valentina was becoming surprisingly annoyed as if she was in a great confrontation with her husband's mistress even though they were both mistresses in each other's eyes.

To Kiara she was the only one to Michael because Valentina was dead, not alive and then to be suddenly alive she had come in between her and him. She was sure he assured her that she was nothing to him but it was weird to think she really believed that.

It was obvious she looked like her. Why would she think that his feelings can just disappear for his wife once she reappears? She supposed she thinks he has a type.

Kiara walked into the living room and sat on the white sofa pulling out her phone and ignoring Valentina as she followed.

"Why can't you prove that you are pregnant Kiara?" she asked sitting next to her, Kiara shifted slightly and tore her eyes away from her phone screen looking at Valentina with enough hatred to make her laugh to herself.

"How, what do you want me to do? Take a fucking pregnancy test?"


"Where the fuck I am going to get one? I don't have one here with me, I can go and get one if you like." She said and Valentina chuckled causing her to roll her eyes.

"You really think I would let you leave to get a pregnancy test. So you can not return?" she asked, perking her eyebrows at her a bright red reached her cheeks and she turned away as her phone dinged in her hand. A text message and then Valentina got an idea.

"Why don't you order one from CVS, they do deliveries," she said and she got up so fast the sofa rocked slightly.

"You are just so pathetic, why would I make up something like that? I told you I'm pregnant why can't you just fuck off."

"Don't talk to me like that Kiara! You know what Michael's meeting will probably be over soon why don't we just break the news to him, Today?"

"Don't you fucking dare, I will tell him when I'm ready." She sneered and Valentina saw a little bit of anxiousness on her face, they both knew Michael hated liars.

"Fine, I will get the tests." She said as she dial the CVS number and walked to the corner to do the ordering.

"Order five," Valentina whispered raising her hand so Kiara can see the amount as she wiggle her fingers at her. She nodded and Valentina became feeling so envious she had a phone, she wished she had hers.

She now knew where it was but having no internet access nothing, even Bria has a tablet and there is no landline anyway around the mansion just in Michael office. All the other staff just used their smartphone.

When she hung up the phone she came back over to her and let out a sigh.

"They say they would be here in ten minutes." she nodded and her phone dinged again with another message. It made Valentina curious who was she texting? She shook it out of her thoughts it wasn't really any of her business.
Her pregnancy was what she really needed the worry about, Valentina can't let her have that advantage over her, she already going crazy if it was true Michael would definitely change his mind about them switching places.

He will dote on her, she will be his pregnant woman, something Valentina denied him. He didn't get to see Bria growing in her stomach, never heard her heartbeat. Wasn't there when she came out squealing and was placed in her arms already trying to suckle her breast.

He will have that with Kiara and if it is a son she can already see her being a distant memory lock in a room, never to see the outside world again. gosh, she needed that phone.

"Kiara may I have a moment with you." Valentina was deep in thought when she heard Benito come into the room and addressed Kiara.

"Sure," she got up and followed him in the kitchen and she thought little about it. Until after a few minutes it hit her and she followed them. Only Benito standing at the island sprinkling salt on the steaks that would be their dinner.

"Where is Kiara?" she asked as she stormed in furrowing her brows at him.

"She left," he simply stated with a sly smile, Kiara was messaging Benito all along, He was her way out from taking the pregnancy test to prove she was pregnant to her.


"Oh, by the way there is a parcel for you." Benito said as he pointed to the bag from CVS on the counter. She sucked her teeth at him and grabbed it, she was definitely going to get him fired, she opened the bag five pregnancy test a big fuck you from Kiara.

Valentina stormed out of the kitchen and headed to her room waiting for Michael's meeting to be over.


It was around seven when Michael's meeting had finished and they were having dinner as a family. Michael and Valentia, Bria and Sylva, she couldn't get the thought of Kiara being pregnant out of her head so she played around with her food barely eating anything. Michael had his eyes on her the whole time arching his brows at her ever so slightly wearing a concerned face. It was only when Sylva left with Bria for her bath he confronted her as she wandered into the garden to clear her head.

"Are you torturing me by not eating so that I would take you on a date?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist and sinking his face in her neck. Valentina pulled away and bit her lips turning to face him.

"What is it,Valentina?" he asked his eyes searching her face for answers, she inhaled sharply thinking that it was best he heard it from her, instead of Kiara ruining their moment a little bit if it was true which she highly doubted.

"Kiara told me she's pregnant." as she said it his eyes widened.

"Is there any possibility that this may be true?" she asked Michael his hands on his chin.

"Yes, I slept with her regularly but she was on the pill, that is what she told me."

"So it could be true," she said and he nodded and turned to face the door that leads to the house.

"Where are you going? she asked him

"To Kiara's," he replied

"I need to hear her on the matter, Why would she tell you first before me?" He muttered to himself just before he left.

This was what she feared, she really hoped she was lying a baby right now, will ruin her chances. She sat outside in the garden feeling the cool breeze on her skin the time passed rather quickly and before she knew it, It was almost eleven, Bria had been put to bed and Michael hadn't returned. So it must be true.


Valentina was laying in a bath surrounded by a white fragrance candle that smelled of warm vanilla, something to calm her. The water ripples above her as she gently patted the water, that bloody bag of pregnancy tests on the counter next to her, and one in a small container with her pee.

One minute had passed and it was one of those quick pregnancy tests, she took it out of the small container and looked at the results, one positive sign, and she was pregnant. A negative sign and she was not, she look at the results and gasped.

After she had her bath she wrapped herself in wholly pink pajamas and looked at the clock almost one and Michael was still at Kiara. It's better to not think about it and go to sleep, she told herself.

Her eyelids were so heavy that she pulled her sheets and wrapped them around herself and fell quickly into sleep. She was awoken by footsteps and the edge bed shifting slightly.

She opened her sleepy eyes, Michael his shoulders low and his head in his hands. He heard her movement and turned his head slightly.

"She isn't pregnant." He said solemnly and she flickered on the lamp on the nightstand. What she saw shocked her, Michael's white shirt was filled with blood.

"Michael," she gasped

"What happened?"

"She tried to kill herself." He said turning to her there was a small gash on this face.

"She slit both her wrists, there was so much blood." His eyes were red and she knew he was crying, He rarely cries, she crawled to him wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"Why?" she asked.

"The pregnancy test was negative and she could have sworn she was pregnant. You know it was probably a phantom pregnancy because she doesn't want to switch with you." Michael said and Valentina started helping him unbutton his shirt. They were so red, she was glad she was not pregnant, she thought.

"She broke down and said she needed wine so she left to the kitchen, but I thought she was in there too long so I went to check on her." He stopped for a little while his face sorrowful he inhaled deeply

"She was on the floor her wrist slit I rushed to her wrapping it with the fucking table cloth. Damn her for scaring me like this."

Michael was lenient to the people he loves to an extent. Nate took Valentina from him and that he couldn't forgive. An image of Nate's face flashed into her mind and she shook it away. All this blood made her nauseous, she couldn't bear it, she threw his shirt across the room.

"She is on psychotic watch in the hospital. The doctors think she had a mental breakdown. I was with her in the hospital that's why I was gone so long. She's sedated." He got up and turned to face her.

"I'm going to take a shower, don't fall asleep. I need you." He said as he kissed her on the forehead,she nodded how can she really?

She was too shaken, a mental breakdown. How stressful, all this must have been so hard on her. She only thought of herself, she interrupted her life as well when she returned.

Her mind had to conjure up a pregnancy.

She felt bad thinking how relieved she was feeling as well. No, pregnancy no interruptions of her plans.

After a while, Michael came out of the bathroom wearing grey sweatpants. She smiled warmly at him as he pulled the sheet back and joined her on the bed. He pulled her close and wrapped his strong arms around her waist. Inhaling her scent his body felt so warm and comforting, she melted into him.

"We need a distraction, my love." He said groggily.

"I will give you your date."

Thank you for reading. 😍😚

Ranni 🦋

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