Gaming Your Way There (kiriba...

By moldywonderbread

31.1K 1.3K 1.4K

No quirks/aged up Kirishima and Bakugo are some of the most popular Twitch Streamers/ Youtubers. They both pl... More

I Think I Like the Idiot
Its a Fucking Guarantee
Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay
Some of the Family
They Fuckin Know
Boyfriend Tag
Heartfelt Rants
Its Mental Illness Ain't It?
Panic and Relief
Sweet Talking Gets You Somewhere
Im a Little Off...
New House, New Doubts
Speed Running Emotions
Hes Adorable
We Did That
A/N (plz read)
Secrets Out
Cats Out of the Bag
We Have a Pool?
Roof-Top Picnic
Fuckin Canada
Its Him...
The World's At Peace

Dont Call Me Man

1.3K 55 75
By moldywonderbread

NSFW- That was fuckin fast

Bakugo pov))

"Baku! Will you visit soon?" Kirishima's family finally has to leave and let's say Shoyo and Ayaka aren't happy.

"If Kiri has anything to say about it yeah, I will." Ayaka glued herself to my leg and won't let go, even with the promise of ice cream. I eventually get her off and pick her up. "Hey, you're gonna see me again. Don't worry." She nods and wipes her eyes. "And then I can do your hair again, but only if you go with your brothers." She nods again and I set her down. 

"Bye Baku!"

"I can't wait to show you my spike!"

"Get better." I say my final goodbye and close the door. When I turn around immediately Kirishima's pulling me into a hug. I hug back cause like, duh.

"What's this about?"

"My family loves you already! I didn't expect you to be so good with kids." I shrug.

"Learn something new every day. Plus, your family seems nice. And your little brother isn't terrified of spiders." He hmps.

"That's because he didn't get bit when he was young."

"I've gotten bit to. Can you maybe just try?"

"Later." I kiss his shoulder and pull away. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah. One sister but she's like 29. I don't see her much but her partners nice." Reason I say partner is because they're non binary.

"What's she like?"

"She's a real hard ass. Her major in collage is psychology. She wants to be a therapist so you gave a secret she won't tell. She's really good at art to." I roll over to back of the couch. "I kinda miss her now that I think about it. Haven't talked to her in a while."

"So call her." I look over at my boyfriend who's leaning against where I just rolled over.

"I dunno we never call each other. 'S not really our relationship." He shrugs.

"Just a simple call Baku. You only really need that." I sigh and grab my phone.

"I dunno Kiri. I only call her when something's wrong." He grabs my phone after I opened it.

"What's her name?"

"Satsuki." He laughs.

"What's so fuckin funny?"

"Nothing it's just Mitsuki, Katsuki, and Satsuki. Find it funny."

"I know. My mom purposely did that and it's annoying as shit."

"Well here." He tosses me my phone and I see he FaceTimed her.

"Kirishima! I just told you not to!" He laughs and winks, walking back into his room. I sigh and go to hang up when she fucking picks up the phone.

"Katsuki, nice surprise." I sigh and get off the couch.

"I'm gonna kill him."


"My fuckin boyfriend. He just called you when I told him not to."

"Boyfriend?" I freeze, realizing my mistake.

"Yeah. My boyfriend."

"Do mom and dad know?"

"Not yet. And you better not fuckin tell them."

"You know that's not my vibe Katsuki. Just tell me about him." I sigh and walk into the kitchen.

"Kirishima! Get your ass in here and deal with your shit."

"One sec!" I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"You seem happy." I scoff at Satsuki. Kirishima walks into the kitchen and hugs me from behind. 

"You needed me?"

"Yeah, you called Satsuki and she wants to know about you." He gasps and looks over at my phone.

"Is everyone in your family pretty?" I blush and look away.

"The fucks that supposed to mean?"

"You mom doesn't look a day over 30, your sister looks amazing and you're hot." I blush harder and cover my face.

"I fuckin hate you." Satsuki laughs and I can tell she likes Kirishima already.

"Aww Baku are you angry?" I huff as he laughs. "Come on Bakugo. I'm not as bad as the squad am I?"

"Right now you are." He laughs again and detaches from me. "So that's Kirishima."

"Sounds like you picked a handful."

"Yeah I fuckin did."

"Oh I'm not that bad." I sit up on the counter.

"Anyway, Kirishima, if you hurt Katsuki I will personally make it my mission to get you in my therapist office and twist you the fuck up."

"Satsuki!"Kirishima freezes.

"I don't plan on doing that." I sigh and pull him into a hug.

"She won't actually. She just has a problem with being over protective." He nods as I glare at the camera. "You okay?" He shrugs and I sigh again. "Actually Kirishima, you good?"

"Yeah, I just like hugging you." I nod as he leans into me more. I actually forget about my phone and start playing with his hair. He hums and lolls his head back. After a while I feel a wave of confidence wash over me and kiss his shoulder. When he doesn't react I kiss just slightly over where I just kissed. "Bakugo?"

"Shh. Relax." I kiss the juncture that connects his shoulder and his neck. He shudders and drops his head on my shoulder. I smirk to myself as he takes a deep breath. I glance back up and see my phone, and my sisters still on the fucking phone. Fuck. I reach forward and hang up. I kiss his neck and slide my hands to his waist. "Tell me when to stop." I kiss up his jaw and trail them up to his ear. "Come on Kiri, let me hear you~"

"Just don't stop." I nibble on his earlobe, something that drove everyone I've been with crazy. I kiss back down his neck and he tilts his head, practically begging.

"I'm not hearing much Kirishima. It seems like you don't want this."

"No, no. Bakugo please." He sounds slightly breathless.

"There we go." I kiss his collar bone and he sucks in a breath. Where's his special spot? I kiss the the right and he bites his lips. "No you fuckin don't. Let me hear you." I bite down right where I just kissed and he groans lightly. "Can I leave a mark?"

"Y-yeah." I lick over the side of his neck then suck lightly. I feel his length harden against my hip. I smirk to myself and let go.

"Would you look at that?~ you're hard from my mouth." He moans softly and I slide my hand down the side of his pants. "Can I help?"


"Katsuki, call me Katsuki."

"Fuck Katsuki please." The sound of my name coming off his tongue in that tone made me want to loose it.

"Please what? Use your words."

"Touch me." I slide my hand forward.


"Katsuki please. I'm so fucking hard." I place my hand, right above his dick and he gasps. "Please." I wrap my hand around him and he immediately grabs onto the counter.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah, please, don't stop~" I drag my hand down and he moans. His eyes screw shut and drops his head again. My hand only speeds up and he falls apart in my arms. His legs starts shaking and more moans pour out of his mouth. "Fuck Katsuki. I-I'm close." I twist my wrist and he snaps his hips forward. I hold my hand there till he stops shaking. When I take my hand away he immediately sits down on floor. I wash my hand off.

"You okay?" He nods and take another breath. I can just feel I'm hard I'm just pushing it away. That is until I feel Kirishima shift in front of me.

"Can I help you?" My eyes widen and blush breaks on to my face.

"I don't need it."

"But I want to. You helped me. It's only fair."

"I-I don't know."

"Please Katsuki? Just sit down on the couch."

"Kirishima I-"



"Call me Eijiro."

"Eijiro, I- what're you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna make you moan." He stands up and snakes a hand around my waist and pulls my closer. He leans his head to my ear. "Get on the couch babe~ let me handle it."

"Fuck Eijiro, you can't just-" he cuts me off.

"Couch. Now." He lets me go and I basically fall back on the couch. He drops to his knees and my eyes nearly pop out of my head.


"Shhh, let me handle this." He sits up on his knees and kisses me lightly. "Is this okay?"

"Y-yes." I can tell he doesn't like that answer cause he pauses. "Yeah."

"You can say no." He whispers it and he's so close I can fucking feel it.

"No, do it." He nods and kisses me softly again.

"Trust me and let me hear you." I nod as he slides down between my legs again. Now I've definitely received blow jobs before but they were always from girls before. So like, can it be much different? He looks up at me and grabs the waistband of my pants. "Can I?"I nod and he frowns. "I want your voice."

"Y-eah." He slowly pulls them down and he smirks when he sees the lump on my pants.

"Let me know if I need to stop." He slips his hand under my boxers and immediately I clap a hand over my mouth. "Oh no Katsuki, hands off." I feel a hand around my wrist yank it off my face.

"E-Eijiro~" he chuckled and slowly wraps his hands around me and I gasp. "Shit."

"This okay?"

"Yes, yes please don't stop." Great, I'm fucking begging now.

"Can I pull these down?"

"You don't have to ask just fucking do it." He pulls my boxers down and I feel a wet heat surround me. "Oh fuck." I snake a hand in his hair as he sucks lightly, not the push him down but just to hold onto something. "Holy shit." I glance down and that's to absolute wrong thing to do. Eijiro between my legs and his head down. My arm starts shaking and I feel that familiar heat in my stomach. He lets his tongue lick over my head and I moan loudly. "Holy fuck Eijiro. This is to fucking good~" I buck my hips up and I feel myself hit the back of his throat. "Shit, I'm close." He hums and I groan again. "C-cumming." He doesn't pull away so when I try to push him off he only sucks harder. "Eijiro!" I finish into his mouth and slump against the couch, catching my breath. Holy fuck that was so much better than every girl, even fuckin Urakaka.

"Enjoy yourself did you." Fucker sounds smug.

"Where the fuck did you learn that?" He kneels up again and cups my jaw, making me look at him.

"Practice." His voice sounds hoarse and I groan again. I yank him up and make him kiss me. He laughs and I can just feel it which makes it worse some how. I reach down and cover my dick while pulling him closer. I break away and immediately bite down on his collar bone. "What're you doing Katsuki?"

"Claiming what's mine."

"I already have marks, it's you who needs some." He drops his head to my shoulder and bites down. His sharp and fuck K-9's immediately break the skin and I hate how much I love that. He pulls away and licks over it. "Can I leave more?~"

"Later." He smiles and backs off. I glance at his neck and smirk. "People are gonna wanna know who did that to your neck." He shrugs.

"I can always just ignore them." He pulls me up. "You wanna stream tonight?"

"I still have to edit. You can though." He frowns.

"But I wanna do it with you!"

"You play with the squad and I'll join when I'm done, which shouldn't be long." He kisses me briefly and nods.

"I'll see you soon then." He disappears into his room and I collapse down on the couch. He just sucked my dick, and now we're acting like nothing happened. Holy shit he just fucking swallowed my cum and now he's gonna play a game like nothing happened? I get up and head into my room. We actually just fucking did that. We just- it doesn't matter. I walk in my room and see Bloodlusts cage is open and freeze. Oh shit please still be in there. I drop down and immediately look through his cage. Shit, okay not in there. I turn and glance around my room, my closets closed and the openings aren't big enough for him to fit. I look over at my desk and look under it, behind Pilot, and behind my computers. Nothing. I get back on my knees and look under my bed and there the little fucker is. He's curled up, obviously cold, and sleeping. I reach forward and run my finger over his back to wake him up. He lifts his head and sniffs before unballing and wrapping around me. I shiver. My god he's cold. How long has he been out?

Bloodlust eventually fell asleep around me while I continued editing and finally posting the video of Eijiro and I doing fanfiction. I don't know how the fuck to say it. I get off my chair and make sure Bloodlust will stay on my body before making my way to Eijiros room.

"You streaming?"

"Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out how to beat this level." I walk over and see he's playing that one game where you have to break shit in this tower. He's breaking some dragon thing.

"Just press the buttons faster." He huffs.

"Thanks Captain Obvious." I roll my eyes and watch him fail yet again.

"Man, you fuckin suck at this."

"You do it then." He shoves the controller in my hand.

"Will do." I realize how hard this is gonna be and test it once and fail.

"See! It's hard!"

"It's about strategy. I gotta see how the fuck to do it first." He sits back in his chair and Bloodlust leans over and smells him. I try again and got significantly closer than last time.

"What! That's further than I've gotten and I've been playing for 20 minutes!" I laugh and try again. I just barely miss it.

"4th time, let's go." I just barely get it and hand the controller back. "There you go. Good luck with the next one." He looks up in shock.

"How the hell are you so good at gaming man?" I grimace. "What?"

"Don't call me man." I lean towards his ear. "You had my dick in your mouth not that long ago." A huge blush breaks out and I laugh. I pull away and walk out of the room.

Kirishima Pov

He just said that and left. I lean forward and try to hide my blush but chat has already seen it.

"Shut up chat. Baku didn't say anything." I don't know if he wants me to use Katsuki in the general public.

"Katsuki you fucking idiot!" Katsuki shouts it from the other room and I sigh.

"My bad." I sigh and try to focus on the game but the reason I was having trouble before is coming back again. I just blew Katsuki for the first time and nothing happened afterwards! I sigh and sit back in my chair. "Sorry guys, I'm gonna end the stream now. I'm kinda tired. But I'll see you all soon!" I end it and immediately walk into Katsuki's room and see him at his desk with Kaminari's stream open. He turns and I collapse in him.

"Woah, what's wrong?" I hug him and he hugs back, resting his head on mine. "That game make you that mad?" I huff and shake my head. "So what's wrong?" I shrug.

"Just feel kinda down."

"That's okay, do I need to do anything or do you just need to sulk?" Something I didnt know Katsuki had in him was his ability to soften his tone and be super fucking gentle.

"Just a hug." He nods and continues the play with my hair.

"Bro! No way! Someone sent me boobs." I laugh and glance at Kamis stream. His eyes are wide and he's looking at his phone. "You guys don't have to send me stuff to get my attention. Just like ask. What happened to hi, hello, how are you?" I laugh and feel Katsuki kiss the top of my head.

"Don't move." I freeze.

"Why?" He shakes his head and reaches behind me.

"You'll know. You just can't move." I hear a click and a snap. "There." I immediately turn and see nothing out of the ordinary.

"What happened?"

"Pilots cage wasn't locked properly and if you saw I knew you'd flip." I gulp and shudder.

"I hate you sometimes."

"Uh huh, sure." I huff and slide onto the floor.

"Hey, ummm." He glances over and his eyes are way to curious so I look away. "I- so." I huff and drop my head.

"Are you breaking up with me?" My head snaps over to his again.

"What?! No! Katsuki no! It's not that!" He quirks a brow and leans forward.

"So what is it?" I sigh and look away again.

"I dunno, I just." I take a deep breath and flinch when I feel Katsuki slide down next to me. He takes and my hand and runs his thumbs over my knuckles.

"I have all day." I huff a laugh and loll my head back on the wall.

"I just kinda feel like we aren't really dating. I mean I literally just sucked your dick and then we went our separate ways afterwards like nothing happened." He squeezes me hand once.

"I know Ei. I'm honestly just kinda blindly fumbling because I don't really know what to do. I'm not sure if it's any different than being with a girl but like, if it is I don't know what the fuck to do." I look over at him and his eyes meet mine immediately. "So let's figure this out together?" I smile and yank him into a hug.

"Yeah." He laughs and stands up, yanking me with him.

"You tired?" I shrug.

"Not really."

"Then I'm gonna take a nap, and you can do whatever. K?" I nod and he falls back on his bed. "Just don't fuck with my animals." I nod and shoot a glance to Pilot.

"I wouldn't dream Katsuki." He huffs and rolls over, burying his head in his pillow.

Once I know he's out cold I immediately hop onto his twitch and stream. I snicker to myself and see the chat questioning it.

"So Katsuki's asleep and I figured now or never." The comments catch up and And explode at the use of his first name.

After the comments calm down I decided to fuck around on Katsuki's computer. Bad I know but, could be fun. I find some heart pulling photos of him in grade school buried deep in the fake trash file, along with some other random photos. Then I open the file 'Yes Bitch' and freeze. They're all basically thirst traps of Katsuki. Shirtless mirror pics, him in basically just boxers obviously flexing, pictures of his face with his tongue out and a snarl, more mirror pics with his pant leg pulled up to reveal the tattoo, and so much more. A very noticeable blush breaks out on my face and I go into a gay panic. I sit back in the chair and just stare.

"I- what the fuck is this?" I ask to no one considering Katsuki is out. "Are you seeing this chat? I'm scared to scroll my god."

"Eijiro, shut the fuck up." I flinch and look over at him. His back is still turned but the blankets up higher.

"Yeah, sorry." I turn back around and see Katsuki's simps dying I'm chat. I click out of the file. "Well I think that's enough for today." I end the stream and turn back to Baku. He's sitting on the edge of his bed now.

"So what'd you see on my computer and share with stream?" I blush and look away. "So you found my fan service. That's good to know." I cover my face and he laughs. "I won't be mad if I can go through your phone." My head immediately snaps up.

"Yeah," I gulp audibly. "Fine." I open my phone and toss it to him, hoping to god he doesn't open TikTok. I (shamefully) am kinda a fuck boy in my drafts. I got on thirst trap TikTok one time and decided to try one and got hooked. I have at least 30 drafts of me dancing to some explicit audio doing some sexual dance. Shit. I sit down by him on his bed and watch over his shoulder. He clicks through a couple apps and opens twitter.

"I'm posting something." I bite my lip and nod.

Does anyone know any good condom brands????

I laugh then remember is my account and whine.

"Oh no Kiri. You did far worse." He posts it and moves on. "Tell me, you have any embarrassing photos on snap?" I huff and fall back on his bed. "That's a yes." He opens snap and immediately scrolls down. By unstyled black hair smacks me across the face as he quirks a brow. "You dye your hair?" I nod and he immediately pushes me back on the bed.


"How come you never told me?"

"Cause you never asked." He rolls his eyes and doesn't get off. He taps around more before I hear a TikTok audio. Specifically the newest TikTok I just filmed. He quirks a brow and looks down at me.

"Wanna tell me what the fuck this is?" I blush and wish I could get away.

"I-It's nothing." He leans down and forces me to look.

"So you dancing to a thirst trap shirtless and in my sweatpants is nothing? Seems like something to me." I blush more and look away again. He leans down more, so close I can feel his breath on my ear. "Dont go all shy on my now Eijiro~ I wanna see the other ones." He pulls away and I hear one audio play, then another, and another. By the forth I've thought of an idea

"Wait, I have a YouTube idea." Katsuki looks down at me and quirks a brow. "We make thirsts traps. More fan service." He huffs.

"Well you'll win. You already have like a thousand." I wink and sit up.

"You'll just have to do better. You do that a lot." He huffs and thumps down on me.

"You cocky little shit." I laugh and hug him.

"Yeah I'm pretty cocky." He hits me and I grunt, laughing again.

"Shut up." Kissing his neck I sit up. "What're you doing dumbass?"

"I want people to know not to touch." He shudders as I continue to kiss his neck. "Can I leave marks?"

"Yeah." I smile to myself and lick up his neck.

"You're so pretty Katsuki~" I rumble out next to his ear and I feel him tense lightly.

"Shit Eijiro." He groans as I bite his earlobe lightly.

"Easy there Katsuki. Relax~" I lean back down to the middle of his neck. "This might hurt." I bite down on the skin and he shivers.

"Fuck." He hisses the word and it makes my confidence 10x higher.

After many more marks to Katsuki's neck and chest he finally pushes me away.

"Jesus Eijiro. You mark me any more I'm gonna get hard again." I smile shyly.

"Sorry, you just seemed to be enjoying yourself." He huffs and blushes harder.

"I was but I don't wanna cum three times in one day." He rolls off my and shoves himself in my side.

"You going back to bed?"

"Shut up."

Mina pov))

Do they know the stream is still on? Are they seriously coming out like this? Or do they genuinely think it's off. Well, I guess they'll know tomorrow. I smirk to myself and click off the stream.

This is gonna be fun.

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