At the water's edge (not mine...

By princessmaravillosa

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Some say that Captain Cipher sold his soul to a demon to escape the gallows 30 years ago, others say he never... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 21

725 27 5
By princessmaravillosa

It was the strangest, and most exhilarating feeling Mabel had ever felt.  Until they bounced against some sort of barrier.  They literally bounced against it.  She could…feel?...Tad’s disgruntlement at the barrier and let Mabel touch it.  The barrier seemed to waver momentarily and then they were through and she was gasping as shapes, sounds and smells rushed back into focus. 

Her knees went weak and she would have fallen to the ground if Tad hadn’t been there to hold her up.  

“Are you ok?” Tad asked quietly as he rubbed her back.  She blinked her eyes, half blind with the bright sunlight and took a shaky breath.  Her stomach rolled with the sensation, but other than that she felt great. 

“Yeah, what a rush,” she said with a breathless laugh.  

“My apologies, my magic lies more with energy than the physical plan.”  

“Mabel!” It was Stanley and she took a step towards him before she stopped and looked back at Tad who had taken out an eyepatch and had covered his demon eye. 

“Grunkle Stan!” Mabel shouted and smiled, but she stepped in front of Tad all the same.  She noticed his frown as he approached her and a darker look crossed his face as he saw who was behind her. 

“Step away from him, Mabel,” it was Stanford, anger in his voice and sword at the ready. 

“No, you need to listen to me-“ 

“He is a demon, Mabel, he killed your parents.  Now step away from him.”  Ford growled out at her. 

“I know what he is, but that isn’t – “ 

“Move now, that’s an order.”  The air was deathly still, and silent.  Mabel could feel how tense Tad was behind her. 

“I can’t do that sir,” she answered. 

Her great uncles looked at each other before turning back to her.  “Mabel, honey, you’ve been under a lot of stress.  Just step away and we’ll take care of him.”  It was Stan and he took a small step towards her, his hands up in a soothing gesture.   

Heaving a sigh, Mabel pulled out her sword and brandished it.  It was the last thing she wanted to do, but desperate times, meant desperate measures.  Stan stopped, a hurt look crossed his face briefly which hurt Mabel more than anything. 

“We need your help to rescue Dipper.” 

“What are you talking about?  They are the ones that have Dipper!”  Ford argued.  Mabel looked around and could see others surrounding them. 

“And how did you even get here?”  Stan asked. 

“First off, I gave my word that Tad would come to no harm here.  So if you cannot guarantee some kind of truce, then we will leave.” 

“Both of you?”  Stanley asked. 


“But…” He seemed to be a loss for words. 

“How can we trust him?”  Ford growled.  

“Because he brought me here, that should be trust enough for now.”  She told him.  He didn’t seem pleased with that.  “Can we talk in private?  Please,” Mabel asked them.   

“Of course.”  Stanley said almost immediately.  She noticed that Stanford had taken longer to agree.   

“Alright.”  He murmured before turning and heading towards the office.  Mabel sighed and put her sword away and shot Tad a half-grin. 

“See, piece of cake.” 

Tad hummed, “I will reserve judgment until after this meeting.”  He drawled.   She stuck close to him as they followed her Grunkles, the eyes of the other crew members on them.  Mabel ignored them and opened the door, allowing Tad inside before she closed it.   

“Are you okay?”  Stan asked her.  “They haven’t hurt you have they?” 

“No, I’m fine, but…” she did take a few steps closer to him and without hesitation he pulled her into his arms.  She heaved a sigh of relief and felt like anything would be possible with her Uncles here.  They pulled apart and she turned to Ford who looked her up and down a moment before pulling her into a hug.

“I was worried,” he whispered softly.  

“I know.”  She pulled back and looked at Tad who had his back against the wall as he watched them anxiously. 

There was some shouting behind the closed door and some furious pounding before it burst inwards and a blonde whirlwind came through, practically tackling Mabel to the floor.  Her arms automatically wrapped around Pacifica who squealed in delight. 

“Oh my god, it is you!  I was so worried.” 

“Paz!”  Mabel laughed and squeezed her eyes shut as she swung her friend around.  Pulling back she gave her friend a look over, green eyes doing the same to her.  “What happened?”  Mabel asked as she spotted the nice shiner her friend was now sporting. 

“Just training,” She shrugged it off and had Mabel blinking in surprise, but smiled appraisingly back at her.  They both had so much to tell the other, but here and now was not the place.   

It was then Pacifica noticed Tad and she spun on him.  “Who’s this?”  She asked with an icy tone.  Mabel stepped away and towards Tad and turned to face everyone.  

“This is Tad Strange, First Mate on The Mindscape.  And we need your help.” 


Bill gritted his teeth, his anxiety rising as Tad disappeared from his sight.  He was always more nervous when his only family member was gone.  How was Bill supposed to protect him when he wasn’t around?  And now he was in the hands of one of their enemies.   

He set his eyesight in another direction, the one they were heading in.  Where someone else he needed to protect had been taken from him.  Bill fisted his hands as his eyes scanned the horizon.    Tomorrow at some point another ship would appear.  Blood will be spilt, and friends would die.  

“Dipper,” Bill moaned softly, hoping that he was still alive and in one piece to bring home. 

This was his fault and now Dipper was paying the price.  Bill wasn’t dumb he knew exactly what Lanius could be doing.  Dipper was only human and that thought just caused shards of fear to pierce his heart.  It hurt and terrified him.  What if he lost him? 

Lanius … just the thought of him had his blood boiling.  As bad as Bill wanted to swoop in and take back what was his, he knew he had to listen to Tad and make a reasonable plan.  He knew, in his heart, that if Dipper was…gone…Bill would stop at nothing to kill that smug demon bastard.  Even at the cost of his own life.  This he swore, could feel it singing in his blood the need for vengeance. 


It had taken such a short amount of time, for a simple human to worm his way past Bill’s defenses.  Pine Tree’s smile, his laugh, the way he would curl up next to him in the dead of night, and the soft smile he would give Bill before kissing him. 

A human that trusted him. 

Bill squeezed his eyes shut and watched as images of Dipper flashed behind his lids and a whimper escaped Bill’s lips before he could stop it and he bowed his head and tried to ignore the pang of loss that filled his chest. There was a long moment before Bill’s eyes snapped open and with a growl he narrowed his eyes back over the water. 

“I will get you back.” Bill promised under his breath and he would get Dipper back or he would die trying. He looked around his ship, at his crew members that eyed him, curious to what was happening.  These people, were his family as well.  They had sworn to serve and in return he promised to protect them to the best of his abilities. 

He made his way towards his helmsman where there was a bell was situated.  Bill rang it, signaling for the ship to assemble which they did quite quickly.  Placing his hand on the railing he looked over his crew. 

“I’m sure I don’t need to inform you that one of our members has been taken.”  Bill started.  “We’ve discovered that the one responsible is Lanius.”  Murmurs broke out, whispers.  He wasn’t surprised to see some wore frightened expressions.  Everyone on this ship knew who Lanius was, and some had even had personal run in’s with the pure blooded ass. 

“I am going after him.  My powers have been greatly depleted from earlier, and there hasn’t been time to replenish them.  This fight, will be one of desperation, cunning and hopefully some luck.”  Bill paused and looked at his crew.   “I cannot in good conscience lead you into a precarious situation with such an unknown outcome.  You have served me well through the years, I considered you all my family.   With that being said, I will only ask for those willing to stay aboard.  I hold no grudges to those who decide otherwise.” 


“I’m with you Captain.”  Pyronica said as she stepped forward. 

“Aye, me too Captain.” Kryptos voice joined in. 

“Me as well.”  Amorphous said. 

One by one each member of his crew raised their voices. 

“You would do the same for either of us, we take back what’s ours!” Someone shouted.  The rest of the crew cheered at that.  Bill preened with pride at his crew as he nodded at them. 

“Then prepare for war.  The dawn will burn red, but we shall be victorious.”  


Chaos broke loose, at least that’s what it felt like. 

“What the fuck?” 

“Who needs help?” 

“Where’s Dipper?” 

They all spoke one on top of the other.  “Let me explain,” Mabel tried to get out. 

“What are you even doing with that demon bastard?”  Ford ground out. 

“Demon…?”  Pacifica gasped. 

“That…man….killed your parents.” 

“SHUT UP!”  Mabel shouted and they all quieted down.  She looked to the floor a minute blinking and getting her breathing under control.  She looked up at them, these men who meant so much to her, and her best friend.  “Dipper is in serious trouble.  And if you don’t help, he will die.”  Her Uncles looked at each other a moment then back at her.  

“Go on sweetheart, we’ll listen.” 

“Good, I will tell you what I know, but Strange will have to fill in the details.  Dipper was taken by a full-blooded demon named Lanius.” 

“There’s a difference?”  Ford snorted. 

“Yes, in fact there is.”  Tad said with his arms crossed in front of him as he leaned back against the wall. 

“And you’re what, a full-blooded one?” 

Tad gave a bitter laugh and shook his head.  “Show’s what you know hunter.  I am half, my mother was human.” 

“Does that even matter?”  Stan asked. 

“It means I am far less powerful then a full-blood.   Lanius, along with all full-blooded demons hate us and would love to see us all dead, or worse.” 

“There’s worse than dead?”   



“Why would you and Cipher care?”  Ford took a step forward.  “Wasn’t it Bill that swore to end all Pines?  Why would he even care if this other demon took Dipper?” 

“I care,” Mabel whispered.  “And I know this is hard to understand Grunkle Ford, but Captain Cipher does care.” She took a step towards him, pleading with her eyes for him to understand.  His body was tense, and his eyes hard.   

“You’ve spent time aboard his ship, Mabel, how can I trust that he hasn’t spelled you?” 

“I thought the same thing with Dipper.  And you are just going have to trust me on this one.”

“It’s true.  Bill is still angry but he does not desire revenge against you or your family.”

“Ha, the word of Bill Cipher.  The last time I trusted him, he betrayed me!” 

“It was you who betrayed him!”  Tad yelled back.  The room was suddenly charged with energy and made goosebumps run over her arms and down her back. 

“You can’t deny that it was you that killed their parents.”  Tad’s eye flicked to Mabel and he seemed to deflate before looked back to Stanford. 

“I admit, unfortunately, that I had some involvement.  But it was unintentional and the circumstances were out of my hands.” 

Stanford smirked in triumph but Stanley placed a hand on his arm.  Mabel stared at Tad as the sensation of cold water ran down her spine.  A small bit of warmth touched her arm and spread upwards.  Looking over she smiled softly to see Pacifica there, and gave a small nod of thanks. 


“Now’s the time to explain Tad.” Mabel told him and he nodded. 

“I’ve pieced together what I gathered from Bill and the time frame of when it happened.  You need to realize that there is another world within the one you know.  One full of demons and magical creatures.  While most of us prefer to live peaceful lives and not intrude on the lives of others, some like to cause havoc and chaos. 

“With demons, to be half of one, means death or a life of servitude.  Like Lanius, there are other full blooded demons that would rather see us dead and they don’t care who gets in the way.   Least of all humans.”  Tad’s eye had a faraway look in them, as if her were remembering that day. 

“We had made port that day, to refill our supplies.  Unfortunately, we ran into another old enemy.  Not a full blooded demon, but what you call a Vampire.  A blood drinker.  You see, Lanius, among others, have placed bounties on our heads.  From a…previous encounter.  This Vampire had a large coven and they were very determined to gain favor with Lanius and collect on the bounty.”

“It became a battle for survival, really.  The coven had no regard for the life of humans, or lessors for that matter.  Many fell.  I got cornered, and I couldn’t, would not be captured, not again.  I wouldn’t be so lucky to get away this time.”  Tad shook his head slightly and blinked away the memories. 

“I remember screams that filled the air, the smell of smoke and blood.  I was able to slip away and I fled, with the help of Bill.   We, at least, were able to defeat the leader, and free the town of his future horrors.  But some of his coven remained.  They must have accused me of murdering the Pines.  I can assure you I did not.  I would never take a life, least of all a fragile human one, so callously.  Not when Bill and I protect those lessors that cannot defend themselves.  But I am so, so sorry that it was your family, Mabel, that got involved and lost their life’s.  And perhaps in a way it is because of me.” 

Mabel closed her eyes, the hot pricks of tears threatening to fall.  She wanted to hate him, she really did.  So many things had been turned upside down, her perception of the world was no longer black and white, but a variety of color and shades of grey in between.   Yet, which was she to believe? She had already seen such wonderful amazing things that shouldn’t exist but did.   

It was clear that Bill held great affection for Dipper, and was willing to go to great lengths to get him back.  To face someone stronger then he was, when his power was so drained.  And the way her brother looked at him.  He was so in love it was ridiculous.  She did not want to see his face if they retrieved him and Bill was lost.  It would be like losing their parents all over again, but worse now that they were adults.  It had taken Dipper a long while to heal over the loss back then.  Would this be what finally broke him?   Mabel nodded to herself and turned towards her Great uncles. 

Ford looked uncertain, and his hands itched to look into a book and gather more information before making a final decision.  Stanley on the other hand shook his head, unbelievingly.  “Why doesn’t Cipher just use his powers then?  Why didn’t you use it back then to save them?” 

“It doesn’t work like that.”  Tad snapped.  “You know what war is like.  It was fight or die, I hardly had time to keep those blood suckers from my own throat.  I wasn’t even aware that anyone else had been involved or killed at the time.” 

“And what about now?  Why don’t you just go get Dipper?  You got here just fine with Mabel?  Why can’t you or Cipher do that for him?” 

“You hunters are all alike.  You think you know everything, but in reality you know very little.”  Tad sneered. 

“What’s a hunter?”  Mabel asked. 

“A group of humans that also hunt us down.  But they are more like children throwing tantrums and being destructive more than anything.” 

“Why you son of a – “ 

“Stop it!”  Mabel shouted as she put herself in front of Ford.  She shook her head and looked back to Tad. 

“If you and Cipher have powers, why don’t you just go and get Dipper the same way you brought Mabel here.”  Stanley asked. 

“It’s not that easy.” 

“Why not?”  Stan demanded. 

“Because Captain Cipher drained his power moving his ship.”  Mabel interjected.   

“Then why doesn’t he do it?”  Ford demanded. 

“I can’t.”  Tad growled.  “My magic isn’t as powerful as Bill’s and I am just not strong enough to go up against Lanius shields.  He would strike me down before I even before I materialized.” 

“If Cipher hadn’t moved his ship we wouldn’t even be in this predicament!”  Ford yelled. 

“What were we supposed to do?  You attacked us!  Dipper and Bill were perfectly happy and we couldn’t attack back, or outright kill you.  Don’t you see that?  Bill did the only thing he could thing of that would end in a peaceful result.” 

“Is he really?  Happy, that is?”  Pacifica asked quietly.  Her eyes were a bit wide as she took in the entire conversation. 

“More likely enthralled.”  Ford growled. 

Tad gritted his teeth but Mabel shook her head slowly.  “I don’t think so Grunkle Ford.  I thought so to at first but now….I’m not so sure.  Captain Cipher was devastated and angry that he couldn’t even do anything to get Dipper back.  He let Tad bring me here to convince you to help us.  Help us get Dipper back.  Because this time he will die if we don’t do it.” 

“You’re asking a lot, Mabel,” Stanley said quietly. 

“Am I really?” Mabel looked at him with pleading eyes.  “You were all willing to go off and save him from Cipher, but you can’t work with him to get him back from someone more dangerous?” 

The room fell quiet a moment.  “I’ll help.  Whatever it takes.”  Pacifica said.  “That’s what I came out here to do, and I am still determined to do it.”   

Mabel smiled at her and nodded. “Thanks Paz.” 

“Well, I never meant to sound like such an ass,” Stanley grumbled.  “But you should know I would do anything to help you kids.”  He looked at his brother.  “Even if it’s working with the enemy.” 

“A temporary truce than.”  Ford nodded.  “But I have stipulations.”

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