At the water's edge (not mine...

By princessmaravillosa

46K 1.4K 618

Some say that Captain Cipher sold his soul to a demon to escape the gallows 30 years ago, others say he never... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 15

1.7K 50 9
By princessmaravillosa

The wind blew, ruffling their brown hair as twin sets of brown eyes were locked in a staring contest as they waited to see who would make the first move. Mabel stared at her brother whose cheeks were still a light pink from when the captain had kissed him, clenching her fists Mabel opened her mouth to speak.

“Mabel, I can explain.” Dipper said beating her to the punch as he moved towards her. Mabel held her hands up and took a few steps back from him. There was nothing Dipper wanted to do more than pull her into a hug and never let go but that wasn’t going to happen.

“Can you? Can you really? Because I don’t know what you could say that would explain this situation.” She practically growled at him.

“Yes, just…can we go somewhere more private?” Dipper begged as he glanced around the deck of the ship where some of the crew members were working; several glanced in their direction more than once.

“Fine,” Mabel bit out and turned and followed Dipper down the stairs. Some of the crew members congratulating him before they reached a door that lead down to the lower decks. Mabel watched as her brother looked in both directions before deciding and heading down the hall.

The twins reached a door and Dipper pushed it open and moved so Mabel could enter the room, with a huff Mabel looked around the large room a bed in the corner which was unmade, a large desk and a couple of shelves, and a large window that appeared to look out onto the ocean with a couple of chairs facing it.

“Well?” Mabel asked as she turned to face Dipper who shut the door behind him.

“Mabel… I don’t know where to start.” Dipper admitted as he ran a hand through his hair.

“Start from the beginning.” Mabel said as she folded her arms.

“Well, I got kidnapped at the Northwest party, where I was dressed as you by the way… thanks for that, Pacifica had a field day with me trying on dresses to wear.” Dipper said giving her a pointed look, but Mabel was having nothing to do with it. As amusing as she would find that situation, right now she couldn’t find the humor. Her brother got the hint and looked abashedly downwards.

“Anyways, they thought I was a girl when they brought me aboard the Mindscape. Thought I was you really, until I tried to make a run for a long boat. Bill, the Captain, grabbed me by the wig and it got yanked it off, so yeah, the gig was up after that and everyone called me lass for a bit. I was given a choice; I could either rot in the brig or work on the ship.”

“Go on.” Mabel ordered when he paused for too long.

“I worked with the One Eyes’, mostly swabbing the deck and the other menial tasks that needed to be done. I was just a simple cabin boy, doing his chores.”

“You did good enough work to be promoted so quickly to Second Mate, or was that after you started fucking him?” Dipper gasped his eyes going wide, his mouth opening and closing a few times.

“No, it, it wasn’t like that.”

“Really Dipper? Because from where I’m standing it sure as hell looks that way.”

“I tried to stay indifferent to them, Mabel, I did! But, they have their reasons for being here too.”

“They’re pirates, you know what pirates do? They destroy, burn, take what they want and murder anyone standing in their way.” She practically shouted.

“Bill’s different!”

“He kidnapped you, this is all a game to him.”

“Your wrong he’s never hurt me.” Dipper defended.

“He’s a pirate!” Mabel shouted in anger.

“So am I!” Dipper shouted back and Mabel flinched back at those words as she stared back at her brother not believing what she just heard. Her brother stood there, his eyes wide, but his back was straight and his hands were fisted at his side.

“So what, you’re going to stay on this ship and live your life killing innocent people? Did you feel any remorse about making Jackson walk the plank?”

“He’s part of the Navel Guard, we couldn’t let him stay on board. Besides, there’s a good chance he’ll make it to that island.”

“Ya, because that makes it so much better.” She sneered at him.

“Why won’t you listen to me?” Dipper pleaded. “The Navel Guard kills people all the time, why would this be any different?”

“We don’t just go and kill random people. We serve the government and go after those that have broken the law, and have committed horrible crimes.”

“Look, I’m sorry, but it had to be done.” Dipper whispered still refusing to meet her gaze.

“Did you know they killed our parents?” Mabel stated her tone dark. Dipper’s head shot up as he gazed at her brown eyes wide in shock.


“Your Captain’s first mate killed our parents, Grunkle Stan told me while we were out hunting for their ship. He told me that Bill Cipher swore to kill every last member of our family.” Dipper began to shake his head.

“No, that can’t be true.” He said softly, shaking his head.

“It is.”

“No,” Dipper walked away from her, hands in his hair before he turned back towards her. “They saved my life. If it wasn’t for Bill and Tad, I would be dead.”

“They must have tricked you into believing –“

“It was during a storm, I was feeling really low and even had contemplated….” Dipper interrupted and then shook his head before continuing. “I was swept overboard, couldn’t find my way to the surface.”

Familiar brown eyes locked with hers. “The last thought I had was of you Mabel. I drowned. Bill jumped in after me, and Tad…he did something to get me breathing again.”

“Dipper…” Mabel took a step towards him, but stopped, tears began to prick at her eyes.

Stepping forward Dipper wrapped his arms around Mabel pulling her close and buried his face against her shoulder, Mabel trembled before she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him back. Quiet sobs began to wrack her body.

“I thought you were dead, I wanted to believe you were alive. But Grunkle Ford kept saying you were most likely dead and I… I didn’t know what to believe.”

“I’m fine, they haven’t hurt me.” He murmured and rubbed her back.

They stood holding on to one another as Mabel’s sobs started to slow Dipper pulled back smiling shyly at her and Mabel gave a water smile back before rubbing at her eyes wiping away any remaining tears. Mabel moved forward and punched his shoulder causing Dipper to let out a whine and raise a hand to his shoulder.

“What was that for?” Dipper complained.

“That was for joining a pirate crew. What are you thinking?”

“It’s complicated.” Dipper said with a sigh.

“What happens now?”

“What do you mean?” Dipper asked confused.

“What’s going to happen to me?”

“You heard Bill. You will be treated as a guest here on the Mindscape. You can do what you please, as long as you don’t cause any trouble.”

“So what, I’m just to stay out the crew’s way.”

“Yeah pretty much.”

“This makes no sense. Grunkle Ford told me that Cipher wants to kill all Pines.”

“I think he and I need another talk. Straighten out this whole mess.” Dipper sighed, but a soft smile crossed his lips and Mabel just stared at the expression.

“Oh my god, you’re in love with him.”

“What?” Dipper squeaked out.

“You heard me.”

“N-no, I don’t love him.” But the blush that washed over his face told Mabel what he wouldn’t admit to himself. Something dark and angry settled into the pit of her stomach. That fucking pirate had manipulated her brother. She had to break him out of whatever spell had been cast over him.

“So,” Mabel changed the subject. “Are you going to show me around or what?”

“Y-yeah, come on.” Dipper said and grabbed her hand.

Mabel let her self be pulled along after her brother and smiled at his enthusiasm before a dark frown fell across her face. Dipper only knew the romantic type of pirates he would read about, stories that were sugar coated with happy endings. She had witnessed death and destruction first hand by pirates. She would never forgive these bastards for what they did to her parents, or Dipper.

She would get her revenge, somehow. Mabel would watch them, figure them out and strike where it would do the most damage. Mainly, she was going to observe this Tad Strange, First Mate to Bill Cipher, the one who killed their parents. And she would get retribution, of that she was certain.


Dipper sighed as he walked down the hall, a headache had started and was only getting worse. From learning magic was real, to becoming a pirate, finding his sister and learning about his parents….it was a lot to take in. He was still mulling it around in his brain.

“Are you ok?” A voice asked and Dipper looked up and met the one eyed gaze of Pyronica.

“Fine, just feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment.” Dipper said with a shrug.

“Wanna talk about it?”

“I wouldn’t even know where to start.” Dipper said with a bark of laughter. Pyronica smiled at him gently.

“Come on.” She said and pulled Dipper down the hallway after her. Dipper snorted when they reached the door to where the cannons were and Pyronica stepped aside and gestured for him to enter.

“Step in to my office.” She said with a grin and they entered the room. He walked over to one of the crates and sat down while she rummaged through another pulling out two bottles of rum. Handing him one of the bottles, she plopped down on the crate next to him.

“Thanks.” Dipper said as he uncorked the bottle and took a gulp, it burned as usual on the way down and he still coughed with the effect. Pyronica just snickered, taking her own swig.

“So, what’s up second mate?” She teased. Dipper quirked a smile at her before running a hand through his hair.

“Do you know about the magic?” Dipper asked quietly, embarrassed as it still didn’t seem real.

“I would say so.” Pyronica said with a sly smirk and she held out her hand, palm up. A flame burst into life in the center of her palm and Dipper watched the pink flame for a moment before looking up to meet her eye.

“Can all of you do that?” Dipper asked in awe, causing her to laugh and close her hand snuffing out the flame.

“Nah, there’s a few of us that can use magic, but there are some who can’t.” She shrugged. “And everyone’s talents are different.”

“Does that mean you’re a…half-breed as well?” Pyronica stared at him a moment before answering.

“They haven’t told you much have they?”


She sighed. “It’s complicated, but ya I’m a half breed and so is most of the crew on the Mindscape. There are a few humans, but there is one thing we all have in common here.” She paused taking another swallow.

“What?” He couldn’t stop himself from asking.

“You could say we are all in hiding.”

“What could you possibly be hiding from? You have magic, which is awesome.” She laughed.

“Well, there are more dangerous creatures than us out there. And many would like to see us dead or worse. This ship,” She gestured to the room around her. “Is a sanctuary. Cipher and Strange took us all in to help protect us. So we swore our loyalty to Bill and Tad.”

“You have powers, couldn’t you use them to protect yourself?”

“Ahh, but remember, I am only a half-breed. My powers aren’t very strong compared to the others. And they would rather see me dead. They hate the very idea of a mixed breed, want to keep the lines pure.” She said bitterly.

“I see…” Dipper said softly lost in thought. “I think you’re perfect just the way you are.” She knocked her shoulder into his in a friendly manner as she grinned at him.

“Flirt,” She giggled before taking another drink. There was companionable silence as they drank for a moment.

“There’s something else bothering you.” She said quietly.

“Mabel told me that Bill and Tad killed our parents.” Dipper said with a sigh and Pyronica winced.

“I see, and is it true?” She asked. Dipper tipped his head to the side and looked at her, a frown on his face.

“Yeah…well, Mabel seems to believe it anyway.”

“And who told her?”

“Our Uncle Ford.”

“Ahhh, the betrayer. That makes sense.” She said with a nod.

“Why do you call him that?”

“You will have to ask the Captain for the details, but there was a time there was peace between us and him. Shit went down and next thing we knew he had taken Captain Cipher to hang. Tad was furious, and when he got Bill back the two never separated for a long time; stayed where they could see the other.”

“So he did killed them.” Dipper frowned as he looked away.

“Now, I didn’t say that.” She said and he looked back up at her. “I have served aboard this ship for a long, long time. Longer than you might believe. And I have never known the Captain, or his First Mate go take personal revenge against someone. In my own personal opinion I don’t think Bill wants revenge anymore, or Tad. And if he does it’s more directed at your uncle but I don’t think he would do anything too drastic.”


“Because he had his chance to end Sixer’s life but stopped because of you. He doesn’t want to hurt you.”

“But, my parents.” Dipper said softly.

“You will have to have that conversation with the Captain.” Dipper took a long pull from his bottle. “Just think, if the Captain hadn’t been betrayed and wanted revenge. You might never have ended up here on this ship, might not have met any of us. Guess you would be back home, but is that something you would want now?” Dipper suddenly felt cold.

“Your right.” Dipper finally said and smiled at the pink haired women. “I need to find Bill.” She just grinned at him as he left the room.


Dipper paced the room, waiting for Bill to return. It was getting late, and he was pretty sure he and Tad should be wrapping things up. Besides, he wanted to speak with him privately. When the door opened he spun around to see the Captain there, resplendent in his gold and black coat, his hat sat crookedly on his head and he carried a journal which he sat down on his desk.

“Did you get your sister settled oomph –” Dipper yanked him down into a breath stealing kiss, his tongue seeking entrance which was immediately granted. Bill growled and pressed him against his desk, taking over the kiss immediately. Dipper gasped for air when Bill began to nip and kiss down his neck. Items went flying off the desk as Bill resituated Dipper to sit on the edge. Legs came up and wrapped his waist.

“I need you.” Dipper gasped out.

“Pine Tree.” Bill growled, and glanced over at the bed. He didn’t know if he had enough strength to carry the kid over to it.

“Bill,” The kid grasped his chin and forced him to look at him. Pine Tree studied his face a moment. “You’re exhausted, you’ve pushed yourself too hard.” He chided.

“Not too tired for this.” He said as he rolled his hips against the kids. They both were hard and wanting there. Pine Tree shuddered in his arms and dropped his legs to the floor. He gave Bill a gentle shove backwards so he could stand up. His hands slid up, underneath his coat and pushed it off, letting it fall to the floor. All the while stepping forward which made him take a step backwards. Bill was very much enjoying this boldness. Dipper hands then made quick work of the buttons and ties to his shirt and pants. The shirt came off, and Bill helped yank his pants down. By that time he had reached the bed and sat down. Dipper blushed and pulled off his boots so his pants could come all the way off.

Bill laid back on the bed, waiting for Dipper to come join him. The boy looked down at him, his eyes darkening as he did. Bill preened under the attention, his hand going to his already hard cock and giving it a few strokes. Pine Tree swallowed and licked his lips before he began to take his own clothing off.

Once naked, he straddled Bill’s hips and leaned down to kiss him. Bill’s hands roamed over the kid’s back, down to his ass where he squeezed. Dipper yelped slightly and the pirate grinned.

“Can you,” Pine Tree licked his lips. “You know…the stuff.”

Grinning, Bill snapped his fingers and the jar of gel appeared. He had to close his eyes briefly as a wave of dizziness washed over him. Already drained, even that small little bit was tiring. But the warm body on top of him was soothing, and worth it and he moaned as Pine Tree shifted, rubbing his hard length against his. Bill reached over and quickly dipped his fingers into the substance. Once coated he let his fingers go to Dipper entrance where he pressed a finger inside. The kid gasped, his eyes closing as he moaned and pushed back against the slight intrusion. It was a sight to behold.

His face was flushed, eyes closed and mouth opened slightly as he gasped and panted. “More, please.” Bill obliged and added another finger, enraptured by the view as the kid rode his fingers. It wasn’t long before he was slicking up his own cock and Dipper was positioning himself over it. Giving a small grunt, Pine Tree sank down. Bill frowned.

“Slow down Pine Tree.”

Brown eyes opened to look at him, a bit pain filled, but he shook his head. “No, need this, need you.” Bill gripped onto his hips, a bit harder than he should have when Pine Tree began to move, but fuck but it felt good. He reached one hand up pulling Dipper down into a kiss trying to ease the pain with pleasure. The kid’s movements got smoother, less jerky and had found a rhythm that was making Bill see stars and panting into Dipper’s mouth.

He let his other hand wrap around Dipper’s own cock. It had softened somewhat, but a bit of attention had it at full mast once again. The kid gasped with the pleasure and Bill grinned up at him. He pulled his legs up so that his feet were on the bed and could thrust up into that wonderful heat. It took him a few tries, but he found the right spot to hit, the one that made Pine Tree yelp and gasp with unexpected delight. By the gods, but Bill would never get tired of listening to him.

“Bill…” Pine Tree groaned his name that sent dark arousal shooting through him. “So close.” Bill took that as his cue to hold onto Dipper’s waist as he thrust upwards quickly.

“Come for me,” he growled, his own breathing shallow and fast; his own release was nearing and he wanted Dipper to come undone first. Dipper tilted his head back and cried out, hands grasping for purchase on Bill’s chest. Pine Tree’s already tight core spasmed around Bill causing him to grunt and groan as he found his own release. His thrusts got a bit shallower as Dipper fell forward, collapsing against his chest. Bill wrapped his arms around his bounty and held him as they both breathed heavily, hearts racing as they calmed down after their small storm.

His hands ran up through Dipper’s hair and down his back as he fought his own eyes from closing. It wasn’t long before Pine Tree sat up with a grimace and looked down at him shyly. It was adorable, really, and Bill couldn’t help but smirk and pull him back down for a soft, lingering kiss. They shifted so that they were laying on their sides facing each other, and Dipper’s hands were tracings old scars and lines on his chest, their legs tangled together.

“How is your sister?” Bill asked. The kid shrugged, but stayed silent, head down. He frowned and reached a hand over to tip his head back to look at him. Pine Tree’s eyes were glistening with tears.

“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

He huffed out a laugh. “No.”

“Than what is it?”

“Mabel said Tad killed our parents.” Bill stilled, his brow furrowed in a frown. “Is it true? Did he kill them?”

The pirate laid back on the bed and brought his hand to his own hair and huffed out a breath; his mind reeling. “I don’t know.” Was all he could say.

“Please Bill. Just tell me you didn’t kill them, that you didn’t go h-hunting them because they were P-Pines.”

“Oh god, no.” Bill Sat up and pulled Dipper into his arms, felt hot tears on his chest as he ran his hand over him soothingly.

“But, the whole revenge thing with Grunkle Ford –“

“Is regrettable, but between him and me. I may have vowed vengeance against the Pines at one time, but Dipper, I would never hunt them down. What I said, was out of anger. I never really thought about it past hurting Sixer. If something happened to your parents because of me, or Tad, then it wasn’t on purpose. But I honestly don’t recall anything specific. I suppose the best way is to see for myself what happened. When you sleep, I will look for those memories, see what I can piece together.” Brown eyes looked up into his golden one and Pine Tree smiled softly as he reached up to take the eyepatch off.

“That’s better.” Pine Tree stared at him a moment before leaning in to kiss him. “Alright then; remember to eat some dreams, you need to rebuild your strength.” He said with a yawn.

The demon just shook his head as they lay back down, Dipper snuggled next to him, head on his shoulder. What had he done to deserve such trust? No human, let alone demon, had ever given him so much before. It was almost…humbling. Dipper was soon asleep, and Bill reached over and traced the mark on Pine Tree’s forehead. He closed his eyes and gently pushed his magic into the boy, noting how easy it seemed like a familiar warmth surrounded him, pulling him in. It was like he was home.


Walking through the large crowed port, Lanius made a face of disgust as a human brushed up against him. At any other time he would have made sure the man paid for touching him but he was on a strict time schedule and had more important things to do.

Nearing his destination, Lanius eyed several of the ships that were docked, his red eyes trailed across the ships until he found the one that would suit his purpose; a sleek, top of the line battle ship that looked like it was part of the Queen’s royal guard.

With a quick stride, Lanius reached the plank and marched up it as if he already owned the ship. He reached the deck and examined the ship as he walked around, a grin slowly making its way across his face as he ran a hand over the smooth wood.

“This will do nicely.” Lanius purred.

“Sir, you can’t be a board this ship.” A man’s voice stated and Lanius turned to face the solider.

“I will be commandeering this ship.” Lanius stated and grinned as the man suddenly moved in to a defense position.

“On behave of the queen I can’t let you do that.” The man said and drew his sword alerting the rest of the crew that was present on deck. “You will leave or be incarcerated.”

The group of men surrounded Lanius with their weapons at the ready. A laugh bubbled up from his throat at their measly attempt to scare him off. This caused them to look at each other nervously, which only made him laugh harder.

“Do you really think you have a chance against me?” Lanius asked tilting his head to the side in amusement.

“We are ordering you off this ship or we will not hesitate to-” The man suddenly choked, his hands reaching for his throat as he dropped his sword. He began clawing at his throat, trying to draw air into his lungs.

With a smirk Lanius raised his hand and clenched it into a fist; amused as he watched the man in front of him struggle as his lips started turning blue. He opened his hand after the man had fallen to the ground, where he started gasping for air. Some of his comrades showed concern for him, others were beginning to show fear towards Lanius. Most excellent.

“Enough games.” Lanius said grinning, revealing sharp serrated teeth. “We have a vile half-breed to catch.” And raising a hand he snapped.

There was a moment of nothing and then screams filled the air. Lanius watched with a twisted grin as the crew of the ship collapsed to the deck screaming, clawing at their faces. Most clawing at their eye’s and mouths. It was a rush and he feed off their pain greedily. It wasn’t long, never long enough, before the men had dug into their flesh and pulled out their own eyes. The blood dripped and pooled on the deck floor and smelled so sweet, the soft plunk of eyes just added to the sweetness.

Lanius watched and let his magic twist around their minds, driving them insane, pushing them where he wanted them to go, making them dig until nothing was left but dark hollow holes in their heads. It wasn’t until they had each stood back up and faced him, faces smeared red with blood, eyeless sockets that he spoke again.

“Well now, wasn’t that fun?” Lanius cackled.

“Now, let’s get this ship on the move.” Lanius ordered and watched as his mindless puppets moved about. Lanius let his magic seep through the ship, snagging the crew members that were below the deck, making sure the entire ship was under his control. He could feel their pain and suffering, the horror and it excited him.

Leaning against the wooden beam Lanius’s red eyes gazed over the water, a dark grin on his face as his mindless crew worked the ship silently. He only had to think his orders and they would be followed.

“It’s been a long time Cipher, but it looks like you have finally fucked up. I’m coming for you, and this time you will not get away so easily.” Lanius said and ran his tongue across his sharp teeth in anticipation, his lips smacking at the thought of the upcoming meal he would be consuming.

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