At the water's edge (not mine...

By princessmaravillosa

46.9K 1.4K 619

Some say that Captain Cipher sold his soul to a demon to escape the gallows 30 years ago, others say he never... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 12

2.2K 52 49
By princessmaravillosa

Dipper woke slowly, his eyes blinking open. The light felt too bright and he quickly closed them again which made his head throb. His mouth felt like it had dried out and he tried putting moister into it as images from last night flittered through his brain. Singing and dance for the most part and it made him smile at how fun it was.

And kissing Bill.

He couldn’t believe he did that, and almost groaned at how stupid he had been. But then he remembered how the Captain had come after him and then kissed him again, it had his body warming up. It didn’t help that he was plastered against said pirate, the skin to skin contact making his breathing hitch faster than should be normal. He was so confused.

Mabel was going to kill him, his Grunkles were going to kill him. Hell, Dipper should probably get his own head examined because there is one thing he knew, he had fallen for a pirate Captain. Was this normal? Bill had kidnapped him, threatened to kill him and now everything had changed. Dipper wasn’t sure where he stood any more. Scowling Dipper sat up and regretted the movement as his head pounded in agony. Taking a slow deep breath he opened one eye and glanced down at Bill who was still asleep. He looked so peaceful resting there, so much younger and softer then when awake. Reaching out a hand Dipper let his fingers trace down Bill’s check down to his lips.

It was a onetime thing, they had both been drunk, that’s what Dipper tried to tell himself. He bit his lip, as his heart beat harder. What if it wasn’t a onetime thing, what if…just what if Bill felt the same way? Could a pirate love? He wanted to know, had to know. How much was Dipper willing to give to Bill if there was nothing to receive? There was only one way to find out.

Licking his lips, Dipper moved and straddled Bill’s waist, staring down at the Captain underneath him. He stifled a moan as he could feel Bill’s morning erection against his. He leaned down and pressed his lips against Bill’s, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.

In a quick moment their positions were switched and Bill was now grinning down at Dipper. He let out a soft gasp as he glanced up and met that golden orb that spoke of mischief and Dipper felt his cheeks heat up.

“Good morning to you to Pine Tree.” Bill said softly and cupped the brunet’s cheek before leaning down and catching those lips with his own. Dipper moaned when Bill nipped at his bottom lip and he quickly opened his mouth and their tongues slid against each other. It was just as good as last night, if not better.

“You’re such a jerk.” Dipper breathed when they parted causing Bill to laugh. Dipper ran his hands against the man’s back, feeling the muscle ripple under his palms, and slide on up into Bill’s hair. His fingers caught on the eyepatch which caused Bill to yank back with a frown.

“Sorry.” Dipper said pulling his hand away.

“Not you.” Bill said and was suddenly off of Dipper and pulling on his clothes. Dipper was cold and confused as he watched the pirate. He could clearly see the tension and anger in Bill’s movements. Did he do something wrong? Dipper felt his eyes prick hotly.


“I have work to do.” Bill said sharply and left the room, the door slammed shut behind him.

Dipper stared at the door and tried to ignore the hurt in his chest. Was this because he was a Pines? Or was it something to do with Bill’s missing eye? He made a mental note to not touch the eyepatch again. Dipper curled up on his side his eyes staring blanking at the wall. He could a headache coming on but it was nothing compared to what his heart was feeling.


Bill huffed as he paced around his office clenching his hand into fists. He reached up with a curse and yanked off his eyepatch, tossing it to the floor. The door clicked open and Bill whirled around his right eye glowing red in rage as it landed on Tad.

“Morning Bill.” Tad said simply raising an eyebrow before moving up to undo his own eye patching. The first mate used his magic to shut and lock the door so they wouldn’t be disturbed.

“What do you want?” Bill spat but his eye slowly faded back to its golden color.

“You’re in a mood. Didn’t get laid I see.” Tad said with a raised eyebrow. Bills eye flashed back to red.

“I made a mistake.” Bill snarled as he turned away from Tad.

“With Dipper?”

“Yes!” Bill shouted.

“I don’t understand.” Tad finally said his brows furrowed in confusion.

“I have let the human to close. I should have just killed him the moment I knew he was a Pines. Or kept him in the brig, sending parts of him back to his Uncles.” Bill hissed in disgust. Tad tilted his head to the side. Anyone else might have believed the disgust and anger was aimed at Dipper but Tad spotted the truth.

“You love him.” Tad stated, his voice neutral. Bill snarled and something shattered against the wall, the room practically vibrated with uncontrolled power.

“He is human, and it’s against the rules. There is no…reason for this atrocity.” Bill sneered and Tad blinked in shock, not letting it show on his face though. It had been a very long time since Bill had brought up the rules. “I should just fuck him whenever I choose. Break him and make him fear me. He can beg for my scraps and lick my boots.”


“Cut pieces off of him to send back to Ford, show him what kind of blood thirsty pirate I am. Make them all pay.”

“Bill! Enough!” Tad shouted, the aura around Bill was getting to dark and if he continued he would be difficult to reason with.

“Are you challenging me Tad?” Bill asked, voice low and dangerous, his right eye glowing blue with magic.

“If you’re going to follow their rules then yes!” Tad spat glaring his own left eye glowing blue.

“Stand down.” Bill glared.

“You’re a fool!” Tad spat.

“How dare you speak to me that way.”

Tad took a few steps closer to him, his own voice getting low and dangerous. “When you speak about following their rules, and going down that path, then I will speak to you anyway I wish. We left so we wouldn’t have to live under their feet, afraid of what would happen. We wanted our own life, to live how we saw fit, remember?” Bill breathing was harsh and fast as he stared back at Tad. The glow began to fade slowly and Bill blinked.

“We did?”

“Yes, we challenged and fought them. Live our own life and choose our own way.” The air grew calmer around both of them.

“Yes, make our own life.” Bill whispered.

“We are free from their rules, we have been for a long time.” Tad said softly.

“I know, just…”Bill huffed, suddenly drained and pulled Tad close into a tight hug. Tad held his cousin back tightly before they pulled apart. “I didn’t think it would be this, unpredictable.”

“That’s a consequence of being able to make our own choices.” Tad told him with a sly grin.

“How do I know if it’s the right choice?”

“You don’t.”

Bill stared at Tad a moment than shook his head. He ran a hand over his face. “What a mess.”

“So I take it things went well last night?” Tad asked and laughed when Bill looked away embarrassed.

“No, Pine Tree passed out before we could have any fun.” Bill said with a pout. Tad hummed in response.

“Then what caused this lovely reaction?” Tad asked.

“This morning, his fingers caught the strap of my eye patch. It scared me.” Bill paced the small room. “What if it scares him off? I just started to get him to trust and open up to me.” Bill mutter before flopping down on to one of the chairs.

“Ahhh, you’re afraid.” Tad said his own hand raising up to rub at his own demonic eye.

“I am not afraid, just…cautious.” Bill said with a pout and folding his arms. Tad opened his mouth to say something but a loud knock on the door had them booth snapping to attention.

“Captain Cipher.” Pacifier’s voice shouted.

“What is it?” Bill waved his hand removing the magic from the door, letting it open.

“I’m not a hundred percent certain, but I think I spotted a ship.” The man said unsure.

“When.” Bill asked brows furrowed.

“Early this morning, just a brief glimpse of a sail on the far horizon. But far enough away I couldn’t make out any colors.”

“Have you seen anything else?” Tad asked with a frown.

“Negative, but we are keeping out a close lookout. Thought I would let you know.”

“Thank you, return to your post and let us know if you spot anything else.” Bill ordered and the man nodded before leaving.

Bill glanced back at Tad and the two moved and left the office, heading to the aft of the ship, looking across the water.

“You think it’s him?” Tad asked.

“There’s one way to find out.” Bill said and Tad nodded his eye flashing blue and let his magic skim out over the water’s surface. There was a sense of another force, of a strange power that attracted him in that direction. It was like hitting a brick wall and then a force lashed out that knocked the breath out of him and flung him backwards.

“Something’s out there, and its warded.” Tad said with a cough as he sat up.

“Looks like Sixer has a few tricks up his sleeve.” Bill held out his hand to Tad who took it. “Could you tell how close they are?”

“Depends on how strong his ward is. With the sails spotted this morning, perhaps a day, if we’re lucky.”

Damn it, this was another can of worms. If it was Stanford, it only meant trouble for them. There was no way Bill was going to let Dipper go without a fight. How to fight against a boy’s family without making things worse than they already were?

“Bill?” A soft voice said behind them. Both of the men spun to see Dipper standing there. His brown eyes widened when he saw them, his mouth falling open. Fuck. Tad opened his mouth but Bill beat him to it.

“What is it Pine Tree?” Bill said stiffly, staring down at the kid.

“Your eyes.” Dipper breathed as he took a step closer. Both of them had left their patches back in the office. It showed just how unnerved they had been to leave their eyes uncovered.

Bill posture went rigid, and his jaw clenched tight, but he wasn’t going to back down. Tad just hoped he kept his composer. It wouldn’t be the first time they had been insulted or cursed at for it. But coming from Dipper…

“It wasn’t a dream.” Dipper muttered as those brown eyes flashed back to look at Tad.

“Dipper?” Bill asked confused and those brown eyes looked back at Bill.

“Your eye.” Dipper muttered and raised his hand to cup Bill’s cheek turning Bill’s head so he could get a better look at the slitted pupil.

“I had a strange dream, when I went over bored. I swore Tad had two eyes.” Dipper said and glanced back at Tad before turning his gaze back to Bill. “And you have two eyes too.”

“Why do you hid it?” Dipper asked tilting his head.

“Why do you hid your birthmark?” Bill countered and Dipper smiled up at Bill.

“Fair enough.” Dipper said with tentative smile. “Is this why…” Dipper glanced at Tad briefly, swallowing. “This morning…why….?” The boy’s face went bright red.

Tad rolled his eyes but smiled. “Captain, I shall leave you to your…business.” He made his way to the helm, pleased with the lad for some strange reason.

“This doesn’t bother you?” Bill asked.

“Should it?”


“I find it rather fascinating.” Dipper admitted as he got nearer, his eyes hadn’t left Bill’s.

Bill reached over and lifted the hair from Dipper’s forehead to see the mark there. He noticed the quick intake of breath and how the kid shivered from his touch. Bill’s own skin was warming quickly and he wanted to leave his own mark on Dipper’s skin. Time was running out, and Bill didn’t want to think about the future. He had this moment, and this moment only. The pirate was going to take full advantage of it.

“I believe we have some unfinished business back in my cabin.” Bill told him, voice low and deep as his fingers brushed down Dipper’s cheek. Before Dipper could say anything, Bill leaned down and captured his lips. When he pulled back, their breath mingled pleasantly. “Shall we finish what you started?” Dipper could only nod.


Dipper gasped as he was suddenly pinned against the door of the Captain’s cabin, Bill’s lips back on his. That wicked tongue was back, doing things that made his blood heat and pool low in his gut and other parts of him. His hands clutched in Bill’s coat, holding on as if his life depended on it.

“Bill.” Dipper panted and look up meeting those golden eyes, the right eye seemed to glow brighter and it was hypnotizing. He wanted to ask more questions but the intensity of Bill’s gaze had his throat drying up and his thoughts drift to other…areas.

“Tell me,” Bill said huskily as his lips worked their way down Dipper’s neck. The teeth nipping at his flesh caused him to shiver with delight. “What you want.” Bill stopped to suck on a particular spot which made Dipper squirm and gasp; it was both painful and pleasurable.

“I, I want you.” Dipper moaned as his head leaned back exposing more of his neck.

Bill growled in pleasure before pulling away. He took Dipper to the bed, clothes thrown to the floor on their way. Hands caressed, and groped, followed by lips, teeth and tongue by both parties. The back of Dipper’s legs hit the bed and he sat down and pulled himself back, his eyes never leaving Bill’s body.

Not that he hadn’t seen Cipher’s body exposed before, but never truly bare as he was now. Dipper’s eyes traveled down the muscles, the firm chest down towards his manhood that stood full and ready. Dipper swallowed and he licked his lips. He was aroused himself, but also scared. Dipper had never done this with anyone else before. And it was a bit terrifying.

“Are you sure about this?” Bill asked tilting his head, enjoying the way Pine Tree looked, disheveled, flushed, eyes clouded with lust. The way the boy looked at his own body made him feel, powerful.

Dipper nodded, his eyes going back up to his. “Y-Yes.” Dipper murmured. Something in the voice had Bill pausing, an uncertainty that was laced with the want.

“You’ve never done this before.” It wasn’t a question, and it wasn’t going to stop Bill, but he wanted to hear it from the kid himself.

“No.” Then fear filled his eyes as he looked up at Bill. “But I want to. With you.”

Something deep and fierce spread through Bill at those words. It pleased him to know that Dipper was still such an innocent, willing to give himself to Bill. A low growl escaped him and he captured those flushed lips. Gentle and claiming all at once.

Bill kissed and nipped down Dipper’s chest, paying attention to one nipple before moving to the next. He sucked and nipped, causing them to peak and sensitizing them to the point where Dipper would clutch at him with a gasp as he sucked and bit down on them gently. The kid whimpered and begged.

“S-stop teasing me.” Dipper gasped.

“I’m enjoying myself.” Bill said with a smile before pulled back. He reached down and grasped Dipper’s hard cock, stroking it.

“Ohh,” Dipper groaned, eyes fluttering shut as he thrust up into Bill’s grasp. He stopped his ministration and allowed Dipper to get thought into his head.

“Do you trust me?” Bill asked, suddenly still. Brown eyes blinked opened and looked at him. They studied him a moment before slowly nodding.

“Yes, I do.”

Bill grinned down at him, his right eye glowed blue before he snapped his fingers and a small jar of gel appeared in his hand. Dipper sat up with a gasp.

“How can you do that?”

“Later,” Bill murmured as he kissed him back down to the bed.

Situating himself between Dipper’s legs, Bill set the jar down next to him and dipped his fingers into the gel. He brought one finger over and circled the small puckered hole, rubbing gently waiting for Dipper to relax. The boy had become tense which was only naturally with his first time. The gel warmed as he continued to rub and probe and he could see Dipper begin to loosen up. Bill slipped his finger in, pressing past the clenched muscles and Dipper gasped and stiffened.

“Shh, relax or it will hurt more.” Bill murmured softly and Dipper nodded as he tried to relax his body. Bill began to move his finger slowly in and out, letting him get used to the sensation. He watched as the Pine Tree’s body moved and squirmed as Bill stretched him. Dipper’s checks were flushed, his lips swollen with kisses, small and large dark love bites littered his neck and chest. Bill added another finger and begin to scissoring the opening. He tried going slowly so he wouldn’t hurt the kid.

Dipper’s eyes flew open and a small shout escaped him. “Bill!” He shouted. Bill smirked and nudge the spot he had found causing Dipper to moan loudly, his body relaxing. He wondered if the kid was aware that he had spread his legs further apart, it caused a flash of lust so strong Bill had to close his eyes momentarily. He took a deep breath through his nose before slowly letting it out. His own hard cock was leaking and all he wanted to do was sink into the boy’s core. Bill added a third finger. Dipper groaned with the slight pain, but he was soon thrusting back on Bill’s fingers, questing for that spot to be hit again. He pulled back his fingers enough that he wasn’t quite touching it and was amused to watch Dipper fuck himself on his digits.

“God Bill please.” Dipper whined.

“Please what?” Bill teased.

“Please just, just something.” Dipper practically sobbed as he withered beneath Bill.

Smirking at that Bill removed his fingers causing Dipper to whimper at the loss. Bill scooped up more of the gel and lubed up his cock before lining up with Dipper’s entrance. He took Dipper’s legs and put them over his shoulders, giving him a bit of room to work with and slowly pushed in. Oh fuck but the kid was tight and it took every bit of restraint he had not to thrust in all at once and fuck Dipper senseless.

His arms shook with the restraint and he froze as Dipper trembled beneath. He looked down and the kid had his eyes tightly closed but a few tears still escaped. Bill leaned down and let his lips kiss them away.

“Just give me a second.” Dipper hissed through clenched teeth and Bill nodded and leaned down to kiss Dipper. They kissed for a moment, gently at first and then more heated as Dipper began to adjust to his girth. The boy panted against Bill’s lips as he slowly pushed in all the way.

Rolling his hips slightly caused Dipper to gasp which caused Bill to grin before he pulled out and began to give small thrusts back in. Dipper moaned and clutched at Bill, his hands in the blond hair pulled him to his lips, kissing and nipping what he could. The noises he made, by the gods, Bill would never get tired of it. Dipper moaned deep in pleasure and Bill decided he wanted to hear more. He set a pace looking for that spot that would make Dipper come undone.

“Ahh, Bill!” Dipper cried out, gripping Bill’s shoulders. “Oh fuck,” The kid was muttering. Bill grinned in triumph as he kept pleasing the boy.

“You are mine Dipper Pines.” Bill growled lowly as he thrusted hard in to the kid, he was so close but he wanted to make Dipper come undone first. His eye began to glow blue on its own accord as Dipper cried out with the pleasure.

“I’m so….I’m going to...” Dipper mumbled as he clutched at Bill.

“You belong to me.” Bill growled before biting Dippers shoulder. “Only me.”

“Yes, you, I belong to you.” Dipper replied with a gasp a mixture of pleasure and pain, his head tipping back to allow Bill to mark him.

“Come for me Pine Tree.” Bill order, his eye still glowing, Dipper looked up in to those eyes and a shudder ran through his body as Bill slammed in to him over and over.

“Bill!” Dipper gasped out his back arched, as his vison went white as he came between them, his body shuddering with the force of it. Bill growled as Dipper tightened around him, it only took a few more thrusts and then he was spilling his seep deep within Dipper and he pushed as far as he could, wanting to mark the boy deep within as well. Once emptied, Bill collapsed on top of Dipper who let out a small oomph.

It took a few moments to catch his breath before Bill pulled back enough to slip free from Dipper and flopped to his side. He pulled the kid close against him as Dipper draped his arm over him. Bill smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

“That was, intense.” Dipper murmured pulling back just enough to look up at bill.

“It’s because I’m amazing.” Bill said with a smirk and Dipper huffed a laugh.

“Does your eye always do that?” Dipper asked before yawning.

“Do what?” Bill asked confused

“Glow when you’re having sex?” Bill frowned slightly. He hadn’t realized it had been glowing.

“First time it’s done that.” Bill said with a frown. He would have to ask Tad about it later.

“Oh, I thought it was kinda cool.” Dipper admitted before burying his face against Bill’s chest with a yawn.

“You are a strange one.” Bill said with a soft smile and Dipper hummed in response. Bill felt the kids mind fall away into sleep.

Bill laid in bed, holding Dipper close feeling content. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. He should get up and attend to his ship, but for the moment he felt no desire to leave his Pine Tree so soon. Bill pressed his magic against Dipper’s mark to sooth his mind and ease the headache the kid was sure to still have from drinking the night before. And some of the pains he was sure to feel once he woke from their recent activities.

Dipper sighed and nuzzled closer against him which caused Bill to smile. Bill gave a small yawn of his own. A small nap couldn’t hurt and if there was a problem Tad would deal with it.


Stanford Pines grinned. He had felt the magic and repealed it. They must have been briefly spotted, but Ford had made sure they wouldn’t be seen again, at least not until he wanted to be seen.

Running the chalk across the wooden wall of his cabin he drew a complex circle while muttering a chant in Latin. The circle flashed brightly before fading and Stanford ran a hand through his hair and pulled out the copper compass which pointed towards Dipper.

Now, he had a meeting to get to so they could all plan their next move. Standing around a large table, surround by crew members who were chatting, Ford glanced at Mabel who was standing with the Northwest girl. Both of them had a frown on their face, Lee stood next to Mabel, arms folded, with his signature scowl.

“Listen up.” Ford said slamming his hands down on the table silencing the room.

“We are nearing the Mindscape. She is captained by the one and only Bill Cipher. I have dealt with him before and want you to be aware of what to expect. He has an arsenal of tricks he uses, plus he has Dipper to use as leverage. I have no doubt that he will kill him at the first sign of trouble.”

“So what’s our plan?” A large man asked, his arms folded. “Sounds like we have a small success rate to retrieve him alive.”

“I am going to lead a very small team to sneak abroad the Mindscape, catch them unaware.”

“And how do you propose to do that. They will spot us coming.” Someone shouted.

“First off, it will be voluntary. I will not ask anyone to go who do not feel comfortable going. Second, I have devised a way so they will not see a small long boat approach. As long as we keep the Stan O War out of their sights. The second we have Dipper or are in danger we will launch a signal into the air for you to attack.” Ford said.

“I volunteer.” Stanley said and Ford shook his head.

“I need you on the ship, I don’t trust anyone else to run her.”

“Then I’ll go.” Mabel volunteered.

“It’s too dangerous, I would prefer you said with Lee.”

“No, it’s my brother he kidnapped I’m going with you.” She said and folded her arms, her brown eyes challenging.


“If Mabel’s going I’m going.” Pacifica said.

“No, I draw the line at you, you just learned to fight it would do us no good if you were there. You would be a liability.” Ford said and watched as the blonde glared back at him.

“I’ll go sir.” A crewmember said.

“Good, it will be us three. We will leave at nightfall, prepare the ship for battle.” Ford ordered dismissing the crew. The room emptied fast leaving just his twin who walked over to him with a frown on his face.

“Are you sure about this Ford?”

“Yes, I need to get abroad that ship. He won’t escape me this time.”

“I know, but what if this is a trap?” Stanley asked with a frown.

“I’ve planned for that as well. He will not get away this time.”

“Just don’t forget about Dipper.” Stanley said with a frown before turning to leave the room.

Stanford huffed and pulled out the copper compass and watched as the needle pointed to where his nephew was and more importantly where that demon Bill Cipher was. Soon this would all be over, that fucking pirate will be dead, and Dipper would be returned.

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