At the water's edge (not mine...

By princessmaravillosa

46K 1.4K 618

Some say that Captain Cipher sold his soul to a demon to escape the gallows 30 years ago, others say he never... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 11

2K 66 44
By princessmaravillosa

It had been several weeks since he had been kidnaped, could be more or less as Dipper honestly had lost track of time being on the ship. He was busy, even if he wasn’t doing as much as before; Bill hadn’t wanted him to relapse. So instead of working with the One Eyes, Dipper had been learning a few things from the different masters aboard the ship. It was more than he had ever dreamed of learning from his books, and everything had a hands on application to it that he just loved.

Then there was the simple fact that Dipper was still sleeping in Bill’s bed, with the Captain himself. He was perfectly fine to go back to his old bed, but anytime he thought about it, the less appealing it became. The times he tried to, or avoided Bill never ended so well, and would be back in the pirate’s bed anyways. Sometimes he would work himself to the point of exhaustion, falling asleep doing something and awake curled up next his bed mate. It was embarrassing to say the least.

And yet it was nice. This was a part that made him grumble to himself. Not that his original sleeping location wasn’t bad, per say. But Bill’s bed was so much softer, and bigger, and warmer, especially when he was in it. Dipper felt his face heat up with that thought and tried to banish it.

Letting out a sigh, Dipper dropped his head to the table as he sat in the galley. The room was currently empty which gave him a moment of peace and quiet to himself. Bill Cipher was a conundrum and Dipper had to figure him out. Dipper would watch him when the pirate wasn’t looking, interacting with his crew and Tad. The crew showed nothing but respect towards him, they laughed and joked with him. His was their leader, and yet friend at the same time. He sure didn’t seem like some blood thirsty pirate that some of his stories would betray him to be. It was all so… confusing.

Even his own interactions with the pirate was easier, friendlier and Dipper couldn’t seem to stop him from entering his thoughts at odd times. It was slowly driving him mad, and the way that golden eye would look at him, see inside him as if he understood Dipper’s plight, made his heart quicken every time. And lately, Dipper was glad when the day was ending, just to have that time where he could be himself with the pirate. Sometimes Bill would be up late at his desk writing in his journals and Dipper would fall asleep before he came to bed. Other times Bill would climb in with him, which Dipper would grumble and complain about loudly but didn’t resist when he was pulled in next to that warm body. Those nights took Dipper the longest to fall asleep as his heart would be racing and… other parts of him seem to have a mind of their own. Even the thought of it now had his body reacting and he groaned and bit his lip to get it under control.

This was not good, not good at all.

The door to the mess hall slammed open causing him to lift his head quickly, Pyronica stood there, her pink hair loose causing part of it to fall over her eye patch.

“Oy, so this is where you have been hiding.” She said before walking over and slamming a hand on his back with a grin.

“I’m not.” Dipper said with a smile.

“Whatever you say lad, Captain’s been looking for ya.”

“Ugh, what does he want now?” Dipper muttered, but his heart sped up a bit.

“Hmmm, I’m sure I don’t know.” She said, voice sweet and teasing as if she knew exactly what the Captain wanted and Dipper knew it. Dipper felt he face heat up which made her laugh.

“Come on kid, let’s get you top side. You look like you need some fresh air.” She said grabbing Dipper’s arm dragging him up with her. Dipper sputtered, but had no choice but to follow the gunner. His lips curled into a half-smile as she reminded him of Wendy. Brave, strong and a good friend.

Walking onto the deck, Dipper breathed in the sea air and relaxed. He was starting to enjoy being on the ship with the fresh air, the spray of the water on his skin, the feel of the warm sun, and the freedom. It was a scary thought, and even though a part of him wanted everything to return to normal, he knew it wasn’t possible. Those books about adventures on the seas would no longer hold the same appeal they once had….not after having had a real taste of it. He wasn’t sure if he could quit.

“Aww, come on Captain we need to boost some spirts, ‘ave a bit of fun.” Kryptos complained.

“Oy Captain!” Pyronica shouted and walked over to Bill who was glaring at the navigator, Dipper followed after her.

Turning to face them Bill glanced at her before his eye locked on to Dipper and he grinned widely at the boy. Dipper shivered at the look and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

“Pine Tree, I was wondering where you had disappeared to.”

“I was taking a break was all.”

“Captain Cipher?” Kryptos whined and Bill scowled before turning to glare at the man.

“What?” He said with a growl.

“Come on, I think it would do us all some good to have a good drink and music.” He said meekly with a pout.

“A party?” Pyronica interrupted before Bill could say anything.

“Party?” Dipper asked, his curiosity was peaked.

“Oh yes, we throw excellent parties. Not much food, but a lot of good booze, music and dancing.” Pyronica told him, putting an arm around his shoulders. “We laugh and sing and the whole hall is lit up with light.”

“Sounds like fun.” He told her, genuinely interested.

“Oh.” Bill said glancing at them before sighing. “Fine, but you have to tell the others.” Bill told her, his eye narrowed until her arm released Dipper.

“Aye, aye captain.” The Pyronica and Kryptos replied before running off leaving the two alone.

“Should I go do something?” Dipper asked, feeling a little awkward. Bill reached over and pulled him towards the wheel.

“Ya, since it seems I just lost my helms man, looks like you can take his place.”

“Wh-what do I do?” Dipper asked his hands going to the large spoked wheel. Bill stood close behind him, his breath soft and warm on Dipper’s neck.

“Just keep us on course. You can see the ship’s compass here.” Bill pointed. “Make sure we don’t leave or move drastically off our heading.” Dipper could feel Bill’s lips next to his ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here to show you how.” Dipper shuddered slightly at the low suggestive tone, and swallowed. Chuckling softly Bill stepped back giving Dipper a little more breathing room.


Dipper rubbed his eyes with a yawn and stretched as he walked down the galley. He was starving, not looking where he was going Dipper ran in to a warm body and nearly fell to the ground before a hand grabbed him and steadied him.

“Oh, sorry Tad wasn’t paying attention.” Dipper said as he met the man’s signal violet eye.

“That’s ok, heading to the galley?”

“Yeah, I’m starving, and a bit tired.” Dipper said with a yawn.

“Afraid you won’t be going to bed anytime soon. Tad said as the reached the door a bit noise filtering out.

Wide brown eyes stared at the scene in front of him; nearly the whole crew was in there, talking and laughing. There was a small area where some food was set up and many, many bottles of rum were being passed around. There were several crew members that had instruments out and soft tunes, and chords were being plucked.

“Oh.” Was all Dipper could say. That’s right, he almost totally forgot about the party.

Tad snagging a bottle from the table taking a swig of it with a grin before offering the bottle to Dipper. He took the bottle and swallowed a large gulp, which caused him to cough and sputter. Cheers and laughter was heard throughout the room, along with Tad.

“Shut up.” Dipper muttered with a smile and watched as Tad grabbed another bottle for himself.

Each swallow was easier to take, a pleasant warmth spreading through Dipper. Tad guided him over to eat some food with it. “Can’t have you passing out too early.” Tad said with a wink. A jaunty tune began and some of the crew members began to sing and dance. Dipper ate and drank, his foot tapping to the song. The laughter was infectious and he joined in with some of the antics of the others. He tipped back his bottle and realized that it was empty. Before he could frown Tad showed up next to him, as another tune began.

“Dance with me.” Tad said as music filled the air once again. He stood tall with a grin and offered a hand to him, taking the hand Dipper laughed as Tad pulled him out into the large open area in front of the band as the crew began to sing.

‘Were all just dancers on the devils dance floor!’

Tad twirled with Dipper, grinning as his violet eye landed on Bill and smirked as he spun Dipper and himself around causing the brunet to laugh. That golden eye narrowed and Bill began to make his way through the crowed towards them. Tad was struck with an idea.

‘Well swing a little more, little more o’er the merry-o’

Twirling Dipper away from him and in to the arms of Pyronica, Tad gave her a wink and gestured to Bill who was slowly making his way towards them. She grinned and grabbed Dipper’s hand and danced away with him.

Grinning Dipper spun around with Pyronica, laughing as the world blurred, his head was light and he was completely carefree as he moved to the music. For a moment Dipper thought he spotted Bill and if it wasn’t for Pyronic twirling him around the crowded floor, Dipper would most likely have headed towards him. Pyronica gave him an extra spin and Dipper found himself in the arms of Xanthar’s who took him off on anther jaunt around the floor.

‘Swing a little more, a little more next to me’

Tad watched as Dipper was twirled around the room by different crew members with one signal goal. Keep the boy as far away from their Captain for as long as they could. Tad hooted with laughter as Bill reached a hand out to snatch Dipper but missed as he was passed onto Kryptos who took the lad around again. The look of rage on Bill’s face was hilarious.

Laughing hard as he was passed to Amorphous, Dipper grinned up at the man who was laughing as well; the music thrumming through them as the band played and the crew sang loudly, Dipper couldn’t remember the last time he had ever had this much fun dancing.

‘Swing a little more, little more o’er the merry-o’

Twirling around the room Dipper found himself in Tad’s arms once again, and grinned up at the man. The first mate grinned down at him and watched as Bill made his way towards them his golden eye promising danger.

The Captain was nearing them and with a quick hand Tad winked down at Dipper who laughed before Tad spun him around and in to the arms of Bill, which caught the captain by surprise but held the boy close to him before looking down at Dipper who laughed and pulled Bill into dancing with him.

‘Swing a little more on the devils dance floor’

Bill grinned and laughed as he spun Dipper around the circle that had now formed around them, the crew singing and clapping along to the beat as the two danced, Dipper’s hair had been pushed to the side at some point revealing his birthmark. He looked alive and exuberantly happy and so mesmerizing Bill thought as he twisted the kid around before dragging him back against his chest. Brown eyes sparkled up at him, grin on his face.

‘Swing a little more on the devils dance floor’

As the song came to an end the room filled with laughter and clapping Dipper looked up and met Bill’s golden eye the man grinned down at him time seemed to stop. Bill looked so, ordinary in this moment. His Captain’s coat was gone, just leaving him in a white button up shirt, rolled up to his elbows, his hair messed with sweat making it stick up here and there, and spots where it had run down the side of his face. The smile on his face was soft and warm, his gold eye crinkling at the sides with true happiness, his face flushed. Dipper felt his heart beating hard in his chest, and for once stopped thinking. His arms snaked up around Bill’s neck, hands catching in the sweaty blond hair and pressed his lips to Bill’s.

The room filled with cheers and hoots as Dipper kissed their captain. Bill froze when he felt the lips against his own, before pulling Dipper in and returning the kiss. Dipper pulled back, his hand going to his mouth, eyes going wide in panic. He took a step back, and then another, before turning and fleeing the room.


Dipper panicked as he ran, trying to get as far away as he could from Bill. Shoving the door open Dipper ran across the deck before stumbling against one of the main masts pole Dipper let out a strangled sound as he rested his head against the pole. It was half sob, half laughter.

“Stupid, stupid!” Dipper muttered to himself, why had he done that? What was wrong with him? He had kissed Bill Cipher, a pirate. And yet that wasn’t what had him shaking. The worst part of it all was Dipper…had enjoyed kissing the man. That was what had scared him more than anything.

“Pine Tree?” Dipper tensed at the voice but refused to turn around. He didn’t want to see disgust or hatred, or something worse; didn’t think he would survive it, so instead Dipper stood and trembled in place.

A hand grabbed his shoulder and Dipper flinched before he was forced to turn around. He kept his eyes trained down, not able to look Bill in the eye. Even that was taken away from him as Bill took hold of his chin and lifted his face upwards. Dipper shut his eyes, his breathing was getting ragged and he could feel hot pricks of tears behind his closed eyelids.

“Dipper.” His name was said so softly and gentle and it was the only warning he got before his lips were engulfed by Bill’s. His brown eyes flew open at the contact before closing again. His hands clutched at Bill, a soft moan escaped him as he surrendered to the kiss. Bill’s hand was in his hair, moving his head to the side to deepen the kill and Dipper soon parted his lips which Bill took advantage of. His tongue sweeping inside to swipe against his own. It sent a shock of pleasure down his spine straight to his groin.

When Bill finally pulled back Dipper had had to gasp for air. He looked up at Bill who had a crocked smile on his face. He could see no deceit there, no malice or rejection in Bill’s eye. What he did see made him tremble and Dipper couldn’t help but laugh a bit nervously before resting his face against Bill’s chest. Dipper wondered if he had drank too much and had passed out because the warmth coming off of Bill was very pleasant; even the feel of the pirates arms around him felt too good and he knew it would only feel better once their clothes were removed.

“Pine Tree?” Bill questioned running his hands down Dipper’s back in a soothing motion.

“Hmmm.” Dipper hummed tiredly.

“Do you want to head to bed?” Bill asked and Dipper nodded and squeaked as Bill swept him up in his arms and started to carry him bride style across the deck.

“I can walk.” Dipper said indignant, trying to sound annoyed but secretly pleased.

Bill looked down at him, his eye dark and mysterious before causing Dipper to quiver. “Mmhmm.” Was all he said. Dipper huffed a laugh and laid his head onto Bill’s shoulder and closed his eyes.

“I think I drank too much.”

“You don’t say?”

“Ya, because I must have passed out and now I’m dreaming.” Dipper said opening one eye looking up at Bill.

“You’re still awake Pine Tree, I would know if you were dreaming.” Bill stated and used his magic to open his bedroom door and closing it before moving to place Dipper down on the bed. Dipper flopped down on the bed and stretched out with a yawn and watched as Bill took off his boots.

“How can you be sure?” Dipper asked as he sat up and struggled to pull off his own boots before Bill moved to help him.

“Call it a gift.” Bill said with a shrug as he pulled off Dipper’s boots and helped him out of his other clothing. His hands ran over Dippers body here and there making Dipper’s breath catch in his throat. Oh god, but he wanted more, it felt so good, so nice.

“How did you lose your eye?” Dipper asked sleepily and Bill felt the kid’s consciousness slowly being drawn in to the realm of dreams, even though he fought it. He smiled, it was a losing battle.

“Who says I lost my eye?” Bill responded and wondered if Dipper heard him as the kid’s slow breathing filled the room and Bill knew Dipper was gone. He ran a hand through the brown locks and pushed the hair back from his forehead so he could trace the mark there. Bill smiled before he undressed himself and crawled into bed.

He sighed and pulled Dipper close and loved how the kid immediately curled up next to him. Bill buried his face against Dipper’s hair knowing that he was never letting the boy go even if he had to fight to keep him. Brushing back Pine Tree’s hair, Bill leaned over and placed a kiss on his birthmark.

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