From Work, With Love || Dylan...

By stiles-o-dylan24

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If you don't know-- It's Always Been You is my other series which is a complete rewrite of Teen Wolf with the... More

Meet Cute
And Action!
Cameras Rolling
No Spoilers
Don't Break Character
Supporting Role
Needed on Set
Running Lines
Filming Schedules
Play the Trailer
Quiet on Set
New Season, New Characters
Gag Reel
Booking Roles
Guest Star
On Location
Unit Base
Lining Up Auditions
Switching Sets
Autographs & Pictures
From the Top


455 17 15
By stiles-o-dylan24

Addy POV

Dylan and I are wrapping up filming for this evening by finishing up our last scene for the premiere episode under the awning that's supposed to be in front of the high school.

Our scene we're prepping for is the only scene we have where it's just the two of us in this episode and it's super adorable in my opinion because Stiles is very vulnerable with his future talk and we don't see that from him enough honestly.

We finished up the scene with everyone decked out in their wolf features a bit ago and since it was a mini fight scene it took awhile to get it just right, however, we're so close to being done which is good because I can hear my bed calling me.

It is nearing 1AM on this cold February night and the pouring down rain has not let up at all- which is leaving zero complaints from me since I'm huddling into Dylan's side while we wait for the cameras to be set up. My outfit for the evening is nothing more than a long flannel that hits me just above mid thigh and some leggings with knee high boots. I quickly opted for one of the long sleeve henleys from wardrobe, I've since claimed as my own and keep in my trailer, to wear under the flannel- however it's still freezing at this late hour.

Dyl makes a noise and shivers, turning to face me fully with that mischievous smile of his and a legit twinkle in his eyes. He sets his hands on my waist, increasing his hold on me slightly before slowly winding his arms around my waist and bringing me even closer against his chest.

Thankful for the few inch high boots I'm wearing, I smile shyly and slide my arms up and around the back of his neck "Very smooth."

He scrunches his face up in mock innocence, making a little noise as he turns us to the side having his back face the few people here with us "What, we're just practicing for the scene and how we need to stand."

"Right" I mutter, failing at hiding my smile as I move my fingers through his hair.

Shrugging a shoulder he leans forward and kisses my nose "I've been meaning to bring it up... but I don't think we're proving ourselves as couple as much as we should be so far this season."

I snort and tilt my head to the side "This season that we just started filming two days ago?"

Attempting to keep a straight face, he nods "Yeah- I just, I think we need to be more affectionate in the scenes."

"Hmm- like this?" I question and close the small space between us, kissing him and hearing him grunt in disapproval when I pull back quickly.

Furrowing his brows he scoffs "Not exactly what I had in mind."

I scrunch my mouth to the side, pretending to be in thought while I mutter "How is kissing less going to make us look more affectionate in the scenes?"

"I was more referring to your lame ass chaste kiss versus kissing in general, smartass" he grumbles and I raise my brows, making an over exaggerated noise like I finally get what he was trying to do "Oh, oh okay now you're making more sense."

"Get over here and kiss me already, Blondie" he says through clenched teeth, his arms tightening around me and I laugh- about to lean in and do just that when we're told to take our marks.

Dyl audibly groans and only unwinds his arms far enough to set to his hands on my waist. I chuckle and lean forward, kissing the side of his jaw while I murmur quietly "Save it for the scene, Rider."


"Adds, you're so much apart of the vision that it may scare you a bit" Dyl says with so much conviction, yet also with a vulnerability, that I'm reminded of our own future chat we had a few days ago and I have to take a calming breath in so I don't tear up and completely ruin the scene.

We finish the take with our kiss, that leaves me absolutely breathless from how much we were leading up to it before we started filming, and run through it one more time with a different camera angle before we're told that we got it and we're released for the evening.

Dylan picks up one of the massive umbrellas and wraps his arm around my waist to keep me close while we quickly walk back to my trailer, both of us changing into our jammies before we call it a night and are asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows.


"Hey" I hear Cody announce before he comes to a stop beside me and I throw a polite smile his way "Hey."

He grimaces slightly and throws his hands up in a small surrender "Don't worry I'm not here to hit on you again."

His words cause me to instantly feel bad and I widen my eyes slightly "What- I wasn't thinking"

He laughs a little and eases my nerves right away "Nah it's cool- I definitely got the sense, even before Tyler told me to not pursue anything with you, that I was coming on too strong the other day and I really didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

I move to respond, however, he's apparently not done with his thought process because he sighs through his smile and reaches up to scratch the side of his jaw while he continues "I won't pretend that asking you out wasn't top on my list of things I'd like to do when I first got here but I probably should have paid more attention to how uncomfortable you looked and for that I'm truly sorry."

I do smile with that and I return the favor of easing his nerves right now "Oh, it's okay you, uh, it wasn't that I was uncomfortable so don't worry about that- I uh, just wasn't sure the best way to tell you I'm not interested, no offense-" I quickly grimace with how that could come across and he laughs, looking down to his feet for a second as he shakes his head "None taken-"

"And also that I'm not actually available" I finish saying and he looks back up, his eyes widening in his embarrassment "Oh no shit? Well I'm even more sorry- I wouldn't have- I never would have been that forward had I known- I mean as far as I knew from asking around you weren't seeing anyone."

"Well she is" comes from just beside us, earning my eyes to follow the voice and watch as Dylan walks towards us.

"Jesus Christ" I mutter under my breath, however, since he's now standing right beside me- Dylan smiles and corrects brightly "Nope, name's Dylan but it's okay."

"For the love of god" I laugh out and shake my head at him earning Cody to laugh as he moves his eyes between us and nods "Yeah, yeah she was just saying that."

"Oh good because the guy she's seeing does not do well with other guys trying to steal her away" Dylan breathes out in his mock concern for tension between Cody and 'the guy I'm seeing' and I stare at the side of his face wondering if I should laugh or facepalm right now.

"Oh I wasn't trying to steal her away" Cody corrects and Dylan nods immediately "Right, right... this guy probably knows that because you do seem like a genuine guy but yeah... just, you know, forewarning you that he's pretty protective over her."

"Are you done?" I roll my head to the side towards him and he makes a noise, not looking at me while he answers and continues on "Nah-- you know he's a great guy but yeah, he's got this jealous side-"

"Tarzan side" I grumble under my breath, though he still hears because he elbows me in my side earning me to laugh as he continues "And I just wouldn't want things to be weird around here if he got the wrong idea about your intentions."

"So he works here then?" Cody questions and I smirk up towards Dylan, seeing him shake his head a few times "What? No I didn't say that."

Cody has obviously caught on to what's actually being said and he smiles as he repeats "You said you wouldn't want things to be weird around here..."

Dylan sets his hands on his hips, jutting his mouth over to the side while he backtracks "Oh right- well you know, when he- when he comes to- when he'd be here to visit her"

"Oh" Cody says before Dylan continues to stammer through his response "Which he does- a, uh, a lot you know."

It's silent for a few seconds and I try really hard not to laugh, succeeding in only letting out a quiet snort as I drop my head forward and clear my throat.

When I look back up Cody is looking between Dylan and I, a knowing smile playing on the corners of his mouth "Damn, so the rumors are true."

"What rumors?" Dyl questions without missing a beat and Cody laughs, crossing his arms over his chest "About the two of you dating for the past few years- I thought that might have been the case the other day but wasn't sure exactly. That's actually really amazing that you guys are together- with how you met and getting to work together like you have."

I smile with his words, figuring there's absolutely no reason at this point to deny it, however Dylan has a different thought and makes a noise as he shakes his head "No I definitely didn't say that."

I snort, dropping my head to the side to look over at him with a little laugh "I don't think it actually needed to be said, babe."

Still on the denial bus, Dylan makes a face and waves his hand in a motion to indicate between us as he tries to explain away me calling him babe "Ha- we, you know most people think we're dating because of how close we seem on set since, you know, we're playing a couple on the show but yeah- no we're not- we're not dating dating."

Cody nods his head a few times before he laughs and turns his attention towards me to ask his next question "Can I know how long the rumors have been true?"

I narrow my eyes in thought, my own curiosity causing me to counter "How long have the rumors about us been a thing?"

"It's been a few years at least" Dylan breathes out with a little nod of his head "Maybe since season 2 because Jules has grilled me at every family function because someone talked to her and she always claimed she was going to disown me if the rumors were true and she had to hear about it from her friends first instead of me."

I chuckle with that, seeing Cody shrug "You guys have kept in under wraps for a long time- it's kind of impressive."

Holland's voice chimes in next as she joins our little group "As the captain of this ship I can argue it was not kind of impressive because the rumors weren't true which was more than kind of frustrating, in the most supportive way possible, because they should have been- especially with as many fan questions we had to dodge about them dating over the years."

I throw her a look which she returns by blowing me a kiss- earning me to laugh as I roll my eyes playfully.

"Which we are not doing" Dyl states once more and I make a noise as I turn to him and smile sweetly "Dylio?"

"Yes, Blondie?" he answers right away, returning my smile and I lean in like I'm going to tell him a secret "I love you but everyone here is in on the know that we're dating despite your best misdirection efforts so please just let it go."

"Yes, my love" he murmurs, stepping up beside me and finally wrapping his arm around my waist. He pulls me into his side and kisses my temple, the action bringing a smile to Holland's face as she looks between us before she snaps her fingers with an excited gleam in her eyes "We can finally start using your ship name!"

Dylan looks between us, hesitantly asking "What the fuck is our ship name?"

Holl clears her throat and shakes her head as a smile overcomes her face "As captain of this ship-"

"Who named you captain?" Dyl interrupts thoughtfully and Holl snaps her eyes towards him "After my deduction skills 4 years ago, you best understand that I named myself."

We all laugh with that before she claps her hands together "Your ship name should be-"

"Daddy" Ty interjects, coming to stand on my other side and we all look at him wondering if we heard him correctly while Dyl barks out a laugh "Oh my god"

"I'm sorry was that- was that an actual suggestion?" Holland chuckles and I snort into a laugh, wheezing out "We can not be called Daddy- my mum would kill me with the kind of press that would attract."

Ty just shrugs with a bright smile "It's catchy"

Holl makes a noise and shakes her head "I'm captain-"

"Yeah you're co-captain and I'm ready to fight you if you won't agree with that" Ty interrupts and she chews on the side of her lip for a moment before she rolls her eyes and grumbles "Fine, co-captain to the Addlan ship it is."


Dylan POV

Once we're all applied with our slash marks and Addy's covered in the prop blood from her stomach down to her legs we get set up laying on the ground in various positions we're landing in from the previous scene.

I help Adds get situated to lay on her back before I lay on my stomach just off to her side, throwing her a wink in the process "Still more radiant than Carrie, babe."

She snorts and throws me a look "You already got me, no need to shower me with those compliments."

I make a pft noise and scoot up a little further to make sure I'm on my mark "I will always shower you with compliments so get used to it, Blondie."

"Okay, Rider" she whispers before the countdown to filming is announced.

This may not be the first time I'm reacting to her being hurt, however, it is the first time I'm reacting to her being this hurt since we've started dating and holy shit is this so much harder than I thought it would be.

I have always felt a need, almost, to want to protect her- both for the show and just in our actual life since I met her. She's just someone you look at and know you could not stand to see her get hurt- which is only magnified in this scene where she's conveying literally bleeding out on the floor while none of us can move to help her.

Addy is absolutely killing this scene, which in turn is causing an even more helpless despair like feeling to punch me in the gut as I look at the very real looking blood covering her too small looking frame.

My voice feels hoarse from the unshed tears I'm trying to fight off, though it's also adding another level to how desperate I sound trying to get her to wake up which means this scene is probably going to look fucking fantastic.


"I don't want you to" I grumble, watching Addy move around her trailer and grab her last minute things she will need as of tomorrow.

We finished the scene from the floor about an hour ago and once the director announced that we got it and were done for the evening, we wasted no time in heading to our respective trailers to shower off the prop blood- which I then wasted no time in heading over to Addy's trailer so I could spend more time with her.

"You going to be like this every time?" she questions with a knowing smirk and I shrug, answering simply "Yup."

"Dyl-" she says in a way that still causes me to shiver in the best kind of way, however, I push that aside and shake my head softly at her "This is the first however many days that you're going to be gone since we started dating."

She laughs, shoving her face wash and other end of the day routine items she's now done with into her bathroom bag "No it's not- I left the week after we started dating to go and film this exact show."

I ponder that for a moment before I lift my shoulders and breathe out my reply like my next words are a pretty big bummer "Well that settles it, you have to quit Supernatural because it's taking you away from me entirely too much and I honestly won't stand for it anymore."

She snorts through a soft chuckle and at the look she throws me, I just shrug and state matter of factly "I don't feel like I'm being ridiculous."

"I didn't say you were" she replies immediately and I grumble under my breath "Your pretty face is."

Adds smiles my way before she clicks her tongue "Well I'm sorry to break it to you but I'm not quitting and this is nothing babe, I mean it's only going to be for three nights and I'll be back on the fourth day just after noon mum said."

"I don't care- I'm going to miss you" I admit and she smiles thoughtfully over at me "And I'm going to miss you."

I sit up a little more with that from where I'm seated on the edge of the bed "Yeah?"

"How could you think I'm not?" she counters and I shrug a little, waving my arm around to indicate her and the room around us "Because you're not in the same distraught state I'm in at the moment and you're just packing your things."

"Who says I'm not distraught? Plus I'm packing right now because I leave in the morning and I have to pack right now... and now I'm done" she laughs, zipping her bag with a little hand flourish when she's done and places it over by the door.

I watch her walk over towards me and I follow her with my eyes "So what does that mean?"

"It means I can comfort you" she states simply and I immediately love the sound of that.

"Comfort me?" I repeat, raising my brows with my question as I sit up a little more.

With a twinkle in her eyes she nods, walking forward to come to a stop in between my legs and right in front of me "Yes, help you get out of this distraught state that you're in."

Laying her arms on my shoulders, I instinctively set my hands on her hips and pull her that much closer against my chest "What's the best way to get out of the distraught state, baby?"

Using my shoulders as leverage she climbs up and straddles my lap, earning my fingers to dig into her skin a little more.

She leans forward, her whispered minty breath dancing across my skin "I'm gonna kiss you silly and then cuddle the fuck out of you."

I chuckle with her words, nodding my head and running my nose along hers "What are you waiting for then?"

She smiles brightly before she closes the small gap between us and presses her softer than anything lips onto mine.

Not able to help the groan that sounds in my throat from the feeling of her, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her flush against me while I work on committing to memory the feeling of her moving her lips with mine.


Addy POV

I land in Vancouver just over an hour before I'm due on set and I'm stressing as I make my way through the airport, mets cap pulled down low and glasses covering my eyes.

I get a few curious stares but thankfully I'm not noticed by anyone. Normally I wouldn't mind stopping for a few photos, however, my flight was delayed and I'm arriving much later than makeup and wardrobe would like so every minute counts right now as I'm ushered into the waiting car prepared to take me to set.

"There she is!" I hear once I'm out of wardrobe and walk onto the waiting area near set, smiling as Jensen, Misha and Jared come into view.

"Thumbelina, we sure have missed you around here" Jensen states, wrapping his arms around me in a comforting bear like hug which causes me to laugh "Missed you too, Treebeard."

"Come on, he's 3 inches taller- so he's Treebeard" Jensen jokes, hooking his thumb over his shoulder to point at Jared.

I laugh with a little shrug of my shoulders as I move to hug Jared and Misha "You're all taller than me but you're the one with the scruff right now."

Jensen rolls his eyes, attempting to hide his smile "Don't come in here making sense- how have you been kid?"

"Good- I've been really good actually" I smile looking between the three of them and Misha nods his head towards me "How was filming the movie?"

I smile a genuine smile as I think back on the memories from filming which feels like forever ago, but really was only a few months ago "Oh it was an absolute blast. I don't think I've ever been that dirty before- there was so much sand and dust all over the sets that my voice was so hoarse like I smoked 20 packs every day but it was one of the best experiences of my life"

"You kicked ass on set then?" Jared questions and I smile with a little shrug "I think so- even got to do some of my own stunts."

Jensen knocks his elbow into my shoulder "Look at you- what kind of stunts?"

"Nothing too crazy and I was harnessed but I got to climb up some destroyed building sets and beams in a warehouse, plus I got to shoot a gun, blanks but still it was pretty awesome- like I have to tell you guys who do the same stuff though."

We laugh and Jensen just beams at me "I just want to hear you talk about things all the time, your smile right now is so infectious I don't ever want you to leave set"

"Oh Jensy you're such a softie" I chide playfully and he laughs "Come on, how's things going with your guy? He hasn't broken your heart yet has he?"

My chest feels all warm as I smile and shake my head with my answer "No he hasn't- not even close."

"Good because I will personally hurt him if he does" he states and I chuckle, nodding my head towards him "Your Dean is showing with that threat, Treebeard."

Jensen winks, laughing a little "No one is allowed to hurt our little Thumbelina."

"You know it's completely heartwarming to me that I went from having no siblings to having 5 older brothers in the span of a few years."

"Well that's because you're so lovable and we don't want to see you get hurt" Misha shrugs and I smile gratefully at them before I state thoughtfully "Dylan's one of the good ones- the best one if I'm being honest."

"I'll just have to see that for myself, thank you" Jensen quips and Misha chuckles before he makes a noise "Speaking of, why didn't he come with you- wasn't that supposed to be the plan this time? We wanted to meet him"

I grimace with remembering our plan that unfortunately couldn't happen with this filming shoot "Our filming schedule is pretty crazy this season, my character got hurt in last week's episode so I'm in the hospital for the episode and only have 3 scenes that I'm awake and talking in- also why I had to film our episode here so early because otherwise I couldn't get away for this many days but he's got too many scenes to film this week."

"Ah, that makes sense but next time you come here he's got to come with you" Jared offers and I smile with a nod of confirmation "He's already said the same thing"

"Alright I'm kinda liking him already" Jensen grumbles and I laugh "You guys will all get on so great- you'll see"

"Wait so you guys shoot an episode a week?" Misha questions and I nod "Yeah it's roughly that"

"Damn, that's exhausting right?"

"It is" I breathe out on a light hearted laugh and shrug while I continue "But our seasons are shorter with only 12 episodes, so it's only 12 weeks of exhausting at a time. Though this season is 10 episodes for the first half and we'll pick up at the end of summer to film the second half's 10 episodes."

"That's still 10 weeks of no breaks?" Jared confirms and I offer lightly "I get breaks when I'm not filming"

Jensen snorts and clarifies "Aren't you one of the leads?"

"Maybe" I answer quickly with a little grimace and he throws me a look "So you're in a good majority, if not all, of the scenes?"

"It was definitely that way in the first couple of seasons but last season and this season we've added even more characters so I get more breaks."

Jared chuckles and continues "Okay but you have that kind of schedule for that show plus you're doing another full length show, guest starring over here and movies in between all of this?"

I nod with each of his additions and he takes a moment before he whistles and turns to Jensen "Remind me never to complain about being tired with our schedule again."

Jensen raises his brows, shares a look with him and nods earning me to laugh loudly as I step forward and link my arm with Jensen so we can head over to shoot our scene together "We only live once now come on we have a scene and rousing game of putt putt to prepare for."


Dylan POV

Addy got back from Vancouver yesterday and after I hugged and kissed her, and also wouldn't let her move from our cuddled position on the couch, for about an hour we had to film the rest of her scenes for episode 4.

Wasn't too bad since she was laying in a hospital bed so I was grateful that she got to rest basically during that time. She may be Wonder Woman in my eyes for how easy she makes her crazy schedule seem but she's only going to be more and more busy these next few months and she can use all the rest she can get right now.

I was still missing her even though she was technically right beside me and I was literally holding her hand, but I was glad to be in that mindset still because it helped make my scene where I'm talking to her hoping she'll wake up be that much more emotional like we were wanting it to be for them.

We finally have a day off today and I get to spend it with the most beautiful wedding date I could have ever dreamed of.

"Okay I need you to be honest" I barely hear Adds from inside her closet and I chuckle towards the door that's halfway closed "I'm always honest with you."

She makes a noise that could be considered a groan of frustration but through the half closed door I can't be sure "Right but I need your opinion on what to wear because this is your thing."

"It's not my wedding" comes my smartass reply and she does not waste a second to come back with "I thought you said you were going to be helpful?"

I laugh and look up towards her ceiling "I am being helpful, fuck babe- why are you worrying so much?"

"Because I just- I just want your opinion okay?" she questions softly and I breathe out deeply "Yes, okay- fuck, just get out here already I'm dying to see how gorgeous you look."

A few seconds tick by before Adds walks out from her closet and completely takes my breath away with how beautiful she looks.

She's wearing a mint colored lace dress that goes to about her mid thigh and hugs her perfect curves. Her hair is curled and down her back with the top half pulled back, leaving a few shorter strands curled to frame her face.

"Wow" I think I mutter, the word low in my throat as nothing more than a whisper so I'm not sure if she even actually heard me.

Her bright blue eyes nervously move between mine before she's looking down at herself "What- do you- do you think I should change? I have two other dresses but I thought this color went well with what you're wearing."

Her words cause me to stand up from where I was seated on the edge of her bed "Fuck what I'm wearing, baby you have to wear that."

"You don't even know what the other two dresses look like" she throws me a look and I shrug like it doesn't matter "I don't care I love this one."

"But what if they go better" she offers, nervously chewing on the side of her lip and I step closer to her. I reach out and set my hand on the side of her face, freeing her lip from her teeth with my thumb "Adds, I'm sure they're just as stunning as the dress you're wearing now but I'm saying I want you to wear this one and I'll change to whatever fucking color shirt you want me to wear so you don't have to change."

She rolls her big beautiful eyes with a smile finally quirking up the corners of her mouth "You don't have any other dress shirts here"

"Well then it looks like you have to agree that we look great together," I laugh softly at the look on her face and continue "You look breathtakingly beautiful babe and you do not need to change."

A slight blush forms on her cheeks and she nervously looks down again "Do you think it's okay for a wedding?"

"I'm definitely saying yes" I answer without missing a beat and she smirks "You're just saying yes because you want me to wear this."

I shrug and set my hands on her waist "I'm also saying yes because Ki Hong said nothing about a ball gown for you to wear so based on the few weddings I've been to- yes, you look so far beyond okay for a wedding."

"Okay" she breathes out a calming breath and I'm silent for a moment, moving my eyes between hers as I try to figure out why she's acting like this right now.

Ultimately coming up short I nod towards her "I've never seen you like this with your clothes before- why are you so nervous about how you look?"

"No reason" she answers entirely too quickly and I increase my hold on her a little with my next words "Yes there is- what's going on?"

She doesn't answer right away, taking a few moments before she breathes out a deep breath "Well it's just- this is our first big event as a couple and I just- I want to look good enough since you're having me around your friends"

"They're your friends too, babe, and you seriously may need to change just so you don't upstage the bride" I try to joke and she snorts, setting her hands on my chest "Stop it"

I chuckle and pull her a little closer against me "I'm serious- the fact that you think I need you to wear anything other than my shirt and some sweats for me to want to show you off is insane. You're stunning every day Adds, no matter what you wear- I'm the luckiest guy on the fucking planet right now and I'm pretty sure everyone knows how out of your league I am."

She snaps her eyes up to connect with mine, leaving no question to the sincerity she feels with her words "You're not out of my league."

I make a noise and grip onto her a little more "Ha- yeah I am but that's okay because you somehow don't believe that and fell in love with me anyways."

"Why are you selling yourself short, O'Brien- do I need to kick your ass?" she levels me with a look and I try not to, however, I snort and laugh a little as I reply "Well that's the most adorable picture ever but no I don't need you to kick my ass, Young."

She glares at me and fuck if that's not even more adorable, however, I don't get a chance to say anything as she warns "Don't call me adorable when I'm trying to be intimidating"

"I don't think you understand how much of a contradiction that is" I smile through my reply earning her to mutter "Dylan."

"Addison" I match her tone and she rolls her eyes, leaning into me a little more as she wraps her arms behind my neck and states simply "You're a catch."

I smile with her words, grateful she feels that way about me and lean forward, my lips brushing against hers as I murmur just barely above a whisper "And you're my 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth walk off homerun, baby."

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