The Real Ichigo

By AzureSorceress

61.2K 995 202

Ichigo is depressed. He's been left alone after fighting Aizen, but not because he lost his powers... However... More

Beginning Of The End
Waking Up
The Truth
Prepare For WAR
Final Judgment

Telling Them

4.3K 75 61
By AzureSorceress

Urahara POV

"Is this true?" Captain Byakuya questioned me. They all turned to me at the question. Yoruichi had calmed down but looked ready to murder the man lying behind me.

'Shouldn't someone have taken him away by now? I wonder if Ichigo defeating him left him with any trauma... He did think that with the Hogyoku he'd become a god and win, but nooo~. A Substitute, not even a full- fledged or academy-trained Shinigami made him like this. Well~ work with me here brain, cause this story is gonna satisfy every costumer!'

I suddenly felt a little foxy.

Plus for Byakuya to be the one to ask it was a surprise.
I'd thought it would rather be Rukia, Uryu, even Renji or Chad. 
'Guess he respected him more than I'd thought.!' Giving a mental shrug in nonchalance I turned to answer thr Captain.

"Sadly, it is. I arrived here before Yoruichi-san to scout out the fight only for it to be already over. Aizen was like this, so I restrained him just to be sure. He no longer held the Hogyoku by then. Ichigo, when I found him, however... was whizzing out of existence like dust and in pain. I tried, but couldn't help him. His Reiatsu was exhausted and turning into nothingness. He told me that he had used a technique taught to him by his Zanpakuto - at the cost of his own powers - to overpower and thus defeat Aizen.

He sputtered blood and by then didn't have his legs anymore. Nevertheless he asked me to tell you he was thankful. Thankful for living his live, having us as his friends, for teaching him, for bringing this adventure into his live and not feel responsible over this. For every time you were together, even the absurd ones; like holding a gathering of death god captains and leutenants in a teenage boys room who they once fought to the death with! Being shot in a cannonball into enemy territory. Talking to a cat! And -this one surprised me, did you know about this headcaptain?- finding out he's the grandson of the Headcaptain cause of his old man. Wether he grinned at those memories or the irony of it, I don't know and he started to have watery eyes. He barely had the spirit pressure of an ordinary animal before he turned to dust in a big cloud. Before it he said: "I'm coming, mom".


Wow, I dished that out like a chef. I don't know if I should pat my back later or question my traitor-esque lying skills.
'Then again I guess it fits for being a business man.
So everything alright there, no need for a bad conscience'.

I really shouldn't have thought that and instead opted to look at them. There are quite a lot of the worst expressions I've ever seen on them! Headcaptain Yamamoto's took the cake however! He didn't have eyebrows anymore, so high that they are like tufts of hair (that he doesn't have, should I start a cabinet for wigs?) and looks at Isshin with eyes blown wide open. His cane is trembling and some are looking at him. Captain Unohana laid a supporting hand on his weary and uninjured shoulder.

Toshiro is blinking owlishly, trying to remain impassive, but failing as he doesn't have an anchor, like Rangiku usually is, around. You could see tears down Rukia and Chad's face, balling their fists or slumping onto the ground.
Uryu was keeping to his usual poker face, his eyes perfectly hidden by the tint in his glasses.
Renji had a smirk on his face and tears in his eyes, but hid them with his headband.

Orihime had no expression on her face. Others would think she's frozen or gone into shock, but I see relief and miniscule regret.

'...The last 3 are definitely suspicious'.

The rest seemed otherwise okay.
Guess I could tell them. First off was Yoruichi as she isn't seen around often or could hide as a cat. The others' would show a change in behaviour that would alert the rest that something was wrong.

"Well that's a relief."

Many turned a disbelieving look at Uryu. And to be honest so was I. From the corner of my eye I could see Rukia and Byakuya touching their Zanpakto's hilt's--siblings indeed.

They're so much more in-sinc now that they spend more time together and being informal.
It didn't suit them, their expressions towards each other Pre-Ichigo. I mean C'mon! They were so similar compared to when Byakuya was a kid you'd think they were twins!!

"Why would that be a relief?" Unohana questioned with a stone cold expression but inquisitive. I shuddered.

'Uh-oh. Dangerous ice, considering she's a poison user. I should start carrying a gas mask around.'

"You don't know? Because he's a bastard, obviously! He's a freak! I mean many of you thought it at least once! Hollow-Shinigami-Human?
That's just against the law of nature! Of life and death!!
Not to mention he's too dangerous to be left alone.
Why else would I, a Quincy, stick around him with my weapon always at the ready? He is dangerous and attracts it!

Don't deny it, I know that Substitute-Soulreaper-Badge you gave him was to listen in on him - even you didn't trust him! Remember what he caused in the seireitei!
He destroyed the execution grounds, traditions and broke laws! He went against every established order we had!"

Rukia and Byakuya frowned. Zaraki's face didn't even twitch.

"Then the thing with the Espadas! Did you know he turned into a Vasto Lorde when one of them blasted a cero through his chest?!
He, or anyone else, should be dead from that instantly, but he turned into a motherfucking monster!!! Without reason, without thought or stopping once he murdered infront of Orihime! Then he went at US!!
He looked like was about to RAPE her!"

Orihime started crying, Matsumoto went over and laid a calming hand on her shoulder, continuing to listen with rapt attention, eyes narrowed.

"But before he could try anything the Espada broke off one of his horns, his mask broke and he lost consciousness. Then the Espada turned to dust.

I guess that is what you saw with Ichigo, Urahara-san.
See, he was more Hollow than Shinigami or human. No, he was an Abomination that should be eradicated. Good thing he died ridding us off 3-4 monsters in the process." He paused, nodding to himself self-assured while dusting non-existent dust off. My blood boiled at the implications.

But that wasn't the only thing he continued! By now everyone was shocked and Orihime was crying on the ground, though it sounds kinda strange to me.

"Heck! He's the reason his father lost his wife and his younger sisters lost their mother! He's the reason a few not born into all of this got involved and now know about our world!
He's the one who turned us into fighting, made Chad fight something he didn't have to.
He killed Orihime's older brother who was like a father-figure to her. He made her fight and she got abducted because of it by the Espadas!!
Then he drags us all into fixing his mistake and fight a war on his selfish request.
I thought he had some decency because he knew that her getting abducted was his fault but no-! He was just a war-maniac worse than Captain crazy bells (Zaraki)!
He forced Rukia to turn him into a Shinigami and temporarily be incapacitated and causing her to live in fear of execution which she was a step away from being in the end!

I even once saw him talking to a few hollows with that mask on his face ordering them to attack other humans, even fight each other!"

'I must say, if nobody is gonna do anything then I will definitely deliver something non-pretty to his face free-of-charge!'

"Sadly, I think what he's said is true..."

Captain Kuchiki turned to Renji with a wide and incredulous stare, looking absolutely done with the whole situation.

"I'm sorry for this late report but I wanted to share this. I once saw him fight a few Hollows once and he said to take the others down at the plaza -this was during our stay in the human world where we also had a meeting in his room- I went and took care of them.
When I went back to regroup, I was met with the sight of him letting them flee through a Gargantua while wearing his mask and growling something raspy at them! I thought he simply scared them off, but he didn't even give chase or send an attack after them!!"

'I haven't heard of that, though it does support the rumors of him having betrayed Soul Society.'

By now the captains looked defeated, broken and/ or offended.

"Enough! We will take the traitor Aizen Sousuke back with us to Soul Society.

Any interaction, aside from reporting for duty and information unless approved by your squad captain, with the world of the living is prohibited henceforth.
The matter regarding Ichigo Kurosaki will be discussed in a month!! Dismissed!" Headcaptain Yamamoto gestured for Kenpachi to take Aizen, without killing him in the process.

'Shit. This is worse than I expected. If they'd found him they'd have taken him to trial along with Aizen and he would've been a slave after being tried for {being a monster and attempted rape of a team member after rescue, etc.}!

They can't know he's actually alive for now. I'll tell Yoruichi though, she's good at keeping secrets and covering her tracks. Plus she'd keep an eye out in the Seireitei. Maybe she can help decide who we can trust with the truth too.

Haah~ Sometimes I'm too smart for even me to handle.'

The Shinigami slowly started to go through a Senkaimon.
Isshin approached Orihime, who Matsumoto left behind to quietly accompany her captain. Captain Hitsugaya looked stiff, occasionally pausing in his stride towards the senkaimon almost as if he couldn't stand to part from the human realm yet.

"Orihime-chan, sorry this happened to you because I didn't teach my son any better, I'll take responsibility in his stead. You can treat the Kurosaki household as family and if you wish stay with us until you've recovered; I'll clear out my ex-son's room. Though I'll have to come up with an explanation for his sister's."
The man gave Orihime a sad, rueful smile. I felt disgust creep into me at his shamelessness. His son is presumed dead and he's renting out his room to his accuser. No respect for the dead.

'Wow, just great. He didn't even believe or trust his son... what would Masaki think about this. Doesn't he remember how Ichigo treated Rukia just fine and they lived in a room together!!

Byakuya should be thinking the same and if not he's gonna start questing Rukia of any such behaviour that could indicate such a thing. Or if Ichigo had thought of Orihime like that to warrant his actions.'

"Thank you, sniff Kurosaki-san, but I'm living with sob Uryu-kun right now. I'll try to come by another time though."

They live together...They're dating? They could've-- No, they set this whole 'Reveal' up! They were the only ones there when Ichigo turned into a Vasto Lorde and see what happened in Las Noches!'

What they don't know is that I know what happened to Ichigo. He consulted with me over worry of losing control or using it against Aizen at the cost of being attacked by his friends, which is saying something for his character!
As for the fight against the °4 Espada, he'd reported that he'd lost consciousness after Ulquiorra entered his second resurrection form. Apparently, his Hollow had been in control afterwards up till Ulquiorra died. Although 'Shiro' swears he would've only played with them for a bit until he calmed down cause his King got murdered.

I haven't told this to anyone else but Ichigo turned to me and the Vizards for advice and to confide in us since Rukia left him alone after returning to duty in Soul Society.
We've learned he likes music, thinks of Orihime like a sister same as Rukia and his inner spirits are like family to him.

This surprised me as back then Rukia had told everyone that he has an conflict with his inner spirits due to one of them being a Hollow who disturbs his mindscape. He explained to me that he had to tell her that, else she'd worry he'd be foolish enough to someday let the Hollow take over.
Which he did, quite often.
I even talked to him. He (Shiro controling Ichigo's body) can even talk with the Vizards Hollows/ Zanpaktos! The Hollow was Ichigo's real Zanpakuto!
It was quite interesting to see what a few of them thought or how to better interact with them. Let's just say Ichigo has quite a bit of blackmail on them if he wishes to use it.

In conclusion: This is all fiction.

I was enraged, furious even.

'Those who sell out their friends are scum, but those who betray and abandon, (on top of that make their family and other allies turn on them) are WORSE THAN SCUM' I really like the author of this saying. It shows that he has some life experience and a healthy moral compass, is not a good one. This kind of stuff is exactly what should be taught in the academy!

And judging from the look the Vizards have me they were guessing the same thing:
We'll talk Later.

I'm sure they also figured his inner spirits wouldn't have let Ichigo die just like that. He's got more than the Shinigami know.
He's unusual, even for a Hybrid like them, that's for sure. Befriending and trusting a Hollow with his life and more... is insane.

'Better catch up to Yoruichi before she leaves!.'

"Yoruichi-kun? Could I talk to you alone for a bit?"

"What is it Kisuke? More bad news?"

'Firstly: Ouch... Second: rude and lastly it seems the news had a harder impact on her than I assumed. Calling me by my first name and then the 'bad omen bringer' I'm referred to as...

...She's so gonna maim me later.'

"... I was actually hoping you'd stay with me for a while. I'm sure you'd rather not be going through this alone and maybe we could share some training stories with each other. After all: I am-was also his teacher."

'Damn slip-up!'

"That sounds like a good plan actually" After seeing the others off we headed over to my shop. Me supporting her with her arm draped over my shoulder to help her foot.

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