โœฐ ๐—ข๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ด๐—ฒ ๐—ท๐˜‚๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ฒ โฅ‡ ๏ฟฝ...

By _MeanYoongiii_

38.6K 1.4K 475

โคท ๐˜“๐˜ฆ๐˜ต ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฌ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ More

Y O U R . N A M E
I T S . A . D E A L
A . R E A S O N
S T A Y . A W A Y
W A L K I N G . H O M E
M O V E . I N
F R I E N D S H I P S . A N D . L I E S
L O O K . A T . M E
S O R R Y . I S . T H E . H A R D E S T . W O R D
R O M E O . A N D . J U L I E T
T H A T . G I R L
C O M E . I N
Y E L L O W . D U C K
I . L O V E . Y O U
F I R S T . S N O W
A N . A P P O I N T M E N T
T H E . T R U T H
O L D . P H O T O S
R O O M . 6 6
I C E . C R E A M
P H O N E . C A L L S
N O T . O K A Y
C O N V E N I E N T . S T O R E
M A K E . U P

W O U N D S & S C R A T C H E S

520 28 0
By _MeanYoongiii_

Joshua's idle hand gracefully slid down to Soon-hee's hand holding her tight. All she wanted was to feel his love and she did not have to ask it as Joshua was always effusive.

"We are here..." He asserted and the girl finally realized she was in front of her door. "Thank you for bringing me to my room..." She should convey her genuinely bright feelings by a simple grin on her lips. 

"Y-You should go in..." She blushed as a chuckle escaped his lips. 

"I-I can't..." 

"Are you afraid you are going to miss me so much?" He asked with a mitchivious smirk. The girl rolled her eyes right away. "No... You... You are holding my hand..." She stuttered and Jisoo's eyes slowly looked at their hands together. 

"R-Right..." He let her hand but the girl was too busy staring at how beautiful she looked. "I am not holding you anymore... You can leave..." He giggled but the girl was glaring at his empty hand. 

"What?" He asked perplexed. 


"Yes?" He cutely giggles. 

"I-I have never felt this way before."  She announced, actually trying to confess her love but things didn't turn out like she was expecting.

"That was so random..." He blushed gaining the colour of a rose bud. Is she for real? It's like she set an explosion inside  her heart. "D-Did it ... make you happy?" She asked and the boy giggled out loud. 

"Of course it did..."

"That was the point..." She whispered staring at her shoes. "Will it make you happy If I say the exact same thing?" He asked and the girl alost gulp in anxiety. "W-Well... M-Maybe..." She breathed heavily staring deeply into Jisoo's sparkly eyes. 

"As long as I have you in my life, I'll be okay..." He smiled and made her a heart sign with his fingers. "Please never leave me!" He added a cheer to his previous sentnce and the girl nodded with an enormous grin on her lips. "Mmhm!" She said enthousiastually. 

"Promise?" He said and the girl let her dimples pop out in happiness. 


The guy gave her a tight hug and they both waved at each other before she closed the door of her appartment. She dived into her bed with a massive smile expanding on her lips.

"I am in loveeeeee..." She almost screamed excited but at the exact same moment someone knocked on her door. "Oh no... He is back..." She whispered really embarrassed trying to conceal her rosy cheeks. "I can explain Joshua..." She screamed when she got up. With a brief movement she opened the door and was ready ro flee out and talk to the boy... But... for her surprise it was not Joshua... 

It was Lisa.

"L-Lisa?" The girl stuttered petrified. What is she doing in here? Her heart was pounding like her life was in danger for a weird reason. 

"Minghao is not here... He is at the cafeteria..." She tried to find a way to close the door on her but Lisa had an answer to her wxcuse. "I am not here for Minghao sweetie... I am here for you..." She crossed her arms, something that indimidated the pure girl. 

"Me? H-How come...?" She giggled in her attempt to sound natural. "Let me enter and you will find out..." Her enthusiastic voice was something fake she was trying  to create in her attempt to make Soonie nervous. 

"C-Come in..." She made her space and closed the door behind of them. Lisa sat on Minghao's bed as Soonie was looking at her.

"Do you want me to bring you something? To make you some coffee?" Soon-hee tried to be polite although she did not want to at the moment. "I already drunk coffee... But... As long as I am aware you already know that..." She said quite agressivelly. 

"W-What?" Soon-hee asked as her heart almost forgot how to create a beat. 

"Do you think I am stupid? You two idiots won't stop spying on me! That's why I am here... What do you know Soon-hee?" She asked and the girl gulped. 

"W-What are you talking about?" Soon-hee stuttered. Damn... Joshua was so right... She messed it up once again. Minghao is going to be so displeased. "Don't play dumb... Today... and some days ago... At the mall..." She said and the girl gasped in the realization. 

"T-That girl in the mall... It was indeed you!" She could not believe what just happened. Lisa actually confessed she is cheating on Minghao. "Yes... Don't play innocent I know you saw me sweetie..." Her irony was not even minimized at the slightest. 

"You are cheating on Minghao?" The girl was shocked being extremely shocked at the new reveal. "That's my business..." She crossed her arms. "MINGHAO IS MY FRIEND!" Soon-hee had so many years to scream about something but Lisa made her so angry she could not keep it in. 

"Yo watch your tone when you talk to me..." She said, getting up from the bed. "Are you kidding me? I am going to tell him! Right now..." The girl grabbed her jacket and her bag ready to flee out but Lisa grabbed her wrist and pushed her to the wall actually stabbing her nails onto Soon-hee's skin. She started bleeding because of how deep Lisa put her nails in. 

"Listen to me sweetie... You are not gonna talk... Am I clear?" Lisa asked without quiting harming her. "Oh Yes? What's going to stop me?" She asked while tears were streaming down her porcelain cheeks. "Even If you do... Who is gonna believe you? Minghao will do whatever I tells him to..." She threatened her with just her eyes. 

"Don't be so sure..." She growled trying to numb the pain but it was unbearable after a while. "Without proof? Minghao is gonna listen to his girlfriend... Minghao will always choose me sweetie... Me!" She almost sounded like a psychopath and the girl tried to flee away. "Let me go..." She said but Lisa slammed her back on the wall. 

"If you talk to Minghao you will regret it... Am I clear?" She said and pushed her once again as a result she harshly met the door, and slowly slid down holding her wrist in pain. Lisa did not pay attention to her being harmed and just walked out wearing one of her innocent smiles.

While... Soon-hee was sobbing in tears down the floor... 

When Lisa was finaklly gone, she slowly closed the door from the ground. Crawling on the floor she finally got up on the top of her bed and tried to breathe properly. Her tears stopped after an amount of minutes... Hours to be honest. Time passed so fast that night made its way to her life and she decided to get inside her duvets and sleep. 

Right when she was about to drift off the door fell open. "Soonie?" Minghao smiled as soon as he saw her. The girl could no longer look at her eyes. "Hey are you okay?" He asked and sat on her bed. His hand landed on her moisty forehead. 

"Are you sick?" He asked feeling something wrong about her heat. 

"N-No..." She stuttered trying to avoid his eyes. As a result his glare fell on a corner of her duvet distinguising a specific color. 

"Is that blood?" He asked shocked but the girl acted dumb.

"I accidentally cut my finger while trying to prepare some salad..." She lied once again but the boy was still suspicions. "C-Can I see?" He said but the girl turned her back at him. 

"Hao I am sorry but I really have to sleep..." She whispered and the guy nodded, getting up. His eyes were secretely peeking at the red stain on the duvets. "Okay Soonie..." He tried to sit on his bed but her voice stopped him. 



"I-I love you..." She said and Minghao's eyes lightened up like fireworks striked in front of him. "I love you more Soonieeee" He caressed her hair before laying onto his bed. Soon-hee completely turned her back at him and stared at the pitch white wall of the room. 

She wanted to talk to Minghao but fear was distracting her mind. 

A lamp was in her throat. 

And fear was enclosing her body... 

These thoughts were ready to eat her up alive before she finally drifts off.


Waking up was a hard task for Soonie to achieve as she was worn out. To be more specific she never felt more like a trash can until this moment in her life.

"Soonie... We gotta go to class..." Minghao kissed her cheek in his attempt to wake her up. Little did he know she woke up an hour ago, feeling so useless.

Her eyelids briefly open to distinguish her best friend sitting on her bed.

"Minghao... I don't feel too well... I think I'mma skip class..." She blurred out as her head was about to break.

"Are you sick?" He asked and the girl nodded feeling weak to even shake her head in the slightest. Her inner self was eating her up alive and there was nothing she could ever do.

Minghao would never believe her...

"I think... Go... Don't worry about me..." She reassured him and Minghao caressed her face.

"If you need anything call me!" He tried to be useful even if he is absent. It took him about 10 minutes to adjourn the place and actually run off to the place he has to be.

Finally, Soon-hee found the strength to balance on her weak feet after 20 minutes.

She did not know what to do.

As a first thing on her to do list was to actually get dressed and wash her face. Her outfit was almost something dull as she barely gave attention to her clothes.

Her reflection in the mirror looked pale as her eyes were red. She finally looked at her wrist to see those scratches Lisa did to her last night.

She felt betrayed but also guilty. She should have talked to Minghao when she had the chance but... she didn't!

She just wanted to leave...

Grabbing her handbag, located on the bed she fleed out of the room and walked down the corridor. With fast movements she swerved and exitted the dorms.

The only pace that could make her mind feel some peace was the library.

As soon as she walked in, she grabbed a completely random book and sat on a table. Finally, she opened it onto a random page and pretended she was actually reading it.

But... She was not...

Although she was forcing herself to pay attention and read her mind was running to different thoughts... Like Minghao... Lisa...

No, Not again!

She needs to forget. Lisa somehow created some of her trust issues that day. It's not like she would never trust anyone again but still she damaged a small piece of her heart.

She wanted to disappear for that... How can she deal with it?

She closed her eyes and grabbed her head with both of her hands. Slowly her moisty forehead shuttere down to the book she was reading as she was trying to breathe properly.

Right when she was in the verge of a panic attack she felt someone stanting behind of her and benting over. 

This man wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight.

"Why are you here Lola?" He asked not quiting this warm hug. The girl did not have the strength to answer. That was actually suspicious for the man as well.

"Are you okay?" He broke the hug and forced her to get up.  Her eyes were speaking of pain although she tried to conceal it.

She needed to keep it a secret. Nobody should now what Lisa did to her.

"Y-Yes..." She stuttered attempting not to look at him. "Are you sure? You seem sad?" He asked and the girl nodded faking the biggest smile in the world.

Joshua nodded, still being a little suspicious over her condition.

At the moment when he was about to believe her his eyes fell on the deep scratches on her hand. He literally grabbed her arm and spotted them from a clearer view.

"What's this?" He asked having this intimidating glimpse in his eyes.

""i-I accidentally cut myself... Last night..." She lied but for her bad luck she bit her lip. Joshua knew she was lying.

"You are lying!" He said shocked, staring at the wounds and then back at her.

"I-I am not..."

"Who did this to you?"


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