The Secret Life Of A Not-So-U...

By shutiitt_real

344K 12.7K 3.7K

Midoriya Izuku is a Quirkless loser who cannot stand up for himself. He gets beaten both at school and home. ... More

Here We Go Again
A Badass Pencil Tip
The Drunkard Who Hits
The Explosive Dog-Turned-Human
Mister Muscle Is A Skeleton
Author's Note
Blackmail And Cunning
Moving In
Bunny Eared Saviour
Author's Note
Thank You
Izuku's Part Time Job - A Filler Chapter
Second Encounter With The Fluffy Haired Boy
Third Roommate - A Filler Chapter
Time Skip
Meeting The Devil Rat (4K!)
The USJ Attack
The Trust Between Them
Author's Note
Conversing With The Candy Cane
Cursing Nedzu, For A Reason Of Course
The Problem Caused By The Trash On Fire
10K! {Announcement & Surprise}
Are Hitoshi and Katsuki Aware of Deku Being Izuku? - An Informative Chapter
An Exchange of (Mild) Blackmail
Why Doesn't Katsuki Recognize The Name Deku?? - An Informative Chapter
Author's Note
Class Gathering ~ A Filler Chapter
The Sports Festival Begins
The Master Of Bets (And Slaps)
One-On-One Battles... Start!
Vote Results!
Round One Ending(Yes, This Is A Chapter)
Discipline and Abuse
New Year's Special
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Deku Vs The Trash On Fire

Meeting Class 1-B

7K 358 48
By shutiitt_real

After the lesson with 1-A, Deku immediately scammed, and walked towards the other first year heroics class, who had been much less talked about these days.

He slammed open the door with an annoyed sigh, and strolled inside, hands inside his pockets.

Seeing the teacher, he nodded.

"Afternoon, Kan." Said man sighed at his dramatics, and turned to the class.

"As you may now, this is Nedzu's associate, Deku. You might have heard of him, he's cquite well-known for his," he shot a glance at the boy "illegal...tendencies." Deku snickered, ignoring the glare sent to him at his reaction. "But that's not why he's here today. He's a genius analyst, so Nedzu wanted him to watch your fighting skills, and give you pointers."

Deku scoffed.

"This one's not gonna be with All Bitch, right?" he asked, ignoring the choke of laughter from behind him, at the name he called the famous 'Symbol of Peace'.

The Blood Hero sighed at his hate of the hero.

"No, it will not. And please stop calling the No:1 Hero names." he muttered, rubbing his forehead in annoyance.

The snicker from the class got louder.

Just then, a student stood up.

"How can we know that he's the real deal?" he asked, and Deku's searching eyes turned to him, immediately taking every single detail about him and matching them with his information.

"Monoma Neito. Quirk: Copy. You can copy the Quirks of those you touch, but they are only stored inside you for an hour. You can only actively use them for a maximum of five minutes. Age: 15. Height: 170 cm. Blood type: A. Temperament: Loud, easy to anger, arrogant. Type of combat: Melee and Support. Has a dislike for Class 1-A due to their early rise to fame, born from a feeling of inferiority. Intelligence: High." At the boy's gaping face, he scoffed. "If you stopped your impulsive decisions, you would have a lot more potential than most of Class 1-A's students."

Monoma stood stock still for a minute, then glared.

"Just who are you?" he asked through gritted teeth, and Deku smirked, his eyes reflecting his feelings.

"I'm Deku, professional hacker and imformation gatherer. Pleasure to meet you, Monoma-san." He then stopped and hummed thoughtfully. "You know, you actually remind me of myself, when I was younger. So full of anger, but even more potential." He walked up to the blond and patted his shoulder. "Grow up, and when you look behind, you will understand what I mean."

Then he turned to Kan.

"Well, let's start, shall we?"


Needless to say, with the lack of All Might, the class went by much better. Instead of brooding in a corner, Deku actually talked to the students, helping correct their mistakes and actually making conversation with them.

He actually got along quite well with Tokage Setsuna, as the girl loved gossip, and Deku loved information, and their exchange was very... beneficial.

The others just stared at them in slight fear of the sheer amount of knowledge they had on other people.

Other than her, he surprisingly got find of Monoma as well. The boy, after his initial outburst, seemed to have evaluated his prior behaviour, and decided to mature a bit.

Now, with Deku was turning him into a great analyst as well. The boy had quite a lot of potential for that.

As his Quirk was copying, he needed to understand the Quirks he would use within the shortest amount of time possible, and with the skills and tactics Deku was teaching him, he was becoming a much better fighter at visible speed.

It was quite terrifying how fast his pace was, really. It nearly matched Deku's own.

And so, when lunch had come around, the hacker had a much better relationship with Class 1-B than their counterpart.

He chatted with a few of them as he grabbed a tray for lunch, and sat down to eat with them.

Kendou blinked as he lowered his mask.

"Is it fine for you to show your face to us?" she whispered frantically, and Deku chuckled.

"It's fine as long as you don't tell others." he answered simply, and started eating happily.

The others gaped at his appearance.

"Dude, how old are you?" asked Tokage. "You look the same age as us, maybe even younger!"

Deku shrugged.

"We're the same age." he said simply, ignoring the surprised looks.

"I had thought you were young, but not this young." Honenuki told him, which Deku chuckled at.

"With my area of expertise, most don't."

Suddenly, Kendo turned still.

"Class 1-A's class rep is coming! Does he know your face?"

Deku put on his mask in reply, and turned around, seeing the still movements of the Engine Quirked boy moving towards him.

Once the boy reached him, he started doing chopping motions.

"Your behaviour during our class was very discourteous. I would like to ask you not to use derogatory names on my classmates, and act disrespectful."

Deku just scoffed.

"You're annoying. Go away." he told him, and turned back to Tokage.

"So, what do you know about him?" he asked, jabbing a finger at Iida, who had gotten red in anger from the blatant disinterest shown his way.

Tokage grinned at the question.

"Well, he's the younger brother of Ingenium. He comes from a family of Pros. I know that his Quirk is similar to his brother's, and that he's the class rep, but not much more."

Deku grinned behind his mask.

"Is that so?" he hummed, then turned to Monoma.

"Monoma-san, what do you say we help Tokage-san become an analyst as well?"

Monoma thought for a bit, then nodded.

"That suits her," he replied. "With her Quirk, it's best for her to become an information gatherer, and that's closely related to analysis."

Deku leaned back.

"Bingo!" He turned to Tokage, who was looking at him, surprised and excited. "What do you say, Tokage-san?"

The girl didn't even need to think.

"Yes, please, Deku-kun!" she cheered, making the others chuckle at her enthusiasm.

Iida cleared his throat.

"Your behaviour is very rude! Please do not ignore me!" he said.

This time, Awake spoke up, which was quite unusual, given his usual quiet personality.

"Fuck off. You're disturbing our meal."

There was a second of silence before Deku snorted and started laughing, Tokage and Monoma joining him soon after.

It seemed that he may have had a bit of a negative influence on the boy.

Oh well, not that he cared.

Iida's now purplish face was completely worth it.

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