lie again || hoshi ff

By httpseudonym

11.9K 359 168

"if there is nothing more painful than a painful love.. then go back before even more painful memories remain... More

1: going home
2: catching up
3: unexpected sleepover
4: celeb 5 is back
5: lotte world
6: secret's out
7: lost hope
8: mingyu knows
9: jeju-do
10: rumors
11: what did he do
12: guess who's jealous
13: tired
14: coming home
15: planning
16: TTT (day 1)
17: TTT (day 2)
18: TTT (day 3)
19: bright after rain
20: getting used to
21: the beginning of an end
23: it's okay not to be okay
24: slowly but surely
25: getting by
26: 3rd wheel
27: what now?
28: you don't need to fight on your own
29: let's tell your appa
ending scene

22: the morning after

245 9 0
By httpseudonym

you shut your eyes open staring blankly at the ceiling, tears suddenly began to fall; "was it just a dream?", you asked.

but it felt too real. the pain that you're feeling, it all felt too real. 

as you wipe away your tears, you got out of bed, and went to the kitchen. then you saw all these soju bottle from the ground.

and then it hit you. it wasn't a dream after all...

you cleaned the mess you've made last night, then went to shower afterwards. as you step out of the shower it felt like you were just dragging your feet. every step you took becomes heavier. 

but you knew you just had to get out of the house. being locked up in your room would drive you mad. 

you were about to go out, but you can't feel your phone inside your pocket. so you looked for it by the bedroom, it was by the dresser. you opened your phone to look at the time, and to your surprise, you haven't changed your lock screen yet. it was still you and him.

you didn't really bothered changing it.

so you took your bag, your car keys, and headed out. you really don't know where you're going. you just don't want to stay at the apartment. memories that night floods your head. you just need to relax and take a breather whenever you feel that you need one.

as you were driving, Mingyu was calling you.

(on the phone)
: yeoboseo?

Mingyu: hey, where are you?

: out for a drive. why? 

Mingyu: oh, okay.

: /you chuckled, you sound disappointed Gyu. why? what's up.

Mingyu: nothing really. was just going to ask you to hang out.

: do you want to? i can pick you up.

Mingyu: really? 

: /you chuckled, really. so, where do you want me to pick you up?

Mingyu: by the dorm. i'll send you the address. 

: okay. i'll be there in half an hour.

Mingyu: okay, i'll just get ready. see you! and drive safe.

: i will. see you Gyu. /then you hang up

as you were typing the address to your phone, you then remembered... what if Soonyoung was there? what if you saw him? what if he wanted to see you? what if he wants to talk? all these what if's flood your mind.

you suddenly feel your heartache. just the thought of you might see him brings you to tears. you really don't want to see him. but at the same time, you were hopeful you'd see him. 

it's confusing right? even i'm confused.

after driving for half an hour, you arrived at their dorm so you texted Mingyu.

after 5 minutes, you hear someone knocking at the windshield and it was Mingyu so you unlocked the door.

Mingyu: Aera-ssi!

: Mingyu-ssi. go inside the car now before a car passes. 

as you drove off, you passed by the entrance of the building and Soonyoung was just standing there. time seemed to hold it's breath, and everything moved almost as if it's in slow motion.

surprised how the mere sight of him affected you so much...

while you were lost in your train of thoughts, trying to hold back your tears, Mingyu spoke out.

Mingyu: how are you?

: i'm doing good. /you smiled, how about you? how's you and unnie? 

Mingyu: i'm fine. and we're doing fine. /he smiled, so where are we going?

: well... before you called me, i was actually headed to Busan.

Mingyu: by car??

: /you glanced at him, pabo. /you chuckled, by train. i won't drive for 7 hours by car. 

Mingyu: /he laughed, i thought you would. by the way why would you go to Busan?

: just wanted to. /you smiled, haven't actually been there.

Mingyu: by yourself?

: yeah. why?

Mingyu: are you okay?

: /you coughed, i'm fine. 

Mingyu: really?

: really.

Mingyu: because the last time, you went to Jeju-do to take a break.

: yeah, there's that. but i also wanted to see Jeju-do that's why. /you chuckled, don't worry about me Gyu. i'm fine. /you smiled

Mingyu: okay, if you say so. /he smiled

: so where do you wanna go?

before Mingyu could answer, his phone was ringing.

Mingyu: /took out his phone, it's Woozi hyung.

(on the phone)
Mingyu: yeoboseo?

Woozi: hey Gyu. where are you?

Mingyu: i'm with Aera, hyung. why?

Woozi: can you swing by my studio for awhile? we just need to record a few things. and since you're already with her, ask her if you wants to tag along.

Mingyu: wait hyung, i'll just ask her. /turning to Aera, Aera. Aera?

you snapped back, Mingyu asked you something.

: oh sorry. yes? 

Mingyu: is it okay if we can swing by hyung's studio? you could come too. or you could just drop me off. it's—

: no, it's fine. /you smiled, if Jihoon said i could stay, i will. plus, i haven't seen him in awhile. 

Mingyu: okay. /talking with Woozi, hyung, we'll be there in an hour. there's just a bit of traffic.

Woozi: okay okay. tell Aera to drive safe. 

Mingyu: okay hyung. see you. /he then hang up

after driving for about an hour, you finally arrived. 

Mingyu: thank you for driving! and sorry for ruining your plan..

: /you chuckled, you're welcome. and it's fine Gyu. i really have no plan for the day. and like i said, haven't seen Uji for quite some time now, so it's fine.

as you headed upstairs your hands were sweating, you feel as if your heart was about to jump out from your chest, you were feeling all sorts of things.

Mingyu: /opening the door, hyung. we're here. 

: Uji?

Mingyu: i haven't heard that in awhile. /he coughed

Woozi: but Dokyeom calls me that nowadays.

you and Mingyu laughed;

Woozi: Aera-ah.. /he leans in to hug you

: /you hugged him, Uji~ how are you?

Woozi: just a little busy nowadays. /he smiled

: i'm guessing you're preparing for a comeback?

Woozi: yes. 

: is it okay if i'm here while you're recording? it's not out yet, right?

Woozi: /he laughed, it's fine. why? would you secretly record Mingyu?

: maybe i would.. (◦ˉ ˘ ˉ◦)

Woozi/he laughed, get that smug look out of you face Aera-ssi. i know you won't. /he smiled 

: /you laughed, okay. and yeah, i was only kidding don't worry.

Mingyu: i know you won't do that. /he laughed, by the way hyung, are you alone? or are the others here?

Woozi: just me. anyway, let's start recording.

as Woozi and Mingyu started recording, at first you were just sitting by the sofa. but after quite some time, you felt you phone vibrate. it was a text from woozi.

Woozi then looked behind him. and you were literally standing behind him.

"i told you i was behind you.", you told him as you peeked from his shoulder.

Woozi: literally. /he chuckled, want to sit beside me?

: sure. i've been actually wanting to sit beside you since awhile ago. /you smiled, i wanted to see what you were doing. /you chuckled

Woozi: /he chuckled, why didn't you just say so?

: i was shy....  and i didn't want to bother you working. /you smiled

Woozi: you're not. /he smiled, here, you could sit here. /tapping the chair beside him

: /you sat beside him, i won't really ask for details about the comeback. /you chuckled, but the song really sounds nice. and Gyu's rapping... ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

Woozi: /he chuckled, the look on you face Aera-ah. /he laughed, tell that to Mingyu. 

he was pushing the button that allows you to hear from the other side of the booth all this time, and you didn't seem to notice. 

/you laughed, no thanks.

Mingyu: too late. i could already hear you. ooohh~ is that a compliment i hear, Lee Aera-ssi?

: /you chuckled, want me to repeat it? i said, you looked cool while rapping Kim Min Gyu-ssi. /you smiled

Mingyu: yah... stop making me shy.

: pfft. stop that Mingyu-ssi. 

Mingyu: /he laughed, arraso. by the way, hyung are we done?

Woozi: yes. you could go out now. /he then turned to you, since i dragged you here... want to go out and eat?

: yessssss. i haven't eaten yet.

Woozi: yah, Aera-ah it's past 4 in the afternoon and you haven't even eaten yet?? 

Mingyu: okay, foods on me. sorry for taking too long Aera..

: /you chuckled, the look on your faces. and it's fine. at least we'll get to eat now~

Woozi: want me to drive?

: nope. i'm all good. /you smiled, where are we headed to? 

Mingyu: give me your phone. i'll put the address on the GPS.

you then handed your phone to Mingyu. but you forgot that you changed your lock screen of you and Soonyoung while he was recording awhile ago, and you haven't really told Mingyu nor anyone that you two broke up. but too late. your phone's with Mingyu now. 

Mingyu: Aera, you forgot to put the password. 

: ah.. yeah— i forgot. here you go. you typed your pin.

soon enough, you all arrived at the front of the restaurant.

Woozi: is it okay if i head inside now? so that i could order us some food.

: yeah sure. /you smiled, i'll just park the car.

Woozi: Mingyu-ah, you go ahead with Aera. 

Woozi then opened the door, and headed inside the restaurant leaving you and Mingyu alone.

silence crept inside the car and  you know Mingyu's starting to take notice but was just hesitant to ask. 

: /you sighed, i know you have some questions Gyu. it's written all over your face. 

Mingyu: i'm just confused.

: i'm confused too. /you just nodded

Mingyu: what? what do you mean? don't tell me—

: /you then cut him off; let's go. Woozi's waiting.

you could tell from his face that he's worried;

: don't worry Gyu. i was meaning to tell you. you know i always tell you when something happens to me, good or bad. so stop frowning. /you chuckled 

Mingyu: /he smiled, i really appreciate it. but, if you really don't want to talk about it.. i'm not forcing you to. okay? just know that i'm always here. /he patted you head

: i know Gyu. /you smiled

as you and Mingyu were walking inside the restaurant, you spot Woozi. Mingyu sat beside Woozi, and you were seated in front of him.

as you were waiting for the food, you were all just chit-chatting and having a good laugh. 

"i should really take a picture of this moment", you thought. 

: i am stuffed. thank you for the meal Kim Mingyu-ssi~

Woozi: so where are you headed to Aera?

: i really have no plans for the day. /you turned to Mingyu, where are we headed?

Mingyu: actually, i need to go back to the dorm.

: oh... it's fine. we can hang again some other time. i can drop you off. /you smiled

Woozi then took your keys;

Woozi: i'll take that. i'll drive. /he smiled

: /you chuckled, arasso Jihoon-ssi.

you then headed to their dorm and dropped off Mingyu.

Mingyu: thanks again Aera-ah~ 

: bye Gyu~ /you then turned to Woozi, off to your studio? 

Woozi: /he smiled, yup. let's go.

after awhile, you arrived at Woozi's studio.

: thanks for driving Uji. /you smiled

Woozi: /he chuckled, you're welcome. so where are you headed?

: probably home. my head kinda hurts, and i only had 4 hours of sleep yesterday.

Woozi: you probably should get some rest. we should hang again some other time. /he smiled

: we definitely should. /you smiled, bye Jihoon.

after dropping off Woozi, you headed home.

sorry for not updating for awhile. 🙏ㅠㅠ

been busy with school lately. but there's about 3-5 more chapter's till the story's done. (i think)ㅋㅋㅋ

i hope you're enjoying the story so far~ hope you're all doing well. stay indoors, and always wear a mask when you're headed out. stay safe;

xoxo, author

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