Chasing Gold

goldenlittlething tarafından

239K 6.6K 2.1K

Everest Green was determined to go through her four years of college unnoticed by steering clear of any kind... Daha Fazla

intro + aesthetics
01| greek gods
02| to keg or not to keg
03| to keg
04| the aftermath
05| trouble
06| one night stands
07| ulterior motives
08| don't push your luck
09| i have standards
10| macy kingsley
11| starry skies
12| emily cohen
13| are you ready for it?
14| baby let the games begin
15| tip of the iceberg
16| broken record
18| scars
19| conversations in the dark
20| daylight
21| redemption
22| call it what you want
23| read all about it
24| burning bridges
25| easily replaced
26| bury me, i dare you
27| look what you made me do
28| your time is up
29| tokyo bound
30| take you home
31| black and white
32| elle était un pardonneur
33| not the land of the free
34| loving you is a loosing game
35| teach me how to love you
36| uneasy
37| hope
38| it was just a dream
39| those nights
40| your safe place
41| i'll be there
42| fallen angel
43| old friend
44| little black dress
45| tied to you
46| a big fucking lie
47| peace
48| it's because of you

17| this is me

4.8K 139 61
goldenlittlething tarafından

Peyton and I headed over to the little shopping center that was a few minutes away from campus to buy the dress for tonight. There weren't a lot of stores so it was definitely a hit or miss. Peyton's closet was big, but not big enough to have a dress suitable for this special occasion. That's why we ended up in one of the few boutiques in the shopping center. The dresses were beautiful but they were also expensive.

I did end up finding the perfect one though, a line long red satin dress with a bateau neckline and a high slit on the right. It was the last dress I tried on and it ended up being the perfect one. I was hoping I didn't outdo myself, but Connery did say the dress code was formal. Besides, Aunt Claire always told me that it was better to arrive overdressed than underdressed for any occasion.

Peyton was helping me zip up my dress and she would also be doing my hair for tonight. She hasn't been able to shut up about the fact that Connery asked me to be his date tonight. Peyton is definitely more excited than I am, that's for sure. My nerves are overpowering my excitement, I would be meeting Connery's family and that was the part that scared me the most.

Connery didn't talk about his family much, so there weren't many details that could help me out tonight. The only person he always talks about is his sister Emma, so I figured that maybe he doesn't have a good relationship with his parents. And I didn't want to press for details on the matter either, I figured that he would open up to me about that part of his life when he was ready just like I did.

"You look breathe taking Ev," Peyton smiles as she looks at me through the vanity mirror. "Connery's jaw is going to drop once he sees you in this dress."

"He doesn't see me like that Peyton," I say. "We're just friends."

"You can be friends with someone and feel an attraction towards the person," Peyton says as she brushes my long black hair. "We can all see the way he looks at you, you can't tell me you don't see it." I have never noticed it actually. Maybe it's because I don't see him going for a girl like me. I'm not the type of girl boys go for, now girls like Peyton and Inez, that's a completely different story. They're the type of girls that get approached by guys at a party while I on the other hand stand in a corner unnoticed.

"I just don't see it," I honestly say. "I'm not his type, have you seen the girls he hooks up with? Have you seen Inez?"

"I have," Peyton admits. "But who's the girl he's taking home to meet his family? You or Inez?"

I sit in my vanity chair in silence. "Me," I reply.

"Then you have your answer," Peyton smiles. "I know it's hard for you to believe that someone might actually want you for who you are because you've been hurt before, but you are so much more than what meets the eye Ev. You're the perfect example of grace and bravery, my little golden pheasant, your wings are scarred with bullet holes yet you have never regretted learning how to fly."

My eyes begin to water up a little. It's extremely hard for me to trust people because I know what if feels like to be looked at in the eyes and be lied to. I didn't have friends in high school because I learned the hard way that not everyone who calls themselves your friend really is one.

When I was in my junior year I met Kingston, he was in my AP English Language and Composition Class. Mr. Bailey paired us up for an assignment that first semester, he was very nice and a great partner. We spent almost every afternoon together after we both got out of our respective practices (he was on the soccer team and I was on the swim team) working on the assignment. After that, we got really close and we were literally attached to the hip. He became my best friend. I got to know his friends and we would go out every other weekend to spend time at the lake.

After a few months, we both realized that we felt an undeniable attraction towards each other, so we decided to give us a try. Kingston was my first kiss and my first everything. My family and his got really close, I remember how we spent many weekends together at grandpa's ranch. I even spent Christmas with him and his family in Aspen.

When we were about to reach our first year and a half together things started to change, he became distant and we barely spent time together anymore. I would always push him for details because I knew something wasn't right, but he always assured me everything was okay between us. I should've listened to my gut, it never fails me (most times).

I clearly remember the day everything shattered for me, Kingston had been spending an awful lot of time with a girl named Josie. He promised me that besides her helping him out with his Biology class nothing else was going on between the two of them. He lied.

My birthday was coming up and we were all going to head down to grandpa's ranch to celebrate, I asked Kingston if he was going to ride with us that Friday evening and he said he had a family thing he had to go to, so he was going to join us on Saturday morning. Saturday came (the day of my birthday) and I remember it was around three. Kingston still hadn't shown up and he hadn't even texted me.

The day wasn't pretty that Saturday afternoon, the skies were grey and we had to bring the party inside because it started to pour. While I was with my family, I couldn't stop thinking about Kingston. My mind was thinking the worst, but I could have never guessed what was really going on. I remember receiving a text from an unknown number. You should see what really goes on behind closed doors. It read and attached to the message was an address.

Without thinking about it twice I ran out of the house with Aunt Claire's keys in hand and I drove to the location. My heart wasn't prepared to see what it saw. The address belonged to the diner where Kingston took me on our first date.

When I walked in, Kingston had his arms wrapped around Josie, the two of them were kissing. They weren't alone though, most of our friends were with him too. Everybody knew except me. All of my so-called friends knew that it had been going on for a while, but no one had the decency to tell me. Not even Kingston's sister, who at the time was my best friend.

When I confronted him in front of Josie and our friends, he told me to get a grip. Something inside me broke that day and I've been trying to put the pieces back together ever since.

Love, love isn't supposed to destroy people but it ended up destroying me that day.

A tear falls down my tinted pink cheek and I wiped it away with my index finger. "I haven't thought about Kingston in a long time."

"I know," Peyton half-smiles. "And I'm sorry for reminding you of him, I just wanted to remind you about how far you've come and how you deserve to give yourself a second chance because you were never the problem, to begin with. Everyone knows it and I bet he does now too."

Deep down I hoped he did. "Let's talk about something else, I don't want to ruin the perfect masterpiece you so hardly worked on."

Peyton nodded. "I have something to tell you, I've been meaning to tell you for some time now but I couldn't find the right way to tell you."

"You're scaring me, Peyton, what is it?" I ask concerned. "What did you do?"

"Nothing major, at least that's what I consider it. I don't know about you though." Peyton gives me a look. "You can question my sanity all you want, but I don't care."

"You're beating around the bush, just tell me already."

"I'm going on a date on Saturday," Peyton says nervously.

"That's great, why were you so scared to tell me?" I ask.

"You didn't let me finish," Peyton pauses. "I'm going out with Dant."

I sat there speechless and let me tell you, that barely happens. Dant asked Peyton out. What has gotten into him? He has admitted time after time that he's not a relationship kind of guy. That lying little bastard. Wait till I see him on Monday at practice.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Peyton asks desperately. "You usually have to say something about Dant but all you're giving me right now is silence. You're scaring me."

"I'm shocked that's all," I pause. "I wasn't expecting that. You and Dant? You never talked about him. I figured that if you were going to settle down with someone it would be Becker."

"It took me by surprise as well," Peyton smiles. "He's a really nice guy Ev, he has his cons but he's a totally different person once you get to know him."

She was right. I'll admit that my relationship with Dant has always been a rocky one. I've never liked his arrogant attitude, but the more I've had the chance to get to know him I realized that he's actually a really great guy. "I have noticed and I'm happy for you too. You look happy and that's all that matters to me. Your happiness. Regardless of who you're with."

Peyton grins. "Thank you, Ev," Our conversation gets interrupted once we hear a knock on the door. That must be Connery. "I'll get the door, you finish getting ready."

I nervously nod and Peyton walks out of my room. I retouched my make up with a little bit of powder and I put on one more coat of my Revlon red lipstick. With my heels already on, I stood up from the vanity chair and I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before walking out of my room.

For the longest time, I didn't see anything when I looked at myself in the mirror, after Kingston I stopped seeing myself as something beautiful. All I could see was a tainted, hurt, and used person standing in front of the mirror. I saw shame, my scars, my broken pieces, my flaws, my insecurities, the endless river of tears I've cried, I saw anything but who I really was.

After him, I began to pinpoint every single imperfection I could find on my body. I hated how I looked, I even stopped eating for a while. In my mind, I was the problem. I got cheated on and I got replaced because I wasn't good enough.

For the longest time, I saw myself as the broken girl that got her heart shattered on that cold and rainy March afternoon. Being reminded of my scars today and how far I've come in spite of what I've been through, made me look at myself differently this time. I am a brave and bruised girl but this is who I'm meant to be, this is me. Everest Elaine Green Bisset. And I wouldn't want to be anybody else.

The bullet holes and scars that cover my body are just a reminder of how strong I am. I've been knocked down and stepped on by people who I thought would never hurt me. But in spite of it all, I'm still here, it's no coincidence. I know I was made to do great things.

I walked out of my room and into the room feeling very nervous because I didn't know what was going to be Connery's reaction when he saw me. I was way out of my comfort zone and that doesn't happen often either, I usually stand on the safe side of things but I was finally ready to start taking risks. I owed it to myself, I owed myself a second chance.

Connery's facial expression changed completely once he saw me walk out of the small hallway in my apartment. He was laughing at something that Stensby was saying but once he saw me, his eyes widened and the sound of his laughter that once filled the room had disappeared. "Hi,"

"Wow!" Stensby exclaims. "I mean wow!" Peyton grins at Stensby's reaction.

"Connery, are you alright?" Peyton teases. "Did the mouse eat your tongue?"

Connery rolls his eyes at Peyton and I let out a small laugh. "Very funny Peyton, I was just about to say how beautiful Everest looks in that dress, but you completely ruined the moment for me."

"You were taking too long, I had to make sure you were alright." Peyton teases again.

I shake my head at my best friend. "Peyton, you can stop being a tease, leave the poor kid alone." I pause. "Are you ready to go Connery?"

Connery nods. "Yeah, we better get going. We don't want to be late."

"I'll see you guys later," Peyton and Stensby nod.

"Have her home before twelve kid," Peyton tells Connery acting like a tough parent. "Or don't but be sure to protect yourselves, I don't want a mini Ev running around the apartment any time soon."

"Peyton!" I scold embarrassed.

"What?" Peyton questions. "I'm just being a good friend. Grandpa Willy isn't here so I felt the need to say what he would've said if he were here."

"I'll see you later, have fun," Stensby adds.

And with that Connery and I were both out the door. Connery was the perfect gentleman when we got downstairs to his car, he opened the door for me. An awkward silence filled the car at first once Connery drove off, but soon enough he ended up breaking the silence. "I know I already said it back at the apartment but Peyton completely ruined it for me so I wanted you to hear it the right way this time. You really do look beautiful in that dress."

"Thank you," I smile widely. "You look very handsome in that tuxedo."

"Thanks, I did try," Connery says making me laugh. "My mom picked it out for me, it's not what I would usually pick out but I wasn't in the mood to argue about a tux."

"Well, I think it looks perfect on you. Your mom has good taste." Connery smiles. "I hope this dress isn't too much for the occasion. I tried to cut it down, but too many dresses fit in the formal dress code."

"Trust me, it's just right." I smile. Thankfully, I had one less thing to worry about. "My mom is going to love it."

The drive to Connery's house was a two-hour drive, but it was well spent. Just like every other car ride, we spent it singing along to the many songs on both of our playlists. Once we pulled up to his house my mouth dropped, Connery really downplayed it when he called it a house. This wasn't a house, it was a freaking mansion. That's what it was.

There were a lot of expensive cars pulling up to the house's driveway, they circled the fountain that sat in the middle, and everyone who got out in glamorous formal attire handed off the keys to their expensive cars to the valet. We spent ten minutes stuck in the line while everyone got out of their respective cars until it was our turn.

A kind gentleman opened the car door for me and grabbed my hand while I got out. Connery on the other hand handed off the keys to his car. I looked at the house that sat in front of me and I was now more nervous than ever before. Connery must have noticed. "There's nothing to be nervous about, I will be with you the whole time."

I nodded and Connery inter whined his hand with mine. He led me inside and the nerves began to slip away. The house on the inside was even more breathtaking with the double staircase and the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There were a lot of people inside, each lost in their own conversations to even notice who walked in. We didn't stop to greet anyone at first, my guess was that Connery wanted to find his mom.

When he spotted her in the back of the room and a smile curved on his lips. "Tobias, I'm so happy to see that you could make it and on time on this occasion as well." I had to hold my laughter in. Connery's middle name is Tobias?

Connery rolls his eyes. "I'm always on time mother, it's the guests who always arrive early."

"I see that you've brought a friend with you, I'm so happy to finally see you bring someone home to meet your family." Connery's mother grins. "I was starting to think that I would have to find someone for you."

"Mother, you're embarrassing me." Connery shakes his head in embarrassment. "This is Everest."

Connery introduces me to his mother and I smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Connery."

"The pleasure is all mine, Everest. And please, call me Victoria." She smiles and I nod. "I love to see my son happy, especially if it's with a girl as beautiful as you." Before I could thank her, our conversation got interrupted by a man.

It couldn't be. Please tell me that this is all a dream.

"Honey, I was starting to wonder where you had run off to." Connery's mom says to the tall man standing next to her. "Everest, I would like you to meet my husband, Connery's stepdad, and BGU's proud chancellor. Conrad Scott."


Hi everyone! I have so many things I want to say but I want to start off by telling you what this chapter means to me. I hoped you enjoyed and love reading today's update, it's my favorite chapter that I have written so far!

Being honest with all of you, I must admit that I spent most of the time I was writing this chapter crying. When I started writing this story, aside from me wanting for you to enjoy it I wanted you guys to take something away from it. Personally, I love reading stories that I can relate to and take something away from the character's struggles and life experiences.

This chapter means so much to me because like Everest and I think we can all relate, we've gone through heartbreak and not only does it have to be heartbreak specifically (life can sometimes be a little hard on us). We all have scars from the different situations that we've gone through that have left a mark on us. For the longest time, I like Everest saw mine as a reminder of how much I've been hurt.

But today, I see things differently and I wanted to share it with you guys. Sometimes we go through things that we don't expect, we all have our scars, but that doesn't have to be a reminder of all the pain you went through. Your scars make you who you are, they have shaped you into the wonderful person you have become today. You may be scarred and bruise, but that's who you are. A beautiful and brave person who was created to do great things. Never give up on yourself even when others count you out. You are capable beyond measure, you are more than enough, never forget that!

I apologize for the long author's note but I wanted to share with you what was on my heart ❤️ thank you so much for reading and supporting, I will never be able to thank you enough for it.

ps. major plot twist wasn't it? how shook were you?

I will see you on the next one, sending you guys a lot of love from a little island on the Caribbean.

- paulina

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