First Impressions

By King_Nykki

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27 year-old city councilwoman Onika Tanya Maraj is running for Governor. As she was making a speech there was... More

Running for Governor
The Marine
Election Day (Part I)
Election Day (Part II)
At the Mall
A Family? (Part I)
A Family? (Part II)
Talk to Me
Merry Christmas... Happy Birthday
State Dinner Goes Left
Terrorist In Cali
Forgiving (Part I)
Forgiving (Part II)
Better Judgement
Much Love
Helping Jay
Making the Commute
Gaming Enters Reality
Alyssa vs. Solo
The Weekend (Part I)
The Weekend (Part II): Matthew
Perfect the Way You Are
The Best of Many (Part I): First Date
Lovers in Los Angeles
Our Type of Love
Made from Passion & Pleasure
Welcoming Makiah
Explosion Released Lucifer
Finding Out Truths
How Many?
We Need YOU
The Talk
The Best of Many (Part II): Halo
The Best of...
...A Nightmare
I'm Not Alright
Thank You
Finally Home
Drinks, Drugs and Vows
After Marriage
Agent Knowles' Anger & Frustrations
The Interactions & Reactions of Malia

Once a Marine Always a Marine

2.9K 167 86
By King_Nykki

This chapter is for k1ngkayla , ibuss_shots & kanis_minaj y'all be having me dead as fuck🤣🤣🤣


     I really didn't want to leave because I know they are gonna talk about me and I didn't want BB to know how I've been acting. I was scared that I was gonna lose her and if the nurse would've gave her the Amoxicillin then I really would've lost her so I went into protective mode. Ok maybe I was a little to protective but can you really blame me.

     Once I got back I saw the glare on BB's face so I know she knows. This is gonna be real bad. After she talked to the kids she asked for everyone to leave and she called me Onika. She's never called me Onika unless we were fucking.

She stood up and yelled, "Have you lost your ever loving mind?!" I jumped because she's never screamed at me like this before. The look on her face was hard not the soft loving face I'm used to.

"I'm sorry. I..."

She cut me off real quick. "Zip it. You had 12 days to talk it's my turn. I can't believe you would act like this in a hospital. Now I get why you were so protective when the nurse was about to fuck up but that was no reason to go off on everyone else! It was a simple fucking accident that anybody could've made! You see how you don't like being yelled at! Everyone else feels the same way!" She continued to yell. I had tears falling down my face.

She began walking towards me and I started backing up. "You are the Governor. Is this really how you want your reputation to be perceived? You more than anyone should know how critical first impressions are." My back hit the door and I got really scared. "Now I want you to go out there and apologize because you want to have a long lasting political career. This could be the end to it as we know because they are gonna say she's rude and mean."

I forgot about all that stuff at the time. "I didn't think about that at the time. All I could think about was you dying on me. I saw all the blood and it was his fault for it happening. I know I turned into the devil but you have to see where I was coming from. Also as a nurse she should've read the chart. I know the other nurses didn't deserve it but when I'm scared it could sometimes turn into anger" I said still crying a river.

Her face softened as she continued to stare at me. I was super scared and I just want her to understand where I was coming from. She wiped my face and kissed me with every fiber of her being. "I love that you love me so much that you turn into the devil..." I chuckled and so did she. "...but you have to think before you act love. I understand where you are coming from but this was not the way to handle it. You are still a woman of power and you have to be that at all times even if it's about your family. Now let's go apologize so I can go home."

We walked out the room and BB grabbed a chair for me to stand on. "Excuse me everyone." They stopped and looked at me. Some seemed a little on edge and I'm not gonna lie that made me chuckle a little. "I want to apologize to everyone who came into contact with me these past 12 days. I know I was very mean and nasty to some of you and that was not my intention. I was scared and it made me angry that I couldn't do anything about the situation. I would like you all to please accept my deepest apology. Thank you." I stepped down and we all went back in the room.

I could see Brandon was a little reserved so I walked towards him. "Brandon I apologize for the way I acted. As you can see BB is my everything and I went a little too far. I wouldn't do all them things anyway I'm all bark no bite. Can you please accept my apology?"

He kept looking down for a while then he finally looked up with a grin. "Yea I accept it. I understood how you felt. I was beating myself up over it the whole time. I'm still beating myself up over it." He said with a look of sadness and guilt all over his face.

"We're not gonna sweat it ok?"

"Ok." He said as we hugged and I walked over to the bed to snuggle with my baby.

"BG we're gonna go cause we got a late shift tonight. We will tell Cap that you're awake so she can come and see you." Chris said.

"Ok big bro and B let it go man I can see it all over you face. I'm fine and still better than you even with one arm right now." We all laughed.

"I'm gonna try and you not better at nothing." He said with a genuine smile. They left and our mothers was staring at us like we were crazy.

"What are you looking at?" BB asked.

"I'm so glad you tamed Lucifer. I was ready for her to go back to hell. She was getting on my last nerves but I guess that's what hormones do." My mother said.

"Yep cause you can smell that baby from a mile away." Mama Tina said. She started sniffing around me which made me look at her like she was crazy. "Ooh lord it smells like multiples."

"I'm not pregnant." I tried to lie.

"Stop lying I can hear them babies flapping them big ass ears that Beyoncé got." Mama Tina laughed.

"And two of them short cause they got Onika's height."

"Y'all are gonna stop talking about us. Yes she is pregnant with my sextuplets." BB said which made me hit her again.

"Didn't I tell you to stop saying that? I'm not pushing out no six kids. If that happens you will be castrated." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"It might not be six but it's at least four up in there. So two elves and two giants, but all four have some big ass ears." Mama Tina said again.

"I wish they stop flapping them ear wings. It's causing a draft in here." My mother said.

Her and my mom just have all the jokes right now. I was a few mins away from cussing them out but I couldn't because BB is under these covers doing things she has no business. When I told her she was gonna be castrated she slipped a finger in me. I need to stop wearing dresses when I'm gonna be around her.

At the moment it looks like I'm just laying on her with my head in her neck but actually I didn't want our mothers to see my face. She was also making small sounds that only I heard. "Please stop daddy I can't take no more." I moaned. She pulled out her finger but replaced it with two instead.

"Since the kids are sleep we are gonna take them home with us. When y'all are done making multiple number five give me a call and let us know when they are gonna release you." I hear my mother say.

"Ok mothers see y'all later." BB said rotating her fingers.

"Bye Governor Lucifer and Agent Giant." They said walking out still laughing. I wanted to throw something at them but BB started speeding up as soon as they were walking out. When the door closed her fingers took off like a speeding rocket.

"You just don't know how to keep your hand to yourself. The next time you hit me you're gonna regret it cause you're gonna feel something more power than fingers." She said still stroking her fingers insanely. "My arm might be out of commission but this dick is still ready to work. Do you understand stand Mrs. Knowles?"

"Yes daddy I understand!" I was on the verge of cumming and she is killing me especially with her talking.

"Cum right now before I make this dick clock in and work overtime." When she said that I came on the spot. I don't need this nigga clocking nothing.

We went in the bathroom and cleaned up and I changed her sheets just in time before the doctor walked in. "Staff Sergeant Knowles." The doctor said when he walked in. Beyoncé stood up straight and stood still saluting him.

I've never seen this side of her before. "Sergeant Major Campbell sir." She said still in the same position.

"At ease soldier." He said saluting her. She walked back to her bed and sat up straight no slouch or nothing. "I didn't know you were a special agent now." He said looking at her chart.

"Permission to speak freely sir." She asked. I was so in shocked that I just leaned on the wall to see how this was gonna transpire.

"Permission granted." He said.

"I came home because my wife at the time passed away and my mom couldn't take care of my daughter anymore so General McNally got me this job, sir. I didn't know you left the Corps either sir." She was so proper and respectful it was like a switch was flipped.

"Wife died also. She passed away four months ago."

"Sorry for your loss, sir."

"Same to you, Staff Sergeant. Now let's get down to the reason we are both in this room."

"Yes, sir. Also this is my soon to be wife Governor Maraj, sir."

"Hello Gov. Maraj, they have been making me laugh with how you have been laying into these nurses. Some of them need it so I understand the reasons."

"Hello and I sorry about that but she almost killed her."

"No need to be sorry she has been reprimanded because the smallest mistakes can become the biggest liability to us. Now Knowles you shouldn't have no permanent damage. You were stitched from your shoulder to a half of an inch below your wrist so we had to put this cast on so you don't bend and pop your stitches. The scar should be nearly invisible it's gonna look like you took a small brown marker and drew a line on your arm."

"When will she get the cast removed?" I asked.

"Well it takes 2 weeks for them to dissolve so she will get it removed this Monday coming since she's been here for almost two weeks."

"Sir why did I stay unconscious for almost two week sir?"

"Well you lost a lot of blood and it was hard to get blood into you as fast as it was coming out. So your body went into a cocoon to help you heal better. So you are free to leave and it is better to take a bath but if you have to take a shower wrap your arm with plastic." He said closing her chart and handing me her discharge papers.

"Nice meeting you, Gov Maraj." He said and BB hopped up again saluting him.

"Semper Fi, Staff Sergeant Knowles." He said saluting her.

"Semper Fi, Sergeant Major Campbell, sir." She responded and he walked out the door. She took a breath and sat down.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

"Once a Marine always a Marine. He's an higher ranking officer then I am so I have to show him respect." She explained.

"Wow it was weird seeing you like that? You looked like you had to shit kinda. The Marines changed you a little didn't it?"

"It did but we're not gonna talk about that now. Now let's go cause I'm really hungry and their food was disgusting."

"I'm hungry too and I want some pickles and chocolate."

"That's disgusting baby." She laughed grabbing my hand while we walked out the door.

(A/N: How many kids do you think they are gonna have? Will the kids understand when they tell them? When are they gonna tell everyone else? How much did the Corps change Beyoncé? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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