Fight For Her

By MadMuziQ

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China finds herself falling for a woman who everyone says she shouldn't be with because it wouldn't last.But... More

Chap 1: Meeting You
Chap 2: The Party
Chap 3: You Saved Me
Chap 4: The 'Rents
Chap 5: To The Mall
Chap 6: A Beautiful Night
Chap 7: There Were Three
Chap 8: Dispute Amongst Friends
Chap 9: The Banquet
Chap 10: Honest To God Truth
Chap 11: The Worst News
Chap 12: Lying Layla
Chap 13: Surprise!
Chap 15: Severed Ties
Chap 16: Come Home With Me
Chap 17: Not Finished
Chap 18: Time To Go
Chap 19: The End

Chap 14: Revenge?

272 15 0
By MadMuziQ

We hadn't taken Dani back to the hospital that night. We all went back to my place to watch some movies. We barely got through one before we all passed out from exhaustion. I woke up and looked around. Mani was laying on me still while Lauren was sprawled out on my floor, under the coffee table. I didn't see Dani though. I got up and went and looked in the bathroom, then my room. She was looking out of my window at the sun coming up.

"Hey Dan." I said.

"Morning, Chi." Dani said, stuffing her hands in her pants pocket.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her.

"My uhm, birth parents are coming here, to Grateway." She said.

"Really? To see you?" I asked, sitting down on my bed.

"No. Not to see me. They're teaming up with Lady Venus to start this line of, foundation that moisturizes your face at the same time to prevent breakouts. They're going to be at the mall, your girlfriend and my deadbeat parents, shaking hands and handing out free samples of their lame ass foundation that'll probably burn your face off. Some damn, publicity thing." She said. I furrowed my brows and looked down.

"You see Chi, this is fate. It's fate. How your girl, and my sperm donor and human incubator, somehow came together and made a product." She said, coming and sitting down next to me on the bed.

"They're not all the sa-"

"They are China. They are. I swear it." She said.

"She didn't even know they were your parents Dan." I said.

"Yeah... I know, I know. Mani is cool, Lauren too. I just... I don't know why, but it's like I can't let my guard down, you know? It's... they threw out their only daughter, got rich, then started a new family like I didn't exist. It's bullshit!" She said angrily.

"That is bullshit." Dani and I looked up and Lauren was at the frame of my door.

"What'd you hear?" Dani asked her.

"That your real parents own that Back 2 Bullshit company and they gave you up then got rich as all hell. And that's not right." Lauren said, walking into the room slowly. She went to the window and moved my curtain to look out. The sun was making her squint, but you could still see how pretty her eyes looked, they almost looked see through.

"I know that you don't trust me. That you don't trust us. But Dani..." Lauren turned and looked at us.

"I don't know the whole story but, I know one thing. They hurt your feelings. And I think my creative mind has come up with an idea. We can get back at them." She said.

"What? Get back at them?" I asked.

"Tell me more." Dani said, smiling.

"We know where they're going to be. We can out them for what they did. All we'd need is proof." Lauren said.

"Ruin the business they chose over me? Sounds good." Dani said.

"Dani wait. I know they were wrong for what they did, but your parents, your REAL parents took care of you and loved you and they took care of me too. You don't need to take revenge because Pat and Lilly took better care of you then they ever could of. I know that and you do too. This is unnecessary." I said, glaring at Lauren.

"Yeah uhm, we could always just make a scene at the thing and have a good laugh. I love making you laugh." Lauren said, giving Dani a coy smile.

"Hmm.... Nah. I vote for ruining their lives." Dani said. I got off the bed and stood in front of Dani, grabbing her bony shoulders.

"Dan, no. Come on. They didn't ruin it. You aren't ruined. You're loved." I said loudly. She looked at me angrily with wet eyes and pushed me away, making me stumble a bit.

"I'm not loved, I'M DYING! I'M DYING AND THEY DON'T EVEN CARE! THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!" She yelled, standing up, balling her fists up. I walked back up to her slowly and grabbed her hands.

"I know it hurts Dan. My whole family left me because of who I am. But I don't care because I have you. Someone who cares about me and loves me. And always will. You don't need revenge Dan." I said, my tears threatening to spill over.

"It's not fair! I'm only 20, Chi. I can't die yet. I can't..." She sobbed, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Hey, you're not gonna die. It's alright." I said, squeezing her. I felt another pair of arms wrap around us and looked up to see Lauren, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Fine, we don't have to expose them. But... we could at least embarrass them." Dani said, her words muffled because her head was in my shoulder. I wriggled out of both of their grasped and sighed.

"Fine. What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"I'm just gonna waltz on up and let everything happen naturally." Dani said.

"What? I wanna be apart of it!" Lauren said. Someone cleared their throat and we looked toward the door to find Mani, smirking at us.

"Good morning." Dani said.

"Uhm, why are you smiling like that? I don't like it." Lauren asked her. Mani walked over to me and kissed my cheek before winking at me and leaving the room.

"I, uhm, think Mani might have an idea guys."

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