Hell Bound |Michael Langdon|

By ElizabethRose__

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Her whole life Cynthia Primrose Moore felt unloved and misunderstood. She felt like she was missing something... More

My Stories :)
Childhood memory
The meeting
The connection
The connection pt 2
Two Truths and A Lie
Who you truly are...
Ms. Mead
Welcome to Murder House
Darkness Unleashed
You're not a monster
Before the Blood Moon
Rise of the Alpha
Rise of the Alpha pt 2
Fool me once...
Back to the Coven?
The Return
Black lives Matter!!!
Resurrection of John Henry Moore
This Girl is on Fire
The Broken
Black Mass
Jeff and Mutt
Miriam Mead 2.0.
Better Run, Better Run.
We'll Meet Again...
I Don't Want to Forget
Welcome to Outpost 3
What Does it Mean?
Pale Blue Eyes
Who are You?
Memories bring Back You
Memories bring Back You pt2
I hate you, I love you.
Future Demise
Blood Ritual
Dynamic Duo Demise
I'm in Love with...You
We're Always and Forever
Another Supreme? pt1
Another Supreme? pt2
Into the Battlefield pt1
Into the Battlefield pt2
Part Two Cast
The Sanctuary
Home Sweet Home?
Ms. Mead Lives
An unholy Trinity
Two can Play at That Game
Warning Signs
Here Comes the Bride
Deadly Celebration
Breaking Point
Sex and Lies
Business Trip, New friends, and Mysteries
Baby, I'm Sorry.
Little Kicks and A Plan?
Files and Baby Drama?
Surprise Bitch,
The last Witch?
You Are the Reason
Labor Day
Happiness we Never Knew
The Tables have Turned
Family Affairs
Bathtub Fantasies&Tiny Fits
Last Friday Night
One Year of Hell Bound!!
No Control😏
Lilith's Messenger...
Unexpected Departure...
"I Loved the Idea Of You"
Friends close, Enemies closer...
Sympathy For The Devil
Late Night Confessions, of The Antichrist.
Tellings of A Mad..elyn?
The Best Part of Waking Up...
Secrets of The Supreme
Submissive Ideas...;)
Hold on...I Still Need You.
Lucifer Rising
Happy Deathday...
Two years of Hell Bound!
Dooms Day Pt1
Dooms Day pt2
New Book!!
New Hell Bound


435 14 14
By ElizabethRose__

A/N: So this is more of a filler, the chapter was getting too long to add what I wanted to add ;)

Happy reading!!!!!

Michael and Cynthia were in bed, her head on his bare chest as they wrapped their arms around each other. "How are you now that you have Mead back?" She asked, looking up to him.

"I'm great; I have my two favorite people back in my life. And I'm waiting on the third." He said with a loving smile. "I'm glad we have her back." She tells him, placing a chaste kiss on his chest.

"Watch it, darling," he warns, she looks at him innocently. She wasn't trying to make a move. "What?" She asked with a small laugh. "You know what." He retorts.

She rolls her eyes, "I wasn't trying to be sexual dumb biscuit," she says sarcastically. Michael laughs at her insult, "but..." she continues, "I did get you in bed, right?" She joked.

"Yeah, but not the way you wanted," he chuckles, "there's, still time," she says, running her hand down his stomach, slowly and teasingly. He clenches his jaw; they were making eye contact until Michael finally closed his eyes.

She rests her hand on his clothed cock; he was slightly hard. He grabs her wrist. "Fuck...you're making this hard," he told her as he removed her hand.  "I make a lot of things hard..." she says, attempting to reach for his hardening cock again, but he stopped her.

"Better luck next time," he said, pinning her arms above her head with one hand while the other propped him up as he hovered over her.  She bites her lower lip, "careful darling, you might just lose." He tells her as he leans down and kisses her, making sure to grind himself into her. Making her feel his hardness, her body filled with need; she wanted him badly. But she wasn't about to lose this game; she wanted to win.

Cynthia gets out of his grasp, and pushes him away, "nice try, but I won't give in that easy." She told him with a smirk, and he rolls his eyes, laying down, pulling her into his chest again. They laid there in silence for a while, Cynthia didn't know if Michael had fallen asleep or not, but she was wide awake.

"Babe..." she said, poking his chest, "hmm?" He mumbled, turning his head. "Are you awake?" She asked.

"No Cyn, I responded in my sleep," he responds sarcastically, making her laugh.  "What is it, love?" He asked in a soft tone. "It's nothing really, I was just wondering who that Edward dude from earlier was? You two seem close."

"Edward is a good friend of mine; he works alongside the cooperative. He's the only one of my followers who treats me like everyone else." He tells her; she looks up at him and furrows her brows.

"What do you mean?" She asked, "he is my only true friend Cyn, he doesn't treat me like I'm the antichrist all the time. He treats like I'm just Michael. Like you do, you, for the longest time, you were the only one to see me as me. Not just my title." He explained to her as he softly caressed her back.

"What about Mead?" She asked him, her tone soft, "she loves me yes, but mainly for my title.  If it weren't for who I was she'd never be in my life. " He explained his voice was slightly saddened, but he was trying to mask it.

Cynthia breathes out an 'oh' understanding what he meant, but unsure of what to say to him. "But she does love you; I think being who you are is what brought her to you yes. But she genuinely does care. I see it in her eyes when she talks to you." She reassures him.

"Thank you, Cyn." He says, placing a kiss to the top of her head, "of course," she responds, snuggling into him. "So, what do you do on a day to day basis?" She asked Michael; sighs.

"Meetings, go over files, more meetings, there's a lot of those." He explained, "do I have to attend these said meetings?" She asked, drawing invisible shapes on his chest.

"Yes, you are the queen. But don't worry, we'll ease you into it. I was thinking this week, while I'm in meetings you could just get to know people and settle in, then start coming to meetings. I won't expect you for all of them, but it is important that you attend." He explained to her.

"Sounds good to me," she said, "so will Jeff and Mutt be in these meetings?" She asked curiously, "yes...they will...why?" He asked suspiciously.

"Great," she mumbles into his chest, making him chuckle a little, "when they piss me off...which they will, can I ram their heads together?" She asked, hopeful.

He sighs and rubs her shoulder, "no, Cyn, unfortunately not." She groans at the news, "why not? They're; literally fucking idiots!" She exclaimed.

"I told you back at the outpost-" she cuts him off, "I know, they can help begin the new world and blah blah blah, but that doesn't mean I can't hurt them from time to time."  She groans, Michael laughs at her.

"Maybe I can make an exception from time to time?" He says as his laughter dies down. "Good," she sighs. After a few moments of silence Michael speaks up,

"Do you think you can fall asleep?" He asked, "I don't know, I still don't feel that tired." She tells him as she shifts on to her back.

"I can help," he says, "are you opting out already?" She smirks. "No Cyn, I'm talking about magic," he tells her.

"Well I'd say it's magic," she smirks again, "Cyn, I will make you sleep on the floor," he warned jokingly.  "Rude! I'm pregnant you ass monkey!"

"Then stop being a sarcastic bitch darling," he tells her jokingly. "Fuck you, Langdon," she jokes. "I know you want to," he says sarcastically. She playfully slaps his chest, then he presses her to the bed, tickling her.

"S-stop," she laughs, "No, apologize!" He demands playfulness laced in his voice. "N-no," she says in between her laughs.

"Then I won't stop," he tells her as he tickles her sides harder, "Mich-Michael," she says, trying to catch her breath but failing.

He stops for a moment, "ready to apologize?" He asked, "nope," she smiles, he resumes his torture, making her laugh loudly. He continued this for about five minutes stopping every once and a while so she could catch her breath.

Then knocking on the door stopped them, "hey, you two, I'm trying to sleep!" Ms. Mead scolds them she was staying in the guest room that was in their 'penthouse,' until they got a room set up for her.

Michael halted his movements, both of them trying not to laugh. "Sorry," they said at the same time, chuckling a little. "Good, now keep those activities quieter until I leave."

Cynthia's eyes bugged out of her head, making Michael laugh loudly.  "We weren't going to do that!" Cynthia defends Michael laughs, louder. "Uh-huh, just keep it down!" The older woman says from the door.

"I'll try," Cynthia laughed lightly, and with that, Mead walked away. Michael's laughter died down, "are you sorry yet?" He asked, with a cheeky grin; she rolls her eyes.  "Yeah...I'm sorry," she says.

He lays back down, pulling her back into his chest. "Are you ready to sleep?" He asked, "not really, maybe you should use some magic." she sighs.

With that, Michael waves a hand making his fiance drift to sleep.  He admires her for a moment before drifting into sleep himself.

The next morning she wakes to Michael, softly poking her face. As he repeated, "babe, baby...baby, babe." She kept her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. As she listened to him repeat, "baby...baaaaby, babe, baaabe, baaaaaby," as he continued to poke her face.

His voice was monotone, and he sounded bored, but she knew he had an amused grin on his face and that he was holding back his laughter.

"Baaaby, baabe, baby," his voice a little louder, finally; she breaks and starts to laugh.  "Finally, my finger was getting tired." Michael said with a relieved sigh.

"You're such a drama queen," she tells him, rolling her eyes with a smile.  "No, I'm not." He defends himself,  "you are, but I love you for it," she says, wrapping her arms around him.

He rolls his eyes kissing her passionately.  "What time is it?" She asked as they pulled away, "it's 7:30 in the morning," he tells her, backing away a little, knowing she hates mornings, especially when she; is woken up.

"Ughh!" She groans, "why so early?" She asked with a pouty lip, Michael chuckles at her. "Well breakfast is at 8, then at 9 is my first meeting." He explained; she puts her face into her pillow and groans.

"How many meetings do you have?" She asked, turning her head back to him. " I have four meetings back to back, and they're all about three to three and a half hours long. She pouts again, "no, I won't see you all day."

"I know, but I've been gone for a while so today will be full of meetings," he explains.  "Fine..." Cynthia sighs, bringing him in for a kiss. The kiss becomes heated; she deepens the kiss running her hand down his bare chest on to stomach, stopping just above the waistband of his pants.

Michael groans, sitting up and moving from the covers and getting out of bed. "You almost had me Cyn," he; told she grins at him. "Oh, so I make you weak?" She asked a cheeky grin, "only a little, but I know I'll be the one to win it's just a matter of time." He says, confidently walking to the closet.

She gets up following him, "oh darling, you don't know how wrong you are." She says looking at her clothing, that she now realized seemed like Michael must've picked most of them because they were all form-fitting, mostly tight, and would show off her breast. Then some others were different where they didn't show off as much.

"I wonder who picked these out?" She wondered out loud, a hint of cheekiness in her voice. Michael chuckles, staring at her from behind as he buttons up his black button-up, tucking them into his black dress pants.

"I did...most of them Madelyn helped." He said, wrapping his arms around her. He watched as she eyed the outfits, I think you should wear that one, he points to a red baggy tee shirt and leggings. She knew why he was picking that it wasn't so other guys wouldn't look at her, it was so she wasn't tempting for him.

She smirks a little, "I'm not feeling that, how about this?" She picks up a lace bodysuit that looked like it could be lingerie alone, a sheer long sleeve black shirt, and a pair of black skinny jeans.

Michael pulls away with a groan, "you really are going to make this hard for me aren't you?" He asked. She smirks, stripping from her leggings and sports bra.

"Whatever do you mean?" She asked, mischievously as she put a black lacey push-up bra and black lace panties before putting on the bodysuit.

"You know what darling," he says, picking out a jacket to wear, he decides on a red velvet one identical to the one he wore back in the outpost. He knew she liked how he looked in it.

Cynthia finished with her outfit pairing it with black ankle boots; she looks at Michael taking in his appearance, she smirks.

"You really are going to make this hard for me aren't you?" She mocks his words.  "You started it," he said, pulling his hair from under his jacket.

"Don't forget who had the idea for this game," she said, walking past him to a vanity that sat in the closet. She brushed her hair, throwing it up in a bun. "Yes, but don't forget who sassed me giving me the idea to begin with. kitten." He said, placing his hands on her shoulders and bending to her ear, as they stared at each other threw the mirror.

"Let's go, don't want to be late for breakfast do we?" She says with a smirk as she gets up from the chair, leaving the room.

After waking Ms. Mead, they went down to breakfast; a vast number of people were confused about Ms. Mead; they didn't see her yesterday. Others figured that 'Ro-bo Mead,' malfunctioned and was taken to be repaired. Others assumed that they were bringing her memories, as some people knew who Mead was to him or what she was when they met. But what they didn't know now was that this was the human recently dead, Ms. Mead.

Everyone watched as they walked into the gathering room; they were in awe, admiring their king. What Cynthia didn't know is that they were admiring her too.

"Langdon!" Edward said as he walked up to them, beside him, a young black girl with beautiful dark eyes, "Kingston," Michael states with a smile. "We missed you around here, it was almost insufferable dealing with these people." The brunet male told him.

Michael chuckles a little, "Well, I'm back, so your suffering is over," he tells him.  Edward chuckles and looks to Cynthia, "we haven't met, "I'm Edward Kingston, and this is my girlfriend Kayla Reed; he gestured to the young woman beside him."

"Cynthia Moore, nice too meet you both," she said with a smile and an outstretched hand. Edward took her and placed a chaste kiss to the back of it.

"How long until she has Langdon as her name mate?" Edward looked to Michael, who had been admiring Cynthia the whole time.

Kayla rolls her eyes playfully at her boyfriend, "while these two gossip why don't we go find a table for all of us to dine at?" She suggested.  "Sure," Cynthia smiles, "I'll stay here and make sure they don't get into trouble," Mead said, looking between the two males. Cynthia laughed and followed Kayla through the hall.

They found an empty table that happened to be next to where Madison and Gallant were sitting. Moments later, Michael, Edward, and Mead show up at the table. Michael smiles, sitting next to his girl as the awaited for breakfast. As they waited, they all talked, Madison and Gallant ended up coming over and joining them.

Not long after that, the greys brought trays of food and drinks, setting them on a buffet table.  There was French toast, pancakes, and waffles, bacon, sausage. Cynthia was shocked at what she was seeing.

Michael stands up, "what do you want love?" He asked Cynthia, "oh, I can get it myself," she assures him, but he insisted on doing it for her so, she just told him to surprise her.

As the others got up, Kayla stops, "damn, you have him totally whipped," she joked with the blonde. "You have no idea," she comments back.

Michael comes back with two plates, one for him and one for Cynthia; he sits her plate down; she had waffles, sausage, and a bowl of mixed fruit on the side.

"Thank you," she smiled, "of course, anything for my queen," his words made her heart flutter. She wasn't used to public shows of affection. He usually would keep a cold demeanor around others, giving her secret; touches.

The people at the table admired them "awwing," at them like they were some TV show couple.  "I need a man," Gallant groaned at their affection.

"Don't worry G, I'm sure someone here will take pity on you." Cynthia joked, "Thanks Nia," he laughed. Breakfast went smoothly; until Michael started running his fingertips up her thigh, stopping just at where her panties would be if she were wearing a dress.

Her breathing was labored; she tried to control it so no one would notice. Just as she reached down to remove his hand, he started kneading small circles on her aching bud.

A soft moan escapes her mouth, but she coughs to disguise it. It felt so good to have him touch her. Especially, when so many people were around, it made her even wetter thinking of being caught.

She looks at him as she removed his hand. He carried his conversation as if nothing was happening. He was smooth. Only the faintest smirk appeared on his face as he gave her a small glance.

Not long after that, Michael gets up, announcing that his first meeting was about to start. He grabbed Cynthia's hand, gesturing for her to follow, so she did.

He took her to the foyer, "What is it?" She asked, "nothing, I just wanted to make sure you'll be okay," he said, caressing her face. "I will, but I'll miss you." She told him as she wrapped her arms around his middle.

"Me too, darling," he said. He starts to smirk a little, "do you think you'll survive? After my little charade in there?" He asked, referring to him touching her.

"I will, I mean I could always get myself off, I had to for four years before you came back." She says, palming him threw his pants.  He moans, a needy moan looking around as if to make sure no one was around.

He removes her hand with a groan, "I'm the only one who gets to touch you," He tells her huskily.  "What are you going to do about?" She asked with a smirk, "nothing," she answers for him, her lips ghosting his.

"You're going to drive me crazy," he groans, pulling away from her.  "That's my job, see you later darling." She told him, walking back to the gathering room.

He chuckles, shaking his head as he walks towards the elevators.

The day felt long, Cynthia had fun though, she spent most of it with Kayla, Edward, Madison, and Gallant. That was until Edward left to attend the last three meetings. So it was just Kayla, Madison, Gallant, and Cynthia. 

They hung out, 'outside,' Michael had told her that it was an outdoor simulation, just so it didn't feel like people were stuck indoors. It was pretty large, there were fields of green grass, it felt like actually being outside.

There were some buildings, one looked to be a church, and then one looked to be a bar or a club of sorts. It was fascinating,  there was a playground structure for children.  Cynthia was impressed.

"You know you're just as beautiful as Michael said you were," Kayla spoke up. The group sat under a tree sprawled out relaxing. "He talked about me?" She asked.

"All the time, but only to Edward and I. Sometimes Dorian,  Along with Madelyn at times." The young woman told her, "who's Dorian?" Cynthia asked,   "oh, he's mine and Edwards boyfriend. We're polyamorous."  She informed her.

Cynthia nods her head understanding, "no way, I thought poly couples like didn't exist. I've never seen one before." Madison jumped in.  "Yeah, me either." Gallant added.

"Oh my God, you guys!" Cynthia scolded, afraid that they offended her. But Kayla just laughed.

They talked for a while more, Kayla had told them that Dorian helps a lot around the outpost, in the kitchen, or the daycare area since he loves children. He wasn't a grey, but he just liked to help around. They were pulled out of their conversation when Dorian walked up to them.

"Kayla, hi." He said a bright smile on his face, he was tall and had tan skin, dark brown eyes, curly short brown hair, and slight facial hair.

"Hey," Kayla's voice was soft as she spoke, Dorian sits down beside her. He looks at the three new members, "we haven't met yet, I'm Dorian." He introduces himself. The three introduce themselves, and the group hang out laughing and talking. That was until Cynthia felt a familiar wave of something.

She gets up abruptly, running to the bathroom. Dorian and Kayla had a worried expression. But Gallant and Madison knew what it was and assured them that she was; fine.

Cynthia rushed to the bathroom, luckily there were some downstairs. She gets a stall and vomits into the toilet. She liked it better when she had no symptoms. But was relieved that she had a symptom.

She vomited again not hearing someone come in. "Is everything okay?" She heard Madelyn speak from outside the stall.

Cynthia wipes her mouth with a piece of toilet paper and leaves the stall, "yeah, I'm all good." She says as washes her hands, then cupping them to fill them with water and rinse her mouth.

"Are you sure? I can get Michael, he'll probably want to know about this," she assured her sounding worried. "No, you don't have to, I'm fine really." The blonde explained.

"Now, Cynthia. Don't go thinking you're going be a bother, if you're sick you'll be taken care of..." Cynthia laughed a little, "I'm not sick, Madelyn." She smiled, the realization started to hit the older woman,

"Oh, my dear girl. Are you with child?" She smiles big at the young woman in front of her. "I am, but we're not telling anyone except some close friends and family." She informed her.

Madelyn smiled wide, "I'm honored to be considered a close friend," she said, touching her heart. Cynthia chuckles again, "you're not a close friend...you're family. You gave us a home when we had nowhere...you, even though I didn't know you long, became like a mother to me." Cynthia told her, the older woman teared up, smiling big, bringing her in for a hug.

"Wow, I'm honored," Madelyn said, Cynthia just smiled at the woman.  They talked a little longer, before parting ways.

Cynthia hung out the rest of the evening with her new group of friends. At one point in the day, she felt like Michael had been touching her, he must've been getting bored. She retaliated by showing images of her riding him, stripping for him, sucking him, and pleasing herself for him. Much like he did to her at the outpost.

She could practically hear the annoyed needy groan coming from Michael, she knew it wouldn't be long before he caved.

Dinner rolled around, she saw Michael again they all ate together, she told him about her morning sickness, and that Madelyn knew. He was delighted her hear, that not that she got sick but was having symptoms.

Dinner was full of sneaky touches between Michael and Cynthia and them communicating telepathically. They were both so hot and bothered, but neither of them caved...yet.

That night they went to bed, in each other's arms, after some teasing, both of them frustrated.  Cynthia didn't know how long she'd last. She was going crazy, and it's only been a day.

Turns out she lasted a lot longer than she thought, it had been a week, a whole week. Cynthia was so needy for him, but she didn't show it. Michael was in a meeting, it was currently the late afternoon, Gallant was disappeared somewhere, Kayla and Dorian were on a type of date, leaving Madison to hang out.  And Edward was in meetings with Michael.

They were under a tree, Cynthia was laying down with her head on Madison's outstretched legs. "Have you seen that Charlie girl at all?" Madison asked.

"Some, but she hasn't tried anything," Cynthia said sounding like she was suspecting something was up. "Maybe, it was a one time thing?" Madison suggested, "maybe," Cynthia sighed.

"How about that Ryan dude?" Cynthia asked, she saw Madison flirt with him throughout the week, but she hadn't talked about it.

"Ugh, what about him?" Madison groaned, making Cynthia laugh. "Not working out?" She asked.

"No! I'm trying to get laid, and he won't bite. I've given up!" Madison groaned.  "You and me both,"  Cynthia sighed. "But you have Michael, I don't have anyone but my fingers." Madison groans, Cynthia laughs.

"Well, I don't really have him. We're kind of doing a competition. " Cynthia says, subconsciously caressing her stomach. "A competition?" Madison chuckled a little.

"Yeah, we're seeing who resist the other the longest," Cynthia told her a small blush on her face. "Oh my god, how long has it been?" Madison asked, as if she was getting hot gossip.

"A week," Cynthia groaned, "or a little over I haven't had any since the outpost." She finished. 

"A week? it's been too long for me!" Madison exclaimed, "okay, well you don't have raging hormones at the moment, or a fiance who keeps teasing you!" The blonde defends herself.

"Okay, we're both desperate." Madison settles. "But he must be good at resisting," she said. Cynthia nods her head, "your telling me! I can't get him to cave, I was close last night but nothing." Cynthia sighed.

"Damn, even with that outfit?" Madison asked, pointing at the lace tank top and skirt Cynthia was wearing.

"Yup, that almost got him too, but again the donut hole resisted." Madison laughed, "damn, if I was your girl, I would've caved." The blonde told Cynthia with a chuckle.

"Thank you," she laughs, "okay, how about this? I help you get laid, and you help me get laid?"  Madison suggested.

Cynthia was about to agree when she had an idea, "or better yet! I have an idea that will get us both laid." Cynthia said, sitting up with a smirk.

"Oh? What is it?" Madison had a devious smile on her face.  "Follow me," Cynthia said.

The girls go up to Cynthia and Michael's room/ penthouse. "Woah, this place is amazing!" Madison exclaimed. "I was shocked too!" Cynthia agreed.

The soon to be Langdon, lead them to hers and Michael's shared bedroom. They go over the walk-in closet, "okay, so what are we doing here?" Madison asked.

"Picking out lingerie," Cynthia said nonchalantly. "wait...what?" Madison asked.

"After dinner, Michael has to check in with the security team about radiation levels. So, we can come up here and change into something that will really rile Michael up."  She smirked.

"Wait...you want to have a threesome?" Madison asked wide-eyed, she was just shocked, not expecting that. But she'd be down to sleep with both of them.

"Yeah, it will get us both laid, and it will be fun. Not to mention it will totally make Michael cave." Cynthia said, sounding sure of herself.  "That is if you're comfortable," she adds, looking at the girl who had a mixture of excitement and nervousness on her face.

"I am, like I'm totally down, but are you sure it's what he would want?" Madison asked, walking over to Cynthia. The girl laughs lightly at her.

"Oh, I'm sure. We talked about having a threesome before you and the witches arrived, we both said that if we were to have one, we'd want you involved."  She explained, Madison's eyes bugged out of her head.  Making Cynthia laugh loudly.

"So, boy wonder does want me? I would've thought otherwise since he ignored my advances when he got me from Hell." Madison chuckled.

"That's because he only wants me, it's been that way for a long time, and even though we hadn't met yet officially, he knew who I was. But now the both of us wanting/willing to have a threesome, allows us to explore being with other people if that makes sense." Cynthia explained. Madison understood what she was saying. But was still curious about one thing.

"So, if you're willing to sleep with me, you must think I'm hot then?" She joked with Cynthia who was opening a drawer that was full of lingerie.

"Yeah, I do. If I'm being honest I used to have a crush on you, back when we attended the academy together." She admitted halting her movements as she looked to Madison who had a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Really? Is that why you wouldn't date any guy I pointed out to you?"  She asked. Cynthia blushed a little, "maybe, but not a lot of guys appealed to me back then."

"That was until you met Michael," Madison adds with a smile, "yeah, everything changed then. And I wouldn't change it for the world." She lets out a content sigh.

"Damn, so I never had a chance?" Madison pretended to be upset, "if Michael didn't exist you definitely would've had a chance." She tells her turning back to the drawer, rummaging threw them again. There was so much lingerie, she wondered if Michael had gotten excited when he was picking them out. Or how it felt to pick out clothes, for someone he didn't know would for sure come back to him.

"And if anything, I didn't think you were into girls Mads," Cynthia adds.

Madison lets out a slight scoff, not rudely or annoyingly but like a 'yeah right,' type of way. "Yeah, well surprise I like women too. I just scared to admit it for a while, you know? Like what people would think, and how things would be for me if I did." Madison explained.

Cynthia nods turning around, "I also still don't know how to label myself." She admits shyly, "Mads, you don't have to label yourself if you don't want to. Michael and I don't we just love people." Cynthia told her.

"As for being afraid, I get that. Coming out can be scary,  but you don't have to come out if you don't want to. I don't necessarily believe in that, if you feel like that's what you have to do then do it. If not then don't just be you, because you're all that matters.  Some people might be against it and won't understand because they're scared too. Maybe it will or would've been hard to come out dealing with people. But you'd make it through, coming out stronger in the end."

Cynthia told her softly as Madison listened intently and smiled at her best friends acceptance and understanding. "Thanks, Thia. I really missed our talks like this, I wish I would've been more open a long time ago." She said, trying to hold back tears. Cynthia gave her a quick hug.

They didn't know this, but Michael listened outside of the room; he had to come back and get a file for his meeting. He hadn't heard about their plan to get him in bed, but he did hear that part where he had changed everything for her, and how she talked to Madison about coming out.

He smiles to himself completely and utterly in love with Cynthia, he was proud to call her his.  He transmutates into the room grabbing the file, they wouldn't notice because they were in the closet, then he leaves.

The girls looked through the lingerie having a hard time picking one, until Cynthia found one, "this is perfect," she smirked. "Great, but now I need something." Madison says.

"No, you're going to duplicate it," Cynthia tells her, Madison looks at her wide-eyed. "How?" She asked.

"You are the supreme now that Cordelia is dead, so you should be able to duplicate it." Cynthia tells the blonde witch, Madison nods as Cynthia walks to the bed laying the piece out for her to duplicate.

Madison tries but fails over and over, "why can't I do it?" She asked frustrated, "maybe, I'm not the supreme. I mean my magic feels the same as it did when she was alive." Madison sighs.

"We just have to work on it." Cynthia assured as she duplicated the piece herself.  Madison nods as Cynthia places the pieces in the closet.

The rest of the day seemed to zoom past, dinner came, Madison and  Cynthia exchanged looks knowing it was soon time to enact their plan, again Michael gave sneaky touches trying to get her to cave.  It was driving her crazy, she couldn't wait to make him cave later.  At least she was hoping he'd cave.

Michael gets up, kissing the top of Cynthia's head, telling her he was going to check on the radiation levels, which would only take 15 minutes to half an hour. She told him that'd she be laying down due to morning sickness, knowing he'd come and take care of her.

As soon as they see Michael disappear, Cynthia transmutates them to her room. 

"Are you ready for this?" Cynthia asked a grin on her face, "excited, nervous, excited." Madison said as they stepped into the closet.

"There's no need to be nervous Mads."  Cynthia reassured the girl,  "easy for you to say...you sleep with him all the time," Madison defends, stripping from her clothes so she could wear the lingerie they picked.

"He doesn't bite...hard that is." Cynthia laughs putting her piece, the blonde witch just rolls her eyes. "I just don't know what to expect, like will I need a wheelchair afterward?"

"Dominance...expect dominance, that's all I'm saying."

Madison rolls her eyes, now that they were in their lingerie they looked at each other and smirked. "If he doesn't cave, I'll be shocked," Cynthia said.  They were wearing a white two-piece lingerie set paired with a set of angel wings.

"He's going to go crazy," Madison agrees. "Okay, we need to do something with our hair, like make it look kind of messy. You know like a sexy kind when you just let your hair down." Madison added.

Cynthia nods her head, waving her hand she creates the hairstyles for them both, If Michael didn't cave, she was going to go insane.

The two blondes sat on the bed awaiting Michael's return, both of them excited for what was to come. Moments later Michael walks into their bedroom, he was shocked at the sight that greeted him.

Madison was propped up sitting against the headboard, while Cynthia sat in-between Madison's legs her back against the blondes front.

Madison seductively bites her lip while Cynthia bends her index finger, lightly biting on seductively as she smirked at her fiance.

Michael was going crazy, he wanted to win their little game. But how could he hold himself back with the sight in front of him?

"What's this?" He asked with a smirk walking into the room closing the door behind him. "What's it look like sir?" Cynthia asked as Michael walked to the edge of the bed.

"It looks like someone is trying to get me to lose..." his voice was low and husky driving both the girls crazy as he looked between the two.

"Then what's it going to be? Are you going to cave? Or am I going to have to fuck Madison myself?" Cynthia asked with a smirk, "Yeah, what's it going to be? Will I be fucking your girl...sir?" Madison asked emphasizing her last words.

A/N: What will he choose? Will he resist or will he take both girls? I hope you enjoyed it until next time ave satanas!!

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