Fluttercord: Forging A New Li...

By m1ss1ngsty13

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(Sequel to Big Mac? Or Discord?) Fluttershy is pregnant with Discord's foal. They have no idea what is about... More

Chapter 1: A Summoning
Chapter 2: A Riddle
Chapter 3: Nightmare's Help
Chatper 4: Things Changing
Chapter 5: Incoming
Chapter 6: Worries
Chapter 7: Even More Worries
Chapter 8: Daisy's Birthday
Chapter 9: Farewell, My Little Flower
Chapter 10: The Best Kind of Prize is a Surprise
Chapter 11: Old and New
Chapter 12: WHAT?!?
Chapter 13: Changing Course
Chapter 14:Questions
Chapter 15:What's Going on?
Chapter 17: Second Chances
Chapter 18: It Was Fun

Chapter 16: What now?

977 35 36
By m1ss1ngsty13

-Discord POV-

Fluttershy and I are walking around Ponyville. The market is open and has so many wonderful things. There's chocolate and streamers and ooo my favorite.

I run up to a stand and see all different kinds of lamps. The one that caught my attention is right in the back. It looks exactly like me. I grab it and look at it. They got my features right.

"Oh Fluttershy! Look at this thingy!" I yell and Fluttershy walks towards me after paying somepony for carrots. She looks at it and smiles, "It looks just like you!"

I nod and set the lamp back down. Its been a month since the... Erm..incident.. Happened. Fluttershy seems to be doing well but she stares off into space a lot. I don't know what to do..

"Discord, I need to talk to Princess Luna sometime today. Would you care to join me?" Fluttershy asks looking up at me. My heart swells at the sight of happiness in her eyes.

"Of course my dear," I reply and bow down. It illicits a giggle from my wife. I straighten up and smile my goofy grin.

We finish walking around the market and then we make our way to the train station. There are ponies everywhere! Wonder what the occasion is.

Fluttershy and I reach the main platform of the station. And well well well whatdo we have here? Princess Celestia? Come to this little hum drum town?

I stopped at that thought. I've calmed my cholaotic side down since Fluttershy and I started dating. Why's it coming back? My heart beat quickens. What the buck is going on?!

"Oh hello Discord! And sweet Fluttershy!" Princess Celestia yells over the crowd. She begins walking towards us and I can't help but watch her every move.

She's so graceful. Every step is melodic and rhythmic. No. I can't be having these thoughts. Fluttershy and I have been together for almost five years. I will not throw this away for a flight of fancy. Oh but what a fancy. Fancy. That reminds me...

--Flashback to when Discord was a teen and wasn't chaos--

I walked up to Celestia and handed her a bouqet of roses. She smiled and took them gratefully.

"These roses symbolize my love for you," I said looking into Celestia's pink eyes, "I'll love you until the last petal falls."

What she didn't know is I put a Ruby Sundrop in the bouqet. Those never die. Even out of water. That flower symblized my everlasting love for her...

-End Flashback-

"Hello Princess," I say and curtsy to her. Celestia and Fluttershy both giggle. Fluttershy leans against me. She seems...unsettled?

"Is Princess Luna here? I'd like to speak with her," Fluttershy asks Celestia who nods and points to a tree. Princess Luna is sitting there staring up at the sky. Only a few ponies walk up to her and say hello.

I feel sympathy for Luna. To be bad and try to change but nopony wants to love you. Except for a few special ones. Fluttershy leaves us and walks over to her. I turn my attention to Celestia.

I open my mouth to say something but Celestia cuts me off, "Discord. Your relationship is going to fall apart. You must choose to try with Fluttershy who is thinking about walking away or just let things go about their course."

I feel like I was stabbed in the chest. Fluttershy...could be..leaving me? I feel tears form in my eyes. After everything we've been through..

"I..think I need to talk to Princess Cadence," I say and look up at my former (next?) love. Celestia's eyes hold sadness but there's a small spark of something else. Hope maybe?

Fluttershy is apparently done talking to Luna. We say our good-byes to Celestia and go home. Fluttershy doesn't say a single word or look at me the entire way there.

-Fluttershy POV-

~Right after I leave to talk to Princess Luna~

"Umm. Can I ask you something?" I ask quietly and sit next to Princess Luna.

"Yes, Fluttershy. You are here to talk about your recent dreams, are you not?" Luna says and looks at me. I nod and turn my attention to the ground.

I've been having dreams about me flosting away from Discord. He's always reaching out to me with tears streaming down his face. I always turn and walk away with no sadness. It's starting to upset me.

Yes, over the past month I have thought about leaving Discord but I just don't have the heart to. Do I? I do blame Discord a bit for losing our second child. He's always such a handful. I hide it well but I'm constantly stressed out by him. Discord is nice and gentle with me and I know he loves me but I don't think I can handle the stress much longer.

"Fluttershy. Your dreams," Luna says getting my attention. My eyes meet hers then she continues, "They're signaling the end for you two. You have some resentment against him. It'll drive you apart."

Could it really? I never took my thoughts seriously. Maybe I should. I get up say a quiet thank you to the night princess before walking up to Discor and Celestia.

Discord and I walk home. I can't bring myself to look up at him. I'm not sure what to do. Maybe we should end this before things get to bad.

So the main question is.. What now?

Author's Note

Should Discord try to keep Fluttershy? Or should he just give up and let things happen? Comment what you think! Thanks :)


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