Sleeping Through A Nightmare

By Xx_DarkEmoSans_xX

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Classic tried to commit suicide but he didnt die. Instead Sans was brought to the hospital and he was now in... More

Ch 1: Suicide mission
Ch 2: The two brothers
Ch 3: Back off!
Ch 4: Brother.......
Ch 5: Do it do it do it!!!!
Ch 6: Hanging out
Ch 7: Im sorry
Ch 8: Nightmare's crush
Ch 9: Classic visits
Ch 10: Ink's plan
Ch 11: Please let me explain!
Ch 12: I still want you......
Ch 13: This is for you ppl
Im so sorry!!!!
Ch 13: Sin but not too much
Ch 14: I'm...............................back
Ch 15: No.Matter.What.
Ch 16: My Sansy~
Ch 17: Getting along
Ch 18: Help me............TwT
Ch 19: Poor Dream TwT
Are you kidding me?!!? BITC―
Ch 20: Their here
Ch 21: Mother and Father
Ch 22: Where is he?!
Ch 23: Heya
Ch 24: Ask him!
Ch 25: So what do you say?
Ch 26: Setting up a proposal
Ch 27: A proposal
Your invited!
Ch 29: Future!||Last chapter!||

Ch 28: The wedding

314 18 28
By Xx_DarkEmoSans_xX

Warning: Very adorable and long chapter! And if you dont have fun you will be destroyed!

I also tried to give you guys a POV

A few weeks later Nobody's POV:

Classic was in the bathroom of Nightmare and Dream's house freaking the fuck out while Nightmare was at the bad guys place also freaking the fuck out.

Chain was at the wedding place along with his friends making sure everything looked nice!

XxGlitchGachaxX was setting up the cakes (Chocolate, Chiffon, Coffee, Strawberry, and Vanilla) and putting them on the table. 

GhostlyAshamed_2 was setting up the drinks (Blueberry juice, Chocolate milk, Regular milk, Ketchup, and Mustard).

YvainneKateAnies was setting up the food (Cookies, Biscuits, Dark chocolate, and taco dip)

The Undertale crew along with Nightmare and Dream's parents and Viccie531 were setting up chairs and other things to make the area look fancy

That stars along with nikki1356 and firereaderhybrid were trying to clam down Classic.

The bad guys along with spadeandlycanaproxie and Airam123456 were trying to calm down Nightmare.

Chain called everyone to go get dressed and be at the alter in 30.

~After getting dressed and meeting at the alter~

Chain: Wearing a black tux (I hate dresses ¬_¬)

Spadeandlycanaproxie/his oc Collector: Wearing a purple dress with flowers on their head (ver adorable I must say :3)

Airam: Wearing a black, dark blue and white dress with a hat (also very cute)

Blue: Wearing a light blue and white tux

Dream: Wearing a yellow tux 

Ink: Wearing a brown and black tux

Error: Wearing a black and yellow tux

Fell: Wearing a red and yellow tux

Ok too lazy for the rest

Idk what the rest of you are wearing cuz you never said.

"Ok so does everyone know where to be and what to do?" Chain asked

"Yep!" Everyone answered.

"Perfect! YvainneKateAnies you can go to Classic cuz your the brides maid, and Error you go back to Nightmare cuz your his Man of Honor."

"You got it!" They both said.

YvainneKateAnies's POV:

I ran to the house and into the bathroom by Classic. Classic was just starring at himself still with some tears in his eyes. I put a hand on his shoulder and hugged him. Classic turned to me and smiled but then frowned a little.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"What if I mess it up?" He asked.

"Classic you'll do great this is your special day just smile!"

"But what if Nightmare only proposed to me to trick me? And he doesn't actually love me it was just an act?"

"Dont be stupid you know Nightmare loves you and if he didnt then he wouldn't have come back for you when you woke up from a coma."

"Your right I feel better now thank you."

"No problem!"

Error's POV:

I teleported to Nightmare seeing that he was just starring at the mirror. I walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with a smile that turned into a frown with worry in his eyes.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"What if this doesn't go right?" He asked.

"I'm sure it will!"

"But what if Classic says no and he just said yes to my proposal to tease me?"

"Your sounding like an idiot NM. Classic loves you so much and we do too your our best friend.

"Thank you Error."

"No problem! Now lets go to the alter everyone's waiting."


GhostlyAshamed_2's POV:


I reached for some food but got my hand slapped away. I turn to see GlitchGacha giving me a look saying 'no touching le food!' I sighed and walked away and they followed.

"I just wanted a small bite of a cookie." I said. TwT 

"You have to wait my friend then you can have your cookies." She replied.

"Awwwww!" TwT.

nikki1356's POV:

I was entertaining some of the other guests by doing a little bit of magic tricks. They seemed to enjoy them and that made me really happy so I did a little more while we waited for Nightmare and Error to arrive and for Chain to quit being such an idiot...............

firereaderhybrid's POV:

I set my present on a table next to the drinks hopping that Nightmare and Classic would enjoy it. It was a lot of money so they better be happy with it!


"No shhhh be quiet please!"


GlitchGacha's POV:

I walked over to Chain who was being very dumb and asked him when we're starting.

"As *huff* soon as grrrrr Nightmare and Error get here." He said.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I have my cross stuck in the alter and I'm trying to get it out!"

"Why dont you just take it off..........."

"Oh. Hehe stupid me."

Wow ¬_¬  dumbass this one is

Viccie531's POV:

I set down the last chair and gave Papyrus a high-five!

"Great job human! Now we just have to wait a little bit!" He said.

"Mmhmm!" I replied.

I looked over to see that Nightmare and Error have arrived finally! Now we just have to wait for Classic and YvainneKateAnies to get here!

Airam123456's POV:

I ran over to Chain and said that Nightmare and Error were here. He said for everyone to take their places and we did. I sat next to Viccie and Spadeandlycanaproxie. We all smiled at each other then looked back at the alter where Chain stood as the priest. 

Spadeandlycanaproxie's POV:

Error and Nightmare walked up to the alter and Nightmare stood to the right of Chain with Error a little bit farther behind him. Dream stood next to Error as well.

Nightmare's POV:

Oh jeez I was so nervous I'm literally sweating I was freaking out really bad but tried not to show it. Chain gave me a smirk and I smiled back nervously.

Oh god where's Classic?!

Is he not coming?!

Did he pass out?!

I'm about too!

~A few minutes later~

Oh jeez hes not comi—

Holy shit...........

Classic was right at the back of the chairs in a beautiful white long dress carrying red, white, and yellow flowers with YvainneKateAnies at his side smiling happily. They started walking up as the music played. With each step Sans took I got nervous even more he was just so beautiful!

Sans was standing to the left of Chain with YvainneKateAnies standing a little further behind him and Papyrus too.

"Thank you all for coming!" Chain said. "We are gathered today to celebrate these two on this very special day!"

Chain looked at me then at Classic then back at me.

"Do you Nightmare take Classic to be your wonderful husband, to cherish him through sickness and in heath every 24/7?"

I'm not very good at this.

"I do." I quickly said.

"Do you Classic take Nightmare to be your wonderful husband, to cherish him through sickness and in health every 24/7?"

"I do." He said.

"May I have the rings please?" Chain asked.

Ink walked up and presented the rings to us and I took one while Classic took the other. I grabbed Classic's right hand and took the engagement ring off and replaced it with the wedding ring. Classic smiled and took my right hand, slid the engagement ring off and replaced it with the wedding ring.

"You may now kiss the bride!" Chain announced.

I grabbed Classic's waist and dipped him. He smiled at me and cupped my face and we kissed. 

The crowd cheered and clapped loudly!

I stopped kissing Sans and we looked each other in the eyes. We didnt even need to say anything to each other cuz we already knew we loved each other!

Classic's POV:

~A few minutes later~

Everyone partied, ate, and drank all day and night. We received presents from the guests AND EVEN A FRICKEN CAT!!!!! The cat was from firereaderhybrid! We hugged her and all the rest of the guests and they congratulated us!

I teased Dream about when he was getting married and he just blushed but he got me back by asking me how many kids I was going to have.

~After the party~ Nightmare's POV:

Everyone left the party just leaving me, Sans, and Dream in the house. We all sat on the couch tired of what happened earlier. I cuddled Sans and Dream and we all smiled at each other.

"I'm so happy for you two!" Dream said.

"Thank you Dream!" Sans said.

"Now all that's left is for us to have kids." I teased.

"Yeah!" Dream said.

"W-Well I uhh..........lets just wait on that ok?"


"I love you Nightmare." Sans said.

"I love you too Sans." I said.

"And I love both of you." Dream said.

"We love you too Dream." We replied.

Welp that's it for this chapter! The next chapter will be the last! 

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