Until Death do us Part (FINIS...

By CocoxCSKZ9798

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Sienna is 18 years-old when her world is turned upside down. She feels broken and helpless and decides to enl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Fifteen

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By CocoxCSKZ9798

The next morning, Moonbin and Sienna headed downstairs for breakfast. Sienna felt better, although now, she had a lot on her mind... The others were already sitting at the table, talking, looking worried and gloomy. When they saw Moonbin and Sienna, they stopped talking, and Jinjin got up.

"How are you?" he asked Sienna.

"I'm okay, thank you." she smiled.

"Here, do you want some coffee?" Sanha said as he showed a seat to the young girl, next to him. Sienna smiled and sat next to Sanha.

"Coffee sounds amazing!" she told Sanha.

"So, you're sure you're okay?" Rocky asked, looking serious.

"Yeah. I'll get better and better, don't worry... By the way, I wanted to tell you guys, thank you for coming to me," she added.

"Want some bread?" Eunwoo interrupted, holding a piece of bread towards the young girl.

"Sure, thanks."

Breakfast became a little joyful as the guys started to believe their friend really was better, but it still was tense. The only one who hadn't opened his mouth was MJ. Although it had nearly been a year since Sienna had become part of their group, the two of them never seemed to really get along. They had never fought and they didn't hate each other. But MJ reminded Sienna of Jamie so much, that she had preferred to remain formal towards him. MJ had never understood why the young girl was so distant with him, but he had never asked the question, and had respected her.

Breakfast was nearly over, when MJ suddenly got up and opened his mouth. His voice was low, and his eyes were riveted on his plate.

"Sienna," he said. "Can I talk to you outside for a second?"

Sienna looked at MJ with surprise. "Uhm sure." She agreed, putting down the toast she was eating.

The both of them got up, and headed outside, to the group's great surprise. "That's odd..." Jinjin said.

"Mhm... Well, I don't think anything coming from MJ is odd anymore," Eunwoo replied looking at the food on the table, his mouth full of bread, and his hand reaching for some orange juice. "Wow, this is good!" he exclaimed. Rocky glared at him but didn't say anything.

"I've never seen you eat so much," Jinjin noticed.

Eunwoo flashed a big smile at his hyung and kept on enjoying the food.


MJ stopped, forcing Sienna to do the same. They faced each other.

"What did you want to-" Sienna started. She was interrupted by MJ suddenly pulling her into a tight hug.

"I was so worried about you," he said.

"I- But-"

MJ pulled away and put his hands on Sienna's shoulders. His eyes were full of tears and worry. "When we went to look for you, and we heard the three gunshots, I thought I was going to die. And for a second, I imagined the worst... Dammit, Sienna! I can't stand you putting yourself in danger like that! We care about you, I care about you a lot as well. Please, be careful. And next time, don't just rush into a dangerous situation! Tell us first!"

"I- I'm sorry..." Sienna stammered. She was so surprised she was out of words, and now more than ever, MJ looked like Jamie. Her heart tightened at the thought, but knowing the truth about her brother made it less painful. She didn't see MJ as a figure of unbearable pain anymore, but more like a brother. Sienna nervously twisted her fingers, staring at the floor. She looked away, then lifted her eyes towards MJ. "Shall we... shall we take a walk? Let's talk for a little while." She said.

MJ nodded, and after sending a text to Jinjin to inform the group of Sienna and his doing, the both of them started walking slowly, along the Thames, at first quietly. Until Sienna broke the silence.

"MJ," she said, "there is something I should tell you..."

"What is it?"

"I've never told anyone this, except Moonbin... But three years ago, when I was 19, my twin brother, Jamie, was killed in front of me, but I never knew why..." the young girl took a deep breath. "I'm telling you this because you remind me of him so much... You're both funny, you have the same sparkle in your eyes, that shows how clever you are. You both enjoy life to its fullest, and you're always there for the people you love... What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry I was so cold with you for so long..." She paused. "When I saw you, you were the living image of Jamie. And you were the living representation of an unbearable pain... But now... Now that I know the truth about my brother's death, I am proud of him, and I am not scared to be around you anymore. On the contrary."

MJ remained silent, as he took it all in. "I'm not mad at you for your attitude towards me," he finally said. "Somehow, I knew you would come around. Thank you for telling me this, I'm glad you did. I'm sorry for your brother, truly... It must have been so hard for you, I can't even begin to imagine how much."

"Thank you."

"You know that if you need anything, I'll be there, right?" MJ said. Sienna glanced at him and smiled.

"Ye, I do," she replied softly.

They kept walking, and the both of them felt as light and free as air. "Can I ask you a question?" MJ said.


"Do you still love Moonbin?"

Sienna choked. "I- I... Yes... I do love him... So much..."

"And are you still broken up?"

"We haven't talked about it, but yes we are... Until the danger is still there, I can't afford to put him in danger..."

"I understand," MJ nodded. "But let me tell you this : the person who stabbed Moonbin, knew you cared about him. Let's face the facts here, you care for all of us : Jinjin, Eunwoo, Moonbin, Rocky, Sanha and me. If Moonbin hadn't opened the door that night, it would have been another one of us, and the same thing would have happened. That person didn't stab Moonbin because you were dating. That person stabbed him because he/she knew you care about him. Same thing would have happened to Jinjin and so on. Probably not me though, I think it was pretty clear you were like ice around me, so it wouldn't have worked so well..." MJ's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Ya!! How can you say such a thing!! I would have been devastated!"

"I'm afraid I'll need proof," MJ winked.

"You're an idiot," Sienna growled.

"I know! Anyway," MJ continued in a serious tone, "I think you shouldn't let this incident get in the way of your relationship with Moonbin. It won't change anything if you date him or not. Whatever happens, we're all in danger, like you said. But we have bodyguards. And if it makes you feel better, we can ask them to guard the dorm."

"So the actual smart thing to do, would be to not hang out with you guys, until the case is solved and there is no danger anymore." Sienna said.

"Ya! Are you stupid or what?!" MJ exclaimed, rolling his eyes up. "I didn't say that! We have bodyguards, nothing will happen! ... Anymore," he added. He then sighed. "I've never seen Moonbin happier than when he's with you, you know... He truly loves you. And I know you deeply love him as well. Acting like you don't isn't helping you, him or us. We're in this together. The moment you became our friend, then when you told us the truth, then started dating Moonbin, all this made you one of us. We're a team. We don't fight alone, one against the world. We stick together, because we're stronger."

Sienna smiled. She hadn't noticed that amazing side of MJ, although she knew he had it in him if he really was like her brother, Jamie. "Thank you, MJ," she said. "That was really good to hear."

The two of them continued their walk along the Thames, until Jinjin called to tell MJ it was time to come back.

"What do we have on the schedule for today?" Sienna asked.

"Not much, I think," MJ answered. "I think it's visiting or something."

"Do you think I could ask for you all to come with me to my mother's? And perhaps to my brother's grave?"

"Yeah, sure! We would be glad!" MJ smiled.

As they arrived in front of the hotel, they noticed the five other members waiting in front of the doors. "What took you so long!" Sanha frowned. "We have some visiting to do!"

"About that," MJ said, "Sienna wanted to ask us to accompany her to her mother's and then to visit her brother's grave."

"Yes of course," Jinjin immediately replied. "We'll do the visiting only if we have time."

Sanha looked at Jinjin, mouthing a disappointed 'what...?', and looked back at the ground, pouting. "I wanted to visit Big Ben," he mumbled.

"I promise it won't be long," Sienna told him. "We'll have time. And if you don't want to come, it doesn't matter, don't worry," she smiled.

MJ elbowed Sanha and glared at him. "No," he said, "like I told you before, we're in this together."

"Let's go then!" Jinjin exclaimed. "Wait where's Eunwoo?"

"I'm here!" a voice claimed behind them. Jinjin and the others spinned around as Sienna laughed. Eunwoo was holding at least five little breads in his arms, and had one in his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Jinjin sighed, although his eyes betrayed him, for they were smiling.

"What? This bread comes from France, they said, the baker is French. It's delicious! We should go to France one day!" Eunwoo smiled, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

"You're going to get sick..." Rocky stated. "But I agree this is so good!"

"Give me one," Moonbin said as he snatched a little bread from Eunwoo's hand.

"Ya." Eunwoo frowned.

"You have plenty. Share," Moonbin said as he took a bite, unbothered.

"Are we going or what?" Sanha exclaimed impatiently.

MJ hit Sanha's arm. "Respect your hyungs!"

They finally got in the car, a bodyguard driving, and after a thirty minutes drive, they arrived in front of Mrs Cumberbatch's house.

"Your mother lives in this big house alone?" Sanha asked, eyes wide.

"No, she lives with my aunt, and my cousins," Sienna replied. She was feeling nervous, for she didn't know how her mother would react when seeing her. She hadn't seen her mother for almost three years, and now, she was coming back, followed by six strangers... Maybe asking her friends wasn't such a good idea after all...

"Hey, it'll be okay," Moonbin whispered in her ear, as he rested his hand on hers. Sienna looked at him and smiled as she nodded.

The seven of them got out of the car and walked to the door. Sienna glanced at the house and took one step forward. She took a deep breath and finally knocked. A tall woman -probably 50 years old- with short brown hair, dressed like a lady, and with lady-like manners, opened the door. Her eyes went wide, and were suddenly filled with tears as she spotted the young woman standing before her.

"Sienna?" she asked, "is it really you?"

"Hello, mum..." Sienna said, unsure.

The beautiful lady stepped forward and pulled her daughter into a hug, so tight, Sienna couldn't breathe for a minute. "Oh my Lord... I can't believe this! You're back!" she exclaimed, as a tear fell down her cheek. "I missed you so much my darling!"

"I missed you too mum..." Sienna replied.

Mrs Cumberbacth pulled away and looked at her daughter with admiration and love. She then looked up and spotted the six young men standing behind her daughter.

"And who are these young men with you?" She asked. "They're very handsome by the way," she whispered so only her daughter could hear.

"They're my friends!" Sienna replied. "They're Korean so they don't understand English. Well, only two of them understand. I'll translate for you and them."

"You know Korean?" Mrs Cumberbatch asked surprised.

"I spent a year learning, and then I spent a year in South Korea," Sienna explained. She then turned towards the boys. "Guys, this is my mother." She said in Korean.

The six young men looked at the woman as they all together said : "Annyeonghaseyo Ahjumma!" and bowed low. They lifted their head again, and looked at the woman with bright smiles.

"They said hello," Sienna roughly translated. "In a respectful way."

"Hello to you all," Mrs Cumberbatch greeted them. "Sienna could you present them to me? So I know their names."

"Sure. This is Sanha, he's the youngest. Then Rocky, Eunwoo, Jinjin, MJ, who's the eldest, and... Moonbin," Sienna said. At each name she pronounced, she showed the person. She couldn't help but linger on Moonbin's.

"Well, you will excuse me, I might take some time to remember all those names," Mrs Cumberbatch smiled. Sienna translated for the boys.

"It's okay," Eunwoo said in English, flashing his beautiful smile at the British Lady.

"So he's one of those who knows English then," Mrs Cumberbatch said. "Good." She turned to her daughter. "How you manage to have six stunning guy friends and not date them is beyond my understanding."

Sienna tensed but didn't say anything.

"Come in, come in. I will ask for tea," Mrs Cumberbatch told them, as she gestured for them to come inside. The six boys slightly bowed.

"Thank you," Jinjin said.

"And the second one," Mrs Cumberbatch chuckled.

They all went inside and admired the beautiful house. It was big, and decorated with great taste. "Wow, you lived there all your life?" Rocky whispered to Sienna. "You're lucky!"

"Yes, it's beautiful!" Eunwoo exclaimed in English, making Mrs Cumberbatch smile.

"I'm glad you like it. Let me show you to the living room." She said.

The living room was grand, with a beautiful piano, beautiful furniture, and it had a large bay window, and big windows.

"Oh a piano!" Eunwoo couldn't help but exclaim with joy. 

"Do you play the piano..., what's your name again?"

"Eunwoo, ma'am. Yes I do."

"Feel free to play while we wait for the tea. I would like to hear that."

"Thank you." Eunwoo turned to Jinjin to make sure it was okay. Jinjin nodded, and Eunwoo sat at the piano, while the others sat on the sofa and armchairs. Mrs Cumberbatch rang a small bell, and a woman in her 40s appeared. The boys stood up and bowed slightly.

"Could you bring the tea, please Martha." Mrs Cumberbatch said.

"Yes, ma'am." Martha replied. And she left.

"So, what do you guys do in life?" She asked. Sienna translated.

"We sing," Jinjin answered with a Korean accent. "We make... songs?" He asked Sienna who nodded. "Songs. And we perform for the fans."

"Oh so you are celebrities!" Mrs Cumberbatch said. She turned to her daughter and gave her a look that said 'Handsome and celebrities? Are you mad?!' Sienna chuckled. "And how did you meet my Sienna?" She asked.

Jinjin turned towards Sienna and raised his eyebrows. "What do I say?" He asked her in Korean.

"When I went to South Korea, mum, I met them, and we became friends." Sienna answered.

"But what were you doing there to begin with?" She asked her daughter.


Eunwoo sensed the tension and suddenly started playing. Mrs Cumberbatch turned her gaze towards the young man playing, saving Sienna from a difficult situation.

"This is beautiful," she said. "What is he playing?" She asked the boys.

"A song we sing a few years ago." Jinjin answered.

"I wonder," Mrs Cumberbatch said, "could I hear you sing?" Sienna translated. Sanha's eyes widened, as he suddenly felt too shy to do so, but Rocky stood up.

"Ye, Ahjumma!" He exclaimed with a bright smile.

"They say yes," Sienna translated.

"What will you sing?"

"Pus-sarang," Rocky said.

"Innocent love," Sienna said.

"Oh! That sounds lovely!"

As the boys began singing, Martha quietly brought the tea. After thanking her, as Mrs Cumberbatch was about to turn her head back towards the boys, her eyes were caught by her daughter's face : she seemed deeply sad, and heartbroken. She followed her gaze, and spotted a tall young man, who hadn't spoken since he had arrived, and she noticed the same pain on his face.

The song ended, and Mrs Cumberbatch happily, but in a very well-mannered way, clapped. "You really are talented!" She said. "I believe you must be very much loved by your 'fans'." She said.

"Ye, we are... lucky? Lucky!" Jinjin replied.

"And..." Mrs Cumberbatch signed and snapped her fingers. "Mr Eunwoo," she said, hiding the joy she felt to have remembered the young man's name, "you play very well. This was delightful. Thank you very much." The boys bowed. "Will you join Sienna and I for a cup of tea?"

Time for lunch soon arrived, and it was time for everyone to leave. Mrs Cumberbatch was delighted to have spent her time with such wonderful young men, and was proud to say that she remembered all the names. They got up, and Mrs Cumberbatch led the way to the front door. Eunwoo was behind the British lady, listening to her, when he felt someone pulling his sleeve. Eunwoo stopped and turned around to face Moonbin.

"Hyung," Moonbin said.

"What is it?"

"Help me out, will you?"

"For sure. What for?"

"I can't speak English, I need your help. Could translate something for me? Then stay with me, please? I want to ask something to Mrs Cumberbatch."

Eunwoo raised his eyebrows, then nodded. "Okay, anything you want. What do you want to ask her?"

Moonbin looked above Eunwoo to check if the group had gone, then checked the sides. He then approached his mouth from Eunwoo's ear, and whispered. Eunwoo's eyes went wide, and his jaw fell. When Moonbin was done, he turned to him. "What??"

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