The Luna and Her Moon

By kerfuffled_

356K 9.2K 2.5K

At just eighteen, Anna Kilmer finds herself trapped in a continuous loop of forced prostitution and abusive t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 40

4.9K 124 96
By kerfuffled_

With only ten minutes to spare, we were scrambling to prepare ourselves for what was about to go down. We had come up with a fully detailed plan that we wanted to follow step-by-step. One wrong move may result in the death of Mason and we refused to go that route.

"Alright everybody, are we ready for this? Once the signal is given its vital that we launch into action or else something may go wrong. We all know what's at stake so this must go according to plan." Everyone nodded in agreement at Xavier's mini speech, getting ramped up and ready to fight.

We all knew it was going to be a fight to the death on their part but we still weren't sure what exactly to do with them. Should we fight them to the death and let them die immediately or shall we give them a slow and painful death? We decided to make that decision when we got there.

The six of us walked out to our clearing in the formation of a line, Andrea behind us all as she was hiding what was important - the protective item. We were going to conceal the item so they would least expect it, the only sign of us having the protective powers being the ribbons from the stick itself wrapped around our wrists.

We stopped as we arrived at the place we confronted last, seeing that they were entering from the surrounding forest and only seconds away from us. I took a deep inhale in hopes of calming my nerves while praying everything would go according to plan.

Tears pricked my eyes as they stood in front of us, all a part of our scheme. As they came to a halt, Roger gave a sickly smile as he eyed my body up and down.

"So have we decided to hand my lovely little sweetheart over or would you guys like to join her parents in hell?"

My breathing stopped for a minute as I processed his words, clearly indicating that they had killed my parents. My eyebrows met in the middle of my forehead when I realized that I only felt a sense of relief rather than any remorse. I guess that's what happens when your parent's are cold-blooded abusers who solicit their daughter for their own profit.

Reading my expression as sorrow, Roger pouted and talked to me as if I was a toddler. "Aw, did the poor baby think her parents were still alive? They were trying to find you too, but then it occurred to us that we could get you back for free if they weren't involved. So we removed the issue."

Interrupting Roger's spewing of words, Xavier spoke up. "Can we get to the point here? You're really starting to piss me off."

Roger looked at Xavier with surprise before chuckling the abrupt rudeness off. "Alright, boy. Did you choose the easy way or the hard one?"

With an expression made of stone, Xavier stepped towards me as I began to let the tears fall. "Please don't do this, Xavier. We're mates you can't do this to me, please!" I sobbed out as he grabbed my arm and dragged me to meet in the middle of our two groups.

"The easy way." He groveled out, his monotone act making him seem as he cared for nothing in the world.

Roger's eyebrows rose as his pack mates looked at each other with shock and relief that they wouldn't be forced to fight anyone today. "Good choice, boy. Hand her over and we'll be on our way."

Xavier brought us closer and closer to Roger with intimidatingly small steps before he stopped right in front of him. "Oh and there was one thing I forgot to mention." Xavier stated as he stared Roger dead in the eyes. "I still need to cut your dick off. Now!" He bellowed as he served a punch directly to Roger's unexpecting face, a sickening crunch echoing around us.

In tune, our Beta's and Xavier's parents rushed forward and attacked my former customers, throwing punches and kicks in any place they could. As they took them on, Xavier faced off with Roger as I looked around for my own opponent.

Basically the only thing I needed to do was distract my opponent so he couldn't join one of his pack mates and go two versus one on anyone else. As my Tuesday customer approached me with a snarl etched onto his face I began to speak gibberish to him.

"So how long have you been in the assaulting women business? It seems like a long ass time to me, so you should probably quit soon. I heard assaulting women causes your manhood down below to shrink half an inch every year until all you have left is a tiny little nub. What are you going to do then?"

Tuesday's face became riddled with horror and shock as he stopped advancing towards me and cried out, "Really? There's no way. You're lying... right?"

Glancing at Xavier I could see he was nearly done with Roger who was obviously pretty weak as he was sporting a multitude of injuries across his face and down to his toes. The most evident were the two front teeth missing from his mouth and the blood gushing from a gash on his forehead. It was obvious he would be unconscious in a matter of minutes maximum so I just needed to keep egging Tuesday on.

Covering my mouth with my hands I gasped and exclaimed, "Oh my god, you didn't know about this? You poor thing. Let's see. You assaulted me for what, is it three years now? So that means your dick has already shrunk an inch and a half!" I let out another dramatic gasp for added effect and it was clearly working as he began to panic.

"Oh no, you're right!" He cried out as he looked down at his pants. "But it wasn't that big to begin with." He whined out, loud enough for me to hear as I struggled not to laugh. Luckily my struggle only lasted a few more seconds before I saw Xavier making his way over to us, making me burst out laughing at this asshole.

"Oh my god, you actually bought it! I can't believe it. But don't worry, you will still be left with a little nub down there if Xavier gets his way."

A scowl etched onto his face before he tried to advance. "You little...".

Luckily for me Xavier arrived right beside Tuesday and landed a nice punch to the guy's manhood. "Wow, he really wasn't kidding when he said it wasn't that big to begin with."

Laughter bubbled around me as I backed up and allowed Xavier to do his thing, already having Tuesday in a fetal position in less than a minute. Looking over to where Roger was last, his unconscious body was laid out in the grass as a relative amount of blood pooled around him. The only sign that he was still alive was the slow rise of his chest.

As I looked around I saw that Theo had already taken down his opponent and was currently tying his arms behind his back with silver handcuffs, Theo's own hands adorned with gloves for protection. There were two alternatives for us when going into this; we either tie them up right outside the border of our pack with silver-laced rope so they become weakened and a snack for the rogues, or we send them to Alpha Bryson's pack, who has his own jail specially made to keep werewolves stuck there for life.

For the most part we agreed on the pack jail idea but Xavier refused to budge on Roger's fate. He wanted him to suffer in the forest with the rogues and considering all that man put me through, it sounded pretty nice to me too.

Andrea had taken down her opponent who I recognized as my Friday costumer, making me shiver at the sight of him considering I didn't see him yesterday. I knew this would happen as they needed to bring a few more to make it six versus six but it was still a kick to the gut.

The fact that Andrea was beating the man with the magic twig took away half of the pain however, as it was quite humorous to watch her beat a man with a stick and yell at him for being a bad man, like a typical mother reprimands her child.

Carter was almost done with his asshole as well as he broke the guy's shoulder, thrusting it backwards to add pain as he placed the handcuffs on him. However, we were all getting by with ease as their wasn't anything to worry about. Any injury bounced off of us like a light tap and it didn't bring us any concern to see a fist swing our way.

Though this was true for us, it wasn't true for Mason who was putting up a fairly good fight but was also gaining several injuries. I went to walk towards him to assist with any help he needed but it was clear that I would be too late.

Before I knew it Mason's opponent knocked him onto his back and drew a knife from his back pocket, seemingly from no where. Before I could scream out the knife had plunged into Mason's chest, eliciting an ear piercing scream from Theo who quickly took charge of the situation.

Mason let out a groan of pain as the knife nestled in between his chest and his arm while Theo charged at the attacker, knocking him straight to the ground with enough force to make him drop the knife. Delivering punch after punch to the man's face, he didn't even stop once the man lost consciousness only screaming louder and louder about how he never should have touched his mate.

I was frozen in my spot at the whole situation, unsure what to do. It was apparent Carter did however, as he ran over to Theo and pulled him off the unconscious body he was pummeling.

Andrea and Xavier were handcuffing their opponents and Carter did so for Theo, who was running back to see his mate who barely had his eyes open.

We gathered in a circle around them as Mason began to cough while he tried to speak, Theo beginning to sob as he cried, "What is it baby? You'll be okay I promise. Don't forget about our dinner date."

Mason gave a weak smile before his eyes officially fluttered shut, his body going weak in the arms of Theo.

Silence grasped us by the throats and left us all breathless at what was occurring. There was just no way he was dead.

Falling to my knees beside Mason's limp body I began to cry, realizing that it was all my fault. He couldn't die because of me. He couldn't.

As I examined his resting features I nearly felt my soul leave my body as his right eye popped open and he sat up from Theo's arms.

"So, how good was my acting? Did you all believe me? It appears you did because it looks like you all just saw a ghost."

"B-but, but the knife! It's in you!" I screamed at a loss for words.

Laughing Mason pulled the knife from the crevice of his armpit showing he had only a small gash on his arm but that was all. "Don't worry, the idiot that tried to stab me had horrible aim. Nothing to worry about here." He smiled gleefully.

"You-You little dipshit! I thought you were dead goddammit! How could you do this to me?" Theo screeched as he repeatedly hit Mason on his chest.

Blocking the hits, Mason drew a thrashing Theo into his arms. "Hey, hey now there's no need to hit me. I'm sorry, but Anna got to act in this plan and I wanted a moment to shine too!"

This caused us all to roll our eyes as Andrea walked behind Mason and delivered a whack to the back of his head. "Never do that again mister!" She firmly stated before stalking off in the other direction, followed by her amused mate.

Sighing I realized that we were all okay and everything had went according to plan as I let the light breeze of the wind envelope me in serenity.

Xavier came to stand behind me, wrapping his strong arms around my torso and breathing in the scent of my hair as he let out a content sigh. Equally as elated I placed my hands atop his and leaned back into his embrace. "So what happens with them all now?"

"Bryson already has his pack correction officers on the way to collect the five that will be remaining in jail for the rest of their lives. As for Roger, I'll be dealing with him once I return you home."

Turning myself towards Xavier, I ignored the fact that he was about to go punish Roger by tying him up to feed him to the rogues and focused on the fact that I was finally free. I would no longer need to worry about my past and I could truly focus on my future.

I was finally free.


ANNNDDDDD HERE IS CHAPTER 40!!!!! Why do I kind of wanna leave it here? Do you think this is a good place to end it or would you like to see a chapter where they are relaxing the next day or something?? Idk please let me know!!! There will be an epilogue for sure I'm just not sure if I want it to be on the far future or not too long from this moment ya know lol.

What do you think of our dramatic little goof ball, Mason? He gave them all quite the fright lol!

Do you have any suggestions as to what could be done to improve this chapter? Was the pacing good, or did I miss any big details that I should rewrite in? Fight scenes aren't really my expertise so I tried my best lol. But I would love to hear what you guys have to say!

I would love if you would let me know your thoughts on this chapter or even the book as a whole, either through votes or comments! Each and every one is greatly appreciated! :)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you are all staying safe and healthy! I'll see you very soon as I'll be posting the epilogue in about an hour (I just need to edit it!)

Love y'all! <3

xx kerfuffled_

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