Gaming Your Way There (kiriba...

By moldywonderbread

31.1K 1.3K 1.4K

No quirks/aged up Kirishima and Bakugo are some of the most popular Twitch Streamers/ Youtubers. They both pl... More

Its a Fucking Guarantee
Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay
Some of the Family
Dont Call Me Man
They Fuckin Know
Boyfriend Tag
Heartfelt Rants
Its Mental Illness Ain't It?
Panic and Relief
Sweet Talking Gets You Somewhere
Im a Little Off...
New House, New Doubts
Speed Running Emotions
Hes Adorable
We Did That
A/N (plz read)
Secrets Out
Cats Out of the Bag
We Have a Pool?
Roof-Top Picnic
Fuckin Canada
Its Him...
The World's At Peace

I Think I Like the Idiot

1.3K 72 85
By moldywonderbread

Bakugo pov))

Shitty fuckin life. I hadn't even thought of him in 7 fucking years!

"Shitty Deku. Why in the fuck do i keep being reminded of you?"

"Come on Kacchan! Let's go!" I laugh as I follow him to the familiar park. "Stay here. I'll be right back." I sit on the steps as he disappears and he, he doesn't come back. For to long. Where the hell? I have to find were he went. I walk into the forest by the park and see Dekus shoes? Huh? I pick them up and see blood on them. My head snaps up and I look around for him. "Kacchan!"

"Deku! Where are you?"

"Help! They're hurting me!" I run back to our parents to get help. We never fucking found him. It's been 17 years.

I immediately sit down on my bed and drop my head in my hands. I grab handfuls of my hair and tug, trying to compose myself. I let out a sob and immediately try to shut it down. I wipe my eyes and hear Kirishima knock.

"Bakugo? Are you okay?"

"Fuckin leave me alone!" My voice sounds strained and I curse under my breath.

"Just let me know if you need anything." I shove myself under my blanket.

"Fuck off." He sighs and leaves again. Fuck I need to call Uruaka but I don't want to just call her when I'm crying. She's the only one besides my mom, dad, and Inko who know about Deku. But, this would be the first time I called her in 2 years. I grit my teeth and wipe my eyes again. You're fine Katsuki. Shut the fuck up and cope like you know how. Get shit faced and drink your problems away. I leave my room and immediately Kirishima is on my ass.

"You okay?" I shush him and walk to our freezer.

"It's a no but don't worry. I know what the fuck I'm doing." I grab the bottle of vodka and flip the top.

"Bakugo, you should talk it out." I shush him again.

"If I'm ever gonna talk about it I need to be drunk off my literal ass. Go play with the losers we call friends and I'll stumble in whenever I'm ready. Shush." I tip the bottle back and feel the liquid burn down my throat.

"Bakugo I cant support this." I let the bottle back down and walk past him.

"Shut your ass and fuck off." I close my own door and let myself loose control.

Kirishima pov))

I sigh and join the discord call.

"Kiri! Hey!"

"Hey guys."

"Woah. What the fuck is wrong? You usually sound like a little kid on Christmas." Sero (who is most definitely high) always notices shit like that.

"Is anyone streaming?"

"We were waiting for you."

"Well Bakugo I think had a nightmare and it definitely was bad cause he closed himself off and I heard him crying. Then he came out of his room and went back in with a half full bottle of Tito's. I told him he should just talk about it and he said he needed to be shitfaced to talk about it. And if Bakugo's still a light weight we don't have to wait long. Let's just start."

"Kiri, are you okay?" Leave it to Mina to ask that question.

"I'll be fine. I just need to keep myself preoccupied."

After about 3 rounds of screaming at eachother Bakugo stumbles his way into my room.

"Kirishima, get your ass over here." I turn my mic off and leave the call.

"What's wrong?" He glares at the floor and crosses his arm.

"So I had this friend and we were playing like fuckin kids did and he had a surprise for me and he went into the woods and didn't come out. The worst part is I fuckin heard him. We never fuckin found him. I still have dreams about that fuckin day and it just gets worse everyday." He wipes his eyes, still glaring at the floor. I sit down by him and he immediately turns to me. "And I just know it's my fuckin fault and everyone says its not but it is!" I grab his hand and some tears slip down his face.

"You didn't plan for him to get taken." He sighs and wipes his eyes again.

"I know but if I checked even just like 4 seconds earlier I might've been able to save him." He sobs again and shoves his head in his knees. I wrap my arm around his shoulder and pull him a little closer.

"I'm sorry Bakugo. I really am." He shoves himself in my side and clings to me.

"It's been 17 fucking years since I've seen him and I miss him so fucking much." He sobs harder and guilt swallows my stomach. I test the waters by pulling him closer again and he immediately responds by shoving his head in my neck and sits in my lap.

"I'm so so sorry Katsuki." I realize I fucked up and he doesn't even seem to care. "Do you need anything?"

"Just don't tell anyone else."

"I would never do that." He giggles and pulls away.

"I didn't understand why I was so scared to tell you. That's a lie. I'd thought you'd leave cause you don't want to same to happen to you."

"I know it wouldn't happen. Don't worry Bakugo. I still wanna be your friend." He nods again and slides off my lap.

"Oh and we should probably by more whiskey." I quirk a brow.

"Didn't you drink the Tito's?" He laughs and I immediately realize what he did. "Don't tell me you drank our Fireball to." He laughs again grabs Something out of his back pocket. It's his phone.

"And I called a girl over. I'm fucking someone tonight if it's the last thing I do." My eyes widen.

"Who?" He shrugs.

"Some random girl of Tinder I don't fucking know. Her names Kendo? Kenny? Kentucky?" He snorts again. "So like, wear headphones or something."

"You're serious aren't you?" He winks.

"Finally blowing off steam again." He gets off my lap and I sigh.

"Then I'm gonna spend the night somewhere. I don't wanna hear that." He shrugs.

"Your loss bro. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." He stumbles out of my room and into his. "And if you ever wanna loose yours she probably has a friend!"

"I'm not just screwing some random girl on the internet." He shrugs.

"Well bye then." I sigh and grab all my stuff to leave.

I guess I'll crash at Sero's? I go over, knowing they're still playing, and knock on the door. He opens the door shortly after and he quirks a brow.

"What're you doing here?"

"Bakugo got drunk off his ass and he invited a girl over and I don't wanna hear that shit all night." He immediately let's me in.

"Was he okay?" I nod.

"For the most part. It was pretty personal, I don't wanna go blabbing all his business. Just know he had Tito's and Fireball in his system." Sero snorts.

"Well I'm gonna finish the stream. Crash wherever." I nod and let him go do whatever he's doing. "Sorry I'm back. Alright, let's finish this task." I sigh and fall into the couch, burying my head in the pillow. I felt fine on they way over here but now? I feel like crying and I don't know why. But if there's one thing I know it's that the more you hold it in, the more you'll snap. So I cry into the pillow and genuinely try not to worry Sero. He's having fun with friends. I shouldn't rip that privilege away. I eventually stop and sit up, wiping my eyes and sniffling quietly. Apparently they were doing a short ass stream cause Sero comes in and immediately sits down. I smile lightly but I can tell he knows something's up. "What's wrong?" I shrug.

"I'm honestly not really sure. I kinda just laid down and started crying." I shrug and wipe my nose. "But, I'm also sure it has to do with Bakugo. I had this dream about him and I only remember one part and it pissing me off. And when he started talking about his ex, I started getting mad. He seemed to go into bliss talking about her. And when he started crying I felt guilt I couldn't stop it. And when he said he invited some girl over I feel jealous again and ugh. I don't know what to do."

"You like him bro. He's your bro, but you want him to be your bae." My head snaps over and a bright blush makes its way on my face.

"I'm not sure he could ever see me in a way like that. He obviously isn't looking for anything serious." Sero quirks a brow.

"How do you know that? You ever asked him?"

"Course not!"

"So, maybe he's looking for something special. Never know till you try."

"Okay so I try and he says no. Now it's awkward and I fucked everything up. I just won't tell him." Sero shrugs.

"I can't force you to do anything bro. Just support you." I nod. Leave it to Sero to be a don't give a shit guy. "But you said he's inviting a girl over?" I nod. "So I'm assuming he got a ass appointment." I nod again. "Well at least he's coping in some way?"

"I kinda wish it was me." The words tumble out and Sero and I both freeze. Of course he recovers first.

"You wanna fuck Bakugo?!" I shove my head in my hands.

"I didn't mean it like that! I just meant I wish I could help him cope!" Sero snorts and I huff.

"Are you sure you don't want wanna fuck him?" I blush harder and nod.

"I'm s-sure man." Shit. Stuttered.

"Sure man. Sure."

"I don't like him like that!"

"You had a dream about him. And you don't like him?"


"Tell me, What type of dream?" I immediately do the worst thing I could ever do to that question. Shrug and look away. "You had a wet dream about Bakugo!?"

"Shut up bro." He gasps and shoves me.

"No fuckin way man!"

"Shut up!" I throw a pillow his way and he catches it.

"You had a dream about screwing your roommate! How could I not be shocked."

"It was one time and I can only remember like 10 seconds of it."

"And what are those 10 seconds?" I glare over at him and see him wearing a smug smirk. 

"Why would I tell you? That's like asking for a kick in the dick." He snorts and leans forward.

"Come on, Tell me everything and I promise you no one else will know." I sigh and lean back on the couch. I really should get it off my chest.


"Bro-pact." I take a deep breath and think where to start.

"Well I had the dream literally the night I told y'all I didn't like Bakugo and left my stream on. And I woke up and felt weird and then it hit me. I had a dream about Bakugo. That would be weird enough but the fact it was about," I pause, searching for the word.

"Sex." I chew my lip.

"Yeah, that. That was even weirder. And then Bakugo and I got all his animals from his house and brought it back. He set it up on a live and then he showed his tattoo. All he was showing was his thigh and like 58% of his boxers and I still lost it. It was to much. And then he made me food. He was shirtless but that wasn't the problem it was how low his pants were hanging. If I can't see him shirtless without getting hard how the fuck can I be his roommate?" I look over at Sero and realize just how much I slipped.

"You," he blinks a couple times. "Got hard looking at Bakugo's thigh?" I groan and fall back on the couch.

"Yeah. I did."

"Bro you either gotta get over him or get him."

"I know! And I know I'm to baby to get him so I just gotta get over him." Sero wiggles his eye brows.

"You know Mina could always help you score him."

"I know but she'd make it painfully obvious." He shrugs.

"So? At least Bakugo'll get the hint." I sigh.

"Yeah I guess but, I'd honestly just let him not know. I still wanna be able to have a conversation without it being awkward."

"Yeah I guess man."

The rest of the night we just kinda talked about whatever came to mind. After a while we both turned him, he offered to sleep on the couch so I could sleep in a bed but I told him no. It's his house not mine. 

I wake up to a low ache in my back and my phone vibrating on my chest. I answer it without checking who it is.

"Where the fuck are you?" It's Bakugo.

"I crashed at Sero's for the night."

"Shit. Forgot about that. Well the chicks gone now."

"Alright. Sorry I fell asleep for so long. I'll see you soon." He grunts ans hangs up. 

I get back to the apartment and Bakugo is on the couch, sprawled out and on display. His neck has multiple hickeys and I can only assume his back has marks if his shoulders say anything. They have small red nail marks.

"So I take it you had a good night." He shrugs.

"I don't remember shit. She was gone when I woke up."  I sit down on the couch by him. He stinks.

"Have you taken a shower yet?"

"I was waiting till I yacked till I did that." I nod and let out a long breath.

"I just hope she didn't recognize me. And if she did oh well." My eyes widen.

"Did she takes pictures?" He shrugs.

"Again, I don't remember much of last night. And if she did take pictures of me oh fuckin well. My dicks big if it gets leaked I'm just gonna get more fans." How is he not freaking out? His literal dick might be floating around in group chats and all he cares about is fans.

"How are you not flipping your shit right now?"

"Cause my nudes have gotten leaked before. Now people can compare how much I've grown."

"Jesus Bakugo I would've caused a riot by now." He snorts.

"I don't even know if she did. If she did oh well if she didn't okay. The only thing I remember is sobbing to you about Deku and making her lose her mind slowly." He gets a wicked smirk and his eyes seem to flash with pride. "My god I couldn't believe she could walk afterwards. I mean sure she was stumbling but she managed." He chuckles. "And I'm pretty sure the neighbors tried to get her the quiet down." Now he's just being a cocky little shit. He pulls his phone out and throws me it. A picture of a girl with red hair and shorts and a croptop on is on the screen.  "That's her. Not half bad."

"Not really my type but she's cute." He quirks a brow as I hand him his phone back.

"What is your type?"

"Blondes. Usually submissive ones." He snorts.

"You literally said you were a virgin. How the hell-"

"I mean like I'm the one who calls the shots. Not like top and bottom." He quirks a brow.

"Have you ever dating anyone?"

"Yeah! 2 girls and a guy. One girl and the boy was blonde. And I liked it more than the girl who tried to act all dominant all the time."

"What was her name."

"Momo. Pretty sure she's a lesbian now but I'm not sure."

"Who were the other two?"

"The other girl was Tsunotori. And the guy," it's Kaminari, literally no one knows we dated. "It was Kami." Bakugo's eyes widen in shock.


"Yeah. We split right before we moved into together. We were basically just friends that cuddled and kissed. And I guess we still are. But it's rare." He quirks a brow.

"So you're fuck buddies?"

"No! I'm literally a virgin. But I guess I've given him a handjob or two." He blushes and looks away.

"How many times?"

"Not a lot. And I literally just said 1 or 2. But then there's the times when I'm drunk and I don't remember much so, could be 50 times honestly."

Bakugo pov))

Why the fuck am I jealous? I literally just screwed a girls brains out. And it's not like I like Kirishima, and I for sure as hell don't like Kaminari. He pisses me off more than words can explain. But the thought of falling apart in someone else's arms sounds really fuckin appealing, especially cause it's usually the other way around. I've only had sex twice but I've definitely fucked around with girls before with just hands and mouth. But I haven't ever done it with a guy, mostly cause guys always assume I'm straight. But I guess I might be? Come to think of it I've only kissed 2 guys so maybe I am just straight.

"How'd you know you liked guys?" Kirishima turns to me with a brow raised.

"Well I was dared to make out with one and I really liked it so I kinda went from there and tested something's out. Then I also realized I like girls, so I'm about 40/60 boys girls." I nod and cross my arms. "Why?"

"Cause I don't know if I'm straight and lying to myself about not caring about gender for if I genuinely just haven't met the right guy." I sit up on the couch and Kirishima turns to me completely.

"Kiss me." His eyes widen and a blush breaks out on his face.

"Wha-what? Why?"

"Cause I need to know if I'm gay."

"T-there's better ways to know Bak-"

"But you said yourself you kissed a guy and figured it out. And you're a guy, are you not?"

"I-I am but I fe-"

"Just shut up and kiss me." He clacks his mouth shut and looks away.

"I don't know Bakugo. I don't think this is a good idea."

"Don't make me call Pikachu over just to fuckin kiss him." His head snaps over and he gulps, eyes flicking down. "Just fuckin do it already. You said you liked calling the shots. That sudden-" he shoves me down on the couch and immediately crawls over me. I shut up and he leans down. 

"I knew it. You're a sub when it comes to men." I glare up at him.

"Where the fuck did this cocky attitude come from?" He winks and places a hand on my lower abdomen. Immediately my gaze shoots down to it and he laughs breathily.

"Tell me the back off if it's to much." He leans down fully and immediately my eyes flutter closed. Why the fuck is he so good at kissing? His hand on my hip slides down to my outer thigh, making me gasp. He licks over my bottom lip before letting his tongue into mine. The fight for dominance starts and he pulls away just barely. "Oh no Bakugo. This is a fight you aren't gonna win." The way he said my name makes me groan but it's silenced when he kisses me again. Immediately I grab the back of his neck and tug him closer and he grips my thigh tighter to make my mouth open again. He actually does win the fight and I absolutely hate to admit but I like having the control taken from me. He breaks away again and sits back on his knees. "You know yet?" How the fuck is he still composed. I'm definitely hard and definitely have a blush on my face.

"Shut it." He laughs and sits back down on the couch. "Where the fuck did you learn how to kiss like that?" I wipe my mouth and sit up to, putting a pillow in my lap.

"Practice. Don't go hiding yourself. I could feel it you know." My blush gets worse and I look away.

"Shut the fuck up." He laughs again and leans back, letting both his arms on the back of the couch. I can't help but flick my eyes down and see his hard to. I'm about the make a come back but I can't think of one. He's not hiding it.

"You gonna keep staring?" I snap my head back up to him and he's smirking his ass off.

"I- umm." He laughs and gets off the couch.

"Didn't know rendering you speechless was so easy. All I need to do is kiss you and you turn to to a mess."

"If you haven't noticed you're hard to."

"Oh Katsuki. I have. And you've made me like this before." Then he fucking leaves. He said my first name, said I've made him hard before, and just fucking left. Fuck this. I need to talk to someone.

"I'll be back soon! I gotta go do some shit." I grab my keys and shove my shoes on, realizing I don't have a shirt on. I sigh and grab a shirt from my room and leave.

I pull into the driveway and sigh. If I do this I can't go back and shits gonna change. I groan and get out of my car anyway. I knock and the door opens shortly after. Mina smiles and I notice she's in shorts and sports bra.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Worry crosses her face.

"You never ask that. Get in here and tell me what's wrong." I sigh and walk in hearing to door shut behind me. I walk into the living room and Jiro nods to me. I flop down on the couch and loll my head back.

"Who the fuck shit in your cornflakes?" I sigh again and look over at her.

"No one. I'm just really confused about shit and I trust you guys." Mina sits down by me and places a hand on my knee.

"What's wrong?"

"So Kirishima came home and we started talking. Then he said he used to date one of our close friends and I felt jealous and I didn't know why the fuck that would happen. So then I started thinking about my sexuality and shit and I thought maybe I was lying to myself about how I don't care about gender. And I'm just in denial I'm straight so I asked him how he knew he was gay. Then he said he made out wirh someone and has had a boyfriend before. So I asked him," I take a deep breath. "So I asked him to kiss me." I drop my head in my hands and Mina gasps.

"And did he?"

"Yeah, he did. But he suddenly got all cocky and dominate and I really fucking hate to admit it but I liked that a lot. Being ripped of power of some shit. And afterwards I was embarrassed about it and he kept teasing me about it. And just fuck. I think I like the idiot." Mina shoves me.


"Yes really you know I don't say shit I don't mean."

"Took you long enough." I swing my head over to Jiro.

"The fucks that supposed to mean?"

"You obviously like him and he obviously like you." My eyes widen.

"He doesn't like me." Jiro groans.

"Are you kidding? He obviously likes you. He does Bakugo. Just trust me on this." I sigh and sit back on the couch.

"Whatever. I'm not gonna do anything about it." Mina shoves me.

"Why not?!"

"Because Im not."

"You're scared aren't you?"

"No I'm fucking not!"

"So ask him out."


"Come on Bakugo. If you aren't scared it shouldn't matter." I groan. I fuckin hate them.

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