The Alphas' Treasure

By YOLOwriting101

188K 7.3K 4.7K

Danny's eyes met with the man he has not seen in four years. Yet in all that time he couldn't suppress the de... More

𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒
𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑤𝑜
𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝘩𝑟𝑒𝑒
𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟
𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒
𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑥
𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛
𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑒𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡
𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒
𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒
𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑤𝑜
𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝘩𝑟𝑒𝑒
𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟
𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒
𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑥
𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛
𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑒𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡
𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑤𝑜
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑥
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑒𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒
𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒*

𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝘩𝑟𝑒𝑒

1K 54 66
By YOLOwriting101

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐛𝐚𝐰𝐢 x 𝗗𝗮𝗲-𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝗺
***couple weeks later

Danny grinned as he sat with his family. Now he let his hand rest on his neck, glancing over at his dad.

"Thank you for letting me be Head Alpha now." Danny thanks him, and Ye-Joon nodded at his son. Only a couple of days ago did he retire and let his son become Head Alpha.

He saw that there was no point holding out any longer. Kawan and Andreas sat happily at the table, glancing to the side when they saw Magnus there. He grinned at them and his eyes moved onto Aeneas.

Aeneas' eyes were settled on his parents, seeing his everyone together now. He looked at his older sister Milla, seeing her play with Danny's sister - his aunt.

Yo-Han and Junior couldn't focus on anything else as they looked at only each other. They knew Aeneas did this for them and were forever grateful. Especially with the idea of being able to be with one another after waiting for so long...

It felt worth it.

"How long does that tattoo stay on?" Kingston asks Danny as he stared at his neck.

"For a couple more days. You don't like it?" Danny teased him, and Kingston snorted. He actually felt the opposite.

"I think it's pretty sexy - not going to lie." Kingston smirked because he genuinely found him to be attractive. Everyone looked at Kingston in shock for his words.

Though it was evident - they both were ecstatic to now be able to be Head Alphas. Danny wasn't hesitant at all to end the feud with Kingston. Not only that, but Kingston and him planned on mixing their Packs together.

They would make their Packs one, calling it the Abawi-Im Pack. There wasn't any issues besides the fact that there are still haters on both sides.

Kingston didn't have a problem with the haters on Danny's side. It was his side that he had to worry about because their actions were at random and unmotivated. They absolutely hated Danny and he at that very moment was at a meeting with the anti-Im Pack groups.

A day ago he was eating with everyone now. Now he was trying to make things more comfortable for Danny. He made things comfortable for Kingston over in his Pack - he wanted to do the same.

"All of you have hate towards my Mate, but your reasonings are completely idiotic." Kingston tells them all, and he looked over his shoulder.

He saw Milla with Aeneas, smiling at him. Andreas and Kawan were there too, Magnus right next to Kawan. Then he saw Junior and Yo-Han, but they still were infatuated with one another.

That's when he faced forward, smirking.

"There's no being upset. Andreas and Kawan are here-."

"You all try to play this game? As if you can have us believe you all love another truly. What kind of setup is this? The Im family absolutely wanted to destroy everything for the Abawi Pack, and now this? What are you guys doing? Just mating up now so that your family tree is jacked up for everyone? To have multiple Mates and shit?!" A man yelled at Kingston, and he snorted at such a thing.

"I'm going to put aside the fact that that's morally disgusting, but Dae-Jung is my Mate." Kingston told the anti-Im Pack groups.

He could see that none of them were having it. Had him wondering if bringing Danny out would be smart; but he didn't do so just yet.

"Your Mate and his family were ignorant on the truth - they attacked us. They attacked Andreas and ruined everything great. If the Im family was willing to listen-."

"I said I killed Kawan though." Andreas interrupted, Kingston looking at him in shock. He stood up from his seat as he walked beside him. Now everyone looked like they were lost on the whole topic now.

Kawan was still sitting down right beside Magnus, but his nerves were rising just from Andreas saying that. The last thing he wanted was for people to come for Andreas or their son.

"Kawan and I are Mates as well. With the Im Pack and Abawi Pack there are rules associated with both our heritages. Comes with...powers and ways that are hard to understand. Every third generation - our families had True Mates that can create a son with power that of a Luna. Kawan and I were on our way to having a son, and when he was born a life had to be given to bring him to life. That's what Kawan did...and he was frozen before me - giving his life for our son so that he could live." Andreas explains to them, pain filling his voice.

Just recounting such events made him feel the pain again. To see Kawan practically be dead, frozen in time into a statue.

Kawan stood as he went beside Andreas, wrapping his arms around his waist. Hugging him, he laid his head on his chest so that he'd feel better. To remember that Kawan was now here.

"When I took Kawan's body to his family they wanted to know who did this to him. If I said our son...everyone would know of our infidelity and the secret would be out. I needed to protect the one person that had Kawan and me together. It was one last reminder of what him and I did together. I lost that...and I wouldn't let the Im Pack take that away because of ignorance; so I said I did it." Andreas confesses to everyone.

Magnus felt a little bit of shame suddenly. He felt like he was the reason all of this came to be. If he had never been born-.

He suddenly flinched as he saw a memory of Kawan and Andreas together. He could see them when Kawan was pregnant with him and how happy he was. His father sweet and absolutely doting to him...

Could tell that Kawan and Andreas were ecstatic to have him... They couldn't avoid the fact that the circumstances were the way they were. He also realized that if they didn't love him...Kawan wouldn't have given his life for him. Andreas wouldn't have said he hurt Kawan - just to protect Magnus.

His parents loved him more than he ever realized.

When Magnus looked at Aeneas he saw his eyes were on him. A smirk grew on his lips as he nodded at Aeneas for giving him those memories. For giving him a piece of his past that he never saw or thought to look for.

Now Magnus was just impressed by Aeneas' power for his age. He also saw Milla was holding Aeneas. She looked at Magnus awkwardly considering that he hurt her, but not on purpose.

I'm sorry Milla. Magnus said to Milla in her mind, and she looked at him in shock.

She ended up nodding quickly, smiling at him. That immediately made Magnus feel better and found himself sighing in relief.

"You brought...pain onto yourself to protect your son?" They ask him, and Andreas nods without any hesitation.

Andreas turned around and gestured for Magnus to come towards them. That automatically made him blush as he went to his parents. Once he was with them they both gave him big hugs.

That immediately made him smile just by such a thing, but he was a little awkward hugging them back. Kawan was fine with this - being Head Alpha wasn't in her mind anymore.

For Andreas and Kawan to be able to clear up any mistakes or rumors was important to them. That's what they chose to do at this moment for them.

Now they sat down, Junior nodding for Yo-Han to stand first. Once he did he stood up with him - grinning down at him. Everyone was startled by the image change since they looked younger.

Yo-Han was very shy as Junior let him be first and most seen. Except he loved Yo-Han so much that he didn't realize that he was placing him above himself. Once they got to the podium everyone saw the love they had and they were the least problematic of the family.

"Our story probably...isn't all that exciting, but there was a form of patience that had to be used. Because Junior and I were Mates, but we were kept from one another. There was a ban placed on both sides and I was never allowed to become Head Alpha because my parents had fears I'd lift the ban. It was also the fact that we have a half-brother, but we have no relations whatsoever. It was...awkward and unfortunate amount of circumstances that we couldn't avoid." Yo-Han glanced at Junior and saw him still grinning. "I...I'm happy I can finally be with him. Almost...get a do-over because of Aeneas."

Yo-Han and Junior looked at Aeneas now. Already Aeneas began to give them a gummy smile, causing everyone to smile unconsciously.

Now Kingston looked at Danny. Could see him not looking nervous anymore and he came out quite proudly. It made him smile to see him look more confident.

He hoped he would say the right words. Though it was apparent to him that Danny would say the right things this time.

"I want to confess something." Danny started a little shyly. When he looked at his kids he gestured for them to come towards him.

Milla was very excited as she got up while holding Aeneas. When she went towards her parents she saw them beside one another. She remembered when her mom was alone and he looked...pained.

Would have a forced smile at certain times and there was always something missing. Now she saw her dad right next to him. They both smiled at her and Aeneas, but she felt content now.

Because her dad kept his promise. To make sure her mom didn't have to say he was fine for her sake. Now he had someone with him and her - along with her new sibling.

She knew the answer to her true happiness was seeing her family happy. If they weren't - she'd figure out how to fix it in her own way.

"This our first daughter, Milla Abawi-I'm." Danny told everyone, smiling when Kingston picked her up.

His eyes settled on Aeneas, seeing his eyes beginning to glow slightly again. He took Aeneas in his arms and sat him up in his arms. Now he faced everyone and they all could already see he was more powerful than anyone in here.

"This is our first son, Aeneas Abawi-Im. I want you all to understand something - that Kingston and I are going to combine our Packs. There can't be anymore of this needless hate because Kawan and Andreas are back. Our families went about this...horribly, but we are all here again. Let's do this right - now. That's why Kingston and I are Head Alphas - we're ending this now." Danny looked at his family, smiling. "For our family's sake - as well as all of you."

Danny looked at Aeneas, grinning at him. His hand cradled his cheek and Aeneas looked in his eyes. Already from there he could his mother smiling happily with his dad. The both of them with...two more kids at their side.

They were all standing before a camera and Aeneas couldn't see himself. All he saw was Milla smiling at him and there were two other siblings of his. He didn't know their names or anything, but knew it was in the future.

All that mattered was that as long as their futures remained with smiles - he'd be satisfied. If their futures stayed like this - nothing else mattered.

Not even his own future.

𝐀𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐬 𝐀𝐛𝐚𝐰𝐢-𝐈𝐦 x 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘩𝘪 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘶

|𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘩𝘪 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘶 🔝
|17 yrs old: Aeneas

Aeneas stood before Feyre and Isleen, having been thinking deeply on his families past. He remembered being a baby and there was no care in the world.

No thoughts of marriage...falling in love...hard work. He sighed because now he was in a predicament that he didn't even see. It frustrated him that he couldn't see it, and he wished he did.

"You want marry one person because they are royalty, but I don't want my love interest to be chosen for me. I don't think my mother and father would like knowing you both did this behind their back." Aeneas sneers at Isleen, and she grinned at his bluntness.

Her eyes diverted onto Feyre, her husband who stared at Aeneas in disappointment.

"You are staying with us for the summer as I recommended to your father. You will learn things about yourself through being here that you didn't know before. I can already tell you won't handle it well." Feyre says harshly, and Aeneas had to stop himself from rolling his eyes.

He was already the most powerful, right next to the Luna. At the moment he wasn't caring about what they were saying.

"I love someone else." Aeneas says in boredom, and he watched as Feyre snickered at him. He wish he could read his mind, but of course, he was blocked off.

When he was around the mystical part of his family he felt somewhat normal. It reminded him that he was still a person.

"What's so funny?"

"You think you know what love is." Feyre says fast, and Aeneas rolls his eyes.

"I do. I love my parents don't I? I love my sisters, I think I know what love is." Aeneas tells him in his defense. "I also know the definition, the seven types of love - not five, but seven, I am fully aware."

"You can be aware mentally all you want, and yes you can love your family." Feyre starts, standing up as he teleports himself before Aeneas. "But, loving someone outside of your family is different. That is a love that is built over a time, comes with trust and willing to adapt. You also don't use your mind, you use your heart. So, no, I don't believe you love anyone."

Aeneas stared at Feyre in shock internally, but externally he kept a calm expression. He didn't bother speaking on the topic any further because he didn't need to read minds to know that was true.

"When you have the powers that you do, it is hard to fall in love. I understand - I have compassion for you. You can see their futures, alternate results, read their minds, the power you possess... It becomes a task to truly love them because you can see everything before it happens. It makes trying to fall in love with someone intolerable, unless you learn how to control it."

"How do I do that?" Aeneas asked curiously, and Feyre looked over his shoulder at Isleen. Her eyes sparkling on him as she stared lovingly.

When Feyre faced back forward he smiled brightly.

"There are two ways. Control it mentally, but that takes years of practice and strengthening; can find someone that makes you feel normal, because with powers like ours - all we want to feel is normal. Find someone who relaxes you enough and is true enough to make you feel that way. Then, it'll all fall into place." Feyre states happily, and Aeneas grinned at his wise words.

He already knew Isleen and Feyre had that for one another. Though he learned this it didn't put his mind at ease. Because it sounded easy, but he knew it really wasn't.

Things for him always were easy. To hear this didn't sit well with him. Because he never really had to try or worry, and now he was.

"I still don't want to marry the person you've chosen for me. I won't do arranged marriages." Aeneas says very adamantly, and Isleen walked towards them. Standing beside her husband and grinned at Aeneas.

"You don't have to marry them instantly, no. You won't mate with them or Bond with them, none of that. Just meet them, speak with them. At least be open." Isleen murmurs, hoping her words would persuade him.

Except Aeneas was only more deterred by such a thing.

"I don't even want to do that. That's too much of a stress, too much of a hassle. I'm only seventeen-."

"So an even better time to do this, you see? It honestly...doesn't really matter what you say. Because their family and knights are already coming for dinner. Just wanted to see if you would accept before they came, but you didn't." Feyre shrugged, and smiled at Aeneas. "I don't look at me like that. Their daughter is quite beautiful, you won't be feeling upset when you see her."

Aeneas didn't care at all. He also didn't find himself drawn to women, so that put him off even more.

"What if I say I'm not interested in women?" He asks, Isleen and Feyre looking at each other with raised eyebrows. Only to face forward with a big smile.

"Let's see how this goes first, then we'll discuss a male partner." They say at the same time, and Aeneas didn't even bother responding.

He would tell his parents and he knew they wouldn't be for this. Because right when he got to his room he called his parents.

"Mom did you know that Feyre and Isleen are trying to arrange me to marry someone? Basically that's what they're trying to do." Aeneas sneered in annoyance, hearing his mom gasp at such a thing.

Danny had no idea about such a thing, but had a feeling Kingston did.

"I promise you this is news to me. If I knew this was their objection Kingston and I wouldn't have sent you there. I truly didn't know." Danny says honestly, and Aeneas knew he wasn't lying.

Though he already knew his mom suspected his father, and that gave him his answer. Because his father and him had a talk about when Aeneas would start liking people... When Aeneas said he wanted to be alone for forever, that obviously put his father off.

He should've put two and two together, but truly didn't see this coming. For once he was oblivious.

"Ah, okay. It's whatever. Just wanted to make sure you weren't aware - and I know it was dad. I just realized it..." Aeneas groans, letting himself begin to float in the air.

Crossing his legs, he stared up at the ceiling that had rococo art all over it.

"Why would Kingston - I mean, your dad do this? He didn't tell me anything about this. Did you do or say anything that would give him such an idiotic idea?" Danny asked his son, and heard him chuckle.

"A month ago dad asked me why I haven't dated anyone or even put effort into liking someone. That's when I told him I wanted to be single, alone for forever. I can see he didn't like that and told Isleen, they are trying to pair me with this woman." Aeneas whined.

Danny could see Kingston doing that, and knew he had good intentions. Though he should've gone about it differently than entrusting Feyre and Isleen to figure it out.

"Well, all I can say is that you just be good. Just be kind even if you don't like the girl. You turned seventeen this year, act like it. You're already much more mature and wise than any other teenager, so...I know you'll go about the situation perfectly." Danny told his son, and that's when he heard Rue begin to cry.

"I'll let you go. Tell dad I know everything and that I said hi." Aeneas says with a grin, and he could hear his mom chuckle.

"I'll do that. Hope you know he had no ill-intentions."

"I know mom. I love you, and dad."

Aeneas could see his mom smiling happily, and he knew how he felt when his kids said 'I love you'. He liked seeing his parents happy.

"We love you too." Danny murmured, and that's when they both hung up. Aeneas sighed sadly because he truly wanted to be alone forever.

What his father doesn't understand is that he is basically immortal. If he was to find someone he'd have to worry about them having to be just like him. That left limited options that he wasn't willing to handle.

The people he has met like him were old and beyond his years. He didn't want to be with someone who could basically be his grandmother or grandfather in their ways.

If he was to find someone normal there would be the problem of them dying. Now that the truth was known of the Abawi and Im heritage and legacy, it made sense why they didn't age.

Though that was the only gift they were given. Being ageless and immortal - to an extent. Both of their families discontinued their mystical powers and creating the mateship that is seen now. Where now the only way to make a child with great powers, is through the destined Im and Abawi Alphas of every third generation.

Now that that can't be done anymore...there has to be something changed or implemented.

Though Aeneas knew he could make the person he loved immortal...but he didn't know how. He knows it takes a lot of willpower in doing so.

Only heard rumors, but never read anything on it. He could probably guess how it works...but wasn't truly concerned on him ever doing such a thing.

He wished things could be simpler. He already knew he'd have to have kids one day. Already knew he would have to mate with someone, and marry them. Except he just couldn't see such a thing happening.

"Look at you overthinking things."

Aeneas looked down from the air, seeing Erato look at him. That's when he lowered himself to the floor, now standing before him.

"Did I look like I was overthinking?"

"Not sure. I called your name three times and you didn't even flinch. Who has you all riled up about love?" Erato asked curiously, and Aeneas groaned.


"Ah...he's pushing that on you huh? I remember when he sent me multiple concubines - this was eons ago. Wanted me to get to know them all and choose a spouse from them. In the end, I chose none. I'm a good example of it being okay to by yourself. It's okay to be alone. You don't need a lover to feel complete." Erato states fo Aeneas confidently.

Aeneas appreciated those words, and knew he was probably going to live like Erato. Being his own person and needing no one, but himself.

"I like that, what you live by. Everyone around me insists that being alone isn't the answer. I just don't want to be in a relationship. I would prefer to not let my heart suffer the consequences of what love can do to it." Aeneas confesses, not even knowing he did.

Erato could already see what the real problem was.

"Aeneas, it's not that you don't want to be in a relationship - it's the fear of what if. You are so used to knowing what is going to happen next and being able to manipulate things. That you are afraid what love can do to your heart when you haven't really felt love for anyone else I on the right path?" Erato asked Aeneas, seeing him shrug. "Well, supposedly for people like us, love makes us weaker."

That deterred Aeneas again, making him chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm not even interested in this princess that is coming. What even is her name?"

"Oh yeah! I was sent up here to get you because Asteria and her knights are here... I completely forgot." Erato snorted at himself for forgetting so easily, easily just walking out of the room.

Aeneas just sighed in irritation as he exited his room. He didn't care to speak to Asteria because he was not interested in the slightest. Though he wouldn't be rude about it.

As he begins to go downstairs he could hear a female voice speaking with Isleen. He found himself even more deterred from speaking with any other person besides his family.

Once he entered the meeting hall he saw there was a group of four. He saw Feyre and Isleen facing him while Asteria along with one other male faced the other way. Had him wondering what exactly they could have been speaking of.

"Oh, there's Aeneas!" Isleen rushed around them, going towards him now.

He saw Asteria face him, a smile growing on her face. Already he felt bad because he looked in her eyes and saw a future. Could see her crying hysterically.

As well as her strangling a certain person. He could see the person begging for his life as well as having a bite mark on the side of his neck clearly. The guy looked like he was dying and before he could see the rest of the future he felt a slap upside his head.

To suddenly see Asteria giggling at such a thing, he sighs in annoyance. He already saw a future, but he didn't even get to finish.

Who was that person getting hurt?

He wondered that, but put it aside.

"Aeneas this is Asteria, the girl we told you about." Isleen tells him even though he had the most uninterested look on his face.

Except he put on a forced smile, just to appease his parents.

"I've heard nothing but fascinating things about you. I am truly happy that I was able to meet be able to be recommended as a Mate. That's very exciting." Asteria told Aeneas with so much excitement.

She has been fascinated and practically in love with Aeneas for a couple of years now. For her to be able to win the chance to become his Mate was everything to her.

"How nice to hear." Aeneas chuckled even though he has heard that before multiple times. He almost wanted to play with his powers and do different fragments of time.

Just to insert memories in their minds that never happened so that he could avoid it. Though he didn't want to put in extra work for something like this.

Especially after seeing her future he knew she was crazy.

"We'll leave you two to get to know one another. You both actually have a dinner later on too!" Isleen squealed happily and completely ignoring the fact that Aeneas just wasn't interested.

Isleen and Feyre rushed away from them and saw another guard begin to enter. He was holding Asteria's belongings, a little bit of discomfort on him for the excessive weight. They easily pass - not knowing that that was Bodhi Moreau.

Bodhi was one of the knights for Asteria. To be her personal knight was the highest honor and he worked especially hard for it. Though he didn't take pleasure in doing the heavy work since his partner ditched him, he did have a crush on her.

Though he knew it was wishful thinking that he could ever be with her. He was a Beta with an Alpha job. The fact that he had the job he did was a rarity in itself. After everything he went through in training...he believed he deserved this.

As he walked forward he looked around Asteria's belongings, seeing her. He saw her speaking to who he believed to be Aeneas. The supposed "next Luna" is what people called him.

He was bothered by him because Asteria was so obsessed with someone he believed to be cocky. Someone who could do absolutely anything and he made it known in his opinion.

Once he got to them he set Asteria's belongings on a table.

"Can you show me a power of yours?" Asteria begged of Aeneas, and Bodhi could finally see better.

He saw Aeneas was very handsome - much more handsome in person. Except he still didn't like the character that seem to come off of him.

Aeneas hadn't even taken notice of Bodhi. Though he did extend his hand forward, and everyone watched as some gold dust start to culminate into a sphere. It continued to get larger until it was the size of a softball, making him grin.

He hadn't done this trick in years. To be doing it now was nostalgic because he did this to entertain his siblings. Now he looked at Asteria, nodding at the growing sphere.

"Touch it." Aeneas tells her now, and she smiles happily. That's when she rests her finger on it. That's when the whole sphere flew up in the air and everyone watched it just explode.

It startled to rain golden dust all over the room. Asteria clapped excitedly and Aeneas looked away from her. That's when he saw Bodhi.

Bodhi bowed quickly before Aeneas, but when he looked up he flinched. He saw that the whole room was frozen in time. The only one moving was Aeneas, but his eyes were only on him. 

He wondered if he was seeing things until he flinched. Already he could smell pheromones and he knew that shouldn't be possible. He was a Beta and it wasn't possible for him to smell such a thing.

For him to smell them now made him realize it was Aeneas. It also became apparent that he was feeling some type of way. It scared him...because he hoped it wasn't what he thought it was.

Being Mates with the one person Asteria was in love with - obsessed with, actually.

Aeneas however already knew that this was his Mate. Already off the bat just from seeing him he knew. He could see that it was a Beta and he found him to be so handsome. It didn't even matter how average he looked - he was still the most attractive one.

It scared him because earlier he spoke on not needing anyone. He remembered Luca...but he knew they weren't Mates. Now he could see his Mate before him and he was everything he wanted...

Absolutely normal.

Before he could say a word he faced forward, time setting back to normal. He saw Asteria still clapping and the other guard staring in amazement. While Bodhi continued to be on the fence.

Except Aeneas already knew that Bodhi was his Mate. He just had to find a way to speak to him - and he knew exactly how.

He always knew how.


There has been so much school work. 🤮

I have fallen back. 😪

Hopefully this EXTRA LONG chapter...👀

Along with Aeneas' new story...👁👄👁

Suffices. 😌

So, what'd you think? 🤔

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~ YOLO❤️

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