D I S G U S T I N G [ Saku...

By curly_head_keekz

71.1K 1.5K 1.8K

You are a second year at Itachiyama Academy, you are known for 3 things. 1. You're super gorgeous 2. Super s... More

Authors note
Chapter 1 :
Chapter 2:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Author note:
Chapter 6 :
Chapter 7 :
Chapter 8 :
Posting ๏ผ
chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
chapter 12:
chapter 13:
chapter 14:
chapter : 15

Chapter 3:

5K 129 370
By curly_head_keekz

⚠️Sensitve CONTECT AHEAD DEALS WITH DEPRESSION!!⚠️ sorry for my spelling mistakes.

I unlocked my door walking it to my clean but lonely home. I sighed and closed the door it had an automatic lock so i slide down and sighed.

" good job [L/N] you made it through another day." I pulled my knees to my chest as a tear dropped down. I quickly wiped it and got up.

*authors p.o.v*
You live alone, your parents are in South Korea for some business and your their only child. You always been alone since your parents where always busy. They didn't really pay attention to you cause you always did good in school,sports and anything they put you in. You don't really talk about it much but you were always in the gym overworking yourself, you would starve your self and always try to become "perfect". One day you passed out and your parents made it home, they decided to take you to the hospital. A specialist came and made you take a test we're they said you had been suffering from severe depression. You parents couldn't believe and you brushed it off letting them know you where fine. After years they lest you alone again.

* your p.o.v*

I walked up to my room and looked at my clock. Hmm 10pm I wonder if mom and dad are okay.

Shaking off that thought you walked downstairs to the kitchen.

" I'm not really hungry I did eat a lot at school." I'll just finish my drink and take a shower.

* time skip*

I got out of the shower and put on my [F/C] pjs and laid on my bed. Thinking of today, remembering sakusa and keiko even Riku.

" I actually had fun today." I turned around and went off to dream land.

* next morning*
I got up and started to do my morning routine. I threw on my uniform and made me some avocado toast with some coffee on the side. I quickly eat and drink my food and walked out the kitchen grabbing my bento for the fridge.

I walked out my house with the last piece of toast in my mouth when suddenly I bumped into somone my back facing them making drop my toast.

" NOOOOOOO" i dropped near my toast.lookin gn up I seen sakusa " ARE YOU DUMB OR JUST DUMB?!"

" who are you calling dumb ? You bumped into me!!" Sakusa scoffed and continued to walk " your freaking filthy germs are all over me now!"

" I should shove this piece of toast do your throat" I pointed at my toast that was laying on the floor.

I picked it up with two fingers going back into my house to throw it away. When I came back sakusa was still there but with something in his hand.

" what?" I looked at him not wanting to talk since I was hungry"

" shut up and eat this." He passed me a cliff bar.

" no you nasty rat" I started walking but he grabbed my wrist with his shirt. Opening the bar with his other hand.

He literally shoved the bar down my throat. I quickly eat it before choking on it and he put in some hand sanitizer while walking away from me.

* at school*

I told everything to riku and keiko when suddenly. " [Y/n]" I looked up to see the boy from yesterday who offered me sweets.

" hey I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together" Keiko and Riku left while sakusa was walking to his seat.

" I'm sorry but I'm busy eating with someone else today." He looked sad

" really who?" His faced change it was almost scary. "Who is it tell me." He was asking me to know when I suddenly said.

" I'm eating lunch with sakusa" sakusa looked at me so fast. The boy looked at him, and scoffed. And walked towards him.

*sakusa p.o.v*
I was coming from the bathroom and heading to my seat when I seen that. Guy from yesterday talking to [Y/n]. I tried not to listen in but then I heard my name.

" I'm eating lunch with sakusa" uhh no your not who said.

Every one started to stare at me with envy but I kept looking at [Y/n]. The guy came up to me with hate all in his eyes.

" so you think your better then me." He put his hands on my desk.

" get. Off. My. Desk" he looked at me more deeply. I glared at him wanting him to move before his germs got to me.

" no stop talking to [y/n] or else" he stood up straight trying to make himself look taller. I stood up and bend down to his level.

" or else what" he became stiff. " I suggest you get out or else" he left the classroom when I heard my fan girls outside.

"Awww sakusa you looked handsome when mad!" She blew me a kiss while I dodged it.

I turned to [y/n]

" control you boyfriend before I do."

" he's not my boyfriend you electron" she walked to her desks.

"Electrons !!" I went to her " I'm not being negative I'm just telling you to control your pet." She stood up.

" he's not my pet and stop telling me what to do your not my dad" I never wanted to punch someone so bad in my life.

I rolled my eyes at her statement and sat back down to my seat you best believe I'm not eating lunch with a nasty germ near me.

* [Y/n] p.o.v*

Keiko and Riku came back and I had told them everything.

" you should stay away from that guy [y/n] I'm getting an off vibe from him" I nod as well as Riku.

" honestly I'm glad you said sakusa and he played along that could had turned out really bad." Riku said putting his hand on my shoulder. I blushed and he laughed.

"Is our little ace blushing" he patted my head as I pushed his hand away.

" stop I'm not that shorter than you." He laughed and keiko pouted.

" hey why don't I get a patt on the head." Riku looked at her with side eyes.

" because your to short" he laughed and she stood up.

" I'm 5'6 okay ! I'm not that short" I started laughing.

" you barely past the midget mark." She sat her table and started to pout as the teacher walked in giving us a free period.

As the teacher walked away I turn to sakusa and grabbed my bento to go eat with him.

" what ?" He looked at me with confusion.

" we are supposed to be eating lunch together, since lunch is after this I was thinking we can eat and then go practice." Hm titled his head thinking about it.

" sure" he said with a flat expression.

* author p.o.v*

After the two of you guys finished eating it was time for lunch so the both of you decided to go to the gym.

As we were walking down the hall we didn't really speak about anything just enjoying each others silence.

"Omg is that sakusa and [y/n]?" A girl nearby as her friend. " yeah I heard that they were dating." My eyes shot to Thats person and i quickly rolled my eyes.

"Baka" sakusa looked at me. " what wrong [Y/n]?" I looked up to him. " don't worry it's nothing"

We kept walking as people whispered when I had this weird feeling we were being followed. I looked behind us but no one was there. We made it outside I couldn't help but feel this way. I grabbed sakusa forearm making sure I wasn't touching his skin when I ran to find a hiding spot.

I pulled him between two walls that were tight together so of course my chest was pressed against sakusa chest. I looked up at him to meet his gaze. 'Thank god im wearing a mask or she will see me blushing.'

" what are we doing ?" I quickly covered his mouth as I heard someone footsteps coming towards us.

We then heard the person say . "Why would she be with sakusa she is supposed to be with me." I knew that voice I turned my head to which the voice was coming from and seen chocolate boy.

We waited a couple of mins and finally got out of that tight space. I was about to say sorry when suddenly.

" go get me a new mask." I looked at him confused。I know he is not worried about a mask at a time like this.

" your worried about a mask, did you not see what happened I have a stalker." He gave out his usual gaze.

" I honestly don't care go give me a mask, you already threw all of your germs on me at least go get that." He took of his mask mid-sentence and head into the gym.

I ran to the nurses office to get a mask and went back to sakusa. I don't know why I didn't realize it before but he was actually handsome. How tall he was to the two moles above his eye. Or how his hair fell in place every time his spiked.

" take a picture it'll last longer." I rolled my eyes to him and walked over. I past time his masked.

" you should keep your mask off more often, you look handsome." He rolled his eyes.

" simp" I was shock I ain't no simp especially for him.

" I'm not a simp maybe for ushijima but not for you." He looked at me with a glare if seemed like he was jealous. After a while we started to pepper.

* sakusa p.o.v*

Hearing her say she's a simp for ushijima low key makes me mad. Why am I feeling this way for her. I continue to play pepper when it suddenly hit me. I like her...

No she a nasty germ who likes to mess with me there is no way I like her.

" me and my team have an official practice match with shiratorizawa, what about you guys?" I nod at her.

" we have a practice match the same day." We quickly finish hearing the bell ring. We put up the volleyball and started heading back to class.

" you have yours tomorrow?" Duhhh that's what I just said.

" I just said that didn't I ?" She just smiled.

" yeah but I was just making sure dang you big baby."

* [y/n] p.o.v *

" stop calling me that." I shrug my shoulders walking in front of him.

" I'll think about it. No promises though." I quickly ran to keiko who was about to enter the building.

"Where were you at missy?" I shrug my shoulder. " stop playing [Y/n]."

" I was practicing with sakusa" her eyes widen. " I thought we were closer than that why are you lying?"

" I'm not you can even as him yourself." We waited for him to come. "Hey sakusa-San"

" what do you want you germ." I rolled my eyes and keiko smirked not believing me. "Weren't we practicing together?"

" yes now leave me alone." He walked away to class while keiko grabbed my arms shaking them.

" you actually practiced with him ?! Him" she stepped back. " so are the rumors true?! No you would've told me and you have a crush on ushijima an-"

"Shuutt uppppp!" I quickly covered her mouth and people were staring at us. " what rumors are you talking about ?"

" sis the whole school is saying you and sakusa are dating."

" NANI ?!!??" I was shook me and that rat never. " who said this ?"

" I don't know I just heard from some random girl apparently they say you two walking close and holding hands."

" NO ! We were walking to the gym to practice and weren't even close that makes no sense." I started to think.

" sakusa does he know ?" We started heading to class. " and if he does know than he should've brought Down the rumors right ?"

" girl we're talking about sakusa who's knows what's going on inside that mans head." I nod and sat down in my seat debating wether or not I wanted to dig a whole and die or fix it.

Fix it...

After class I quickly walked to sakusa who was almost out the door when I grabbed his forearm again.

"[y/n] you should really stop grabbing my forearm or people will get the wrong idea." He looked around and I seen what he was talking about.

" No it's not like that guys !! We're not dating I swear" sakusa quickly patted my head making the situation worse.

We quickly heard some ohhhs and awww and "they will be such a cute couple." I looked at the ground quickly wanting to crawl in a ball. When some suddenly shouted.

" just admit it we don't mind." I put my hands up in defeat and quickly sad with a smirk so only sakusa could see.

I quickly hug his waist and said " sakusa-Senpai" he looked at me with shook eyes. " they found out, you said if they found out we would have to break up. I'm sorry sakusa I wish they never found out I'll still be here for you. Goodbye." I faked cry and ran to keiko.

When I saw her I quickly grabbed her hand and ran to the girls locker room. I started dying laughing at the fake break up.

" your evil" she started laughing " I wish I caught that on camera. You should really become an actor [y/n]"

" nah I'm too focus on volleyball. Maybe in my next life." She laughed and we started to change into our practice clothes.

*sakusa p.o.v*

"Wow sakusa your so messed up, telling her you will break up." WhAt!!

" how many times do I have to tell you guys !! WE WERENT DATING SHE UP AN ACT!!"

" it's true."Lizuana and Komori walked towards us. " he isn't dating anyone they were just messing with you." The students around us nod and kept going on with their day.

" come on we got practice." We all started walking into the gym. "We are practicing with girls again and then tomorrow with ushijima."

Me and Komori nod.

* y/n p.o.v*

" I was warming up with my serves as keiko was Receiving them." When suddenly someone walked in making us jump.

" [L/n] [Y/n] !!" I turned to see sakusa he looked mad. " come here right now." Without a blink of an eye I took off out the back door.

I was flying but of course him being a little bit taller pulled me up into the air. " listen you nasty germ your going to tell everyone you lied."

You kicked him in his shin and took off running again. 🏃‍♀️💨 he started chasing behind you calling all sorts of names. He was about to grab you again but you juked him causing him to fall in puddle you stop.

"OMG HE NEED SOME MILK.•" you started running around him laughing as he snapped.

" your dead" he started chasing you again and this was playing in your head.

You started laughing at yourself and dropped to the floor almost peeing on yourself. Sakusa quickly picked you and brought you to a muddy puddle.

" oh look a muddy puddle oink" you said while putting on a British accident sounding like peppa pig. He smiled at your remark and then dropped you in it.

" sakusa !!" You grabbed a hand full of mud. And started walking towards him with an evil smirk.

" you better not" he started walking backwards " [y/n] don't you know how many germs there are in that." I started to chase him with the pile of mud in my hand we ran through sprinklers, flowers behind trees. " stop moving you big baby!"

" I'm not a baby" I finally caught up to him and threw the pile of mud on his he quickly ran towards the sprinkler and washed him self off. " you dead come here." I tried running away but slipped due to the water on my shoes and the grass.

He picked you up and brought you to the sprinkler and started almost drowning your. " sakusa !"

You heard him laughing. You guys kept playing in the water like two little kids forgetting about practice. When suddenly.

" [l/n] [y/n] ! And Kiyoomi sakusa" we both turned around our smiles dropping and fear turning to our eyes.

" over here now" we both stand there seeing our coaches and the schools principal. " you are to clean this mess you made before going home and I mean all of it."

We looked around to see muddy footprints everywhere and flowers scattered all over the floor. I looked to the left to see both of our teams laughing at us.

Little did we know they weren't the only ones watching us. We looked around to see basically the whole school with their phones recording us and watching us the whole time. Great. I forgot about after school cleaning today.

" this is your fault." Mee?! I looked at him and he put his mask back on and put on some hand sanitizer. "You shouldn't have ran away."

" well what would you do if someone was trying to kill you? Just stand there and wait for your death?!" He scoffed.

" I wasn't going to kill, while physically I wasn't." He laughed at his remark.

" your weird" he looked at you confused " we got dirty and played with mud but you didn't freak out. Are you a fake germ thingy or something?"

" germophobe. I am not a fake it did bother me but it felt different like when I played volleyball it was fun." He sighed " I did want to fight you though but I seen that there was sprinklers so I calmed down. And you." I looked at Him shocked.

" you looked happy and I didn't want to ruin that." I smiled and punched his shoulder while he glared at me rubbing off the part I punched him.

" your still a Disgusting germ so don't touch me." I smirked and started poking him in different spots.

" Baka stop!" He swatted my hand away and I just laughed.

" i has fun today thanks." He just hummed and we finished cleaning.

To be continued...

Joke of the day: "why does Shakespeare only write in pen? "

Because pencils confuse him 2b or not 2b.

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