Breaking the Rules

By chellebellj

2.2K 183 68

Sadie Prince has a strict set of rules for her dating life in an effort to preserve her independence and prot... More

If it's Not Broke, Don't Fix It
Familial Obligations
The Hamptons Part 1
The Hamptons Part 2
Beaches and Bonfires
Rule #1
The Date
In Da Club
Broken Rules, Open Hearts
Road Trip Part 1
Road Trip Part 2

Girls Night

180 12 3
By chellebellj

Knock knock knock

"Come in!" I hollered from the bathroom. I've learned the hard way that if I don't get my hair and make-up done before the girls come over, there won't be enough time or enough room in my bathroom for all of us to get ready.

Krista and Lauren let themselves in, Krista carrying a bottle of tequila and limes; Lauren carrying our favorite tacos. Yum!

"So how did your call to Mason go this week?" Krista asked as she began cutting the limes.

"About as good as can be expected. He tried to tell me we could slow down, that I didn't have to meet his parents yet if I wasn't ready. I think he really saw a future with me. Which just tells me I made the right decision." I said finishing the final curls to my dark brown hair.

"Well, as long as this is what you want." Lauren said skeptically.

"It is. Now I'm ready to go out and see what other hotties this great city has to offer. Now hand me a taco, I'm starving!

I savored my taco and put the finishing touches on my make-up, applying a subtle nude lipstick, not wanting to draw too much attention away from my smoky eye that makes my green eyes pop. I let Lauren and Krista take over the bathroom to get ready as I went to my closet to pick out my dress. I finally settled on an off-the-shoulder, white mini sweater dress with thigh-high black boots. I'm not one for showing a lot of skin at thr clubs, but I do know how to accentuate my curves.

Krista is the brave one of our group; wearing a black bodycon dress with a handful of strategically placed cutouts leaving little to the imagination. Her blond hair pulled into a high ponytail and sky high stilettos giving her 5 foot frame much needed height.

Lauren and I have a much more similar style. She's opted for a simple pink wrap dress and nude pumps with her light brown hair in loose waves.

We finished getting ready and each took two shots of tequila and we were out the door, hailing a cab to our favorite night club. As we pulled up I noticed that the line to get in was around the block, but thankfully my girls have the hook-up. Lauren and Krista worked with the owner of the club to buy the property, so we can always get in without waiting. It also doesn't hurt that Krista flirts shamelessly with the head bouncer.

We walk in and take a quick scan of the room. The club is already packed with bodies, music drowning out any conversations we hope to have with one another, the smell of liquor heavy in the air. This is just what I needed tonight.

"Well ladies, let's grab a drink and make a round. Maybe we can find an open table." Lauren says, pushing us towards the bar.

We each order a cocktail and make our way to an open table as we watch the gyrating bodies around us. Before long Krista is pulling Lauren onto the dance floor. I decide to hang back and keep an eye on our drinks. I smile as I see my friends moving to the music, attracting the attention of multiple guys attemping to grind on them as they dance with each other.

A sudden tingling sensation erupts on the small of my back from the unexpected presence of a strong, yet gentle hand. The hand is accompanied by the rumble of a deep, seductive voice in my ear that sends shivers through my body. "Can I buy you a drink?"

I turn my head to be met with the most mesmerizing blue eyes I have ever seen. They put me in a trance-like state, I suddenly have no control over my own words. "Yes", I whisper. Shocked he heard me at all. The next thing I know, I'm inviting him to sit with me, forgetting about my friends on the dance floor.

"I'm Trevor and you are?" Extending his strong hand toward me.

"Sadie." I offer my hand and all I can think is how badly I want his hands to touch more than my hand.

Sadie get ahold of yourself. You've never turned into a puddle at the sight of a man and you don't need to start tonight. My subconscious tries to reason with me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sadie." He says. "Why aren't you out there dancing with your friends?"

Reluctantly pulling my hand from his clutches, he sends me a knowing smirk that ignites a fire in my core. One that can only be extinguished by one thing...

Seriously Sadie, get your s**t together, you're 29 years old, not 19!

"I'm not really the dancer of the three of us, plus I'm keeping an eye on our drinks. Can't be too careful these days." I reply, breaking my gaze from his.

"Maybe you just need the right dance partner." He winks, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the table. "Don't worry, I'll buy you and your friends a fresh round of drinks."

And the next thing I know he pulls me into his strong chest, I can feel his pecs pressing firmly against my breasts. He holds me close and places his other arm around my waist barely resting his finger tips on the top of my ass.

I lean into to his ear so he can hear me above the music to point out what I assume is obvious. "You know this is a fast song, right?"

He smiles and leans down, grazing his lips along my ear, "Yes, but if I hold you close, no other guys will dare try to steal you away from me." As he continues to slowly sway our bodies together.

"How can someone steal me away from you, when I don't belong to you?" I asked playfully.

"Yet." He responds with a look that both scares and excites me.

We continue to dance for a number of fast songs, never once speeding up to match the tempo of the music. When a sudden interruption breaks our trance.

Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz

"Uh Trevor...I think your pants are vibrating."

"Shit!" He says pulling a pager from his pocket. "I'm sorry, I've gotta go. It was nice meeting you, Sadie. I hope our paths cross again soon."

"Nice meeting y..." I say to the empty space in front of me previously occupied by Trevor. What just happened? I ask to no one in particular. He's like a ghost, he appears out of no where and before I can process his existence, he's gone.

"Girl, who was that tall drink of water?" Lauren appears with a knowing smirk on her face.

"Trevor, but he got a page and had to leave." I reply with a hint of disappointment in my voice.

"A page!?! Girl, the only people with pagers these days are doctors and drug dealers. You better hope it's not the latter."

"Don't worry, we didn't even exchange numbers or last names. I highly doubt I'll even see him again. Hey, where's Krista?" I asked, scanning the crowd for our friend.

"She was grinding on some dude and bailed to go back to his place. She said she'd fill us in on the juicy details at lunch on Monday." She said with a wink.

"Figures. I'm starting to get a little tired; I'm gonna head home. Wanna share a cab?" I asked holding back a yawn.

"Actually, the owner asked me to sneak back to his office before I leave to discuss locations for a restaurant he wants to open, so I'm gonna stay. I'll see you on Monday, love ya girl." She says pulling me into a hug.

"Love you too, hun. See ya Monday."


Unlocking the door to my apartment, I immediately peel off my boots and change into my NYU t-shirt and wash my face. I fell into bed with images of Trevor filling my mind. His dark brown hair perfectly coiffed, piercing blue eyes and his perfectly kissable lips. Damn! Why didn't I give him my card? Oh well, this is New York, there are plenty of other eligible bachelors out there.

With that final thought, I let sleep overtake me.

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