Lucid Nightmares - Fated Flow...

By WynterReign

599 127 163

"If reality can destroy our dreams, then let our dreams destroy reality." Juliette and Maya were only fourtee... More

Author's Note
Ch 1: Theories Can Blur Your Sanity
Ch 2: Lies to Face the Past
Ch 3: The Girls Restroom
Ch 4: A Date with the Devil
Ch 5: Pancake Reminiscing
Ch 7: Fated to Fall
Ch 8: The Dangers of Self
Ch 9: The War of the Two Brothers
Ch 10: Return to the Stump
Ch 11: The Meeting
Ch 12: Trip to McDonald's
Ch 13: Cold French Fries
Ch 14: Inferno of the Heart
Ch 15: The Shopping Cart Ride
Ch 16: Inside His Mind
Ch 17: Wild in Walmart
Ch 18: Finding Paradise
Ch 19: The Love Hotel
Ch 20: Trouble in Paradise
Ch 21: Becoming His Mind
Ch 22: Entering Delirium
Ch 23: Searching the Crowds
Ch 24: The Performers
Ch 25: Blinded by Wishes
Ch 26: Violent Rose
Ch 27: The Attack
Ch 28: Free Falling
Ch 29: The First Night in the Woods
Ch 30: S'mores for Breakfast
Ch 31: Strangers from Space
Ch 32: Worm Hunting
Ch 33: All Good Things End
Ch 34: Our Friend Jack Daniels
Ch 35: Forbidden Dreams
Ch 36: Fate of the Stars
Ch 37: Diplomats on a Mission
Ch 38: Living Nightmares
Ch 39: As Dusk Fades
Ch 40: End Has Arrived
Ch 41: The Aftermath
Final Author's Note

Ch 6: Darkened Rose Wine

17 2 2
By WynterReign

The scent of sweet pancakes wafts throughout the house. The heavenly aroma feels warm, comforting. I hum quietly as I stretch out on the top part of the couch. My legs hang off one side as I balance on the top. I glance down at Orferio who is sprawled out beneath me.

He gazes up at me with a curious look, running a hand through his black hair. In the darkening shadows of the living room, his olive-toned skin appears gray. He raises an eyebrow at me, looking up and down my body.

"You remind me of a cat," he says playfully.

A soft smile plays at my lips. "I've always felt like a cat. That, or a fox."

"Why's that?"

I think for a moment before shrugging. "I'm quiet, I don't like large crowds, mostly independent... and I manage to fit in places a girl my size shouldn't be able to."

Orferio's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "What kind of places?"

I smile proudly. "Small places. Bookshelves. Cabinets. Under beds. Needless to say, I win almost every game of hide-and-seek. Sometimes people will be staring right at me and never notice."

"I bet I could find you," he challenges a sly smirk causing his lips to curl back.

"Oh?" I question with a lift in my voice. "Why do you say that?"

"You're my lover," he answers smoothly, "I'll always find you."

A blush rises to my cheeks. I make a small noise and cover my face with my hands, "Not fair," I mumble loudly.

Orferio starts laughing. "You're adorable."

I smile awkwardly through my hands, "Ah... you're making this difficult. I blush too easily."

"My love, your blushes are cute," he claims, "they make me happy."

I uncover my face to look down at him. Orferio is smiling wide, his eyes practically sparkling with love and sarcasm.

"Why don't you blush?" I tease, trying to ease away from my awkwardness. "I haven't seen you blush before."

Orferio purses his lips before shrugging. "You have. You must have forgotten."

My curiosity levels skyrocket. Maybe now more than ever, I wish for my memories to return.

"Really? Why? Why did you blush?" I ask excitedly.

Orferio rolls his eyes, "It was an accident, really."

"Was it me? Did I make you blush?"

He smiles to himself. "Maybe."

"Can I take a guess?" I ask without thinking it through.

"Nothing's stopping you, sweetheart." His smile shifts into a smug one, as if he enjoyed keeping it a secret from me.

I open my mouth but nothing comes to mind.

I have no idea what our relationship was before. Were we actually together? Did we ever kiss? Did we ever... do more? Orferio hasn't tried to kiss me yet, but that could be because he's waiting for me to start it. Are we even dating? It certainly sounds like it, but I could be wrong?

"So... be honest with me..." I say instead, "have we ever... you know..." My blush returns. "Kissed?"

Orferio blinks a few times, genuinely surprised. "You don't remember if we did?"

Ashamed, I look away from him. "Yeah. I'm sorry. I don't remember a lot of things..."

"We should probably change that," he mutters to himself.

I raise an eyebrow, looking back down at him. "How?"

Orferio doesn't answer right away. He sucks on his bottom lip for a moment, lost in thought.

"How?" I repeat.

Finally, he sighs and breaks his silence. "There are a few things I should tell you outright instead of waiting. I wanted you to discover your memories for yourself, but some things should be explained now."

"What kind of things?"

"Things like how our world works alongside yours. Power. Magic. Things like that."

My eyes widen with eagerness. "Okay. Tell me," I say as calmly as I can.

"The simple explanation is that my world is in another dimension. There are borderlines between each world, like a fabric, and portals cause it to rip and allow travel between them. Sometimes, these worlds can be interconnected by too many portals or by general closeness to each other. Earth is very disconnected, but there are influences of my world and Others here."

Orferio's eyes narrow with concentration. "This is complicated, but stick with me."

I nod, keeping my interested eyes on him and memorizing every word.

"In almost every world, there is some type of magic. Earth used to be connected with magic and various creatures until it rejected such things. Other worlds, like mine, held onto magic and expanded from it. My world has similar, or even better technology than Earth, but we also use magic to enhance it. We have different creatures, some even influenced your myths like merpeople or fairies. They are only shadows of the real thing, but they existed in some form on Earth."

"All of this to say... my world is much like a fantasy world in your eyes." Orferio's expression softens, "And you loved it. It can be a wonderful place when there's peace."

My mind begins to wander into the realm of daydreams. Faint images of the other world float through my mind. Like mist in the sun, I see the traces of a rainbow wavering in the air.

"I..." His eyes begin to darken as if he were remembering something twisted and dark. "My brother and I have a complicated history, but we have the same sort of powers. Regardless of where they came from, we have the power to do anything. We can control anything. Create whatever we want. It's at the expense of our energy level and how strong we are in the moment, but everything is under our control. We're what you'd call, gods."


He chuckles at my awestruck expression. "It's pretty awesome, isn't it?"

I nod quickly. "It is! I'm so jealous!"

His smile dims. "Magic always comes with a price. It's difficult to control and exhausting, despite our connection with luck."

I stiffen with immediate regret. "Oh. I'm sorry."

He smiles reassuringly. "That's alright. You didn't know. It's why I'm explaining."

"So, you can do, like, anything? Anything in the world?"

"Anything, sweetheart."

"Can you show me? I mean. Something small." I shake my head, "I don't want you to strain yourself or anything... you don't have to show me if you don't want to."

Orferio laughs loudly, smiling like the Devil, and snaps his finger.

The living room falls away leaving us suspended in a pitch-black void. I scream as my stomach drops, the sensation of falling jumpstarting my heart. Orferio catches me bridal style in his arms, grinning, and holds me close to his chest. I gape at him at a total loss for words.

Orferio studies the dark sky above us before nodding as if he were allowing something.

Out of nothingness, a stream of honey gold light pours from the sky. It floods into the empty place before turning into a blinding light. I bury my head into Orferio's chest, squeezing my eyes shut.

A breeze rushes over my skin like a ghostly hand. I shiver and cuddle closer to Orferio, feeling oddly safe in his strong arms.

"It's alright," he whispers, "you can open your eyes now. See what I made for you."

My heart skips a beat. He made it for me?

Hesitantly, I open my eyes and welcome in the new light. My breath is caught in my lungs. My eyes slowly widen before lighting up with unadulterated excitement.

We are standing in an entirely new room.

Scarlet curtains hang from the high ceiling, pooling on the white marble floors. The ceiling is painted with silver moonlight with flickering stars inlaid in the paint. Ivory pedestals line the edges of the room displaying carvings of ravens mid-flight and elegant designs. Velvet couches of every shape and make fill the room, all taking on a deep red tone. Mirrors are hung on each wall, laced with lush roses and thorns to curl around each blossoming bud.

At the center of the room, a large chocolate brown coffee table with a fainting couch and loveseat closest to it. The table overflows with delicious desserts, some surreal in their beauty. A silver tray holds a pyramid of salted caramel apples. Perfectly square chocolates filled with cream and decorated with dark sprinkles and zig-zagged frosting of red and white sits at the edge of the table. I recognize freshly-powdered cannolis, thick waffles drizzled with syrup and various fruits and treats, and a pile of chocolate-covered strawberries. Two elegant wine glasses sitting next to a bottle, similar to the wine Orferio offered earlier, with a seductive red bow tied around the neck of the bottle.

I think I stopped breathing.

Orferio chuckles, "Do you like it?"

I continue to gape at the heavenly scene. Is this real? How did he do this? I know he said he could do anything, but this is beyond what I had imagined.

"This—, this is so amazing. Where are we? Did you teleport us? Did you create this out of nowhere?"

"It's anywhere we want it to be," he replies cryptically, winking. "It can be anything. Feel free to doubt reality with me, sweetheart." He lifts his head with pride, "I have the power to bend reality to my will. It does what I want."

I slip out of Orferio's arms to look around the wondrous room. I begin to touch the couches to see if they are real. My fingers brush over the velvet fabric confirming this is real. Behind a couch, I notice a beautiful fireplace with a roaring fire. The scent of warm smoke and salted caramel fills my nose. I sigh happily and soak in the sight of the seductive room.

"This is... this is beyond logic..."

Orferio gives me a crooked smile. "Most of what I do goes beyond logic." He flops back onto a couch and begins to eat off the cannoli plate. He bites into the burrito-shaped desert causing frosting to spill out from both ends. He licks it off his fingers before smiling, content with his creation.

"This is so amazing," I say in awe. "I wish—," I cut myself short.

"What?" he asks, his eyes glittering with curiosity. "Say the word and I'll give it to you."

I shake my head. "No, not that. I almost wished I had your power... I know you said it was hard to control, and more of a burden than anything. But..."

"I never said it was a burden," Orferio comments.

"You made it sound like... it was."

"All powers come with a price, like most things in life. It's no big deal. Why do you want my power?"

"You can make dreams into a reality," I explain wistfully. "If I could do that... I'd be happier."

Orferio raises an eyebrow as his hand finds another cannoli. "You think you'd be happier?"

"I always wished for fantasy to be a reality," I admit, tracing my hand along the mirror frame. My reflection is exhausted. Disheveled. My cheekbones are sharper, more visible than before. The dark circles around my eyes are dark as bruises. I can't believe I let myself go like this. "It'd be a different world, but I'd be happier. And I think others would be too. If I had the power to change things, I think I could make the world a better place."

Orferio smiles warmly. "You're so innocent, Juliette. It's very sweet you think that."

I mask my grimace and turn away from the mirror. Plenty of people have called me innocent before. I'm sure it's meant to be endearing and cute, so why don't I like the way Orferio said it?

Orferio doesn't miss a beat.

"What's wrong?" he asks worriedly.

I shake my head. "It's nothing."

His eyes narrow as he studies me closely. Then his eyes widened in realization. "You don't like it when I call you innocent?"

How did you know?

I brush a lock of my hair behind my ear. I look back at the mirror and make a feeble attempt to fix my appearance. "I'm called innocent all the time. But it doesn't feel right when you say it."

It's like you doubt me, just like everybody else. I thought he'd take me seriously.

If I held the title of Chosen One before, shouldn't I be able to do the things I'm talking about? Maya and I saved their world before, doesn't that mean we are strong enough to turn our own dreams into a reality?

"It's a compliment," Orferio clarifies, "I know you're strong enough to take over the world." His gaze falls on me once again, sharp and brighter than before. "I don't underestimate you, Juliette."

I blink at him in surprise. "I never said..." I trail off.

Orferio flashed me a smile. "I'm all-powerful, sweetheart. I can read minds."

My jaw slacks.

He bursts out laughing, sinking deep into the couch. "You swear so confidently in your head."

I blush fiercely, turning away from him. Ashamed of my own thoughts, I cover my face as if I could hide from his power. "Don't do that," I complain, "you should have told me."

Orferio shrugs, "I don't see the big deal. You usually say what's on your mind anyways."

I grimace and close my eyes, as if to block him out, "You should have told me. Please don't do that."

"It was only for a few seconds," he offers, half-apologetically. "Though I don't see the problem in it. You're not hiding anything from me so why worry?"

"It's just weird," I argue.

He shrugs and says nothing else on the matter.

"Anyways... I guess I thought I had the power to change things for the better."

"It's arrogant to say your way is the best," Orferio comments, "you're walking a thin line."

I shoot him a pointed look. "And you think you're above that?"

Orferio raises an eyebrow. "I never said that. I'm just talking about how much we have in common."

My face flushes with shame. "It seems like we're both prideful people."

He flicks his wrist to the side. "Anybody who says pride is a flaw failed at becoming what they dreamed of being. Pride is becoming successful. It's knowing you're going to win and then winning. To say somebody is prideful is to be jealous."

"I don't think that's how it works..."

"Then you haven't experienced real pride."

"If anything, I've spent the majority of my life without pride," I admit with a sigh. "I'm usually insecure about everything. In all reality, a bit of pride would be healthy for me."

Orferio reaches over the table and begins eating a chocolate-covered strawberry. He bites into it as he makes eye contact with me as if he were intentionally trying to make me blush. I hear the chocolate shell crack softly under his teeth.

I swallow hard and focus on the mirror again.

I swear he's doing it on purpose.

"Why don't you join me?" Orferio asks, gesturing to the spot next to him.

I'm tempted but I don't know if I'd be able to enjoy myself.

I shake my head as I run my finger through a lock of my already frizzy hair. I frown at its stubbornness and try to twist it back into a bun.

"Relax, Jules. You don't need to be so worked up," Orferio yawns and eats another strawberry. "You won't get another chance like this. From here on out, we're going to be on the run."

"Does that mean we're going back tonight?"

"It depends." Orferio stretches his legs out and lays on the couch. "Even if we don't, I'll have to return at some point. Why don't you take advantage of this?"

"He's right, you know."

I yawn widely and cover my mouth with my wrist. It all depends on tonight. Maya could show up at the Stump. I'd have to explain everything to her and prove the other world exists. Then what?

Orferio said he came through a portal meaning we can go back. I just need to find the book, first. What do we do there? Orferio... is the villain we had to defeat. Is he technically defeated right now or gathering his strength? Does that mean I have to fight him again?

He said he was on my side, but that doesn't mean his conquest for power is over.

And what if Maya doesn't want to go back? What if she gets upset again? What if she thinks Orferio is evil? There's always the chance she might like him, but I am not sure why that idea makes me feel uncomfortable. I'd like her to be able to get along with him, just not... too well.

No, shut up. You can't think like that. Orferio isn't yours to claim. He has a choice.

I catch Orferio staring at me again. His gaze falls below my face before slowly looking up and down my body.

I tilt my head at him, "What? You find something interesting down there?"

Orferio stifles a laugh and waves me off. "Just seeing what changed."

I scowl, "Don't be creepy. I already think you're a pervert. Besides, how would you know what changed?"

Orferio smiles crookedly. "Trust me, I'd know." His eyes glitter with dirty mischief. "Sorry-not sorry, sweetheart, but did you think our relationship was nothing but staring at each other?"

My eyes widen with panic.

Orferio bursts out laughing, sitting up sharply. "Oh, I guess we weren't that far ahead. Don't worry, love, you're still pure."

I blush fiercely and walk to the other side of the room. "Shut up!"

He's cackling now as if this were the most hilarious thing he's ever heard.

"Shut up," I repeat as I glare over my shoulder.

"Relax," he urges again. He leans over the table and grabs the bottle of wine. "Here, this will help."
"I won't drink."

"Sip. I can feel your anxiety from here. This was your favorite wine." He pops the top off with ease and pours a glass for me, ignoring my protest. He offers it out to me with a soft smile. My heart melts at the sight of it. "One sip can't hurt."

I hesitate, staring hard at the elegant glass. The dark liquid smells of fresh roses and chocolate. It's tempting, but I really shouldn't...

"Bevi fino in fondo, amore mio," Orferio purrs with a gorgeous smile.

My heart might pound out of my chest. "Is that Italian?"

Orferio nods and offers the glass again. "You mentioned you liked the language. I've been practicing for you."

I blush again, "You didn't have to do that."

"I did it because I love you." He winks, "So do me a favor and take a drink."

I take the glass without thinking.

This boy is not only dangerous for his power, but he's also seductive and everything I ever wanted. The power to bend reality to his will. He promises dreams and paradise. I've fallen so hard for him it's difficult to imagine him as my enemy.

He doesn't feel real. None of this feels real anymore. It's as if this were all an illusion and any minute I'd wake up in my bed and drag myself to school. Today all of my dreams came true. The existence of the other world was confirmed, a boy is actually flirting with me, and I am eating any dessert I could dream of.

I stare into the glass, admitting the shine of the wine underneath the warm light. I sniff it carefully and reassure myself that one sip won't kill me.

Orferio raises his own glass, "To new beginnings."

I smile shyly. "To know you again."

We clink our glasses together and take a drink.

Bitterness sears my tongue as if it had been burned. It simmers in my mouth as if it were fire. I cough shortly and force myself to swallow back the burning liquid. Small tears fill my eyes but I turn my head away from Orferio to hide it. Like a slap to the face, the seductive yet familiar flavor appears.

I taste velvet roses, laced with smoke and chocolate. The sweet sensation causes my tongue to tingle with pleasure. I exhale slowly and stare into the glass in shock.

Orferio chuckles at my reaction. "It's not like your wine, I can tell you that."

"Definitely not."

I take another drink, wishing to taste roses again only to be greeted with bitterness. I swallow weakly and wait a few seconds until the aftertaste returns. "It's very good," I say thoughtfully. "At first, it's bitter but the aftertaste draws you in for another taste," I explain lightheartedly.

It's like a poisonous love. Bitter in the beginning but draws you in for its sweet seduction. The warm feeling will fade and disappear too soon. You'll find yourself begging for it once more only to taste its sourness for one moment of pleasure. A never-ending cycle of dread and happiness.

Orferio raises an eyebrow, "You always said it was symbolic."

I nod as I raise my glass to the light. "It's like a toxic addiction," I say. My head begins to spin from the powerful wine.

"It's just like your obsession with the other world but God forbid you ever admit it."

"Juliette, I was wondering... what have you been doing here? I've been wondering this for a while now. What did you do when you returned from my world?"

I lower my glass and scowl into it. "Nothing worth mentioning. In fact, I'd rather not talk about it."

Orferio sips his wine carefully, not breaking his gaze. "You didn't kill anyone, did you?" A smirk tugs at his lips.

I laugh dryly. "No, nothing like that."

"Then what?"

I drain the rest of my drink and set it on the table. I sink into the spot next to Orferio and lean my head back to stare at the wondrous ceiling. "I thought about how horrible this world is," I admit bitterly. "I missed your world with everything in me. I wanted to return to become something more than I am."

"You're everything and more," Orferio comments.

I shake my head. "Not like that. In your world... I was a hero. I had a purpose. Now everything feels mundane. Boring. As if none of this had meaning." I look at him through the corner of my eye. "I might have destroyed myself in the process, but I hardly care anymore. It paid off in the end, didn't it?"

Orferio's deep blue eyes darken. "I'm worried you might be giving my world too much credit. Every reality has its flaws. My world is no exception."

I scoff. "It has to be better than here," I claim. "I remember being happy there. I remember..." My eyes widen as warmth spreads throughout my body. I yawn once again and sink lower into the comfy couch. "I felt free. Free to be anything and do anything. I could change the world... I was their Chosen One."

"Again, I think you're romanticizing my world." Orferio hands me another glass, filled to the brim with wine. I take it gingerly and begin gulping it down, suddenly thirsty.

I reach the bottom of the glass within a minute. I cough briefly and giggle to myself. The warmth inside my body begins to swirl through my limbs. I feel lighter, freer by the amount of alcohol I drank. I stare up at the ceiling and hand Orferio the glass, gesturing for him to pour another; I don't care if I'm underage right now. I'm in Orferio's world, not mine.

"I could rule the world if I wanted to," I explain cheerfully. My eyes begin to burn with passion, with desire for the power I once held. "I could do whatever I wanted. Nobody could touch me. If I couldn't reach the sky, then I'd make the sky fall down. The universe was at our fingertips, and it was stolen from us the moment we came through that portal."

I blush to myself and glance at Orferio beside me. "There's nobody else but you who would understand that."

Orferio stares at me as if he were rethinking something. His eyes knit together causing his brow to form a worried line.

I wonder what he thinks of my musings. I wonder if he's heard them before. If we're truly lovers, maybe he understands where I'm coming from. Maybe it's the first time he's heard me speak of my darker thoughts in such a blunt manner.

Maybe I'm a different Juliette now.

Right now, this Juliette is the one broken by reality and finally rose from the ashes. The ones who set her aflame are long gone are unable to witness such a miraculous twist of fate. This Juliette feels freed. Alive with passion to change the world. If I return to the other world, I can finally be who I am.

I can be special. People will want me. They'll accept me.

"Who's 'we'?"

I pause and think it over before shrugging. "Dunno. But it feels like I'm a 'we' sometimes."

"Is she... another part of you?" Orferio asks, strangely serious.

"More than he'll ever know."

"Probably," I answer with a shrug. "Most of the time it's just me," I giggle, "sometimes she tells me things. Just another conscience to fuel my anxiety."

My phone buzzes in my pocket, tickling my thigh. I giggle louder and pull out my phone. I don't recognize the number so I let it go to voicemail. "Stupid scammers," I mutter.

"Look at me," Orferio says sternly. "Just... listen, okay?"

I look at him and begin to see sparks of light danced in the corners of my eye. A soft touch begins to drag across my heart. Taunting me. I could feel a smile spread inside my mind as if somebody else was there. Watching through my eyes.

"Don't listen to her," he warns, "she isn't what you think. She's isn't you, she's a monster. I knew you girls had Others, but many of them can't be trusted. If she's telling you to do something, don't do it until you talk to me."

I blink at him, completely lost.

He stares deep into my eyes, beginning to lean closer to me. "Your Other is dangerous, Juliette."

"But... she's... there's no other..."

"You're drunk right now. I'll explain it when you're sober."

I nod slowly, unsure if I want to have that talk. "Are you afraid of me?" I ask suddenly.

He sighs loudly and leans back into the couch. He rubs half his face before shaking his head. "You had me worried, but no I could never be afraid of you." He smirks, "I wasn't afraid of you when you tried to assassinate me. Trust me, sweetheart, it'll take a lot more than drunk rambling about power to scare me away."

I grumble and wrap my arms around myself. "I'm not that drunk."

"Besides, you're not looking to rule the world," Orferio chuckles, looking off to the side. "That's probably the last thing you want."

"Why?" I ask confusedly.

"You'd become stressed out when people don't listen to you," he answers with a snort. He smiles playfully, "You hate it when people ignore you and that's how people treat their leaders."

I mull it over inside my fuzzy head. "Yeah... that does make sense..."

"And if you ruled the world, when could you be free? Ruling the world is just another cage. You'd be trapped by rules again. If you really want to be free, just leave the world behind and go somewhere else."

My vision blurs. A sharp pain travels through the back of my head, spreading down my spine like lightning. I jerk violently and slump back against the couch. I gasp for breath, panicking. "Orferio," I plead quickly, "Or—, I can't—"

A hand wraps around my throat. I shriek loudly, tossing my head backward. The pain spreads faster. The hand slips under my skin. Taunting me.

"Don't listen to him. You're more than you know. You can rule this world. He fears your power. He knows you can do it."

"Juliette!" Orferio shoots to his feet, taking aim at my body with outstretched hands. "Hold on! Keep fighting her! Don't let her take control!"

I hiccup loudly. I claw at my tight throat, gasping and kicking my legs. I throw myself off the couch, rolling onto the floor.

What's happening? What's going on?

"It's my turn."

Orferio's hands begin to glow with dark blue light. His eyes darken to the color of tar with enough rage to rival Hades. Shadows begin to crawl across the once beautiful room. The images on the pillars begin to shift and turn into scenes of tragedy and war. The red of the room bleeds out before darkening to a scab color.

I stare up at Orferio, terrified.

My heart slams up into my throat as his hands disappear in the light. Orferio locks his jaw, concentrating hard on me.

Darkness swims in my vision making it difficult to see him clearly. My eyes begin to roll back into my head. My body is weak. The whispering in my head grows louder, fiercer with energy.

Who are you? What do you want? I ask internally.

"I am in need of your power, little fox. Soon we will gather our Others and create an ultimate being. We will be complete. We won't have to live as shattered anymore."

"Get out!" Orferio shouts fiercely. "Get out of her head!"

I whimper and hide my head inside my arms. I press my face against the floor, breathing hard.

I don't want to. Go away.

"You're a fool, Juliette. He will only hold you back from your true potential. Join me in becoming One. Aureliana is our true name. We can rule this universe together."

I. don't. want. to. I am blinded by a flash of blue light. The floor sways underneath me. My eyes roll back into my head. The taste of burning roses lingers in my mouth before I fall deep into darkness.

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