|Red ➼ Fred Weasley|

By yoongicated

49.8K 1.5K 2.9K

❝You know, you should dye your hair red.❞ ❝Er... why?❞ ❝So it'll match that fiery personality of yours.❞ ❝Or... More

└─»i n t r o d u c t i o n
└───»p a r t : 1
└────» p r o l o g u e
➼chapter 1; letters and freckles
➼chapter 2; tickets and squeals
➼chapter 3; floo powder and snow globes
➼chapter 4; trekking and tripping
➼ chapter 5; flustered and flirting
➼chapter 6; quidditch and visions
➼chapter 7; figures and fires
➼chapter 8; dark marks and dragon scars
➼chapter 9; dominos and ponytails
➼chapter 10; train rides and water balloons
➼chapter 11; mad-eyes and tournaments
➼chapter 12; schedules and predictions
➼chapter 13; curses and dark forces
➼chapter 14; quiet whispers and late-night snacks
➼chapter 15; red hair and mood rings
➼chapter 16; charms and lockets
➼chapter 17; handstands and hazy signs
➼chapter 18; beaubaxtons and durmstrang
➼chapter 19; goblets and surprises
➼chapter 20; seers and uncertainties
➼chapter 21; libel badges and hard hits
➼chapter 22; detentions and lessons
➼chapter 23; articles and bookstores
➼chapter 24; stupid books and suspicious sources
➼chapter 25; fiery dragons and orange peels
➼chapter 26; chaotic parties and moon globes
➼chapter 27; announcements and excitement
➼chapter 28; broken hearts and ball dates
➼chapter 29; swans and lions
➼chapter 31; formal dances and missed chances
➼chapter 32; black lakes and golden eggs
➼author's note :)

➼chapter 30; sparkling and dazzling

804 30 72
By yoongicated

Author's Note: Please read :)

Hi, lovelies! So, as I said before, after the next chapter, I will be revising this book because I'm personally not satisfied with it. I haven't decided if I'll continue posting new chapters while I edit, but if it takes a long time, I will definitely write new ones. The revision will include:

-Fixing grammatical error (because there are a LOT)
-Editing any other mistakes
-Scene changes (not too many) so that future events won't seem sudden or random
-Gif changes (because they aren't aesthetic enough for me 😤)
-Playlist changes (because the songs I have right now don't apply to the story as much as I'd like them to)

I will also add two new chapters to the beginning!! This includes:
-A prologue
-An Act 1/ Epigraph
-A lots of new characters to the introduction chapter because otherwise, they'll seem extremely random when I introduce them

I haven't even gotten to the main part of this story yet. Sixth year is pretty much fluff, but once the end of seventh arrives and so on... oh lord things will get DRAMATIC.

So sorry for the essay up there, but comment, vote, tell me what you think of the story so far! (If you'd like, of course :)

Now onto the chapter~


Serena awoke on Christmas morning with a feeling of dread. Not once in her life had she ever felt this bummed on Christmas. The Yule Ball would be happening that night, and Serena hasn't even looked at her dress, still somewhat debating if she should attend or not.

As she trudged toward the Great Gall for breakfast, she looked around at all of the beautiful decorations, hoping it would make her feel better. The Hogwarts staff seemed determined to show the castle at its best this Christmas, wanting to impress visitors from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. They were the most stunning she had yet seen inside the school. Everlasting icicles had been attached to the bannisters of the marble staircase; the usual twelve Christmas trees in the Great Hall were bedecked with everything from luminous holly berries to real, hooting, golden owls, and the suits of armour had all been bewitched to sing carols whenever anyone passed them.

Serena always loved Christmas, and the pure beauty of the castle did make her feel slightly better. She plopped down at the Ravenclaw table beside Magnolia and Ramona, pouring herself a small bowl of cereal. "Well, looks like today is the day."

Ramona had the biggest smile on her face. "Yes, I can't wait! It'll be amazing!"

Serena swirled the cheerios around in the milk. "Honestly, I don't know if I should have said yes to Timothée, I'm not in the mood for a ball at all, and it would only be unfair to him." The girl looked up at Ramona with a hopeful glint in her eyes. "Say, Mona, we've got loads of homework to do over the holidays, don't you think it best if I got a head start on it tonight?"

Magnolia stared at the curly-haired girl. "Never thought I see the day when Serena wants to do homework. Wow, you must be desperate."

"You know what," Ramona said indignantly, "homework is completely and utterly irrelevant. We are all going to the ball and having a wonderful time."

"Now Ramona's calling homework irrelevant?" Magnolia laughed. "The Yule Ball really got you two acting like each other."

"Oh, shove off, Magnolia," said Serena. Just then, someone came up behind her, tapping on Ravenclaw's shoulder.

Magnolia turned to see Iyla Mallard standing behind her. "Hey, it's the birthday girl!"

"Finally turned three, huh? Somehow I don't think the terrible two phase is over just yet," Serena said, to which Iyla flicked her forehead.

"Oh, happy birthday Iyla!" Ramona smiled at the girl when she saw her. "I've actually got you something."

The fourth-year grinned as Ramona pulled out a small box from her robes. "Thank you so much, Mona!" She eagerly opened the box, pulling out a purple gel pen.

"It's not much, but I know you love to write in that diary of yours, so I thought you'd like another Muggle pen since quills require a lot of ink."

"And I bewitched it so that when you think of a colour you want to write with, and the ink will turn to that colour!" Magnolia added.

"And it's in purple, my favourite colour! Thank you, guys!" Iyla turned to her sister, a playful eyebrow raised. "So, where's my present?"

Serena shrugged. "At the shop. Where it'll probably stay. Oh, Ramona, don't look so shocked. We never get each other gifts on our birthdays."

Iyla nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we can't be bothered. Too much work, really." She turned to Magnolia. "Anyways, I came over here because George wants to talk to you."

Ramona and Serena watched curiously as Magnolia stood up from her seat, walking back with Iyla. Once the brunette reached the Gryffindor table, George quickly stood and jogged over to her. "Hey, Magnolia!"

The Ravenclaw looked unimpressed. "I haven't finished my breakfast, so make this quick, George."

"Well, we never finished our talk the other day-"

"Because you interrupted me."

The ginger chuckled. "Right, well, you said Serena wasn't going with Pretty Boy Diggory. But she is."

"What? No, she isn't. Mona's going with Diggory. Why would you think he would go with Rena, anyway?"

Goerge didn't answer, but instead asked another question. "So if she isn't going with him, who's she going with?"

Magnolia patted the boy's shoulder in mock sympathy, a sly smile on her lips. "Did Fred tell you to ask me on his behalf? Sorry, Georgie, but it isn't my business to tell. Maybe, and I'm just suggesting here, Fred could man up and ask her himself?"

George frowned, shaking his head. "He says Serena's mad at him."

"Well, he is correct. But he's got to sort it out with her sooner or later. Let's hope he chooses the former."


For the rest of the day, the three girls spent their time either playing a few games of Exploding Snaps in the Great Hall or strolling the snowy grounds, though Serena thought it would be funny to throw a snowball at Magnolia's face.

The brunette narrowed her sharp blue eyes at the giggling Gryffindor. "Oh, you're on." With a chuckle, Ramona sat on the snow and watched her two friends chuck snowballs at each other in sheer determination. It wasn't until Serena accidentally hit Ramona that the Hufflepuff stood, grabbing a handful of snow for herself.

"Okay, you two are both going down."

At five o'clock, once it became hard to aim properly due to their frozen fingers, the trio retreated back into the warm castle. "Well, I think it's about time to get ready for the ball!" Ramona cheered.

"Er... we've got three hours, Mona," Serena said, eyeing the excitable Hufflepuff.

Magnolia rolled her eyes. "And apparently we need every minute of it."

"Precisely," grinned Ramona. "Alright, I'll get my things from my common room, you get yours, Serena, and we'll meet at the Ravenclaw tower."

"Okay, just crash at my place then," Magnolia said as she followed Serena up the marble staircase. When the curly-haired girl glanced at her, Magnolia merely shrugged. "I'm not waiting outside the common room for you two, so might as well check out where you lions lounge around."

Serena laughed, and after climbing up several flights of stairs, the pair finally reached the Gryffindor common room. The Fat Lady was sitting in her frame with her friend Violet from downstairs, both of them extremely tipsy, empty boxes of chocolate liqueurs littering the bottom other picture.

Serena sighed in annoyance. "Fairy lights."

"Lairy fights, that's the one!" she giggled, swinging forward to let them inside. The Fat Lady suddenly paused. "Wait, I haven't seen you before."

Violet pointed her glass at Magnolia. "A Ravenclaw, that one is."

"Well spotted," the brunette said flatly as she climbed through the hole after Serena. When she emerged in the common room, Magnolia's eyes widened slightly. "Wow, it's erm... extremely red."

Serena nodded proudly. "My favourite colour." She led her friend up the girl's dormitory, which was the most chaotic Serena had ever seen. Girls were running back and forth and into every room, looking for an extra hair clip or a bottle of perfume to borrow.

Suddenly, Hermione came out of the fourth year's room, barreling toward the pair. "Hi, Serena and Magnolia- wait, Magnolia?"

"Hey, mini-Mona."

Hermione shook her head, not really bothering to ask why a Ravenclaw was in the Gryffindor tower. "Serena, your sister told me you have an extra bottle of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion? Is it alright if I can borrow it?"

Serena shrugged. "Sure! I've got two, actually." The girl glanced at Hermione as they entered her dorm. "I see you're all dressed up for the ball, Hermione. Blue is a pretty colour on you."

Magnolia nodded. "I bet Ron will be surprised. Say, who are you going with?"

The fourth-year blushed, patting down her bushy brown hair. "Thank you! Oh, erm... I-I'm going with Viktor Krum."

The two sixth years froze, staring down at Hermione in shock, though Magnolia seemed more impressed. "Hogwarts Champion and Quidditch legend. Nice job, Hermione."

"Still lost the World Cup, didn't he?" Serena mumbled under her breath. She handed Hermione the hair potion, inspecting her wild waves. "I've always liked your natural hair, just so you know."

Hermione smiled and thanked her once again before leaving the dorm. "So, aren't Angelina and Alicia your roommates? Why aren't they here?" asked Magnolia.

As if on cue, the dorm room opened up to reveal the two Gryffindor chasers, covered in snow. They both smiled at Serena and Magnolia, though looking at the latter curiously. "Hey, you two! Are you getting dressed here, Magnolia?" Alicia politely asked.

"Erm.... no. She just came with me to get my dress," Serena awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. "I'll be at the Ravenclaw tower."

"Oh," Angelina frowned slightly as she pulled out her own purple dress, laying it across her bed.

"Yeah... I'll be waiting in your exceptionally scarlett common room," said Magnolia, slipping out of the room. Serena quickly opened her trunk and pulled out the unopened package her mother had sent her. She was so close to the door when Angelina spoke.

"Serena... are you mad at me for something?" The curly-haired girl froze, slowly turning around to face Angelina and Alicia staring right back at her. "Because... you aren't very subtle when ignoring someone."

Alicia nodded. "You can't really control your emotions, and they show on your face."

Serena couldn't look at her friends any longer, instead, focused on her shoes. She felt terrible. She was so mad that the person she may have some feelings for asked someone else as their date to the ball. And she took it out on Angelina.

Angelina walked toward Serena, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I don't know what I've done that made you mad, but can you at least talk to me about it? I didn't want to say anything before, but I don't fancy going to this ball knowing you hate me."

Serena snapped her head up with wide eyes. "I don't hate you! I could never! Why in the world would you think that?"

"Maybe because you ignored her since the day we were revising our Potions essay?" Alicia said before she suddenly paused. "Wait a minute." Angelina and Serena both looked at the short-haired brunette in confusion.

"That was the day Fred asked Angelina to the ball," -Serena inhaled sharply- "and the only reason you ignored Angelina was because... you like Fred! Don't bother trying to deny it, Serena, I've already pieced it all together."

Alicia was quite proud of herself, while Angelina looked crestfallen. "Oh, Serena! I'm so sorry, but you never told me! Well, I can assure you, we're just going as friends. I don't like Fred in any way! Well... of course I like him, but not like that! Not like that at all!"

Serena immediately shook her head. "No, don't apologize. I was being stupid, and jealous, and irrationally angry, and... and I should never have taken it out on you." The girl pulled Angelina into a hug. "I'm really sorry, Angelina. I was so mean, for no reason and-"

"Oh, shush up, girl. I've known you and your temper for six years. I may have been upset earlier, but it's all good now."

Alicia sniffed, wrapping her arms around her fellow chasers. "Aw, look at us. Being all mushy and talking about our feelings."

Serena pulled away. "Yeah, that's when the group hug comes to an end." Looking at her friends, she walked over to the door. "Well, have fun at the ball!"

Skipping down the steps, Serena met with Magnolia and left the Gryffindor common room, headed towards the Ravenclaw tower. When they finally arrived they found Ramona sitting at the top of the staircase, waiting for them. "Took you two long enough. I was beginning to think you'd already gone inside."

"Sorry about that," said Magnolia, striding up to the eagle-shaped knocker. Serena's eyes widened as the bronze eagle suddenly came to life, eyes opened and wings spread.

"I am the beginning of the end, the end of every place. I am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space. What am I?"

Magnolia glanced at her two friends. "I know you lot are used to simple memorization to get into your common rooms but want to give it a shot?" Serena raked her brain for any possible answer but was completely clueless. It seemed Ramona didn't come to a conclusion, either, as she shook her head. Magnolia turned back to the eagle, answering, "The letter E."

Just like that, the door swung open, revealing a wide, circular room with arched windows, blue and bronze silks hanging from the walls. The midnight blue carpet was covered in stars, which was reflected on the domed ceiling. "And you said my common room was too red, but this is too blue," said Serena.

"No wonder your a Ravenclaw, Nolie. This room really suits you!" Ramona said cheerfully, entering the room.

"Hey, Luna!" Magnolia called out to a blonde girl with silvery-coloured eyes, twirling around in a green dress in a corner.

"Oh, hi Magnolia and Magnolia's friends," the girl greeted in a floaty voice.

"Who was that?" asked Serena.

"Luna Lovegood, a third-year. A bit strange, but really sweet." Serena nodded as they entered the girl's dorm room for sixth years. "Hey, Hazel and Amina. You two look beautiful!" The two Ravenclaw girls smiled brightly. Hazel Stickney wore a short pink dress that matched the pink highlights in her blonde hair, while Amina Qureshi wore a sparkly grey dress that reflected her eyes.

Ramona and Magnolia began trying on their dresses, fixing up their hair, and applying on whatever Muggle makeup Ramona had in her bag. Serena flopped down on Magnolia's bed, staring at the dark blue ceiling. She figured since it was only six o'clock, she could perhaps sleep for an hour and get ready at seven? She had woken up way too earlier, and the satin covers were rather soft, and besides, she could be ready in five minutes-

"Serena! What are you laying down for?" Ramona's shrill voice caused the Gryffindor to jerk upwards. The Hufflepuff yanked on her arm. "We're supposed to be getting ready, not sleeping!"

"All I need to do it put on my dress and boom! Ready!"

Magnolia wrapped an arm around Serena. "You wanted to go to the ball with Fred, right?"


"But you're going with Timothée instead, no?"

"What are you trying to say, Magnolia?"

The brunette chuckled. "I'm trying to boost your confidence, something I didn't know until recently could ever falter." Magnolia ripped open Serena's package, pulling out a beautiful red dress. She gently guiding Serena to stand in front of a mirror. "Sure, you aren't going with the guy you wanted. But Timothée is really nice, and pretty hot, too. And what better way to show Fred what he's missing than to doll you up?"

"Exactly," said Ramona. "By the time we're done with you, Serena, Fred will have his eyes on you the entire night. Jealously isn't one way, you know."

Serena looked down at the burgundy-haired girl. "You sound like me. Who are you and what have you done with Ramona?"

"It's the ball, darling. Changed her, drastically. Or maybe it was Cedric," Magnolia said before turning to one of her roommates. "Hey, Amina, Hazel, do you think you can help my friend out? We've got to dazzle her up so her crush will finally realise how much of an idiot he's being."

The two girls looked at each other before grinning. "I've got the hair," said Amina.

"And I've got the make-up." Hazel cracked her knuckles. "Let's get to work."


Serena couldn't believe it. As she stared at herself in the mirror, five minutes before eight o'clock, she was too shocked to speak. Serena actually looked good.

The blood-red dress fit her perfectly, ending just above her knees. A v-neck with a flower design ran from one side to the other, complimenting her heart-shaped locket. Serena's usual mess of curls was straightened out, her dark brown hair flowing elegantly down her back.

Magnolia looked just as pretty. Her deep blue dress decorated with little stars, a velvet sort-of cape draped over her shoulders. Her light brown hair was tied in a high ponytail, piercing blue eyes highlighted by her darker eyeshadow. Ramona was absolutely stunning as well. She wore a shimmering yellow dress that matched her equally bright smile. Her burgundy-coloured hair was in a loose bun, stands falling over her face.

"Wow, you three look amazing," said Amina, to which Hazel nodded.

Serena played with her hair, which weirdly slipped between her fingers. "I... I actually look presentable. Decent, even."

Ramona hugged the Gryffindor. "Not decent, beautiful."

"Oh, Fred is going to flip when he sees you," Magnolia said excitedly.

Hazel smiled at the four girls. "Ready to go down?"

Serena looked back at her reflection once more. She inspected her hair, its calm waves was something she would never get used to. She stared at her dress, softly tracing the flowers. She glanced up at her face, a pretty red gloss sparkling on her lips. She smiled.



Author's Note:

Hi again! For some reason, it was so hard to write this chapter. And even after spending days on it, I think it's my least favourite chapter of this book, to be honest. I guess it's because I spent too long planning the Yule Ball chapters that when I finally write them, it's not how I imagined it, and therefore don't like it.

Anyways... THANK YOU FOR 6.5K!! I'm so glad you all like this story so far! And I promise I'm going to make it even better!

Well, down below are some aesthetics for my girls' outfits! Hope you lovelies had a great weekend and with all of my love,


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