Swapping Spit (Nouis) [under...

By 13ForeverStrong13

223K 5.4K 2K

One Direction have been working hard on their music and have earned a vacation from Simon to a beach house on... More

Chp 1-Getting There
Chp 2-Jellyfish
Chp 3-Sandcastles
Chp 4-Dinner and Bowling
Chp 5-One Awkward Dinner
Chp 6-Playground Fun
Chp 8-Water Park
Chp 9-Nightmare
Chp 10-Truth Or Dare(Part One)
Chp 11-Truth Or Dare(Part Two)
Chp 12-Ridiculousness
Chp 13-ATVs
Chp 14-Niall's Day Alone
Chp 15-Twitcam Questions
Chp 16-Visitors and Omelets!
Chp 17-Explanation
Chp 18-Are We Friends Or Are We More?
Chp 19-Shots Shots Shots
Chp 20-Interrupted
Chp 21-The Morning After
Chp 22-Putting the Pieces Together
Chp 23-The Start of the Search
Chp 24-Food Stop
Chp 25-Granola Bars
Chp 26-Sick
Chp 27-Security Footage
Chp 28-Meltdown
Chp 29-The Shack
Chp 30-Niall's Confession
Chp 31-Google
Chp 32-Colby
Chp 33-Found
Chp 34-Shock
Chp 35-Reunited with 3/4 of the Lads
Chp 36-St. Mary's
Chp 37-Liam's Revenge
Chp 38-Reunion of All 5 Lads
Chp 39-There Is Always Hope

Chp 7-Wakey Time

6.7K 168 50
By 13ForeverStrong13

Liam's POV

Twenty minutes after Niall went up to Louis' room with his tea, he still hadn't come down.

"Hey, where's Niall?" I ask.

Zayn and Harry shrug. "I'll go find him," I say before standing. I set my tea down on the coffee table and hop up the stairs. I check Niall's room. Not there. I check the bathroom. Not there. Then I check Louis' room. I open the door as I say, "Niall are-"

I stop myself as I find him asleep with Louis. And might I add, they look quite adorable. Niall's arms wrapped tightly around Louis' chest. Louis is tucked into Niall's grip, looking comfortable. Pink cheeks, slightly ruffled hair, a small smile on both their faces.

If I didn't know better, I'd say they look like a happy couple. All cuddly and in love. But they're just friends... I think...?

I gently close the door, careful not to have it squeak, and head back downstairs.

"Did you find him?" Harry asks.


He looks like he's expecting an answer.


"Sleeping with Louis," a smirk tugs on my lips.

Zayn and Harry chuckle.

When the film ends, Harry and Zayn announce that they're heading to bed.

"I'm staying up a bit longer," I decide.

"Alright, see you tomorrow," Zayn says.

"'Night," Harry waves.

I whip out my laptop and find a new email from Simon. I click it open and it reads:


I hope the first few days of your vacation have been good. If you haven't figured it out yet, there's a couple shops and restaurants down the beach a walk. Anyways, I was emailing you to inform you of some visitors that should be arriving next week. I'm not going to say who, because that wouldn't be much of a surprise... Anyways, enjoy the rest of your vacation.

-Uncle Si"

Visitors? Who could that possibly be? Family? Fans? Friends? I can't wait! But they're coming next week, so I have to wait. Well, it'll be here sooner than we know it. I'll tell the lads tomorrow morning and maybe we'll place bets on who's coming.

A yawn escapes my lips, signaling that I should go to bed. I shut off my laptop and head upstairs. I quietly climb into bed next to Zayn, who's sound asleep with his face smashed against the pillow. Within seconds, I'm out.


In the morning, I'm the first awake, so I start cooking breakfast. Pancakes sound good. I find the ingredients and soon, the batter is sizzling against the hot metal pan.

I hear sloppy footsteps clammer down the stairs and look up to find a tired Zayn.

"Hey, Zayn," I wave the spatula.

He mutters out an incoherent reply before collapsing on the couch. I chuckle and flip the pancakes. Tired man.

As I stack them on plates, Harry appears from upstairs with a smile on his face.

"Why are you so smiley?" I tease.

"I have a date tonight with Cassy!" he chimes in a sing-song voice.

"Oh, fun. Where?"

"I called her this morning and invited her to the splash park," a dorky smile spreads on his face.

"Sounds fun!" I say and set the plates on the table. Harry sits down and digs in, drenching his pancakes with syrup. Zayn is asleep on the couch again, and Louis and Niall are still asleep so I sit down with Harry and eat breakfast.

Niall's POV

I slowly wake up and am greeted by the bright morning sun shining into my eyes. I squint and flip onto my side, away from the light. Louis' arms adjust and squeeze me tighter and I snuggle closer, breathing in his rich pine sent. A smile forms on his lips, as well as mine.

He mumbles something still asleep, and his eyebrows crease together. A frown replaces his beautiful smile and he whines, "No." His breathing becomes heavy and beads of sweat form at his hairline.

He must be having a nightmare. I carefully bring my hand to his face and caress his cheek, trying to sooth him. He shakes his head slightly and murmurs another panicked "no".

"Louis," I call softly. I kiss his temple, letting my lips linger on his soft skin.

"It's ok, Boo-Bear."

He seems to have snapped out of his nightmare and his face is relaxed again. I kiss his cheek and snuggle into him. His breath slows and soon, shallow snores are escaping his mouth. I smile in triumph as I realize I was able to coax him out of his nightmare.

He murmurs, still asleep, "Don't leave."

I'm confused as to why he'd think I'd leave but respond, "I'll never leave you."

I stay with him for twenty minutes until my stomach can't wait any longer to eat and I gently wake him up to come downstairs with me.

"Louis," I whine when he refuses to get up.

He squints open his eyes. "What?" he grumbles in a sexy morning voice. Wait...did I just call it sexy!?! Bad Niall! No!

"Wake up!"

He mumbles something incoherent and buries his face in his pillow. I let out a huff and decide to take action. I get out of bed and rip the sheets off of him, causing him to jump and fly off the bed, landing with a painful thud on the wooden floor.

"NIALL!!!" he angrily screams at me but I just smirk at him. As he scurries to his feet I turn and sprint for my life. I bump into the wall and clammer down the stairs with him right on my tail. On the last step he catches me around the waist and we tumble to the ground.

Liam comes rushing from the living room with a confused, worried expression.

"Are you okay?"

I laugh and nod my head excitedly. Louis' frown turns into a smirk as he lets out a chuckle.

"Gotcha," Louis says with a wink. As I open my mouth to retort some stupid response, he defiantly walks into the living room for breakfast. I huff and follow him, taking a seat in front of the biggest pile of pancakes.

Louis sits next to me and it seems as if Zayn just woke up for the second time. He comes strolling in and sits across from us, as Harry and Liam sit back down, even though the already ate.

I dive into my delicious breakfast, giddy from the episode with Louis.

Liam says, "So I got an email from Uncle Si."

"What did he say?" Louis asks, with a flash of concern that he quickly covers up.

"He said that in a couple days we'll have some visitors."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask skeptically.

"I hope it's good," he smiles. "Maybe it's our families, or fans that won some contest."

Both those ideas sound appealing to me. I shrug indifferently and take another bite of fluffy pancake.

"I'm going out with Cassy in an hour to the water park. You lot can tag along if you'd like," Harry invites.

"Really?" I exclaim, excitement already coursing through my veins.

Harry nods. "Yeah, she said it was ok." A second thought passes his mind, "And even if she hadn't said it was okay, I would have invited you anyways." He smiles.

"Well," Liam says, "That sounds fun. We don't have anything else to do so why not?"

"YES!" I jump out of my chair and dance around the room. Louis laughs and joins me, making complete fools of ourselves.

"Well, let's get ready!" Zayn ushers.

Just before everyone disperses, Liam says, "I just realized that we never did that twitcam we planned yesterday."

"I guess we can do it later," Louis says.

"Yeah, good idea."

I sprint up the stairs, excited for the water park.

Louis' POV

Just before heading up to get ready, Liam pulls me aside.

"I've noticed you've been acting off a bit lately. Are you okay?"

I nod quickly. "Yeah, I'm fine." I flash him a fake smile. Thoughts of Niall creep into my brain.

He looks at me quizzically. "You snapped at me the other morning..."

I remember that and guilt instantly floods through me. "Li, I'm sorry. I was just really tired and I hadn't slept well. I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

He smiles. "It's ok, I understand." I feel better that he accepted my apology.

"If you need to talk to me about anything, you know I'm here for you," he assures. I nod and say, "I know. You're a good friend, Li."

He claps my shoulder like my grandpa used to do and walks off. I let out a stressed huff, glad he didn't further question anything. But now that we're on good terms, I have one less thing to worry about.


Author's note

How do you like the story so far? I feel bad...I never have time to write anymore. :(( but i promise i'll try!!!

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