The Mafia's Flame

Da strawb3rryluv

4.1M 113K 78.7K

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS GONE?" He shouted at the poor guard. The guard flinched and lowered his head, "She... Altro

Authors Note
1. The Feelings
2. Perfect Timing
3. Unexpected Meeting
Castle grounds/Charcater List
4. Familiar Face
5. Why am I here?
6. Only one
7. Bonding Hours
8. Dreadful Explanation
9. Just Dance
10. Operation Llama
11. Preparation Nation
12. Igniting the Flame
13. Her Parents
14. His Beloved
15. Their Progress
16. You're Staying
17. Daddy's Little Girl
18. The Surprise
19. Her Home
20. Brick, Wall, Waterfall
21. The Call
22. His Soul
23. Late Night
24. The Field
25. Warehouse Mess
26. In Spirit
27. The Job
28. Favorite Show
29. Plans Change
30. Dress Shop
31. Bad boys
32. Jump Scares
33. The Ball
34. The Truth
35. The War
36. (S)he's Gone
37. His Help
38. Their Downfall
39. The Boys
40. The Fight
41. Your Forgiveness
42. The Ladies
43. She knows
44. Smile and Wave
45. Excuse You
46. Tell Me
47. Let's Go
48. Working On It
49. Sooner or Later
50. A Princess
51. The R word
52. Our Bond
53. Long Road Ahead
54. Good Times
Part Two/ New Characters
55. A Mess
56. Your Dress
57. The Camera
58. No Way
59. Riddle Me This
60. Going Insane
61. For Her
62. One Month
63. The Boss
64. Amphisbaena Twins
65. Tell Him
66. It Wasn't Him
67. It's Time
68. See Her
69. My Sister
71. Fall In Love
72. A Candle?
73. Bad Feeling
74. I Need You
75. Your Memories
76. Hold Them
77. Her Eyes
78. Happy Now?
79. With Whom?
80. Its Purpose
81. I Can't
82. Call Me
83. Go Now
84. Some Fun
85. Six Words
86. Her Choice
87. Four Hearts
88. Yes And No
89. Hellfire's Amphisbaena
90. Demios's Firefly
91. Princess's Khaos
92. The Mafia's Flame
Bonus: Hiding The Amphisbaena
Bonus: Meeting Deimos and Alessio
Bonus: Traveling With Khaos
Bonus: The Donna

70. A Game

19.5K 681 466
Da strawb3rryluv


I watched my feet as I walked thought the halls thinking about what Killian said.

Pietro has been watching me for a long time which was expected but knowing about Sicily was something I didn't expect. What I didn't understand is why he didn't bring it up when I was with him. He made sure I knew I would be 'his'... that I am 'his' but he never once talked about it. Although it made more sense when he didn't have a second thought about my punishments.

A hand grabbed mine and pulled me into a dark room making me blindly throw a punch.

Someone hissed in pain, "That's the second time you've punched me in the face." Raphael groaned in the dark.

The lights turned on and Joshua was there too, looking at Raphael's face with cringe.

The interaction finally clicked, "Oh my- I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I gasped looking at his bloody face.

"I'm fine- it's okay. My fault." He wiped the blood away quickly.

I grabbed his face and examined it, "Are you sure? I didn't break it right?" I panicked guiltily.

I let go and he shook his head, "No you don't break it, thankfully. Ça va." (French "it's okay.") He said honestly.

"Sorry about that..." I shifted on my feet, "So- erm. What did you guys need? Are we in the movie room?" I questioned looking behind them.

Joshua blocked my view and I blinked surprised at how fast he moved, "We just wanted to apologize for the way we have been acting. We didn't mean for it to come out that way." He scratched his head, Raphael nodded, "Both of us wanted to make sure you know that we like you and won't push you. We understand you don't date or anything but would you mind spending time with us?" Raphael asked hopefully.

"Spend time with you, both of you?" I asked titling him head.

"Um yeah..." Raphael said and he looked at Joshua who moved out of the way.

My eyes traveled behind them and saw they had the movie room set up with snacks and blankets. There were a few pillows and I looked at them with an amused face.

"Is this for me?" I asked walking forward.

"Yes... we thought it was best if we took some time to get to know each other. That is if you want to." Joshua spoke shifting on his feet.

My eyes landed on something, "Okay sure. Come sit with me." I spoke sitting down and grabbing the fruit snacks.

They sat down on either side of me with a big smile and a small one made its way to my lips.

"So why are we in here?" I asked leaning back.

Raphael shrugged, "The room is soundproof." He said simply.

"We can talk more privately." Joshua added in with a small glare to Raphael.

I pursed my lips to stop laughing, "It's not private at all. I can guarantee that someone is probably watching from the cameras right now." I pointed out amused.

They paled a bit, "That's a joke right?" Raphael asked slowly.

"Nope, sorry frenchy but it wasn't a joke. You probably have five minutes at the most." I smirked

Joshua moved closer, "Okay then, how about we just get as many questions as we can..." he trailed off thoughtfully, "What's your favorite color?" He looked at me seriously.

"Is that- an actual question?" I looked at Raphael.

Raphael facepalmed himself, "Josh buddy, what are you doing?" He dragged his hand down his face.

"I blanked and panicked!" He whisper shouted.

I laughed softly, "Well to answer your very obvious question, it's purple. Now mine turn- What's your most prized possession?" I questioned curiously.

"My bike." Joshua responded quickly.

Raphael cocked his head a bit, "My car." He answered.

I hummed, "That's a bit typical but it's yours not mine so it doesn't really matter." I leaned back.

"What about yours?" They asked.

Why is that a bit creepy.

"I'm not sure. I have had things given to me that mean a lot to me." I spoke honestly.

They were about to respond when the door swung open revealing four angry brothers.

Sanny came towards us and picked me up putting space between us while the other three were a bit busy.

"Trying to make moves on my little sister?" Valen asked cracking his knuckles.

Their hands went up, "We were just talking, nothing else." Raphael rushed.

Leo scoffed, "I've used that excuse loads of time don't lie to us." He spat.

I rolled my eyes and put my head down on Sanny's shoulder and played with his shirt.

"I swear we didn't touch her at all." Joshua spoke up.

Fano narrowed his eyes, "Maybe not but you were way too close to her! What if your hand touched her and the next thing you know she's pregnant!" He waved his hands.

I choked on my on saliva and Sanny had to rub my back but it wasn't doing anything.

"Stella- are you okay?" He panicked patting me now.

"Angel eyes?" Valen asked coming close.

After a few minutes I finally stopped coughing and took a deep breath.

"I'm fine." I rasped through my blurry vision.

I blinked and my eyes went to Fano, "Pregnant? Me with a baby? Like in me? No no no. It's not happening." I protested.

"Obviously not. We are stopping it before it happens or if they even get the idea of touching you." Fano gritted out glaring at the two.

My mouth parted, "They can't get me pregnant by simply touching my arm Fano." I sighed.

Leo shook his head, "Listen topolina this is very important. Boys have cooties and they can get you pregnant just by the slightest touch. That means you can't let them touch you okay? No babies for you ever." Leo told me, talking as if I was a child.

I gaped at him and decided to get payback, "But you're a boy and you guys always touch me! AHHH IM PREGNANT!" I screamed dramatically jumping away from my brothers.

"WHAT?!" I heard a scream in the distance.

The boys freaked, "No no baby- not us. We're your brothers, we're talking about them." Valen pointed to the two who looked terrified.

I heard running in our direction and I smirked at the boys before I started bawling my eyes out.

"Who is preg- princess what's wrong?" Dad rushed to me quickly.

I sniffled, "The boys touched my arm! They said I'm pregnant!" I sobbed.

"What?" He asked confused.

I sniffled and pushed him away, "Don't touch me! They said you can't touch me!" I pointed to my brothers who paled.

"What. Did. You. Do?!" He gritted out glaring at my brothers.

All of them started stuttering until they looked at each other, "Niente!" (Italian "nothing!") they all denied, "Ci dispiace!!" (Italian "We are sorry!") they cried huddling together.

Dad took a deep breath and turned to me, "Princess, whatever they said don't listen to your brothers. They are not very bright." He said making them gasp offended.

I sniffled, "They're so mean to me." I frowned looking down, "Oh baby, come with me. I'll get you some fruit snacks." Dad said kissing my head and pulled me along.

I turned my head to my brothers and grinned giving them a nice wink. All four of them glared but forgot about me when they saw Raphael and Joshua were still there.

Oh well- good luck.

"Your acting skills always make me laugh." Dad looked down at me with an amused smile.

I wiped my eyes, "Thank you." I bowed, "They were being dumb so I had to give them a little bit of trouble. Did you see their faces? It was hilarious." I giggled.

"Never change princess." Dad smiled and kissed my head before walking away.

Sitting in the gym I was lifting light weights, boredom clear on my face. How am I supposed to work out, train, or spar with this useless brace on my leg? It's ridiculous.

I felt eyes on me and I looked up to see some of the teen groups watching me. Their eyes traveled up and down my body and I was so close to obliterating them.

My jaw clenched and I stood up stomping out of the gym and into the room hallway.

Fano's room happened to be the first one I saw so I barged in with a scowl on my face.

"What's up babydoll?" He asked from his desk.

Ignoring him I went straight for his closet and started opening and closing drawers looking for what I needed.

"Hey! Last time you ransacked my closet I didn't have any clothes left! Leave me some!" He called out with a amused tone.

"What's the point of having a brother then?! Besides I'm not taking all of your clothes!" I yelled.

"The point of having a brother is we get to bother you for no reason! It's fun!" He yelled back.

I scoffed, "Be quiet before I go over there and kick your biscuits! My leg works good enough!" I shouted and he laughed.

Going through a few more drawers I finally found them and sighed in relief grabbing a pair. I threw on the oversized black sweatpants and tied them as tight as I could. They slipped a bit when I walked but I didn't care as long as I was covered.

"Uh- babydoll. I don't know if you could see but those don't fit." Fano looked at me with a raised brow.

I frowned, "They are good enough. I will just hold them up with my hands." I stated shrugging.

He smirked, "Catch." He said loudly throwing a basketball at me.

My hands caught the ball and I felt the sweat pants start slipping at the same time making me crouch in a awkward position.

"See fine." I huffed grabbing the pants and pulled them up higher as I got up.

Fano rolled his eyes, "Babydoll you literally almost collapsed on the floor because they slipped. I don't mind you taking them but don't you have your own. In you know... a size that fits you?" He asked slowly.

"Of course. But I want these." I pouted.

He hummed, "And why is that? Don't you need skin contact for your brace. That's not going to work." He lightly scolded.

"Yeah that's why I got yours," I smiled, "They're bigger than mine so I can wear them over the brace instead of shorts. It's less revealing." I explained in a 'duh' tone.

"Serafina, what's really wrong? Since when do you care about what you wear- isn't that our job?" He asked crossing his arms.

I sighed sitting down, "I don't like people staring at me. We may be Donatello's and have our pictures taken whenever we go out but that's different. I want to feel comfortable in my own home but I can't because men are gross." I frowned.

His eyes grew cold, "You don't feel comfortable? Who the hell is staring at you and making you feel that way?" He gritted out through his clenched teeth.

"It's no one specific it's just people who have no respect for others. It's fine. I'll just cover up." I waved.

He grunted, "No absolutely not. You should be able to wear what you want without feeling uncomfortable. This is your home. We'll take care of it for you okay?" He kissed my head.

"Whatever I want?" I teased.

He groaned, "Appropriate clothing only. I will lock you up if you think you're getting away with anything we haven't approved of." He narrowed is eyes.

I pouted, "What a negative nancy. What am I supposed to swim in? A snow coat? Am I correct? I asked rhetorically.

"Yeah. It will double as a life jacket." He said seriously making my jaw drop.

"Stefano I am not swimming in my winter coat. You're insane." I crossed my arms.

He threw his head back, "You're so stubborn." He groaned tiredly.

"Stating the obvious will not change my mind. I would drown in the thing." I protested, "Now if you'll excuse me I have to find something to help me keep these sweats up." My voice came out determined.

I bolted out of the room before he could protest, "WE WILL TALK MORE LATER! THIS ISN'T OVER!" He shouted peeking his head into the hallway.

"It's been over!" I yelled.

Dumb brothers.

It was finally night and the meeting with Killian was supposed to start soon so I made my way down. I was about to turn into another hallway when I heard voices and peeked my head through.

"So what's your next move?" Raphael asked Daegan who was leaning on the wall.

"My next move?" He asked confused.

Joshua grunted, "With Serafina." He clarified making me furrow my brows.

Dae rolled his eyes, "Why are you making to seem like it's a game. My next move? What is this? Battleship?" He asked sarcastically.

They scoffed, "You were the one who said it was fair game." Joshua crossed his arms.

"Are both of you just stupid?" Dae asked baffled, "When I said fair game I didn't actually mean it was a game. Playing with someone's feelings to win a so called game is not right. If you want Serafina then do it the right fucking way. But obviously you're not smart enough to understand basic metaphors- so honestly, good luck." He scoffed walking away.

"Okay we are a bit stupid for that." Raphael said loudly before sighing.

I then decided to take the longer route and played with the ends of my hair as I walked.

Those- whatever not now.

My hands pushed the door open and everyone looked up which made me realize they were waiting for me.

"Sorry." I said looking down.

"What are you wearing? Are those Stefanos?" Maxi asked with a tinge of jealously in his voice.

I looked down, "Uh yeah. I took it from his room earlier..." I trailed off confused.

Fano smirked, "Jealous Maxi?" He mocked, "Don't be mad she loves me more than you." He finished with a chuckle.

"Of course not Stefanie. Just curious." He smiled tightly making Fano glare harshly.

Dad rolled his eyes, "Princess you're supposed to keep your brace on. Did you take it off?" He asked accusingly.

"No it's on. They're just big so you can't see the outline." I said looking down at my leg.

I went to sit down next to dad and surprisingly next to Daegan- how has my dad not killed him yet.

My eyes darted between them and dad read my mind, "Don't worry his death date is official." He nodded seriously.

I tried to sit but I accidentally bumped my knee into the table and I hissed. Daegan grabbed my arm and helped me sit but I yelp and smacked his hand away quickly.

"What?" He asked panicked and scanned around us.

I looked at my brothers, "I'm pregnant!! You're going to be Uncles!" I cried dramatically and dad laughed.

"Cheeky little brat." Leo muttered.

"You're all on diaper duty. Haha- get it. Duty?" I laughed as they groaned annoyed.

"Lucifer please." Xander his his head on the table.

I pouted, "You all suck. I'm never making you food again." I looked away.

"WHAT?!" They all shrieked.

I turned to Killian who was looking around with wide eyes, "Good evening Killian, did you sleep well?" I asked ignoring my family.

"I did thank you but- erm I happened to find this little guy on the bed." He said bring out Cypress.

"OH COME ON CYPRESS!" Leo threw his head back dragging his hands down his face.

Cypress slithered to me and he wrapped himself around my wrist and laid his head on the back of my hand.

"You can deal with it later Leo. And I swear if any of you scream I will cut your tongue out." I hissed to the boys who had their mouths open to scream.

They gulped and watched Cypress cautiously the whole time, "Sorry about that Killian. Cypress likes to explore wherever he can. He's harmless." I smiled petting his small head.

"It's fine. Snakes don't scare me but you guys wanted to know about Pietro right?" He asked and everyone nodded, "Well Pietro for one is very thorough, I've seen a few of his plans but it's a bit fuzzy. However, I do know he was planning an attack a few days from now at a warehouse here in Italy. I believe you guys own it. He said it was a warning that he was coming, and that he's taking what belongs to him." Killian said loudly and I tensed a bit.

Cypress felt it and hissed at me until I relax my hand and he laid back down.

"Well now we can prepare. If he wants to do damage then we'll show him damage." I spoke breaking everyone out of their thoughts.

Dad leaned back, "Maybe you should let us handle this one princess. We have to take all precautions and make sure it isn't a setup." His eyes met mine.

I was going to protest but he cut me off, "No never mind- we can't leave you alone. You're staying by my side though. At all times. Understand?" He questioned firmly.

"Yes sir." I pouted leaning back.

He's the only person that could boss me around without getting their life expectancy shortened.

"Ew don't call me sir. I'm not that old." He whined touching all over his face.

"Yes dad." I rolled my eyes.

Leo looked at me and back at Killian so I asked the question he's been wanting to know.

"While working did you ever see an Alexandra around him?" I looked at Killian.

He nodded, "Alexandra follows him around like a lost puppy. I believe their cousins somehow- her moms name was Adaline? But also she acts weird around him. All I know is that she's there willingly and happily." He explained making Leo frown and my eyes go wide.

"Adaline and Trevor Carson are her parents?" I choked out.

He nodded, "I believe so. I heard her and Pietro talking about it one time. She was upset that her biological parents were dead and that she was stuck with her adoptive parents." Killian looked around.

My eyes went to Leo, "Did you know about this?" I asked calmly.

He never met my gaze and just stayed quiet making my heart clench with hurt.

"Why wouldn't you tell us?" Dad asked getting angry.

He shrugged, "I assumed topolina would know. Isn't that her job." He picked at his pants.

"She was your best friend of 10 years turned lover for 5 years and turned fiancée for 3 years, why would I do a background check on her?! Sorry if I assumed my own brother would tell me something important if it involves me!" I spat.

"It didn't involve you at the time or at all really. She only met them a few times." He furrowed his brows.

I scoffed, "Didn't involve me?! They're basically my non parent, parents! They abused me at three years old Leo! I still have scars from that! Obviously you don't care about that but you do for your cheating traitor fiancée!" I shouted angrily.

"I do care." He gritted out.

I stood up, "Yeah about her. Did you serious not think this information was important? Did it not cross your mind when I told you about Pietro? No it didn't because you're protecting her and for what?! There is no baby- she betrayed the family- she betrayed you- get over it!" I hit the table making mostly everyone jump.

"Topolina it's not like that- just listen." He pleaded.

I narrowed my eyes, "Everyone always wants to play games." I spat looking at the three other boys who froze, "Their first for four- five words are always 'It's not like that' or 'It's not what you think'. But it is exactly like that. Figure out what you want and then we'll talk, and only then." My voice was cold.

I walked away, "Cypress is staying with me." I glared before slamming the door shut.

"Sorry cypress, he just upset me..." I apologized for scaring the little guy.

"Let's get you a snack huh?" I asked and he hissed.

At least he loves me.


Hi hi hi, y'all I made Serafina into an episode character and she's so pretty. Too bad creating episodes are hard- I ain't doing it no way. I'd die. But also y'all coming at me asking for ANOTHER love interest like y'all serious or what? That's crazy- like just drop the others and bam. New guy? Anyways then, I love you all. Stay safe and see you soon!

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