Suddenly There Was You(Comple...

By chaempot

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A michaeng story.. (May contain mature scenes ahead) Author's note: Slow update โ˜…********โ˜… AN: This story is... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty Nine
An:Must read
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty Four
New story!
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty one
Fourty two
Fourty three


2.9K 90 5
By chaempot


Months passed by so fast and I was never been happier until Mina came into my life. We've been officially dating for almost two months.My friends were happy for the both of us.Everything was going smoothly.No signs of Bambam at all.Maybe he got tired playing the villain after all.

SAS Program started last week. Nayeon, Jongyeon,Jihyo,Mina and me decided to hanged together after SAS program every Saturday.We usually go somewhere eating out or going places we've all agreed to. Dahmo couple and Satzu couple often joined us when they can.

Everyone was so happy especially me having Mina beside me.We've been so inseparable since we've been started dating and has been doing everything together from simply doing our school homeworks to spending the rest of the days together.One of the best thing was her parents doesn't even mind Mina dating me,a girl to be specific.They doesn't mind as long as their daughter was happy. My mom also knows about us and was happy either but I remember my dad was so against the idea of me dating Somi back then so I decided to keep it from him.


It was saturday today and after we hanged out with our friends,Mina and I went straight to her ballet class.This has been our weekend routines lately,going to Saturday SAS Program classes, hanging out with our friends,going straight to her ballet classes and spending the rest of the weekends together afterwards.I  was currently concentrating on taking videos of my favorite person,Mina.She was dancing gracefully wearing her ballet outfit.Mina was having her ballet classes and as usual,I'm with her,watching her proudly not even taking my eyes off from her.

Watching her dance has been my favorite thing lately.Seeing her move and dance so gracefully along with the melody makes me fall for her even more.Her elegance and agile movements make me want to do nothing but to watch her with an awe.She looked like a graceful elegant black swan because she always wear black ballet outfits.
My elegant black swan.

As soon as her ballet class was done,we went to her favorite coffee shop within the vicinity to grab her favorite latte and spend the rest of the day in the nearby park. We were just silently walking around the park sharing lovely glances and smiles together and sipping on our coffees while comfortably holding each other's hands.This is the kind of weekend I am always looking forward to and would surely never exchange this for anything.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Mina asked,

I just smiled and leaned closer to her before pecking a soft kiss on her cheeks.

"Hey,what's that for?" she asked confusedly

"No reason at all,just wanna kiss my lovely penguin slash elegant black swan" I teased,

"You surely do have a lot of sweet bones in your little body,my tiger cub" she teased back

I chuckled and led her to a bench to sit. I stand in front of her taking deep breathes  gaining all my courage and confidence. She looked at me wondering what I am up to  when suddenly I began singing..

🎶ohh yeah,ohh yeah..
Yeah..mmm,mmm,mmm yeah..
When the day is said and done
and in the middle of the night and you're
fast asleep, my love.
Stay awake looking at your beauty
Telling myself I'm the luckiest man alive.

Cause so many times I was certain you was
gonna walk out of my life (life)
Why you take such a hold of me girl
When I'm still trying to get my act right.

What is the reason, when you really could
have any man you want
I don't see what I have to offer
I should've been a season, guess you could
see I had potential
Do you know you're my miracle?

I'm like a statue, stuck staring right at you
Got me frozen in my tracks
So amazed how you take me back
Each and every time our love collapsed
Statue, stuck staring right at you
So when I'm lost for words
Every time I disappoint you
It's just cause I can't believe that you're so
Don't wanna lose you, no..

When the day is said and done
And in the middle of the night you're fast
asleep, my love...
I'm the luckiest man alive🎶

As soon as I stopped singing,I felt Mina's soft lips onto mine.I kissed her back gently while caressing her cheeks only to realized she was actually crying.I broke the kiss off and worriedly looked at her.

"Hey,why are you crying?Did I made you feel upset or something?" I asked wiping her tears away

"No,of course not"she shake her head and hugged me tightly

"Then why are you crying?" I worriedly asked,

"I was just really touched,Chaeyoung..No one had ever made me feel so loved and cherished the way you do.I'm so thankful for everything you've done for me Chaeyoung" she said while sobbing silently

"Hey,Mina,stop crying..You know how it breaks my heart seeing you shedding tears" I uttered

"It's your fault anyways," she cried

I apologetically chuckled at her cuteness and hug her tightly not wanting to let go of her.

"I love you Chaeyoung,thank you"she shyly whispered and buried her face to my shoulder

"I love you too Mina,so much..Let's make a lot of memories together okay?" I said hugging her and kissing her temple as she nodded in agreement

"Promise?" I asked,

"Promise" She answered

We happily walked home having small conversations along the way while holding each others hands.I was glad she always appreciates my efforts and was loving it but I was more glad seeing her smile.I pecked a kiss on her cheeks and bid goodbye as soon as we reached their home.She invited me for dinner not wanting to let me go but I sadly declined knowing my dad would arrived home anytime soon.


"Mom,I'm home" I politely bawled and went to the kitchen.I quickly pecked her a kiss and hugged her.

"Oh,hi's your day?" My mom asked,

"It's awesome,mom..I get to hanged out with my friends again and went on the park with Mina"I beamed

"Glad to hear that"my mom smiled

We ate dinner together without dad.My mom told me he'll be home late due to some dinner meetings.I keep the dinner a bit cheerful by telling mom funny stories about my friends and Mina.I keep on spatting random stories when I realized mom wasn't really paying attention at all.She seemed a bit off.I stared at her for a minute before I nudged her back to her senses.

"Hey,mom..are you alright?" I worriedly asked,

"Y-yeah,sorry..what were you saying again?"
She asked,she's obviously not paying attention

"Is there something wrong?" I intrigued,

"N-no..I'm fine,just a bit tired" she utter,

"You should then take a rest mom,I'll take care of everything in here"I volunteered

Mom agreed and went to their room quickly leaving me alone in the kitchen.I'm sure mom was keeping something from me.I saw it in her eyes earlier.Suddenly,I got so nervous. I calmed myself down and clean the mess in the kitchen before I head to my room.

I'm about to open the door of my room when I heard sobs coming out from my mom and dad's room.I secretly leaned on their room's door and heard her silently wailing.I stopped myself from opening the door and sighed. Mom surely was hiding something from me but tonight was not the perfect time to force her to tell me about it.

I went inside my room having deep thoughts and random questions in my head. Somehow, guilt rushed into me as I seemed to neglect  mom these days.I was so busy with Mina and with  my friends along with other stuffs not even checking my own mother. Aish I'm such an idiot.Sorry mom,I promise I'll make it up to you starting tomorrow.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang.It was Mina's.

"Hi,Chaeyoung" she address

"Hey" I replied shortly trying to sound cheerful

"Is there something wrong?Did you had your dinner?" She inquired

"Yeah I did" I don't wanna sound nonchalantly but I think I just did

"Is there something wrong?Is something bothering you?"she asked,

"No" I lied

"You sounded so uninterested and bored talking to me,I'll better hung up" Mina said coldly

"No,Mina wait up-"she cutted me out

"You should take a rest,bye "Mina said and ended the call.

Great.Now Mina's mad at me.I tried calling her back but she turned her phone off.I sighed. Now I gotta deal with an angry penguin tomorrow.



This story is purely a fan fiction and a result of my boredom.
Any possible events,characters and places mentioned throughout the story is basically just a mixture of my wild imagination and combination of me being a fan of twice.

Sorry for Any grammatical error and choice of words.
Feel free to send any feedbacks and suggestions.

Thank you for reading and enjoy!
Again,this story is a Fanfiction.

"We only live Once,
So love TWICE"

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