Bade oneshots A-Z

By victoriousandhp

81.3K 1.8K 719

*completed* An alphabet of bade oneshots *all fluff* ALL CHARACTERS AND THE SHOW IN GENERAL BELONG TO DAN SC... More

Drunk (updated and improved)
Evening date
I love you
Meeting the parents
Random habits
Self harm (updated and improved)
Yearly celebrations (Updated and inproved)


2.6K 62 32
By victoriousandhp

Beck wasnt one for large displays of public emotion so he almost never cried in front of others. It's not that he was numb and emotionless he just never really had a reason to cry, he had a good family, good friends and he was so laid back and chill he never really got to the point where he was so frustrated or upset to cry cause nothing really bothered him

Almost no one in the gang had ever seen him cry- except for Andre but that was in kindergarten when he lost his favorite toy car but that was over ten years ago so it didn't count

The only other person to see him cry was jade. One day in the tenth grade when he and jade were sitting in his RV watching a movie when his parents knocked on the door and told him to come to the house. His parents rarely ever bothered him so he knew it was serious. hesitantly he moved jade so he could follow them to the front door

He was gone almost an hour and jade had already finished the movie they had been watching and had moved on to the next one. When he stepped back into the RV she paused it so she could start yelling about him abandoning her but immediately stopped when she saw tears in his eyes

"Woah are you crying?" She asked, pretty shocked

Beck just looked up at her with his red puffy eyes from where he stood slumped in the doorway. Jade regretted what she'd just asked slightly

"What did they say" she tried instead

"Rocky's gone"

Rocky was the golden retriever puppy he'd gotten for his sixth birthday. Rocky stayed in his parents house since the RV was too small so his parents took care of him mostly

"Oh" she paused "what happened?"

"They don't know, they came home from work and he just wouldn't wake up so I guess he passed in his sleep" he explained rubbing his already puffy eyes

For the first time in her life jade truly felt bad for someone, she knew how much he loved that dog and they used to love taking him for walks around the block together

"I'm sorry beck" she admitted, opening her arms for him to come sit with her

He shut his door and trudged over to her before plunking himself down and curling up into her. She sat and ran her fingers through his hair while he lay in her lap and cried for hours about his lost best friend

Jade also wasn't one for large displays of emotion with the exception of anger. She loved showing anger but never cried in front of any one cool, so the only two people that had seen her cry were tori and beck

If she could help it she wouldn't have cried in front of beck but she only cried because of nightmares and panic attacks and couldn't help the tears

The first time beck had witnessed her crying was towards the end of their second year of dating when she stayed the night like she so often did

Beck woke up in the middle of the night suddenly for no specific reason, he checked his phone and it said it was almost 3 AM so he still had a couple hours of sleep left before school so he reached out his hand to hold jade and go back to sleep but sat up in panic when he realized she wasn't there. He quickly fumbled while switching on his lamp to light up the RV a bit so he could find her. Her boots were still by the door and her bag was still thrown in the middle of the room so she definitely didn't leave. Only then did he finally hear that ragged breath and sobs coming from the opposite side of the room by his couch

"Jade?!" He exclaimed rushing over to his girlfriend who had tears falling like a waterfall "what's wrong? Why are you crying at 3 in the morning"

She didn't answer she just kept hyperventilating and crying, trying to get a deep enough breath to breathe properly

Beck stopped trying to get her to talk since it was clear that wouldn't happen until the tears stopped falling so instead he got down on her level and sat next to her one the floor and started to do some breathing patterns he'd heard lane yelling once

"I'm gonna count to 10 and I want you to match your breathing to my counting ok?"

"1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 good let's do it again"

After 4 more rounds of counting her breathing finally calmed down a bit but she was still crying a bit so it wasn't back to normal yet. He carefully wrapped his arms around her trying to to set her off since he still didn't know what caused this. He sat quietly with her for a few more moments until the tears stopped and she started taking abnormally deep breaths

"You feeling better now?" He asked tenderly


"I'd love if you could tell me what happened but if not then it's ok and you can tell me when you're ready"

"I'm fine, I had a really bad nightmare that my dad got so fed up with me and my dreams that he beat me up and so I came here since he said he never wanted to see me again but you saw me all bloody and bruised and you said you never wanted to see me again either so I had no one" she finished with a few tears in her eyes

"jade, that would never happen" he started "I promise I'll never leave you and abandon you you know I love you so much right? I'll always love you"

He broke that promise though. He left her

In the time they were broke up there were more tears for both of them than there had ever been in their lives

Beck was an absolute mess and he spent the next week after he didn't open the door crying. He destroyed his RV the night he read on the slap that jade was going on a date while tears of anger and frustration  ran down his face. He dumped out her drawer of clothes all over the floor before throwing the wooden drawer at a wall, he threw the lamp, his alarm clock and some framed pictures of the two of them as well. He tore his RV apart trying to get rid of every trace of her but it never worked. How could she move on that quick, did he mean nothing to her?

After an hour of destruction he called up Robbie to help him try to clean up the mess since his house was now a shattered disaster. He would've asked Andre but he wouldn't have understood because he has so many girlfriends so often and went through break ups a lot. They spent 45 minutes cleaning up broken glass and sweeping, Robbie got a call from cat asking him to come help her dogsitt for a while so they both went since beck had nothing better to do and they were tired of cleaning.

When they got there jade was there. Beck was there. Beck tried to see if there were tears in her eyes cause there sure as hell were tears in his but there was none.

Beck was extremely wrong and there were tears on jades eyes. There has been tears in her eyes for the last week because of him

She had a nightmare almost every night now and he was the only one who could calm her down after panic attacks so there were tears for that but also just in general, losing your boyfriend of 3 years would make anyone cry.

There were tears the night of the platinum music award since no only did she not get to sing and missed her big chance but she had also witnessed beck try to kiss the girl she hated most

More tears of sadness when cat told her that tori and beck were "going out" and her worst nightmare and suspicion was coming true

There were tears the day she found out about the full moon jam but they were tears of joy since this was her big chance to try to get back with hi . But they were quickly followed by tears of despair the day she found out that beck was going out with Meredith of all people and her hope faltered

But they both shared internal tears of happiness the night they got back together

After that there were no more tears

Yeah idk what that ending was but anyways. I've been into writing sad stuff lately so that's what this is. Also writing becks first part apart rocky made sad in a weird way

Thank you so much for 1000 reads!!!

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