
By TashanaAnn

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Balei has always yearned for a bit of normalcy in her life. Whether it be school, her work, or romantic relat... More

FIRST Impressions...
"...Jimmy TWO Times..."
"...the THIRD time's the charm..."
"five, FOUR, three, two, one."
"Is this step three or step FIVE?"
"five, SIX, gonna get your kicks."
"SEVEN years. Why seven?
"I'm the midnight-to-EIGHT man."
"The dog says, "NINE."
"TEN it is."
"ELEVEN rubles?"
TWELVE months, yeah?
THIRTEEN curtain calls.
"FIFTEEN and no husband."
"SIXTEEN parties, sixteen thefts?"
"And SEVENTEEN magazine."
"NINETEEN. So close."
Happy TWENTY-ONE, Will.

"EIGHTEEN. Blackjack!"

24 3 0
By TashanaAnn

Emilio's dark grey Ferrari rumbles softly as he makes his way along the cul-de-sac. When he first mentioned meeting my family, I had a small feeling that something would go wrong. I was right to be worried about this entire encounter. 

Emilio looks ethereal while he exits his super-fast-car, the sunlight makes him look so beautifully golden, and of course super-hot. He smiles softly as our eyes meet from where I'm standing, I wave shyly at him but decide against a verbal greeting. I'm afraid my voice might crack since I'm so close to losing my shit.

Emilio takes a few seconds to grab a bouquet of flowers and a bottle from the passenger seat before locking the car. "Balei." I'm greeted with Emilio's signature cheek kisses. "You alright?"

I shake my head. "You didn't have to bring anything."

"Hey." He lifts my chin with his finger so I can look at him. "What's going on?"

I take a deep breath. "My stepmother invited the neighbour."  Emilio furrows his eyebrows. "She kinda wants to set us up."

Emilio chuckles. "Another one." What does that mean? "Let's go."

I try to borrow some of Emilio's optimism as I open the front door. "B?" Alex calls out from the foyer as the door swings forward. I see the exact moment Alex's face falls when Emilio enters behind me. 

"Hey." I say softly. "You remember Emilio?" Alex blinks a few times then stands. 

"Alex, right?" Alex clears his throat as he nods at Emilio. "Nice to meet you again."

I take Emilio's free hand in mine. "C'mon." I lead the footballer to the room that I hurriedly left a few minutes ago. I can hear idle chatter coming from Victoria and Danny. 

My father is the first to notice my reappearance. His eyes widen out of sheer shock as he spots the man standing beside me. I knock on the doorsill then clear my throat. "Everyone." 

Danny's mouth hangs open and it's obvious that he's just as surprised as my father. The smile on Victoria's face falls and I fight the urge to start clapping from happiness. "This is Emilio."

I smile triumphantly. Of course, they know who this is, everyone knows who this is. My father stands quickly, the beer he's been drinking is now forgotten as he approaches us with an outstretched hand.

"I'm Greg, B's father." My father flashes me his famous side-eye and I shrug.

"Nice to meet you, sir. Ah." Emilio hands him the bottle. "This is for you." Dad takes the gift from Emilio with a shocked expression. "Balei told me that you liked whiskey."

Victoria clears her throat. "Hello." She says as she stands beside my father. "I'm Victoria." 

Emilio hands her the bouquet. "These are for you."

"Thank you." I lean into Emilio's side as I flash my father and Victoria a smug look. "When Balei mentioned she was bringing a friend we didn't expect her to bring home a footballer."

I almost roll my eyes. "And this is?" Emilio asks as he gestures to Danny.

"I'm the neighbour, Danny." Danny shakes Emilio's hand enthusiastically. "I just want to say you're the best. I literally watched you on tele earlier, now here you are!"

Great. He's a fan.

Everyone sort of calmed down, although it took them a few minutes to get over the shock that Emilio Casemiro is here in the flesh, as well as the disbelief that I actually have a boyfriend. 

Dad, Danny and Emilio remained in the sitting room. Apparently, Emilio's gift to my dad costs thousands of dollars. I guess that's why my father reacted like that when he took a look at the bottle of whiskey.

"You know." Alex says as places the baked macaroni and cheese on the table. "I kinda felt a vibe between you two when we met that night."

"Of course you did." I say sarcastically while putting the forks in their place. 

"B, he was looking at you funny." I roll my eyes. "I couldn't place it then but now it's obvious."

"Please shut up." 

"Can't believe you're a WAG now." Alex decides to continue. "My little sister has Emilio Casemiro wrapped around her finger."

Can I stab him?

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" I look over at him. "If he does or says anything you don't like, let me know. Okay?"

I nod with a small smile. "Okay. Thank you, Alex."

Alex nods with a smile of his own. "Mum! We've set the table!"


"You lived here for a year?" I nod with a hum as Emilio looks around what used to be my bedroom. 

"I know there's nothing here." Decorating my room was the least of my worries back then. "I spent most of my time in the basement."

Emilio chuckles softly as he runs an index finger along the desk. "You must've read a lot. The basement, huh?"

I take a seat on the edge of the double bed. "I stayed up late a lot and no one could hear me from the basement."

Emilio leans on the desk as he looks back at me with a small smile. "Did you bring any boys down there?" I laugh at the question. "What? I'm sure all the boys in school were crazy over you." I shake my head. "No? I don't believe it."

Even if the boys in school were losing their minds over me, I wouldn't have noticed. I came to the UK eight months after my mother passed away. Before then it was just my grandmother and I living together. 

The change in environment didn't help either. I tried to get used to being here. I was too caught up in my mind to notice the people around me, so there's no way I would've been able to spot any potential suitors in high school.

Emilio's low whistle brings me back to the present. We've moved to the basement - and I'm sure he's happy to know that he's the first guy I brought down here.

"These are all movies?" I hum. "This is a massive collection." I smile softly as I watch him read some of the titles. "You've watched all of these?"

"Yeah." Emilio looks back at me with a warm smile. "Movies are kinda my thing."

"Good to know." He takes a seat beside me on the couch. "Your father seems nice."

I nod. "I hear that a lot." I smile softly. "He likes you."

Emilio looks at me playfully. "How do you know?"

"My dad likes anyone who makes him laugh and you bought him overpriced whiskey." Emilio shrugs. "And you like me, so that's a win in my dad's book."

"I do like you." Emilio says softly. "I think I like you a little too much."

I couldn't help myself and I giggle like the giddy schoolgirl I've become. "How much is too much?"

"I've been dying to kiss you since I got here."

I smile at his confession. "Then do it. Kiss me."

Emilio doesn't hesitate. He kisses me as if he's been deprived of water and I'm his only source of hydration. He's drinking me in, tasting every corner, taking ownership of both my mouth and my heart. 

And I give into him. I've been craving this kind of intimacy for a long time now. I like the feeling I get when I'm in Emilio's arms. He makes me feel wanted and cherished. He's gentle with me and I really appreciate that. 

"Should we go?" Emilio whispers against my lips. I nod with a hum. "Okay."

We find my dad and Victoria in the kitchen. Emilio and I's arrival interrupted their conversation but dad seemed more relieved than annoyed. 

"Did B show you her precious film collection?" 

Emilio nods. "It's quite impressive."

"Oh, she used to spend hours down there." Victoria chimes in as she turns away from the sink. "At one point we couldn't have a proper conversation without her quoting something."

Here we go again.

"Balei has a good memory." Emilio responds then looks at me with a soft smile. I flash him a smile of my own as I try not to let out a giddy squeal.

"Are you free next weekend?" Dad quickly changes the subject. "I have an 'end of summer' barbeque every year, you're welcome to join."

"Emilio and I are going to Spain." Victoria doesn't hide her look of surprise. "Sorry."

Emilio pulls me closer to him by my waist. A united front. "It's my grandmother's birthday. And my mother is really excited to see Balei again."

I smile brightly at my father and Victoria. Not only am I killing it at my foundation training, but I'm also in a relationship with a man who adores me. I'm a hundred percent sure that Victoria thought I wouldn't be able to pull this off.

"Well, that's good!" My father smiles warmly at us. "B can finally get a break from those twenty-hour shifts."

I nod. Unable to say anything further. Now that this dinner is over and whatever crisis I was worried about doesn't actually exist - the real crisis begins next weekend.

I've taken quite the gamble by agreeing to be with Emilio. And even though dinner went well I have a feeling that Emilio's abuela's birthday is going to be a disaster. 


"Dr. Smith." I look up from the computer monitor. I'm greeted with a welcoming smile as my eyes fall on the woman before me. I'm immediately drawn to her luscious hair. "Sorry, are you busy?"

I clear my throat. "A little." I sigh dramatically. "Charts."

She chuckles. "The bane of my very existence." She outstretches her hand and I stand. "I'm Dr. Mustafa. I work in the Cancer Centre."

I shake her hand with widened eyes. St. Andrews' Cancer Centre is the number one cancer clinic on this hemisphere. Pediatric oncology is my aim for specialty training but everyone knows cancer research is next level.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Mustafa." I clear my throat once more. "How can I help you?"

Dr. Mustafa's smile widens and I spot a twinkle in her eyes as she leans on the counter. "I got my hands on your nanotechnology research. Interesting stuff."

I nod politely. "It is quite fascinating. The research is hypothetical but I'm excited to see the outcome once we get somewhere with nanotech."

Dr. Mustafa lets out a satisfied hum. "Dr. O'Connell mentioned that you're leaning towards oncology?" I nod. "There's no doubt that you will be an exceptional oncologist. But have you thought of research?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "No, not really."

She laughs softly. "Think about it. We could always use more bright minds like yours over at the Cancer Centre."

My stomach rumbles uncomfortably. "I'll give it some thought. Thank you."

I think nothing of Dr. Mustafa's visit since my mind is still preoccupied by all the charts I have to complete and submit before my shift ends. Although it does feel great to be recognized. However, cancer research isn't my thing. 

My phone buzzes from my lab coat and I reach for it without hesitation. My heart hammers in my chest when I realize what the notification's for. I told myself that I shouldn't have done it. I know that it's not healthy but it seems I lost control.

The screen unlocks and I'm brought directly to her page. I ignored the warning sounds in my head and now I'm notified every single time Emilio's ex makes a post. And she posts a lot. 

I'm guessing she has a career in social media. All her pictures are glamorous and she spends time in the most beautiful places wearing the most extravagant outfits. Her latest post is just her drinking coffee on a patio somewhere - but she makes it look so cool and effortless.

She's Emilio's past. I'm the present. The difference between us is obvious and this realization won't help me overcome my insecurities. I don't think I'll ever be able to measure up to her. 

Shit. Will Emilio's family compare me to his ex the moment they lay eyes on me? 

I groan softly as I angrily stuff the phone back in my pocket.

"Hey." The chair swivels as I turn to the right. "You're Balei right?" I nod. I've been stuck at the nurses' station with another FY1 doctor. "I'm Samara."

I smile. "Hi."

She points to the hallway. "I couldn't help but overhear your convo with Dr. Mustafa." I suddenly grow uncomfortable. "That's awesome."

"Huh?" I blink. "What's awesome?"

"Dr. Mustafa doesn't just work in the Cancer Centre. She runs it." 

"Oh. I didn't know." Typical Balei.

"Well, if Dr. Mustafa came to see you then you're marked."

I scowl. "Marked?"

Samara sighs. "I hear she's putting a team together." I bite down on my lip. "Any chance I could read that nanotechnology research?"

"Yeah." I say softly. "I'll send you a copy."

Samara beams. "Awesome!" I turn back to the monitor. "Also, I think you're pretty cool."

"What?" I look back at her and she shrugs. "I'm not cool."

Samara chuckles. "Well, I beg to differ. The other junior doctors, including myself, are all sinking. But you're floating. And shining while doing it."

I could only smile. I mean it's great that Samara thinks that about me, but that's not really my reality, is it?


This chapter's title is a quote from the movie, Ocean's Eleven.

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