Final Days In Hell

By XanaShadow

952 44 45

There are those without a clear purpose. He, however, had already made his purpose clear, to himself, and to... More

Bael and Astaroth


120 7 4
By XanaShadow

In one of the darker corners of the underworld, lies Beelzebub's domain. The rotten city known as Purgatory.

Contrary to the name itself, the city was anything but pure or clean. It was known as the rotten city throughout all of hell for a reason.

The city itself was like one giant, steam-punk themed factory. Pipes filled the area, containers that were leaking a green glowing liquid were everywhere, and pistons would loudly work to pump fluids into the pipes.

Genocide's armor stood out through the black and dark green anterior of the city, especially with its red core that pulsed with Crimson Nova energy. Despite there not being any light from the dark clouds that covered the sky, it was easy to find the Unofficial Sin of Wrath as he walked through the filthy streets.

The Crimson Nova energy user was currently walking through a wide long street filled with all kinds of filth, from dust to old bones. Large drums of metal were at the side, leaking a green glowing liquid that he didn't want to know what was. The sound of pistons echoed through the whole city.

This time, he was aiming for Beelzebub, another of the Demon Lords that sealed Satan away. It was going to be very different from the fight with the Leviathan, for several reasons.

For starters, Beelzebub was smarter, far smarter. Second, he was surprisingly weaker, far weaker. For a Demon Lord, Beelzebub was in actuality barely stronger than the average demons. What made Beelzebub dangerous was the way he used his magic.

Necromancy. While Genocide didn't have anything against that particular type of magic, the way Beelzebub used it has made him question why that type of magic even exists in the first place.

Beelzebub used his necromancy to toy with the dead. He would reanimate corpses and then mutate them into abominable soldiers for him to use.

The fact he can do it so efficiently gave him a great number of powerful, expendable soldiers to use as he desires. But, once you get past all those soldiers, killing him should be pretty easy.

That is what made Genocide anxious in his current situation. He had not seen a single Undead since entering the city. It was absolutely deserted. The city would look deserted if it wasn't for the fact that the machines around were still pumping.

Suddenly, a bat the size of a sheep landed in front of the Unofficial Sin of Wrath. The only reaction that got was that he stopped walking and looked at the creature.

For one thing, it looked dead, literally speaking. It looked more skinny than a normal bat, the flesh on it looked rotten, it's eyes were sewed shut, and it's jaw was gone and replaced by a small speaker.

The speaker came to life with static being heard before a high pitched voice spoke. "Well, well, well!" it said loudly, the voice echoing through the area along with the sound of pistons. "To what do I have the pleasure of your visit, Genocide?"

"Where are you hiding, Beelzebub?" Genocide ignored the question given to him and replied with his own.

"Hiding? This is my city. Why would I hide?" Beelzebub replied through the speaker. "Are you here to kill me? You must be out of your mind! Not that you had much of that in the first place!" the Demon lord's laughter caused Genocide to growl. "Well, I always wanted to dissect you and see how you work! I always wondered how a being can use the Crimson Nova energy without burning, exploding, or another form of gruesome death!"

"Why don't you come here and I'll give you and close look to my fists?" Genocide asked, cracking his knuckles.

"Oh, please, I don't deal with filth," Genocide scuffed at that statement. "I have them to deal with you."

From around, walking out from between the machines, walked in a hord of demons made up of three types. Genocide looked around and growled, seeing the large amount which was probably dozens.

The smallest type were mutated corpses of goblins. They barely reached his knees. Their skin was a pale grey color, and their eyes glowed a sickly green glow. Some parts of their skin has fallen, showing the rotten flesh underneath. And, their arms have been replaced with metallic claws.

The second type was larger, but wasn't the largest. They were the size of a normal human, a little smaller than Genocide. Their color scheme was the same as the first. The heads of the corpses were removed, and in their places were shards of a green crystal. Their arms were replaced by things such as blades, guns, and even chainsaws.

The third type was the largest, being at least a few meters in size. All of them were covered in stitches in all joints and the heads were made of gargoyle heads with green crystals as the eyes. Most of them were bare handed, but some carried simple weapons like clubs and large pipes.

"Don't worry. I commanded them to leave enough of you alive to make you suffer through the experiments I have in mind!" Beelzebub laughed through the speaker before his laughter was silenced by the sound of Genocide's shotgun.

The bat, now headless, dropped on the ground. The sides of the Shotgun clicked open to recharge before closing. The sound of it closing was like a ring bell for the forces to move.

The Undead demons began charging, the smaller groups being faster. The Sin of Wrath raised his foot and smashed it through the head of the first one to reach him. Another jumped towards him and it was blown to pieces by the Shotgun.

One of the human sized demons came charging. A chainsaw for a hand raised and roaring to life. The Shotgun vanished from Genocide's hand and he grabbed the Undead by what was left of the undead's arm. Placing his other hand on his attacker's shoulder, Genocide pulled and ripped off the chainsaws and the arm before turning them around and plunging them into the chest of their previous owner.

An imp managed to jump on Genocide's back. The demon slayer did not even register the extra weight as the imp attempted to claw at his helmet. Genocide's gauntlet - Crusher - reached upwards and grabbed one of the imp's hands before violently swinging it down to another one that was running towards him, crushing the approaching imp with the other one.

Still holding the imp, Genocide used it as a bat and used it to beat up one of human sized Undead that attempted to attack him. Running forward, Genocide charged towards one of the large demons when it finally managed to get close. The demon swung the large pipe it was holding horizontally, but Genocide simply leaped over the strike.

Mid-air, the Sin of Wrath used the imp he was holding as a bat again and smashed it at the large Undead's gargoyle-head with enough strength to render both the head and the imp he was holding into pieces.

Genocide landed as the large Undead's body fell. He let go of what remained of the imp he was holding when suddenly he was covered in an explosion that sent him to flying towards one of large pipes. Leaving a humanoid dent, Genocide pulled himself out and looked for the cause of the explosion.

In the distance on one of the buildings was a large creature resembling a dog only as large as a horse. Similarly to the Undead, it had extremely pale skin and stiches over the boy. The head was missing its skull and in its place was a large and long barrel. It was connected to the jaw with straps and smoke came off the barrel, showing how it's the cause of the explosion. 

A group of undead demons charged at Genocide. Summoning Rampage, Genocide sliced through the closest medium demon before using his gauntlet to block the club from one of the large demons. Seeing the undead hell-hound crouch and hold the ground tightly to shoot, Genocide stabbed Rampage through the chest of the large demon and use it as a lever to steer the demon in line of the shot. 

The demon's body exploded into pieces, taking the shot for the Sin of Wrath. charging through the remains, Genocide began killing his way through the hordes of undead and heading towards hell-hound.

Swinging Rampage with his left hand, Genocide sliced an imp that jumped at him in half. Another demon charged at him only for his head and a portion of his chest to be obliterated with a punch from Crusher. Switching Rampage for his shotgun, another undead was destroyed in a blast of red energy. Genocide did all this without even slowing down.

Genocide then noticed two things. The first was that the hell-hound had just crouched again, ready to fire. The second thing he noticed was one of the pistons halfway between him and the hell-hound had just went down.

The undead fired and Genocide jumped at the last second. Grabbing hold of the piston as it pulled upwards, Genocide used it as a boost to fling himself upwards towards the building where the hell-hound was.

Without any time to react or shoot again, the Sin of Wrath tackled the undead demon. The hell-hound thrashed around as Genocide held him under his left arm and grabbed its throat with Crusher. Pointing the barrel-head at a group of undead, the gauntlet lived up to its name and crushed the hell-hound's throat. There was a 'snap' before the barrel fired and the group of undead was erased in an explosion.

Genocide twisted the head off and dropped it and the now still body. Looking around, he saw the biggest building which did not have any pistons. Narrowing his eyes behind his helmet, Genocide charged forward and leaped from the building. He managed to cover half the distance with the jump alone.

As soon as he landed, undead demons immediately filled the area. The Sin of Wrath charged forward, killing his way through whatever tried to stop him on his path.

One undead attempted to charge at him with a sword for a hand. Rampage appeared in Genocide's right hand, swinging at the charging undead, and cleaving through both the weapon and the demon. A large undead attempted to crush him with a large pipe. The Shotgun appeared in Genocide's left hand, and the undead's upper body alongside the head were destroyed in a blast of red energy. An imp managed to land on Genocide's chest and take hold of his shoulders. A headbutt sent the imp to the ground with a broken skull before he was stomped on by the charging Sin of Wrath.

This pace kept on as Genocide headed for the building. Any who tried to stop his path were cut, blaster, or simply crushed. Suddenly, Genocide was assaulted by a barrage of bullets. Genocide looked and saw a bat similar to the one he saw bat similar to the one he saw when he first arrived, only this time, a gatling gun was on it's mouth instead of a speaker.

Genocide did not slow his pace. The shots from the bat harmlessly bouncing off his armor. Flipping Rampage in his grip, Genocide reeled the sword back before hurling it like a spear at the flying undead. The sword struck dead centre of the bat and was stuck at the side of the building.

Raising Crusher, the gauntlet resonated with the sword and it ripped itself from the wall and remains of the undead before floating back to Genocide's grip. There was no gate in sight but Genocide was not going to take time to look for one. Charging faster, the Unofficial Sin of Wrath rammed into the building wall and broke through it.

Genocide looked at the room he broke into and found himself looking over a large laboratory straight out of a horror show. Various body and plenty of chemicals were spread across the entire place. Tables filled with weapon parts and tools filled the whole area.

And in the very back working on a table was Beelzebub.

An annoyed sigh echoed through the entire lab. "Getting decent help from lower beings is impossible."

The Demon Lord turned around to face Genocide and reveal his appearance. He was a bit smaller than Genocide, incredibly skinny and had 3 pairs of arms. The middle pair was smaller than the upper pair and the lower pair was smaller than the middle pair. Each pair had three fingers including the thumb. The right upper most arm was replaced with a prosthetic that had a green crystal on the shoulder. Beelzebub's head had at least a dozen small eyes looking in various directions and a single horn on his forehead. A pair of insect-like wings was on his back that twitched every couple of seconds. Long fangs were visible from a jaw that lacked any cheeks.

"It's over for you, bug," Genocide growled, tightening his hold on Rampage.

Beelzebub laughed. "Tell me, Genocide, with your incredibly small thinking capabilities, did you wonder what the devices outside are pumping for? No, don't answer. You most likely don't even understand what I'm talking about."

Genocide growled and charged at the Demon Lord. Beelzebub reached for a lever behind him with one of his lower arms and pulled it, causing the entire room to shake. That did not stop Genocide, what stopped him was the room splitting in half before he managed to make it through. The half Beelzebub was on was suddenly sent upwards into the air, leaving a wall that Genocide almost crashed into.

Seeing the wall keep going, Genocide turned back and walked out of the hole he broke into the wall. The ground began shaking as the sound of bending metal and crashing stone filled the whole city. From the back of the large building, something came out of the ground, tearing through buildings and machinery.

After it finished appearing, a giant body stood in the center of Beelzebub's rotten city, big enough to be seen anywhere from entire domain of Purgatory. It looked mostly humanoid in the general shape. The entire body was pale, a large spike was at the end of each elbow, and the stomach area had lost all flesh, showing how the spine bones were replaced with metal ones and chains that held the chest with the hip bones. Spikes similar to the ones in the elbows were on the knees and one of the feet was replaced by a prosthetic metal one from below the knee. A large green crystal was at each shoulder blade, pulsing with power. The head was just a colossal skull with the jaw completely gone. The right eye of the skull was completely missing and the left one looked dead and was glowing green. The top of the skull was replaced with a metallic chamber.

"Titans are amazing creatures," Beelzebub appeared in front of the colossal undead, his bug-like wings carrying him right in front of the skull as he looked down at Genocide's form. "Their bodies have the natural ability to adapt to any kind of magic. Their vains themselves are like magic conduits. Their bones are stronger than any natural substance. Whenever one dies, their leftovers gets scavenged too quickly. Thankfully, I managed to find one that some fool left intact after killing," the metallic chamber on top of the skull opened and Beelzebub began floating backwards to it. "At first, I was planning to use this against Leviathan and gain more territory. Maybe hunt down Envy and Gluttony as well for whatever treasures they hide. But, I suppose killing you should make for an excellent test drive," Beelzebub entered the chamber and the door closed. "And after I kill you," the Demon Lord's voice echoed from a speaker. "I'm going to hunt down The Forger, and prove once and for all that I am the greatest engineering mind in all of Hell!"

Genocide stored his weapons in his core and jumped away to avoid being crushed by the giant fist that the undead titan swung at him. The arm began sweeping at the direction Genocide jumped to and destroyed any machinery or building along the way. Dust covered the whole area with no sign of the Unofficial Sin of Wrath until he crawled up the arm, having grabbed on to it when it was sweeping at him.

Genocide began running up the arm before the other one came in and attempted to squash him just as soon as he got close to the elbow. Jumping away just as the hand almost squashed him, Genocide landed on the shoulder of the arm he was just running over, which was the left shoulder.

The head of the titan turned to look at Genocide with it's remaining eye. Said eye glowed a bright green color before a large beam of green energy shot through from the eye and struck Genocide, sending him flying away. Genocide crashed through a few buildings and pipes before hitting the floor.

Shaking the rubble off his body, Genocide glared at the undead titan as it turned to face him. Raising its non prosthetic foot, the titan attempted to smash Genocide under it. Genocide jumped to the side, but even with his inhuman speed he just barely managed to avoid being crushed as the entire city shook from the size and strength of the foot.

Before the Sin of Wrath had the chance to stand back up, the hand of the undead titan smacked at the area he was in. Raising the hand, the titan held Genocide between his fingers, trying to squash him as he pushed back. Genocide groaned as he pushed the pressure back. He was glad that the Titan is long dead and most flesh and muscles were rotten, because if he was in his prime, it would have been far stronger.

Releasing his left hand, Genocide quickly summoned Rampage and sliced through several fingers, releasing himself and jumping down from the Titan's hold. As soon as he landed on the ground, however, he was immediately kicked away by the Titan's foot. The kick was strong enough to send him through buildings and pipes all the way to the other side of the city.

Beelzebub's laughter echoed through the speaker as he looked at where Genocide crashed. A flash of red light from the dust that kicked up suddenly caught his attention. Looking closer as the dust cleared up, it showed the Sin of Wrath holding a new weapon.

The weapon seemed to be a large tube-like Canon made of glass-like substance. The weapon was large enough that Genocide had to hold it with both hands. One handle was at the middle top, while another handle was at the edge of the top right before the butt of the weapon. The glass-like structure made the inside of the weapon visible, showing many wires connected to an orb-like object at the very back of the barrel.

Beelzebub recognised the object. "Is that... a Titan's eye?!"

Genocide did not respond to the Demon Lord's question. Aiming the cannon at the Titan, Genocide's body glowed as he started powering the weapon with Crimson Nova energy. The eye in the barrel glowed bright red and revealed a slit pupil that seemed to glare at the colossal undead.

Genocide pulled the trigger and a great blast of Crimson energy shot from the eye and out the cannon. The blast struck the titan right at the empty stomach area and exposed spine. It tore through the metal spine and chains without being slowed down for a minute and kept going as the Titan was cut in half by it. The upper half fell forward whole the lower half fell backwards.

Storing the cannon into the core of his armor, Genocide charged towards the falling upper half of the Titan. When it landed on the ground, the Titan still moved and attempted to pull itself upwards buy can only support itself on it's arms without a lower half. Raising an arm, the Titan attempted to sweep Genocide away, but he used the built up speed to jump over the sweep and land on the Titan's skull.

Raising Crusher, Genocide punched through the metal plates of the chamber and tore it open with one hand. "No, no, no!" Beelzebub cried out from his seat, surrounded by levers and buttons. "S-Stay away!"

The Demon Lord's wings immediately went into action as he tried to fly past the Sin of Wrath, on for his leg to be grabbed before he could. Jumping off the Titan's skull, Genocide landed while swinging down Beelzebub by his foot, smashing him on the ground. Turning the Demon Lord around, Genocide stepped on his chest as the remains of the Titan dropped motionless behind them.

"W-Wait! Surely we can make a deal!" The only response Genocide gave was summoning his shotgun. "What about information?! More weapons?! I can give you both!" The Sin of Wrath pointed his weapon at Beelzebub's head. "You... YOUR FAMILY!" That managed to make Genocide stop. "I know why you're doing this! Why you hate our kind! I can bring them back! There's a part of Necromancy called 'True Resurrection', and it's not like this cheap imitations I used! You-" Beelzebub's talking was brought to a stop as the hexagon-shaped barrel of Genocide's shotgun was shoved into his mouth.

"Shut up," Genocide growled before pulling the trigger and splattering the insides of Beelzebub's brain on the ground. The Shotgun vanished, being stored back into the core of the armor. "Two down. Two to go," He groaned as he walked away from the Demon Lord's corpse.

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