New Moon

By Desertfyre

6.2K 328 15

Sequel to NCT's Bloody Moon You had never ventured outside of NCT or WayV territory. Although it might have... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Fangirl Corner

Part 6

234 13 0
By Desertfyre

You walked leisurely through the forest, occasionally stopping to glance at the canopy overhead or admire the flowers. There were times you appreciated being alone. Before long you came to the river. You had never been across the river and out of NCT terrority. You had seen the maps and knew where the end of NCT and WayV territory was. That was as far as you had been. You briefly wondered what existed over the river but you really had no desire to find out. You were safe and comfortable in the sphere that you existed. In reality you feared going outside of that sphere. Although you liked your alone time, you did not know how to exist outside of that sphere. You didn't know anything about it.

You sunk down to your knees and dipped your hand into the water. It was cool to the touch and you gave a small smile before cupping your hand and bringing it to your lips and drink. It tasted refreshing making your smile widen.

But then suddenly a chill went down your spine making your head snap up. You eyed your surroundings warily before standing.

When you turned, you knocked into someone and it set off your natural instinct honed by both Johnny and Ten.

You swung your fist.

"I didn't mean to frighten you."

The familiar voice gave you pause. Taeil gave a sheepish grin, "I'm sorry. I should have announced my presence."

You heaved a sigh, your right eye twitching, "Oppa!!"


You waved it away. You didn't expect for Taeil to sneak up on you. You gave him a baleful glare. He straightened from his ducked pose.

"I can see you have been well trained."

You just shrugged, "But I doubt I could last in a fight with the supernatural. They are stronger than me."

"Very true but sometimes the fight is not determined by strength alone."

"Both Johnny Oppa and Ten-ge say the same."

"Did they say that you are smart?"

Your mouth twitched, "They might have mentioned something like that about something like that."

Taeil eyes danced, "Well then."

After a moment the both of you couldn't help but to burst out laughing. Once your shared laughter died away you asked, "How did you find me? You scent me?"

You weren't too far away from the glade even still to be able to find your exact position would have required a bit of looking.

Taeil shook his head, "No. They told me."

You followed his pointed finger and only saw trees. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked back at him.

"The trees", he answered.

You blinked, "The trees?"

Taeil nodded, "I suppose it's never been mentioned but I can hear the voice of nature around me. The trees and flowers. They speak to me. They just directed me to you."

"Sooo, trees talk now?"

Taeil shook his head, "No but if you are in tune you can hear their voices."

You looked over at one, "So they speak Korean?"

Taeil laughed, "Well, I suppose you could say that. But it's more feelings and impressions than actual words."

Curiously you asked, "Can they understand me?"

Taeil nodded, "In a manner of speaking but not all trees can. Those trees that exist where the supernatural does usually are able to exercise their voice. Those that are around humans will probably lose it. The supernatural can tap into their energy but in different ways. For me it's more potent as if it's a language."

You nodded as he was explaining, "That is cool."

"You think so?"

You nodded but then suddenly pointed at Taeil, "Hold on! They don't spill other people's secrets do they?" You glared at the trees around him.

Taeil threw his head back and laughed and you couldn't help but to look at him. "Well, if you happened to speak out loud they probably have it in their memory but they would never divulge what was said unless your life is in danger."

"Oh, okay." You lowered your finger. There have been times you did speak out loud in the forest when you were by yourself. You weren't sure what you would do if any of them told anyone. Especially Taeil.

You looked up at the soft touch on your arm, "Don't worry, Y/N-ah. I would never want to pry into your personal matters without your permission. I wouldn't play such a dirty card."

Taeil was so earnest that you couldn't help but to reach up with your other hand and touch his hand on your arm. "I know. I trust you."

Taeil looked surprised, "You do?"

You nodded, "You didn't know that?"

"I...didn't want to presume."

"I trust all of you. WayV, NCT and the Dreamies. That includes you as well. I thought you knew that."

Taeil gave you a blinding smile. You don't know why but the force of his smile made you step back. Now you would never know if it was your own feet or a small rock but you stumbled backwards somehow making Taeil reach out with one hand and grabbed you around the waist. Your own hands came on his forearms to steady yourself. You found your heart speeding up as you gazed into his grey eyes. You never really realized how pretty grey eyes could be. His eyes seemed like a kaleidoscope of glittering diamonds.

"You should be more careful", Taeil muttered.

"S-s-sorry..." you managed to stumble out.

You were glad when Taeil helped you find your footing before releasing you. But why did you feel as though he was reluctant about it? You cleared your throat before looking at the ground this time as you put a step between the two of you.

"I wouldn't do anything you didn't want to do. I hope you realize that."

You looked up to see Taeil facing the river looking across to the other side.

You nodded, "I know."

"And yet you are afraid of me."

It was a statement and not a question.

You shook your head, your eyes lowering to the ground, "No, I'm not."

You could see out the corner of your eye that Taeil had opened his mouth before he snapped it shut. His tail flicked behind him as his ears twitched once. He only smiled, "It's okay."

Nothing else was said on the subject and you couldn't couldn't figure out if you were grateful and relieved or upset that he didn't pursue it. All this was confusing for you. You weren't even sure how you managed to have someone like Taeil claiming that he felt such things for you.

"You know you can talk to me if you ever want to. I don't mind."

You jerked your head up. How did he manage to read you so well? You looked at him so long that he turned and looked down at you. You snapped your head back to the river in front of you. You knew it was cowardly but you couldn't help but to spin on your heel intending to go back to glade. If you were honest with yourself, you didn't want to be alone with Taeil.

However, as you passed by a tree, the branch got in your way. You were certain that branch was not that low before.

"Eh, don't do that. Let her go."

You spun around to see Taeil frowning. It took you a moment before looking at the tree. "Wait, are you talking to this tree?"

"Sorry about that." Taeil apologized walking towards the tree. He reached up and touched the leaves and you swore you saw the branch lower a bit as if using it's leaves to caress his hand. It was fascinating to watch.

"This one was the first tree I was able to communicate with once I reached maturity. It seems to always watch out for me." He turned and gave you an apologetic smile, "I think it wanted to stop you from leaving, which it won't do anymore." He gave a side glare at the tree.

You stuttered, "W-w-well, I suppose I can't fault it for that."

A flower from the tree gently snapped and floated into Taeil's hand. He twirled it once before handing it to you, "Wants you to have this."

You gingerly took it. But then you weren't sure who to thank so you ended up thanking both of them. Taeil smiled and would have said something but suddenly he shifted on his feet, his hand coming to your forearm. He looked around before his finger came to his mouth. You recognized that he might have been sensing something so you stayed quiet.

He took your hand and pulled you into the forest, back to the glade all the while his eyes were darting around, ears on high alert. You kept silent. This was not the time. It wasn't but for some reason you couldn't help but look at your interlocking hands. This was the first time that Taeil had grabbed your hand in such a manner.

Arriving back to the glade Taeil began to bark orders, "Taeyong! Johnny! With me!" He gestured to the Dreamies, "Stay here with them."

Recognizing that something was happening everyone was quick to respond. "What's going on?" Taeyong asked as he and Johnny came up.

Jeno was the first to reach you, "You okay?"

You nodded.

"Sentries going haywire. Check it out with me."

"Do you need help?" Kun asked.

"This is NCT territory. NCT will deal with it." Taeyong replied for Taeil who was already half back into the forest.

Kun nodded expecting as much. WayV and NCT were in a unique situation where they were joined as a packtribe because of the Dreamies but they still respected each other's space. As such, it was natural for Kun to offer help although he knew that it wouldn't be accepted.

Maybe in the most dire of circumstances...

"What happened?" Jaemin asked, reaching you with Jisung, Chenle and Renjun in tow.

You shook your head, "I don't know. I think he sensed something."

Yuta responded all the while his senses on high alert, "Come on. You'll be safe here. Whatever it was."

You noticed that he was holding his katana. You nodded with a smile, knowing you were safe here with your packtribe.

"Hyung, I want her...."


"Why her?"

"Does it matter? I want her...."

"Hyung, what do we do?"

"What do you think?"

An inhuman smirk formed, "'ll have her." 

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